Margyricarpus, derived from the Greek for "pearl fruit"

Since the first printing of Carl Linnaeus's Species Plantarum in 1753, plants have been assigned one epithet or name for their species and one name for their genus, a grouping of related species.[1] Many of these plants are listed in Stearn's Dictionary of Plant Names for Gardeners. William Stearn (1911–2001) was one of the pre-eminent British botanists of the 20th century: a Librarian of the Royal Horticultural Society, a president of the Linnean Society and the original drafter of the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants.[2][3]

The first column below contains seed-bearing genera from Stearn and other sources as listed, excluding those names that no longer appear in more modern works, such as Plants of the World by Maarten J. M. Christenhusz (lead author), Michael F. Fay and Mark W. Chase.[4] Plants of the World is also used for the family and order classification for each genus. The second column gives a meaning or derivation of the word, such as a language of origin. The last two columns indicate additional citations.


Latin: = derived from Latin (otherwise Greek, except as noted)
Ba = listed in Ross Bayton's The Gardener's Botanical[5]
Bu = listed in Lotte Burkhardt's Index of Eponymic Plant Names[6]
CS = listed in both Allen Coombes's The A to Z of Plant Names[7] and Stearn's Dictionary of Plant Names for Gardeners
G = listed in David Gledhill's The Names of Plants[8]
St = listed in Stearn's Dictionary of Plant Names for Gardeners


Lachnanthes[lower-alpha 1]
Lactuca sap
five gourds
Illustration of Lathraea
Illustration of Leontodon
Leucanthemum and a butterfly
Limnobium in an aquarium
Lithospermum seeds
Menispermum seeds
Monstera in a clothing shop window
Illustration of Orchis
Ormosia-seed necklaces
Potted Pachyphytum
Pachyrhizus root
growing in cracks in a brick walkway

Genus[lower-alpha 2] Meaning or derivation Family[4] Order[4] Ref G
Lablab Arabic name[lower-alpha 3] FabaceaeFabales BaG
Laburnum Latin name FabaceaeFabales CSG
Lacaena Helen of Troy[lower-alpha 4] OrchidaceaeAsparagales Bu
Lachnanthes woolly flowers HaemodoraceaeCommelinales St
Lactuca Latin: milky (the sap) AsteraceaeAsterales CSG
Lagarosiphon narrow tubes HydrocharitaceaeAlismatales StG
Lagarostrobos loose or narrow cones PodocarpaceaePinales BaG
Lagenandra flask-like male parts (the anthers) AraceaeAlismatales St
Lagenaria flask-like (the fruits) CucurbitaceaeCucurbitales StG
Lagotis rabbit ears PlantaginaceaeLamiales StG
Lagurus rabbit tail (the inflorescences) PoaceaePoales StG
Lamium Open mouth (the flowers). Latin name.[4] LamiaceaeLamiales CSG
Lampranthus shining flowers AizoaceaeCaryophyllales StG
Lamprocapnos bright smoke PapaveraceaeRanunculales Ba
Lantana Medieval Latin name VerbenaceaeLamiales CSG
Lapsana Greek and Latin name AsteraceaeAsterales BaG
Larix Latin name PinaceaePinales CSG
Laserpitium Latin name ApiaceaeApiales StG
Latania name from Mauritius ArecaceaeArecales StG
Lathraea hidden (the parasitic underground stems) OrobanchaceaeLamiales StG
Lathyrus Greek name FabaceaeFabales CSG
Laurelia Latinised Spanish name Athero­spermataceaeLaurales StG
Laureliopsis Laurelia-like MonimiaceaeLaurales Ba
Laurus Latin name[4] LauraceaeLaurales CSG
Lavandula Latin: washing (used in soap) LamiaceaeLamiales CSG
Lemna Greek name AraceaeAlismatales StG
Lens Latin name FabaceaeFabales StG
Leonotis lion ears (the flowers) LamiaceaeLamiales CSG
Leontice Greek name BerberidaceaeRanunculales BaG
Leontodon lion teeth (the leaf edges) AsteraceaeAsterales StG
Leontopodium lion feet AsteraceaeAsterales CSG
Leonurus lion tails (the inflorescences) LamiaceaeLamiales StG
Lepidium Greek and Latin name BrassicaceaeBrassicales StG
Lepidozamia scaly Zamia ZamiaceaeCycadales BaG
Lepismium scales (around the areoles) CactaceaeCaryophyllales St
Leptinella slender AsteraceaeAsterales BaG
Leptodermis thin skin (the bracteoles) RubiaceaeGentianales StG
Leptopyrum slender grain (the fruits) RanunculaceaeRanunculales St
Leptospermum slender seeds MyrtaceaeMyrtales CSG
Leptotes delicacy (the thin, terete leaves) OrchidaceaeAsparagales StG
Lethia Lethe, a mythological river IridaceaeAsparagales Bu
Leucadendron white tree (the leaves) ProteaceaeProteales StG
Leucaena white (the flowers) FabaceaeFabales StG
Leucanthemum white flowers AsteraceaeAsterales CSG
Leucheria white AsteraceaeAsterales StG
Leucocoryne white club (the staminodes) AmaryllidaceaeAsparagales StG
Leucocrinum white Crinum AsparagaceaeAsparagales StG
Leucogenes white + (perhaps) nobility AsteraceaeAsterales BaG
Leucojum white and violet AmaryllidaceaeAsparagales CSG
Leucopogon white beard EricaceaeEricales BaG
Leucosceptrum white scepter LamiaceaeLamiales BaG
Leucospermum white seeds ProteaceaeProteales BaG
Leucothoe Greek mythological name EricaceaeEricales CSG
Levisticum Latin: (medicinal) relief ApiaceaeApiales CSG
Leymus anagram of the related Elymus PoaceaePoales BaG
Liatris uncertain; possibly booty or bald[8] AsteraceaeAsterales CSG
Libocedrus teardrop Cedrus (cedar resin) CupressaceaePinales StG
Licuala Moluccan name ArecaceaeArecales StG
Ligularia Latin: strap (the ray florets) AsteraceaeAsterales CSG
Ligusticum Greek name ApiaceaeApiales CSG
Ligustrum Latin name OleaceaeLamiales CSG
Lilium Latin name[4] LiliaceaeLiliales CSG
Limnanthes marsh flowers[4] LimnanthaceaeBrassicales StG
Limnobium marsh life HydrocharitaceaeAlismatales St
Limnocharis marsh beauty AlismataceaeAlismatales StG
Limonium Meadow. Greek name.[7][8] PlumbaginaceaeCaryophyllales CSG
Linanthus Linum (flax) flowers PolemoniaceaeEricales StG
Linaria Linum-like PlantaginaceaeLamiales CSG
Linum Latin name LinaceaeMalpighiales CSG
Liparis oily (the leaves) OrchidaceaeAsparagales StG
Liquidambar Latin: liquid amber (the resin) AltingiaceaeSaxifragales CSG
Liriodendron lily tree MagnoliaceaeMagnoliales CSG
Liriope Greek mythological name AsparagaceaeAsparagales CSG
Litchi Chinese name SapindaceaeSapindales StG
Lithocarpus stone fruit (the nuts) FagaceaeFagales CSG
Lithodora stone gift (rocky habitat) BoraginaceaeBoraginales CSG
Lithophragma stone wall. Possibly an error,[9] but some species do grow in stone walls.[8] SaxifragaceaeSaxifragales StG
Lithops stony appearance AizoaceaeCaryophyllales CSG
Lithospermum stone seeds. Latin name. BoraginaceaeBoraginales StG
Lithraea Chilean name AnacardiaceaeSapindales St
Litsea Chinese name LauraceaeLaurales StG
Loasa probably a South American name[4] LoasaceaeCornales StG
Lobularia Greek and Latin: little pods BrassicaceaeBrassicales CSG
Lolium Latin name PoaceaePoales StG
Lomandra fringed male parts AsparagaceaeAsparagales BaG
Lomatia with borders (the seed margins) ApiaceaeApiales CSG
Lomatium fringe ApiaceaeApiales BaG
Lonas (unknown) AsteraceaeAsterales St
Lonchocarpus lance fruit FabaceaeFabales StG
Lophomyrtus crested Myrtus MyrtaceaeMyrtales BaG
Lophophora crest-bearing (the tufts) CactaceaeCaryophyllales StG
Lophospermum crested seeds PlantaginaceaeLamiales BaG
Lordhowea Ontong Java Atoll, formerly the Lord Howe Atoll, in the Solomon Islands AsteraceaeAsterales BuG
Loropetalum strap petals HamamelidaceaeSaxifragales CSG
Lotus Greek name FabaceaeFabales CSG
Luculia Nepalese name RubiaceaeGentianales StG
Ludisia (unknown) OrchidaceaeAsparagales Ba
Luffa Arabic name CucurbitaceaeCucurbitales StG
Luma Mapuche name MyrtaceaeMyrtales BaG
Lunaria Latin: moon-like (the seed pods) BrassicaceaeBrassicales CSG
Lupinus Latin name FabaceaeFabales CSG
Luzula possibly Latin: small light (from the dewy sparkle), or yellowish, or Italian for a bioluminescent insect JuncaceaePoales CSG
Lycaste (unclear) OrchidaceaeAsparagales StG
Lycianthes Lycium + flower SolanaceaeSolanales Ba
Lycium Greek and Latin name for a shrub from Lycia SolanaceaeSolanales CSG
Lycopus wolf foot (the leaves) LamiaceaeLamiales CSG
Lysichiton dissolving cloak (the spathes) AraceaeAlismatales CSG
Lysionotus releasing in the back (the capsule suture) GesneriaceaeLamiales StG
Lythrum bloody (the flowers)[4] LythraceaeMyrtales CSG
Machaeranthera sword anthers AsteraceaeAsterales BaG
Machaonia Machaon, a mythological hero RubiaceaeGentianales Bu
Macradenia long gland (pollen stalks) OrchidaceaeAsparagales StG
Macrozamia large Zamia ZamiaceaeCycadales StG
Madhuca Sanskrit name SapotaceaeEricales St
Madia Chilean name AsteraceaeAsterales StG
Maesa Arabic name PrimulaceaeEricales StG
Magdalenaea Santa Maria Madalena, Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil OrobanchaceaeLamiales Bu
Maianthemum May flowers AsparagaceaeAsparagales CSG
Maihuenia Mapuche name CactaceaeCaryophyllales Ba
Malachra Malva MalvaceaeMalvales St
Mallotus woolly EuphorbiaceaeMalpighiales StG
Malope Latin name MalvaceaeMalvales StG
Malus Greek and Latin name RosaceaeRosales CSG
Malva Latin name[4] MalvaceaeMalvales CSG
Malvastrum Latin: mallow-like MalvaceaeMalvales StG
Malvaviscus Latin: mallow stickiness MalvaceaeMalvales StG
Mammea West Indian name CalophyllaceaeMalpighiales StG
Mammillaria Latin: nippled CactaceaeCaryophyllales StG
Mandragora Greek and Latin name SolanaceaeSolanales StG
Mangifera Indian name AnacardiaceaeSapindales StG
Manihot Brazilian name EuphorbiaceaeMalpighiales StG
Manilkara South Indian name SapotaceaeEricales St
Manulea Latin: hand, from the finger-like petals ScrophulariaceaeLamiales St
Margyricarpus pearl fruit RosaceaeRosales StG
Marrubium Latin name LamiaceaeLamiales StG
Mascarenhasia Mascarene Islands ApocynaceaeGentianales StG
Matricaria Latin name AsteraceaeAsterales StG
Mauritia Surinamese name ArecaceaeArecales St
Maxillaria resembling an insect maxilla OrchidaceaeAsparagales StG
Mayaca French Guianese name[4] MayacaceaePoales StG
Maytenus Chilean name CelastraceaeCelastrales CSG
Mazus teat, for swellings on the lower lip of the flowers[4] MazaceaeLamiales CSG
Meconopsis poppy-like PapaveraceaeRanunculales CSG
Medeola Medea of mythology LiliaceaeLiliales StG
Medicago Greek and Latin name FabaceaeFabales StG
Medusagyne Medusa (a mythological monster) + female parts OchnaceaeMalpighiales Bu
Medusandra Medusa (a mythological monster) + male parts PeridiscaceaeSaxifragales Bu
Medusantha Medusa (a mythological monster) + flowers LamiaceaeLamiales Bu
Medusanthera Medusa (a mythological monster) + flowers StemonuraceaeAquifoliales Bu
Megahertzia Roaring Meg falls, or their waterway, in Queensland, Australia ProteaceaeProteales Bu
Megaskepasma large covering (the bracts) AcanthaceaeLamiales St
Melaleuca black and white MyrtaceaeMyrtales StG
Melampodium Melampus, a legendary oracle AsteraceaeAsterales Bu
Melanthium dark flowers[4] MelanthiaceaeLiliales St
Melasphaerula black small bulbs IridaceaeAsparagales StG
Melastoma black mouth. (The berries stain the mouth when eaten.)[4] MelastomataceaeMyrtales StG
Melia Greek name[4] MeliaceaeSapindales CSG
Melianthus honey flowers, for its nectar FrancoaceaeGeraniales CSG
Melica honey, for its sweet sap PoaceaePoales CSG
Melicoccus honey berries. Previously Melicocca. SapindaceaeSapindales StG
Melicope honey cutting RutaceaeSapindales BaG
Melicytus honey jar ViolaceaeMalpighiales StG
Melilotus honey lotus or honey clover FabaceaeFabales StG
Melinis honey or blackish PoaceaePoales BaG
Meliosma honey-scented SabiaceaeProteales StG
Melissa honey bee LamiaceaeLamiales CSG
Melittis honey-bearing or honey bee LamiaceaeLamiales CSG
Melliodendron honey tree StyracaceaeEricales Ba
Melocactus Latin: melon cactus CactaceaeCaryophyllales StG
Melothria Greek and Latin name CucurbitaceaeCucurbitales StG
Menispermum moon seeds[4] MenispermaceaeRanunculales StG
Mentha Minthe of mythology LamiaceaeLamiales CSG
Menyanthes small flowers[4] or moon flowers MenyanthaceaeAsterales CSG
Mercurialis Mercury of mythology EuphorbiaceaeMalpighiales StG
Merope Merope, one of the mythological Pleiades RutaceaeSapindales Bu
Meryta bunching (the male flower heads) AraliaceaeApiales StG
Mesembryanthemum middle embryo flower (the ovaries) AizoaceaeCaryophyllales StG
Metrosideros core of iron MyrtaceaeMyrtales StG
Meum Greek and Latin name ApiaceaeApiales CSG
Micranthemum small flowers LinderniaceaeLamiales St
Microbiota small Biota (now Platycladus) CupressaceaePinales BaG
Microcachrys small cones PodocarpaceaePinales BaG
Microglossa small tongue (the ray florets) AsteraceaeAsterales StG
Milium Latin name PoaceaePoales BaG
Mimosa mimic (the leaves) FabaceaeFabales CSG
Mimulus Latin: little mimic (the flowers) PhrymaceaeLamiales CSG
Mimusops monkey-face SapotaceaeEricales StG
Mirabella Mirabela, Brazil CactaceaeCaryophyllales Bu
Mirabilis Latin: wonderful NyctaginaceaeCaryophyllales CSG
Miscanthus stalk-flower (the small flower spikes) PoaceaePoales CSG
Mitella small caps (the fruit) SaxifragaceaeSaxifragales CSG
Mitraria cap or turban (the fruit or inflorescences) GesneriaceaeLamiales CSG
Molopospermum striped seeds ApiaceaeApiales StG
Moluccella Molucca (unknown connection) LamiaceaeLamiales CSG
Momordica Latin: bitten (appearance of the seeds) CucurbitaceaeCucurbitales StG
Monanthes single-flowered (the type specimen) CrassulaceaeSaxifragales St
Moneses single (flowered) EricaceaeEricales StG
Monstera Latin: monstrous (the leaves) AraceaeAlismatales CSG
Morinda Latin name + Indian RubiaceaeGentianales StG
Moringa Latinised Tamil name[4] MoringaceaeBrassicales StG
Mormodes hobgoblin (the odd flowers) OrchidaceaeAsparagales StG
Morus Greek and Latin name MoraceaeRosales CSG
Moscharia musk AsteraceaeAsterales St
Mucuna Brazilian name FabaceaeFabales StG
Mukdenia Mukden (now Shenyang), China SaxifragaceaeSaxifragales Ba
Mulgedium Latin: milking (from the sap) AsteraceaeAsterales StG
Musa Latinised Arabic name;[4] also Antonius Musa (63 BC – 14)[6] MusaceaeZingiberales StG
Muscari Turkish name AsparagaceaeAsparagales CSG
Mussaenda Latinised Sinhalese name RubiaceaeGentianales StG
Myoporum closed pore (spots on the leaves) ScrophulariaceaeLamiales StG
Myosotidium derived from Myosotis BoraginaceaeBoraginales CSG
Myosotis mouse ear (the leaves) BoraginaceaeBoraginales CSG
Myosurus mouse tail (the flower stalks) RanunculaceaeRanunculales StG
Myrica Greek and Latin name[4] MyricaceaeFagales CSG
Myricaria Myrica-like TamaricaceaeCaryophyllales StG
Myriocephalus myriad heads (from the compound flower heads) AsteraceaeAsterales St
Myriophyllum myriad leaves HaloragaceaeSaxifragales CSG
Myristica fragrant ointment[4] MyristicaceaeMagnoliales StG
Myrmecodia ant-place RubiaceaeGentianales Ba
Myroxylon fragrant-oil wood FabaceaeFabales St
Myrrhis Greek name ApiaceaeApiales CSG
Myrsine Greek name PrimulaceaeEricales StG
Myrtillocactus myrtle cactus (for the myrtle-like fruit) CactaceaeCaryophyllales St
Myrtus Greek and Latin name MyrtaceaeMyrtales CSG
Mystacidium mustache (the fringes) OrchidaceaeAsparagales StG
Najas naiad HydrocharitaceaeAlismatales StG
Nandina Japanese name BerberidaceaeRanunculales CSG
Nannorrhops dwarf bush ArecaceaeArecales StG
Napaea Napaeae, nymphs of the woods MalvaceaeMalvales Bu
Napeanthus Napaeae (nymphs of the woods) + flowers GesneriaceaeLamiales Bu
Narcissus Narcissus of mythology AmaryllidaceaeAsparagales CSG
Narthecium Greek name[4] NartheciaceaeDioscoreales StG
Nassella Latin: narrow-necked wicker basket PoaceaePoales Ba
Nasturtium twisted nose BrassicaceaeBrassicales BaG
Nauclea ship, possibly RubiaceaeGentianales StG
Nautilocalyx nautilus-calyx, possibly GesneriaceaeLamiales St
Nelumbo Sinhalese name[4] NelumbonaceaeProteales StG
Nemastylis thread column (the styles) IridaceaeAsparagales StG
Nematanthus thread flower (the flower stalks) RestionaceaePoales StG
Nemesia Greek name ScrophulariaceaeLamiales CSG
Nemophila clearing-loving HydrophyllaceaeBoraginales CSG
Neolitsea new Litsea LauraceaeLaurales BaG
Nepenthes antidepressant[4] NepenthaceaeCaryophyllales StG
Nepeta Latin name LamiaceaeLamiales CSG
Nephthytis Nephthys of mythology AraceaeAlismatales StG
Neptunia Neptune of mythology (for its habitat) FabaceaeFabales StG
Nerine a sea nymph AmaryllidaceaeAsparagales CSG
Nerium Greek and Latin name ApocynaceaeGentianales CSG
Nertera low (to the ground) RubiaceaeGentianales CSG
Nidularium Latin: little nest BromeliaceaePoales StG
Nigella Latin name RanunculaceaeRanunculales CSG
Niphaea snowy (the flowers) GesneriaceaeLamiales StG
Nipponanthemum Japan flower AsteraceaeAsterales BaG
Nolana Latin: small bell (the flowers) SolanaceaeSolanales StG
Nothofagus false Fagus[4] NothofagaceaeFagales CSG
Notholirion false lily LiliaceaeLiliales StG
Notholithocarpus false Lithocarpus FagaceaeFagales Ba
Nothoscordum false garlic LiliaceaeLiliales StG
Notylia back-bumps (on the stigmas) OrchidaceaeAsparagales St
Nuphar Arabic or Persian name NymphaeaceaeNymphaeales StG
Nyctanthes night-flowering OleaceaeLamiales StG
Nymphaea water nymphs[4] NymphaeaceaeNymphaeales CSG
Nymphoides Nymphaea-like MenyanthaceaeAsterales StG
Nyssa Nysa, a water nymph[4] NyssaceaeCornales CSG
Oberonia Oberon, a fairy king OrchidaceaeAsparagales Bu
Oberonioides Oberon, a fairy king OrchidaceaeAsparagales Bu
Ochna Greek name[4] OchnaceaeMalpighiales StG
Ocimum Greek and Latin name FrankeniaceaeCaryophyllales CSG
Ocotea French Guyanese name LauraceaeLaurales St
Octomeria eight-part (the pollinia) OrchidaceaeAsparagales St
Odontadenia tooth gland (the pistils) ApocynaceaeGentianales St
Odyssea odyssey or long voyage, a reference to the many genera to which the plant has been assigned PoaceaePoales Bu
Oenanthe Greek name ApiaceaeApiales StG
Oenocarpus wine fruit ArecaceaeArecales StG
Oenothera Greek and Latin name OnagraceaeMyrtales CSG
Olea Latin name[4] OleaceaeLamiales CSG
Olsynium little joined (stamens) IridaceaeAsparagales Ba
Omphalea Omphale, a mythological queen EuphorbiaceaeMalpighiales Bu
Omphalodes navel-like (the seeds) BoraginaceaeBoraginales CSG
Omphalogramma navel-marked (the seeds) PrimulaceaeEricales StG
Oncidium little swelling (on the lips) OrchidaceaeAsparagales StG
Oncoba Arabic name SalicaceaeMalpighiales StG
Onobrychis (unclear) FabaceaeFabales StG
Ononis Greek and Latin name FabaceaeFabales StG
Onopordum Greek and Latin name AsteraceaeAsterales CSG
Onosma Greek and Latin name BoraginaceaeBoraginales StG
Ophiopogon Greek for a Japanese name AsparagaceaeAsparagales CSG
Ophrys Greek and Latin name OrchidaceaeAsparagales StG
Oplismenus weapons (the appearance of the spikelets) PoaceaePoales StG
Oplopanax armed Panax (the spines) AraliaceaeApiales StG
Opopanax sap panacea ApiaceaeApiales StG
Opuntia Opus, Greece. Latin name. CactaceaeCaryophyllales CSG
Orbea Latin: discs ApocynaceaeGentianales St
Orchis testicle (the root tubers)[4] OrchidaceaeAsparagales StG
Oreocereus mountain Cereus CactaceaeCaryophyllales Ba
Oreopanax mountain Panax AraliaceaeApiales StG
Orestias Orestes, a mythological hero OrchidaceaeAsparagales Bu
Origanum Greek and Latin name LamiaceaeLamiales CSG
Orixa from a Japanese name RutaceaeSapindales StG
Ormosia necklace (one use of the seeds) FabaceaeFabales StG
Ornithogalum bird's milk (the flowers or bulbs) AsparagaceaeAsparagales CSG
Orobanche Greek and Latin name[4] OrobanchaceaeLamiales StG
Orontium Greek name AraceaeAlismatales CSG
Orostachys mountain spike CrassulaceaeSaxifragales BaG
Oroxylum mountain wood (one of its habitats). Previously Oroxylon. BignoniaceaeLamiales St
Oroya La Oroya, Peru CactaceaeCaryophyllales Ba
Orphium Orpheus, a mythological prophet GentianaceaeGentianales BuG
Orthaea Orthaea, one of the mythological Hyacinthides EricaceaeEricales Bu
Orthocarpus upright fruit OrobanchaceaeLamiales StG
Orthophytum straight plant BromeliaceaePoales Ba
Orthosia Orthrus, a mythological monster ApocynaceaeGentianales Bu
Orthrosanthus morning flowers IridaceaeAsparagales StG
Orychophragmus dug-up partition (the pitted septa) BrassicaceaeBrassicales St
Oryza Latin and Greek name PoaceaePoales StG
Osmanthus scented flowers OleaceaeLamiales CSG
Osteomeles bone apple (the nutlets) RosaceaeRosales StG
Osteospermum bone seed AsteraceaeAsterales BaG
Ostrya Greek and Latin name BetulaceaeFagales CSG
Ostryopsis Ostrya-like BetulaceaeFagales BaG
Osyris Latin name SantalaceaeSantalales BuG
Otatea Mexican name PoaceaePoales St
Othonna Greek and Latin name AsteraceaeAsterales CSG
Ottelia from a Malabar name HydrocharitaceaeAlismatales StG
Oxalis Greek and Latin name[4] OxalidaceaeOxalidales CSG
Oxera acid or acrid (the taste of the sap) LamiaceaeLamiales St
Oxydendrum sharp tree (the taste of the leaves) EricaceaeEricales CSG
Oxylobium sharp small pods FabaceaeFabales StG
Oxypetalum sharp petals ApocynaceaeGentianales StG
Oxyria sharp (the taste) PolygonaceaeCaryophyllales StG
Oxytropis sharp keels (on the flowers) FabaceaeFabales StG
Oziroe Oziroe, a nymph AsparagaceaeAsparagales Bu
Ozothamnus strong-smelling shrub AsteraceaeAsterales BaG
Pachira Guyanese name MalvaceaeMalvales StG
Pachycereus thick cactus CactaceaeCaryophyllales St
Pachycormus thick, stripped trunk AnacardiaceaeSapindales Ba
Pachyphragma thick walls (the septa) BrassicaceaeBrassicales CSG
Pachyphytum thick plant CrassulaceaeSaxifragales StG
Pachypodium thick foot ApocynaceaeGentianales BaG
Pachyrhizus thick roots FabaceaeFabales StG
Pachysandra thick male parts (the stamens) BuxaceaeBuxales CSG
Pachystachys thick spikes AcanthaceaeLamiales CSG
Pachystegia thick cover AsteraceaeAsterales Ba
Paederia Latin: stinky RubiaceaeGentianales StG
Paeonia Greek and Latin name[4] PaeoniaceaeSaxifragales CSG
Palaquium Philippine name SapotaceaeEricales StG
Paliavana possibly the palace of the Children of Palhavã in Portugal GesneriaceaeLamiales Bu
Paliurus Greek and Latin name RhamnaceaeRosales StG
Panax Latin name AraliaceaeApiales StG
Pancratium Greek and Latin name AmaryllidaceaeAsparagales StG
Pandanus Malay name[4] PandanaceaePandanales StG
Pandorea Pandora of mythology BignoniaceaeLamiales CSG
Panicum Latin name PoaceaePoales CSG
Papaver Latin name[4] PapaveraceaeRanunculales CSG
Paphia epithet of the goddess Aphrodite of Paphos EricaceaeEricales Bu
Paphinia Aphrodite of mythology OrchidaceaeAsparagales StG
Paphiopedilum Aphrodite's slipper (the flower lips) OrchidaceaeAsparagales StG
Paraquilegia similar to Aquilegia. Previously Paraquilega. RanunculaceaeRanunculales StG
Paraserianthes almost Serianthes FabaceaeFabales BaG
Parietaria Latin: of walls (one habitat) UrticaceaeRosales StG
Paris Latin: equal (the leaves) MelanthiaceaeLiliales CSG
Parnassia Mount Parnassus, Greece CelastraceaeCelastrales StG
Parochetus near rivulets (the habitat) FabaceaeFabales StG
Paronychia paronychia (a disease that these herbs were said to remedy) CaryophyllaceaeCaryophyllales StG
Parthenice Latin name; also an epithet of the goddess Artemis AsteraceaeAsterales Bu
Parthenium Greek and Latin name AsteraceaeAsterales CSG
Parthenocissus virgin ivy, derived from the common name VitaceaeVitales CSG
Pasithea Pasithea, a goddess AsphodelaceaeAsparagales BuG
Paspalum Greek name PoaceaePoales StG
Passiflora Latin: passion flowers[4] PassifloraceaeMalpighiales CSG
Pastinaca Latin name ApiaceaeApiales CSG
Pavetta Sinhalese name RubiaceaeGentianales StG
Paxistima thick stigmas CelastraceaeCelastrales BaG
Pedicularis Latin: louse (from folklore about the plant) OrobanchaceaeLamiales StG
Pediocactus plains cactus CactaceaeCaryophyllales St
Pelargonium stork (the beak-shaped fruit) GeraniaceaeGeraniales CSG
Pelecyphora hatchet-bearing (the tubercles) CactaceaeCaryophyllales St
Peltandra shield-stamens AraceaeAlismatales StG
Peltaria shield-like (the leaves) BrassicaceaeBrassicales StG
Peltoboykinia small-shield Boykinia SaxifragaceaeSaxifragales Ba
Peltophorum shield-bearing (the stigma) FabaceaeFabales StG
Penelopeia Penelope, a legendary heroine CucurbitaceaeCucurbitales Bu
Peniocereus filament cactus CactaceaeCaryophyllales St
Pennisetum feather-bristle (the flower spikes) PoaceaePoales CSG
Penstemon five stamens PlantaginaceaeLamiales CSG
Pentaglottis five tongues (on the corolla) BoraginaceaeBoraginales StG
Pentas fives (the flower parts) RubiaceaeGentianales StG
Peperomia pepper-like PiperaceaePiperales CSG
Pericallis very beautiful AsteraceaeAsterales BaG
Perilla possibly Latin: little bag (the calyx) LamiaceaeLamiales StG
Periploca entwining (the corolla tubes) ApocynaceaeGentianales StG
Peristeria dove-like (the orchid columns) OrchidaceaeAsparagales St
Peristrophe around-twisting (the corolla tubes) AcanthaceaeLamiales StG
Persea Greek name LauraceaeLaurales CSG
Persicaria leaves like Persica (peach) PolygonaceaeCaryophyllales CSG
Petasites sun-hats (the leaves). Greek name. AsteraceaeAsterales CSG
Petrocallis rock beauty (the habitat) BrassicaceaeBrassicales StG
Petrocosmea rock ornament GesneriaceaeLamiales BaG
Petromarula Cretan name CampanulaceaeAsterales St
Petrophile rock lover. Previously Petrophila. ProteaceaeProteales StG
Petrophytum rock plant. Previously Petrophyton. RosaceaeRosales StG
Petrorhagia rock-breaking CaryophyllaceaeCaryophyllales StG
Petroselinum Greek and Latin name ApiaceaeApiales CSG
Petunia Tupi–Guarani name SolanaceaeSolanales CSG
Peucedanum Greek and Latin name ApiaceaeApiales CSG
Peumus Chilean name MonimiaceaeLaurales StG
Phacelia bundles (the flowers) HydrophyllaceaeBoraginales CSG
Phaedranassa bright queen (the flowers) AmaryllidaceaeAsparagales StG
Phaius twilight (the dark flowers) OrchidaceaeAsparagales StG
Phalaenopsis moth-like OrchidaceaeAsparagales StG
Phalaris Greek and Latin name PoaceaePoales CSG
Phaseolus Latin name, from a Greek name FabaceaeFabales CSG
Phebalium possibly a Greek name RutaceaeSapindales StG
Phellodendron cork tree RutaceaeSapindales CSG
Philesia loving[4] PhilesiaceaeLiliales StG
Phillyrea Greek name OleaceaeLamiales CSG
Philodendron tree-loving (they are epiphytes) AraceaeAlismatales CSG
Philotheca loving box RutaceaeSapindales Ba
Philyra Greek name; also from Philyra, a nymph EuphorbiaceaeMalpighiales Bu
Phleum Greek name PoaceaePoales StG
Phlomis flame (a use of the leaves) LamiaceaeLamiales CSG
Phlox flame (the flowers) PolemoniaceaeEricales CSG
Phoebanthus bright (an epithet of the god Apollo) + flower AsteraceaeAsterales Bu
Phoebe Phoebe, a goddess LauraceaeLaurales Bu
Phoenix Greek name ArecaceaeArecales CSG
Pholidota scaly OrchidaceaeAsparagales StG
Phormium basket or mat (uses of the leaf fibres) AsphodelaceaeAsparagales CSG
Photinia shining (the foliage) RosaceaeRosales CSG
Phragmipedium partition slipper (the slipper-shaped lips) OrchidaceaeAsparagales St
Phragmites fence or hedge reeds PoaceaePoales CSG
Phuopsis Valeriana-like RubiaceaeGentianales CSG
Phygelius fleeing the sun (they prefer shade) ScrophulariaceaeLamiales CSG
Phyla tribes (probably the flower clusters) VerbenaceaeLamiales StG
Phylica leafy RhamnaceaeRosales StG
Phyllagathis leafy ball of thread (the bracts) MelastomataceaeMyrtales St
Phyllanthus leaf-flowers (the source of some flowers)[4] PhyllanthaceaeMalpighiales StG
Phyllis Latin name; also from Phyllis, a mythological princess RubiaceaeGentianales Bu
Phyllocladus leaf-branch (the flattened branches) PodocarpaceaePinales StG
Phyllodoce Nereid of mythology EricaceaeEricales StG
Phyllostachys leaf spike (the inflorescences) PoaceaePoales CSG
Physalis bladders (the appearance of the fruit) SolanaceaeSolanales CSG
Physaria bladder-like BrassicaceaeBrassicales BaG
Physocarpus bladder fruit RanunculaceaeRanunculales CSG
Physochlaina bladder covering (the inflated calyx) SolanaceaeSolanales CSG
Physoplexis bladder weaving (the corolla) CampanulaceaeAsterales StG
Physostegia bladder roofing (the inflated calyx) LamiaceaeLamiales StG
Phytelephas plant-elephant (for the ivory-like nut) ArecaceaeArecales StG
Phyteuma Greek and Latin name CampanulaceaeAsterales StG
Phytolacca plant lac[4] PhytolaccaceaeCaryophyllales CSG
Picea Latin name PinaceaePinales CSG
Picrasma bitterness SimaroubaceaeSapindales BaG
Pieris Pieria, the home of the mythological Muses EricaceaeEricales CSG
Pilea Latin: caps (the shape of the calyx) UrticaceaeRosales CSG
Pilosella hairy + little AsteraceaeAsterales BaG
Pilosocereus hairy Cereus CactaceaeCaryophyllales Ba
Pimelea fat or lard (its oils) ThymelaeaceaeMalvales StG
Pimenta Spanish name MyrtaceaeMyrtales StG
Pimpinella from a Medieval Latin name ApiaceaeApiales StG
Pinanga Malayan name ArecaceaeArecales St
Pinguicula fatty (the leaves) LentibulariaceaeLamiales StG
Pinus Latin name[4] PinaceaePinales CSG
Piper Latin name, from Sanskrit and Greek names[4] PiperaceaePiperales StG
Piptadenia falling glands (of the stamens) FabaceaeFabales StG
Piptanthus falling flowers (all parts fall at the same time) FabaceaeFabales CSG
Piscidia Latin: fish-killing (a use of the plant) FabaceaeFabales StG
Pistacia Greek and Latin name AnacardiaceaeSapindales CSG
Pistia water AraceaeAlismatales CSG
Pisum Greek and Latin name FabaceaeFabales CSG
Pithecellobium Greek rendering of a Brazilian name for "monkey's earring" (the fruit) FabaceaeFabales StG
Pittosporum tar seeds[4] PittosporaceaeApiales CSG
Plagianthus asymmetrical flowers PoaceaePoales StG
Plagiobothrys oblique scars (on the nutlets) BoraginaceaeBoraginales St
Plantago Latin name PlantaginaceaeLamiales CSG
Platanus Greek and Latin name[4] PlatanaceaeProteales CSG
Platycarya broad nuts JuglandaceaeFagales StG
Platycladus broad branches CupressaceaePinales BaG
Platycodon broad bell (the flowers) CampanulaceaeAsterales CSG
Platystemon broad stamens PapaveraceaeRanunculales St
Plectranthus spur-flowers LamiaceaeLamiales CSG
Pleioblastus many buds PoaceaePoales CSG
Pleione Pleione of mythology OrchidaceaeAsparagales CSG
Pleiospilos many spots (on the leaves) AizoaceaeCaryophyllales StG
Pleurothallis side or rib branches (perhaps the inflorescences or stems) OrchidaceaeAsparagales St
Plumbago Latin name[4] PlumbaginaceaeCaryophyllales CSG
Poa Greek name[4] PoaceaePoales CSG
Podachaenium stalked achenes AsteraceaeAsterales St
Podalyria Podalirius of mythology FabaceaeFabales StG
Podocarpus stalked fruit[4] PodocarpaceaePinales CSG
Podolepis foot of scales (the pedicels) AsteraceaeAsterales StG
Podophyllum foot-leaves (for the resemblance to duck's feet) BerberidaceaeRanunculales CSG
Podranea anagram of the related Pandorea BignoniaceaeLamiales StG
Pogonatherum bearded awn (the glumes) PoaceaePoales StG
Pogonia bearded (the fringed lips) OrchidaceaeAsparagales St
Pogostemon bearded stamens LamiaceaeLamiales St
Polemonium Greek and Latin name[4] PolemoniaceaeEricales CSG
Poliothyrsis grey panicles SalicaceaeMalpighiales StG
Polygala Greek and Latin name[4] PolygalaceaeFabales CSG
Polygonatum Greek and Latin name AsparagaceaeAsparagales CSG
Polygonum Greek and Latin name[4] PolygonaceaeCaryophyllales StG
Polylepis many scales RosaceaeRosales BaG
Polymnia Polyhymnia, a Muse AsteraceaeAsterales Bu
Polyscias many sun-shades (the umbels) AraliaceaeApiales StG
Polyspora many seeds TheaceaeEricales Ba
Polystachya many spikes (on the inflorescences) OrchidaceaeAsparagales StG
Pomaderris lid of skin (on the capsules) RhamnaceaeRosales StG
Populus Latin name SalicaceaeMalpighiales CSG
Porana possibly from a Marathi name ConvolvulaceaeSolanales StG
Portulaca Latin name[4] PortulacaceaeCaryophyllales StG
Portulacaria Portulaca-like DidiereaceaeCaryophyllales St
Posidonia Poseidon, a god PosidoniaceaeAlismatales BuG
Posoqueria Guianan name RubiaceaeGentianales St
Potamogeton Greek and Latin name[4] Potamo­getonaceaeAlismatales StG
Potentilla Latin: potent (medicinally) RosaceaeRosales CSG
Pothos Sinhalese name AraceaeAlismatales StG
Pouteria Carib name SapotaceaeEricales St
Premna stump LamiaceaeLamiales StG
Prenanthes downward-facing flowers AsteraceaeAsterales StG
Primula Medieval Latin name[4] PrimulaceaeEricales CSG
Primulina Primula-like GesneriaceaeLamiales BaG
Proboscidea (elephant) trunks (the fruit) MartyniaceaeLamiales StG
Procris Procris, a mythological princess UrticaceaeRosales Bu
Promenaea Promenaea, a Greek priestess of Dodona OrchidaceaeAsparagales St
Prometheum Prometheus, a god CrassulaceaeSaxifragales Bu
Prosartes appendage LiliaceaeLiliales Ba
Proserpinaca Latin name HaloragaceaeSaxifragales StG
Prosopis Greek name FabaceaeFabales StG
Prospero Prospero of William Shakespeare's The Tempest AsparagaceaeAsparagales Bu
Prostanthera addition to the anther (the spurs) LamiaceaeLamiales CSG
Protea Proteus of mythology[4] ProteaceaeProteales StG
Prumnopitys hindmost pine PodocarpaceaePinales BaG
Prunella from a German name LamiaceaeLamiales CSG
Prunus Latin name RosaceaeRosales CSG
Psammophora sandy AizoaceaeCaryophyllales St
Pseuderanthemum false Eranthemum AcanthaceaeLamiales StG
Pseudocydonia false Cydonia RosaceaeRosales BaG
Pseudofumaria false Fumaria PapaveraceaeRanunculales CS
Pseudogynoxys false Gynoxis AsteraceaeAsterales Ba
Pseudolarix false Larix PinaceaePinales CSG
Pseudopanax false Panax AraliaceaeApiales CSG
Pseudophoenix false Phoenix ArecaceaeArecales StG
Pseudosasa false Sasa PoaceaePoales CSG
Pseudotsuga false Tsuga PinaceaePinales CSG
Pseudowintera false Wintera (Drimys) WinteraceaeCanellales CSG
Psidium Latin name, from a Greek name MyrtaceaeMyrtales StG
Psophocarpus noisy fruit (the exploding capsules) FabaceaeFabales St
Psoralea scabby FabaceaeFabales StG
Psychotria from a Greek name RubiaceaeGentianales StG
Ptelea Greek name RutaceaeSapindales CSG
Pteridophyllum fern leaves PapaveraceaeRanunculales StG
Pterocarya winged nuts JuglandaceaeFagales CSG
Pteroceltis winged Celtis CannabaceaeRosales BaG
Pterocephalus winged head (the feathery fruiting heads) CaprifoliaceaeDipsacales StG
Pterospermum winged seeds MalvaceaeMalvales St
Pterostyrax winged Styrax StyracaceaeEricales CSG
Ptychosperma folded seeds ArecaceaeArecales StG
Pulicaria Latin name AsteraceaeAsterales StG
Pulmonaria Latin: lungs, from the supposed resemblance to diseased lungs BoraginaceaeBoraginales CSG
Pulsatilla (unclear) RanunculaceaeRanunculales StG
Punica Latin name LythraceaeMyrtales CSG
Puya Chilean name of Puya chilensis BromeliaceaePoales CSG
Pycnanthemum dense flowers LamiaceaeLamiales StG
Pycnostachys dense spikes LamiaceaeLamiales StG
Pyracantha fire thorns RosaceaeRosales CSG
Pyrola diminutive of Pyrus EricaceaeEricales StG
Pyrostegia fire roofs, from the upper lip BignoniaceaeLamiales StG
Pyrus Latin name RosaceaeRosales CSG
Pyxidanthera boxed anthers (with lids) DiapensiaceaeEricales StG

See also


  1. The arrow provides a link to the table row for the given genus.
  2. Page numbers for references are omitted, since all the references list genera alphabetically except for Plants of the World, which is mainly cited for genera that match their family names.
  3. "(Language) name" means the name of some plant originally, not necessarily in this genus.
  4. This list includes fictional and unattested characters; also see List of plant genera named for people (K–P).



  • Bayton, Ross (2020). The Gardener's Botanical: An Encyclopedia of Latin Plant Names. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-20017-0.
  • Burkhardt, Lotte (2018). Verzeichnis eponymischer Pflanzennamen – Erweiterte Edition [Index of Eponymic Plant Names – Extended Edition] (pdf) (in German). Berlin: Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum, Freie Universität Berlin. doi:10.3372/epolist2018. ISBN 978-3-946292-26-5. S2CID 187926901. Retrieved January 1, 2021. See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ for license.
  • Christenhusz, Maarten; Fay, Michael Francis; Chase, Mark Wayne (2017). Plants of the World: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Vascular Plants. Chicago, Illinois: Kew Publishing and The University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-52292-0.
  • Coombes, Allen (2012). The A to Z of Plant Names: A Quick Reference Guide to 4000 Garden Plants. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press. ISBN 978-1-60469-196-2.
  • Cullen, Katherine E. (2006). Biology: The People Behind the Science. New York, New York: Infobase Publishing. ISBN 978-0-8160-7221-7.
  • Gledhill, David (2008). The Names of Plants. New York, New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-86645-3.
  • The Linnean Society (August 1992). "Publications by William T. Stearn on bibliographical, botanical and horticultural subjects, 1977–1991; a chronological list". Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 109 (4): 443–451. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8339.1992.tb01443.x. ISSN 0024-4074.
  • Stearn, William (2002). Stearn's Dictionary of Plant Names for Gardeners. London: Cassell. ISBN 978-0-304-36469-5.

Further reading

  • Brown, Roland (1956). Composition of Scientific Words. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. ISBN 978-1-56098-848-9.
  • Lewis, Charlton (1891). An Elementary Latin Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-910205-1. Available online at the Perseus Digital Library.
  • Liddell, Henry George; Scott, Robert (2013) [1888/1889]. An Intermediate Greek–English Lexicon. Mansfield Centre, Connecticut: Martino Fine Books. ISBN 978-1-61427-397-4. Available online at the Perseus Digital Library.
  • Quattrocchi, Umberto (2000). CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names, Volume II, D–L. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press. ISBN 978-0-8493-2676-9.
  • Quattrocchi, Umberto (2019) [2000]. CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names, Volume III, M–Q. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press. ISBN 978-0-367-44751-9.

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