This list of the Cenozoic life of Washington contains the various prehistoric life-forms whose fossilized remains have been reported from within the US state of Washington and are between 66 million and 10,000 years of age.



Frustulia rhomboides
Navicula contendens
  • Actinella
    • Actinella brasiliensis[2]
  • Amphipleura
    • Amphipleura oregonica[2]
  • Aulacoseira
    • Aulacoseira distans- type locality for species[2]
    • Aulacoseira granulata[2]
  • Caloneis
    • Caloneis westii[2]
  • Cavinula
    • Cavinula scutiformis[2]
  • Coscinodiscus
    • Coscinodiscus subaulacodiscoidalis[2]
  • Cymbella
    • Cymbella americana[2]
    • Cymbella amphicephala[2]
    • Cymbella flexella[2]
    • Cymbella lunula[2]
    • Cymbella partita[2]
    • Cymbella sagittarius[2]
  • Desmogonium
    • Desmogonium rabenhorstianum[2]
  • Diatoma
    • Diatoma grande[2]
    • Diatoma tenue var. hybrida[2]
    • Diatoma vulgaris[2]
  • Eunotia
    • Eunotia incisa[2]
    • Eunotia parallela[2]
    • Eunotia pectinalis[2]
    • Eunotia robusta[2]
  • Fragilaria
    • Fragilaria constricta[2]
    • Fragilaria binalis[2]
  • Frustulia
    • Frustulia rhomboides[2]
  • Gomphogramma
    • Gomphogramma rupestre[2]
  • Gomphonema
    • Gomphonema acuminatum[2]
    • Gomphonema gracile[2]
    • Gomphonema parvulum[2]
  • Himantidium
    • Himantidium faba[2]
    • Himantidium gracile[2]
    • Himantidium minus[2]
  • Melosira
    • Melosira biseriata[2]
    • Melosira lyrata[2]
    • Melosira teres[2]
    • Melosira undulata[2]
  • Navicula
    • Navicula americana[2]
    • Navicula angusta[2]
    • Navicula bacillum[2]
    • Navicula commutata[2]
    • Navicula contendens - type locality for species[2]
    • Navicula elegans[2]
    • Navicula instabilis[2]
    • Navicula pauper - type locality for species[2]
    • Navicula placentula[2]
    • Navicula pontifica - type locality for species[2]
    • Navicula protrudens - type locality for species[2]
    • Navicula pseudoaffinis - type locality for species[2]
    • Navicula pseudobacillum[2]
    • Navicula pusilla[2]
    • Navicula radiosa[2]
    • Navicula reversa - type locality for species[2]
    • Navicula stauroptera[2]
    • Navicula subacuta[2]
    • Navicula substauroneis - type locality for species[2]
    • Navicula tabellaria[2]
    • Navicula transversa[2]
    • Navicula viridis[2]
  • Neidium
    • Neidium dubium[2]
    • Neidium iridescens[2]
    • Neidium iridis[2]
  • Pinnularia
    • Pinnularia gibba[2]
    • Pinnularia gracillima[2]
    • Pinnularia major[2]
    • Pinnularia mesotyla[2]
    • Pinnularia nodosa[2]
    • Pinnularia rupestris[2]
    • Pinnularia subcapitata[2]
  • Stauroneis
    • Stauroneis acutissima - type locality for species[2]
    • Stauroneis anceps[2]
    • Stauroneis phoenicenteron[2]
  • Surirella
    • Surirella bifrons[2]
    • Surirella inducta[2]
    • Surirella striatula[2]
  • Tabellaria
    • Tabellaria fenestrata[2]
    • Tabellaria flocculosa[2]
  • Tetracyclus
    • Tetracyclus ellipticus[2]
    • Tetracyclus lacustris[2]


Test of Elphidium
  • Amphimorphina
    • Amphimorphina californica
  • Amphistegina
  • Bulimina
    • Cf.Bulimina jacksonensis
  • Cassidulina
    • Cf.Cassidulina galvinensis
  • Chilostomella
    • Cf.Chilostomella oolina
  • Cibicides
    • Cibicides cushmani
    • Cibicides midwayensis
  • Cibicidoides
    • Cibicidoides coalingensis
  • Dentalina
    • Cf.Dentalina consorbrina
    • Cf.Dentalina dusenburyi
    • Cf.Dentalina hispidocostata
    • Dentalina longiscata
  • Eggerella
    • Cf.Eggerella bradyi
  • Elphidium
  • Eponides
    • Eponides mexicana
    • Eponides yeguaensis
  • Gaudryina
    • Gaudryina jacksonensis
  • Globigerina
    • Undescribed Late Eocene Whiskey Creek methane-seep fossil
  • 'Globobulimina
    • Globobulimina pacifica
  • Globocassidulina
    • Globocassidulina globosa
  • Guttulina
    • Guttulina frankei
  • Gyroidina
    • Gyroidina orbicularis
  • Haplophragmoides
    • Undescribed Late Eocene Whiskey Creek methane-seep fossil
  • Involutina
    • Cf.Involutina incertus
  • Lenticulina
    • Lenticulina rancocasensis
    • Undescribed Late Eocene Whiskey Creek methane-seep fossil
    • Undescribed Ypresian Crescent Formation fossil
  • Marginulina
    • Marginulina subbulata
  • Martinottiella
    • Martinottiella communis
  • Plectofrondicularia
    • Cf.Plectofrondicularia vaughani
  • Pseudoglandulina
    • Cf.Pseudoglandulina inflata
  • Pyrgo (genus)
    • Cf.Pyrgo lupheri
  • Quinqueloculina
    • Quinqueloculina imperalis
    • Quinqueloculina imperialis
  • Robulus
    • Cf.Robulus texanus
    • Cf.Quinqueloculina minuta
  • Sigmomorphina
    • Sigmomorphina schencki
  • 'Uvigerina
    • Uvigerina garzaensis



Hypnites patens moss holotype
  • Hypnites
    • Hypnites brittoniae - type locality for species[3][4]
    • Hypnites knowltonii - type locality for species[3][4]
    • Hypnites patens - type locality for species[3][4]
  • Polytrichites - type locality for genus
    • Polytrichites spokanensis - type locality for species[5]

"Ferns" (Polypodiophyta)

A fossilized frond found in Whatcom County from the Eocene tree fern Cyathea inequilateralis







Abies milleri twig and foliage




Plants A

Fossilized leaf found near Spokane; the holotype specimen of the Oligocene-Miocene maple tree Acer chaneyi
Fossilized leaf found in Republic from the Eocene Alder species Alnus parvifolia

Plants B

Fossilized leaf found in Republic from the Eocene to birch species Betula leopoldae

Plants C

Fossilized leaf found in Republic from the Eocene katsura species Cercidiphyllum obtritum
Fossilized leaf found in Republic from the Eocene sweetfern species Comptonia columbiana

Plants D

Diospyros oregoniana

Plants E

Plants F

Fagopsis undulata
Klondike Mountain Formation
Ypresian, Republic
Fossilized calyx found in Republic from the Eocene mallow species Florissantia quilchenensis

Plants G

  • Galium
  • Gaultheria
    • Gaultheria pacifica - type locality for species[57]
  • Gleditsioxylon
    • Gleditsioxylon columbianum - type locality for species[53][26] (syn Gleditsia columbiana[38])
  • Gordonia
    • Gordonia idahoensis[32]
  • Goweria - type locality of genus
    • Goweria dilleri[8]
    • Goweria linearis - type locality for species[8]

Plants H

Hydrangea knowltoni

Plants I

Plants J

Plants K

A living Koelreuteria tree

Plants L

Liquidambar changii
Yakima Canyon Flora
Miocene Yakima Canyon

Plants M

Plants N

Plants O

Fossilized leaf found in Ferry County belonging to the Eocene golden-club Orontium wolfei

Plants P

Palaeocarpinus barksdaleae samaras
Photinia pagae leaf
Prunus cathybrownae flower

Plants Q

Quercus hiholensis acorn in matrix

Plants R

Eocene Republica hickeyi leaf found in Republic Washington
Fossilized compound leaf from an Eocene sumac Rhus hybrid

Plants S

Plants T

Plants U

Plants V

Plants W

Plants Z


  • Aphrocallistes
    • Cf.Aphrocallistes polytretos
  • Eurete
    • Eurete? goederti
  • Farrea
  • Hexactinella
    • Hexactinella conica – type locality for species
    • Hexactinella tubula – type locality for species
  • Hyperbaena[8]
    • Hyperbaena dilleri[8]



  • Mermia


Cnidarians A-C

  • Astrangia
    • Astrangia clarki – type locality for species
  • Astreopora
    • Astreopora duwamishensis – type locality for species
    • Astreopora sanjuanensis – type locality for species
  • Balanophyllia
    • Balanophyllia blakelyensis
    • Balanophyllia cowlitzensis – type locality for species
    • Balanophyllia fulleri – type locality for species
    • Balanophyllia teglandae – type locality for species
    • Balanophyllia variabilis
    • Balanophyllia washingtonensis – type locality for species[91]
  • A living Caryophyllia solitary coral
    • Caryophyllia blakeleyensis – type locality for species
    • Caryophyllia woodmanensis – type locality for species
    • Caryophyllia wynoocheensis – type locality for species
  • Coenocyathus
    • Coenocyathus hannibali – type locality for species
  • Colpophyllia
    • Colpophyllia reagani – type locality for species

Cnidarians D-I

Cnidarians L-R

Cnidarians S-Z

  • Sclerhelia? – tentative report
  • Siderastrea
    • Cf.Siderastrea vancouverensis
    • Siderastrea washingtonensis – type locality for species
  • Stephanocyathus
    • Stephanocyathus holcombensis – type locality for species
  • Stylaster
    • Stylaster milleri – type locality for species
  • Trochocyathus
    • Trochocyathus crooki
    • Trochocyathus nomlandi
    • Trochocyathus townsendensis – type locality for species
  • Tubastraea
    • Tubastraea nomlandi – type locality for species
  • Turbinolia
    • Turbinolia dickersoni
    • Turbinolia quaylei – type locality for species
    • Turbinolia weaveri – type locality for species[91]



Hemithiris psittacea
living specimen


Molluscs A

  • Acharax
    • Acharax dalli (Clark, 1925) (syn = Solemya dalli)[95]
  • Acila
    • Acila conradi
    • Acila decisa
    • Acila gettysburgensis
    • Acila pugetensis
  • Acrilla
    • Acrilla (Ferminoscala) aragoensis[91]
  • Acutostrea
    • Acutostrea idriaensis[91]
  • Aforia
    • Aforia clallamensis
  • Amaea
    • Amaea olympicensis
    • Amaea washingtonensis
  • Amauropsis
    • Amauropsis blakeleyensis
  • Anadara
    • Anadara devincta
    • Cf.Anadara lakei
  • Anamirta
    • Cf.Anamirta milleri – or unidentified comparable form
  • Fossilized shell of the whelk sea snail Ancistrolepis
    • Ancistrolepis rearensis
  • †'Anechinocardium
    • Anechinocardium lorenzanum
    • Cf.Anechinocardium weaveri
  • Aperiploma
    • Aperiploma bainbridgensis
  • Archarax
    • Archarax dalli
  • Architectonica
    • Cf.Architectonica congnata
  • Shell of an Argobuccinum triton sea snail
    • Argobuccinum goodspeedi
    • Argobuccinum mathewsonii
    • Argobuccinum washingtoniana
  • Aturia angustata
    Lincoln Creek Formation
    Oligocene, WA
    • Cf.Aturia alabamensis – or unidentified comparable form
    • Aturia angustata
    • Aturia grandior – type locality for species

Molluscs B

  • Barbatia
    • Barbatia landesi
  • Bathybembix
    • Bathybembix columbiana
  • Batissa
    • Batissa dubia
    • Batissa newberryi
  • Bonellitia
    • Bonellitia paucivaricata
  • Brachidontes
    • Brachidontes (Brachidontes) cowlitzensis (syn=Modiolus cowlitzensis)[91]
    • Brachidontes dichotomus
  • Bruclarkia
    • Bruclarkia oregonensis
    • Bruclarkia thor
    • Bruclarkia yaquinana
  • Buccinum
    • Buccinum percrassum

Molluscs C

  • Cadulus
    • Cadulus gabbi
  • Calliostoma
    • Calliostoma mea
  • Callithaca
    • Callithaca tenerrima
  • Calorebama
    • Calorebama inornata[91]
  • Calyptraea
    • Calyptraea diegoana[91]
    • Calyptraea washingtonensis
  • Cancellaria
    • Cancellaria birchi
    • Cf.Cancellaria oregonensis
    • Cf.Cancellaria siletzensis
    • Cf.Cancellaria simplex
    • Cancellaria wynoocheensis
  • Cantharus
    • Cantharus cowlitzensis[91]
  • Cardiomya? – tentative report
  • Cerithiopsis
    • Cerithiopsis vaderensis
    • Cerithiopsis washingtoniana
  • Chama
  • Chione
    • Chione ensifera
    • Chione securis
  • Chlamys
  • Chrysodomus
    • Chrysodomus imperialis
  • Cidarina
    • Cidarina antiquua – type locality for species
  • Cimomia
    • Cimomia hesperia – type locality for species
  • Cirsotrema
    • Cirsotrema saundersi
  • Clavus
  • Clinocardium
  • Colus
    • Colus sekiuensis - type locality for species[96]
  • Colwellia
  • Conchocele
    • Conchocele bisecta
  • Conus
    • Conus aegilops
    • Conus cowlitzensis
    • Conus vaderensis[91]
    • Conus weaveri[91]
    • Conus weltoni
  • Corbicula
    • Corbicula cowlitzensis
    • Cf.Corbicula willisi
  • Corbula
    • Corbula dickersoni[91]
    • Corbula parilis
  • Costacallista
    • Costacallista conradiana (syn=Microcallista conradiana)[91]
  • Cowlitzia
    • Cowlitzia washingtonensis
  • Craspedochiton
    • Craspedochiton eernissei
  • Crassatella
    • Crassatella uvasana
    • Crassatella wasana
    • Crassatella washingtoniana (syn=Crassatellites washingtoniana)[91]
  • Crenella – tentative report
  • Crepidula
    • Crepidula praerupta
    • Crepidula princeps
    • Crepidula rostralis
    • Crepidula ungana
  • Cristispira
    • Cristispira pugetensis
  • Cryptochorda
    • Cryptochorda californica
  • Cryptolucina
    • Cryptolucina megadyseides
  • Cryptomya
    • Cryptomya californica
  • Cryptonatica
  • Cyclammina
  • Cylichnina
    • Cylichnina tantilla[91]
  • Cyclocardia
    • Cyclocardia hannibali
    • Cyclocardia subtenta
  • Cyclostremella
  • Cymatium
    • Cymatium cowlitzense[91]
    • Cymatium washingtonianum[91]
  • Cypraea
  • Cypraeogemmula
    • Cypraeogemmula warnerae

Molluscs D

Molluscs E

  • Echinophoria
    • Echinophoria dalli
    • Echinophoria trituberculata (syn=Galeodea trituberculata)[91]
  • Ectinochilus
    • Ectinochilus (Cowlitzia) canalifer supraplicata (syn=Rimella supraplicata)[91]
    • Ectinochilus macilentus
    • Ectinochilus washingtonensis[91]
  • Emarginula
    • Emarginula dotyhillsensis – type locality for species
  • Eopustularia
    • Eopustularia goedertorum – type locality for species
  • Epitonium
    • Epitonium (Boreoscala) condoni (syn=Arctoscala condoni)[91]
    • Epitonium berthiaumei
    • Epitonium clallamense
    • Cf.Epitonium olympicensis
    • Epitonium schencki
  • Eratotrivia
    • Eratotrivia crescentensis
  • Erginus
    • Erginus vaderensis
  • Eulima
    • Eulima clarki
    • Eulima lewisiana[91]
  • Eurytellina
    • Eurytellina lorenzoensis
  • Euspira
    • Euspira hotsoni[91]
    • Euspira nuciformis[91]
  • Eutrephoceras
    • Eutrephoceras eyerdami – type locality for species
  • Exilia
    • Exilia clarki
    • Exilia dickersoni[91]
    • Exilia mclellani

Molluscs F

A living Fusinus sea snail
  • Falsifusus
    • Falsifusus marysvillensis
  • Ficopsis
    • Ficopsis cowlitzensis[91]
    • Cf.Ficopsis redmondi
  • Ficus
    • Ficus clallamensis
    • Ficus modesta
    • Ficus restorationensis
    • Ficus washingtonensis[39]
  • Fulgoraria
    • Fulgoraria indurata
    • Fulgoraria weaveri
  • Fulgurofusus
    • Fulgurofusus washingtoniana[91]
  • Fusinus
    • Fusinus dilleri
    • Fusinus willisi[91]

Molluscs G

  • Galeodea
    • Galeodea apta
    • Galeodea crescentensis
    • Galeodea fax
    • Galeodea petrosa
    • Galeodea rex
  • Gari
    • Cf.Gari (Gobraeus) hornii
    • Gari (Psammobia) columbiana - type locality for species[91]
    • Gari (Psammobia) cowlitzensis - type locality for species
    • Gari (Psammobia) olequahensis - type locality for species
  • Fossilized shell of a Gemmula sea snail, or gem turrid
    • Gemmula abacta
    • Gemmula barksdalei
    • Gemmula borgenae
    • Gemmula fasteni[91]
    • Gemmula pluchra
    • Gemmula pulchra
  • Glycymeris
    • Glycymeris fresnoensis
    • Glycymeris sagittata[91]
    • Glycymeris wishkahensis
  • Gyrineum
    • Gyrineum marshalli

Molluscs H

Molluscs I

Molluscs K

  • Katherinella
    • Katherinella angustiformis
    • Katherinella angustifrons
    • Katherinella arnoldi
    • Katherinella augustifrons
  • Kellia
    • Kellia twinensis
  • Kummelonautilus
    • Cf.Kummelonautilus cookanus

Molluscs L

Molluscs M

  • Macoma
    • Macoma albaria
    • Macoma astori
    • Macoma calcarea
    • Macoma inquinata
    • Macoma nasuta
    • Cf.Macoma secta
    • Macoma snohomishensis
    • Macoma sookensis
    • Macoma twinensis
  • Macrocallista
    • Macrocallista cathcartensis
  • Mactromeris
    • Mactromeris albaria
    • Mactromeris pittsburgensis
  • Marcia
    • Marcia oregonensis
  • Margarites
    • Margarites (Margarites) chappelli
    • Margarites (Margarites) serceus
    • Margarites (Pupillaria) columbiana
  • Marginella
    • Marginella shepardae
  • Megistostoma
    • Megistostoma gabbiana
  • Mitra
    • Fossilized shell found in Vader; the hypotype specimen of the Eocene miter snail Mitra washingtoniana
      Mitra washingtoniana
  • Modiolus
    • Cf.Modiolus restorationensis
    • Modiolus willapaensis
  • Molopophorus
    • Cf.Molopophorus newcombei
  • Murex
    • Murex cowlitzensis
    • Murex sopenahensis[91]
  • Mya
  • Mytilus
    • Mytilus dichotomus[91]
    • Mytilus edulis
    • Mytilus sammamishensis
    • Mytilus snohomishensis
    • Mytilus stillaguamishensis
    • Cf.Mytilus tichanovitchi

Molluscs N

  • Nassa
    • Nassa eocenica (syn=Latirus eocenica)[91]
  • Nassarius
    • Nassarius mednica
  • Multiple views of a fossilized shell belonging to a Natica moon snail
    • Cf.Natica clarki
    • Natica oligocenica
    • Natica teglandae
    • Natica vokesi
    • Natica weaveri
  • Nayadina
    • Nayadina batequensis
  • Nekewis
    • Nekewis washingtoniana[91]
  • Nemocardium
    • Nemocardium lincolnensis
    • Nemocardium linteum
  • Neptunea
    • Neptunea landesi
    • Neptunea lincolnensis
    • Neptunea teglandae
  • Nerita
    • Nerita triangulata
  • Neverita
    • Neverita globosa
    • Neverita jamesae
    • Neverita reclusiana
  • Nitidavenus
    • Cf.Nitidavenus conradi
  • Nucella
  • Nucleolaria
    • Nucleolaria cowlitziana – type locality for species
  • Nucula
    • Nucula hannibali
  • Nuculana
    • Nuculana aikiensis
    • Nuculana alkiensis
    • Nuculana calkinsi
    • Nuculana chehalisensis
    • Nuculana cowlitzensis (syn=Leda cowlitzensis)[91]
    • Cf.Nuculana elmana
    • Nuculana grasslei
    • Nuculana posterolaevia – type locality for species[96]
    • Nuculana vaderensis
    • Nuculana washingtoni

Molluscs O

Five modern Ostrea lurida, or Olympic oysters

Molluscs P

  • Pachycrommium
    • Pachycrommium clarki
    • Pachycrommium hendoni[91]
  • Pandora
    • Pandora vanwinkleae
    • Pandora washingtonensis
  • Panopea
  • Parvamussium
    • Parvamussium stanfordense
  • Patelloida
    • Patelloida tejonensis
    • Patelloida vancouverensis[91]
  • Patinopecten
    • Patinopecten dilleri
  • Pecten
    • Pecten clallamensis
  • Perse? – tentative report
  • Persicula
  • Pitar
    • Pitar avenalensis
    • Pitar californiana[91]
    • Pitar (Lammelliconcha) eocenica[91]
    • Pitar quadratus
    • Cf.Pitar soledadensis
    • Pitar wasana
  • Plagiocardium
    • Plagiocardium breweri
  • Pleurofusia
    • Pleurofusia cowlitzensis (syn=Turricula cowlitzensis)[91]
  • Polinices
    • Polinices gesteri
    • Polinices hornii[91]
    • Polinices lewisii
    • Polinices rectus
    • Polinices victorianus
    • Polinices washingtonensis
  • Poromya
    • Poromya teglandae
  • Portlandia
    • Portlandia chehalisensis[98] - type locality for the species (synonym=Yoldia chehalisensis)
    • Portlandia packardi
  • Potamides
    • Potamides lewisiana
    • Potamides packardi
  • Priscofusus
    • Priscofusus chehalisensis
    • Cf.Priscofusus geniculus
    • Priscofusus goweri
    • Priscofusus sanctaecrucis
    • Priscofusus slipensis
    • Priscofusus stewarti
  • Provanna
    • Provanna antiqua
  • Psammacoma
    • Psammacoma arctata
  • Pseudocardium
    • Pseudocardium packardi (syn=Spisula packardi)[91]
  • Pseudoliva
    • Pseudoliva lineata
  • Pteria
    • Pteria clarki
    • Cf.Pteria pellucida
  • Purpura
    • Purpura lurida
  • Pyramidella
    • Pyramidella vaderensis

Molluscs R

Molluscs S

  • Saxidomus
  • Scalina
    • Scalina lincolnensis
  • Scaphander
    • Scaphander (Mirascapha) costata[91]
    • Scaphander washingtonensis
  • Schedocardia
    • Schedocardia brewerii (syn=Acanthocardia brewerii)[91][99]
  • Semicassis
    • Semicassis pyshtensis
  • Septifer
    • Septifer dichotomus
  • Serripes
  • Sinum
    • Sinum obliquum[91]
    • Cf.Sinum occidentalis
    • Sinum scopulosum
  • Shell of the whelk sea snail Siphonalia
    • Siphonalia bicarinata
    • Siphonalia sopenahensis[91]
  • Solamen
    • Solamen snavelyi
  • Solariella
    • Solariella (Solariella) olequahensis
    • Solariella cicca
    • Solariella garrardensis
    • Solariella kincaidi
  • Solen
    • Solen columbianus[91]
    • Solen sicarius
  • Solena
    • Solena clarki
    • Solena columbina
    • Solena conradi
    • Cf.Solena parallelus
  • Spirocrypta
    • Spirocrypta pileum[91]
  • Spirotropis
    • Spirotropis kincaidi
  • Shell of a Spisula, or surf clam
    • Cf.Spisula hannibali
    • Spisula sookensis
    • Spisula twinensis
  • Spondylus
    • Spondylus carlosensis
  • Stenoplax
    • Stenoplax quimperensis
  • Sulcobuccinum
    • Sulcobuccinum dilleri
  • Sulcocypraea
    • Sulcocypraea mathewsonii
  • Surculites
    • Surculites mathewsoni
    • Surculites wynoocheensis? – tentative report
  • Sveltella
    • Sveltella keaseyensis? – tentative report

Molluscs T

Molluscs U

Molluscs V

  • Venericardia
    • Venericardia castor
    • Venericardia hannai
    • Venericardia hornii
    • Cf.Venericardia weaveri
    • Venericardia (Pacificor) clarki[91]
  • Vertipecten
    • Vertipecten fucanus
  • Vesicomya
    • Vesicomya chinookensis
  • Volsella (mollusc)
    • Volsella restorationensis
    • Volsella trinominata

Molluscs W

  • Whitneyella
    • Whitneyella gabbi
    • Whitneyella markleyensis
    • Whitneyella sinuata[91]
    • Whitneyella washingtoniana[91]

Molluscs X

  • Xenoturris
    • Xenoturris antiselli[100]
  • Xylodiscula
    • Xylodiscula okutanii - type locality for species[96]
    • Xylodiscula vitrea - type locality for species[96]

Molluscs Y

  • Yoldia
    • Yoldia astoriana[101]
    • Yoldia blakeleyensis - type locality for species[101]
    • Yoldia clallamensis – type locality for species
    • Yoldia duprei - type locality for species[102]
    • Yoldia newcombi[98]
    • Yoldia olympiana[98]
    • Yoldia reagani[98]
    • Yoldia sammamishensis - type locality for the species[98]
    • Yoldia temblorensis[101]
    • Cf.Yoldia supramontereyensis - related form[100]


Arthropods A

Arthropods B

Arthropods C

Arthropods D

Arthropods E

Arthropods F

  • Folindusia
    • Folindusia miocenica – type locality for species
  • Foveoscapha
    • Undescribed Klaloch site subfossils[103]

Arthropods G

Arthropods H

Arthropods I

Arthropods K

Arthropods L

Arthropods M

Mursia marcusana
Blakeley Formation
Oligocene, King County

Arthropods N

Arthropods O

Okanagrion threadgillae
  • Ochthebius
    • Ochthebius discretus
    • Cf.Ochthebius holmbergi
  • Ocypus
  • Oecophylla
    • Oecophylla kraussei – type locality for species[129]
  • Okanagrion - type locality for genus
    • Okanagrion dorrellae - type locality for species[113]
    • Okanagrion hobani[113]
    • Okanagrion liquetoalatum - type locality for species[113]
    • Okanagrion threadgillae - type locality for species[113]
    • Okanagrion worleyae - type locality for species[113]
  • Okanopteryx
    • Okanopteryx jeppesenorum - type locality for species[113]
  • Olophrum
    • Olophrum boreale
    • Olophrum consimile
  • Opisthius
    • Opisthius richardsoni
  • Orbitoplax[130]
    • Orbitoplax plafkeri[130]
    • Orbitoplax tuckerae[130]
  • Orchestes
    • Orchestes pallicornis
  • Oregonina[130]
    • Oregonina leucosiae[130]
  • Cf. Oreodytes
  • Orobanus
  • Oropus
  • Osmylidia
    • Osmylidia glastrai - type locality for species [131]
  • Oxytelus

Arthropods P

Arthropods Q

Arthropods R

Fossilized carapace of the Paleogene-modern crab Ranina

Arthropods S

Arthropods T

Arthropods U

Arthropods W

  • Whetwhetaksa - Type locality of the genus
    • Whetwhetaksa millerae - Type locality of the species[113]

Arthropods Y

Ypshna brownleei
  • Ypshna
    • Ypshna brownleei - Type locality of the species[109]

Arthropods Z

  • Zanthopsis
    • Zanthopsis vulgaris[91]


Fossilized skeleton found in Republic belonging to the Eocene-Oligocene sucker fish Amyzon aggregatum



A living Thamnophis, or garter snake


Mammals A

Mammals B

Mammals C

Mammals D

Mammals E

Mammals F

Mammals H

Fossilized lower jaw of the Miocene-Pleistocene llama relative Hemiauchenia

Mammals K

Mammals L

A living Lynx

Mammals M

Life restorations of a Mammut americanum, or American mastodon (right), and a Mammuthus primigenius, or wooly mammoth (left)

Mammals N

Mammals O

Olympicetus thalassodon

Mammals P

Mammals R

Mammals S

Mammals T

Mammals W-Z



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