Since the first printing of Carl Linnaeus's Species Plantarum in 1753, plants have been assigned one epithet or name for their species and one name for their genus, a grouping of related species.[1] Thousands of plants have been named for people, including botanists and their colleagues, plant collectors, horticulturists, explorers, rulers, politicians, clerics, doctors, philosophers and scientists.[2] Even before Linnaeus, botanists such as Joseph Pitton de Tournefort, Charles Plumier and Pier Antonio Micheli were naming plants for people, sometimes in gratitude for the financial support of their patrons.[3]

Early works researching the naming of plant genera include an 1810 glossary by Alexandre de Théis and an etymological dictionary in two editions (1853 and 1856) by Georg Christian Wittstein.[3] Modern works include The Gardener's Botanical by Ross Bayton, Index of Eponymic Plant Names and Encyclopedia of Eponymic Plant Names by Lotte Burkhardt, Plants of the World by Maarten J. M. Christenhusz (lead author), Michael F. Fay and Mark W. Chase, The A to Z of Plant Names by Allan J. Coombes, the four-volume CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names by Umberto Quattrocchi, and Stearn's Dictionary of Plant Names for Gardeners by William T. Stearn; these supply the seed-bearing genera listed in the first column below. Excluded from this list are genus names not accepted (as of January 2021) at Plants of the World Online, which includes updates to Plants of the World (2017).


Ba = listed in Bayton's The Gardener's Botanical[4]
Bt = listed in Burkhardt's Encyclopedia of Eponymic Plant Names[5]
Bu = listed in Burkhardt's Index of Eponymic Plant Names[6]
Ch = listed in Christenhusz's Plants of the World[7]
Co = listed in Coombes's The A to Z of Plant Names[8]
Qu = listed in Quattrocchi's CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names[9]
St = listed in Stearn's Dictionary of Plant Names for Gardeners[10]

In addition, Burkhardt's Index is used as a reference for every row in the table, except as noted.


portrait of a woman
Christian Ramsay, Countess of Dalhousie
green fruits
Davidsonia fruits
fruits and leaves
Delarbrea illustration
Genus[11][lower-alpha 2] Person honored[lower-alpha 3] Plant family[11] Ref
Daboecia Saint Dabheog (5th century) Ericaceae Co
Daenikera Albert Ulrich Daeniker (1894–1957), Swiss professor at ETH Zurich and director of the city's botanical museum and garden Santalaceae Bu
Dahlia Anders Dahl (1751–1789) Asteraceae Co
Dahliaphyllum Apiaceae Bu
Dahlstedtia Gustav Adolf Hugo Dahlstedt (1856–1934) Fabaceae Qu
Dalbergia Nils Dalberg (1736–1820) and his brother Carl Gustav Dahlberg (1721–1781) Fabaceae St
Dalbergiella Fabaceae Qu
Dalea Samuel Dale (1659–1739) Fabaceae Co
Dalechampia Jacques Daléchamps (1513–1588) Euphorbiaceae St
Dalembertia Jean le Rond d'Alembert (1717–1783), scientist Euphorbiaceae Bu
Dalhousiea Christian Ramsay (1786–1839) and/or her husband George Ramsay, 9th Earl of Dalhousie (1770–1838) Fabaceae Bu
Dalibarda Thomas-François Dalibard (1709–1778), physicist Rosaceae Bu
Dalrympelea Alexander Dalrymple (1737–1808) Staphyleaceae Bu
Dalzellia Nicol Alexander Dalzell (1817–1878) Podostemaceae Qu
Damburneya Louis Auguste Damburney (1722–1795), French merchant who researched plants used in dyes Lauraceae Bu
Dampiera William Dampier (1651–1715) Goodeniaceae Ba
Damrongia Damrong Rajanubhab (1862–1943), educator Gesneriaceae Bu
Dandya James Edgar Dandy (1903–1976) Asparagaceae Qu
Danhatchia Edwin Daniel Hatch (1919–2008), New Zealand botanist; specialist in native orchids Orchidaceae Bu
Daniellia William Freeman Daniell (1818–1865) Fabaceae Qu
Dansiea Samuel Justin Dansie (1927–2012), Australian forester and plant collector Combretaceae Qu
Danthonia Etienne Danthoine (1739–1794), French botanist and agronomist from Manosque; specialist in grasses and herbs Poaceae Ba
Danthoniastrum Poaceae Qu
Danthonidium Poaceae Qu
Danthoniopsis Poaceae Qu
Daprainia David Prain (1857–1944) Fabaceae Bt
Darcya William Gerald D'Arcy (1931–1999), Canadian-born American botanist at the Missouri Botanical Garden Plantaginaceae Bu
Darcyanthus Solanaceae Bu
Darlingia Charles Henry Darling (1809–1870), colonial administrator Proteaceae Qu
Darlingtonia William Darlington (1782–1863) Sarraceniaceae St
Darmera Karl Darmer (1843–1918), German botanist Saxifragaceae Co
Darwinia Erasmus Darwin (1731–1802) Myrtaceae St
Daubenya Charles Daubeny (1795–1867) Asparagaceae Qu
Daustinia Daniel Frank Austin (1943–2015), American botanist from the University of Arizona Convolvulaceae Bt
Daveaua Jules Alexandre Daveau (1852–1929) Asteraceae Bu
Davidia Armand David (1826–1900) Nyssaceae Co
Davidsea Gerrit Davidse (b. 1940), Dutch-born American botanist; professor at Washington University in St. Louis and curator at the Missouri Botanical Garden Poaceae Bu
Davidsonia John Ewen Davidson (1841–1923) Cunoniaceae Qu
Daviesia Hugh Davies (c. 1793 – 1821) Fabaceae St
Davilla Pedro Franco Dávila (1711–1786), Peruvian and Spanish naturalist and collector Dilleniaceae Bu
Davilanthus Patricia Dávila Aranda (b.1955), Mexican botanist and specialist of the flora of the Tehuacán Asteraceae Bt
Dayia Alva Day Grant (1920–2014), American botanist and professor at the University of Texas at Austin Polemoniaceae Bu
Deamia Charles C. Deam (1865–1953) Cactaceae Qu
Debregeasia Prosper Justin de Brégeas (b. 1807), French captain of the La Bonite expedition Urticaceae St
Decaisnea Joseph Decaisne (1807–1882) Lardizabalaceae Co
Decaisnina Loranthaceae Qu
Decarya Raymond Decary (1891–1973), French botanist, ethnologist and colonial administrator who conducted research in Madagascar and collected for the National Museum of Natural History Didiereaceae Ba
Decarydendron Monimiaceae Qu
Decaryella Poaceae Qu
Decaryochloa Poaceae Qu
Decazesia Louis, duc Decazes (1819–1886) Asteraceae Qu
Deckenia Karl Klaus von der Decken (1833–1865) Arecaceae Qu
Declieuxia Gabriel de Clieu (1687–1774) Rubiaceae Bu
Decorsea Gaston-Jules Decorse (1873–1907), French military doctor and botanist Fabaceae Bu
Decorsella Violaceae Bu
Dedeckera Mary DeDecker (1909–2000) Polygonaceae Qu
Deeringia George Charles Deering (c. 1695 – 1749) Amaranthaceae St
Deeringothamnus Charles Deering (1852–1927), agricultural industrialist, patron Annonaceae Bu
Degeneria Otto Degener (1899–1988) Degeneriaceae Bu
Degenia Árpád von Degen (1866–1934) Brassicaceae Qu
Degranvillea Jean-Jacques de Granville (b. 1943), French director of the herbarium in Cayenne in French Guiana Orchidaceae Bu
Dehaasia Dirk de Haas (d. 1702), Governor of Ambon (1687–1691) Lauraceae Qu
Deherainia Pierre Paul Dehérain (1830–1902) Primulaceae Qu
Deinbollia Peter Vogelius Deinboll (1783–1874) Sapindaceae Qu
Delairea Eugène Delaire (1810–1856), French botanist and head gardener at the botanical gardens in Orléans Asteraceae Bu
Delamerea Hugh Cholmondeley, 3rd Baron Delamere (1870–1931) Asteraceae Bu
Delarbrea Jules Charles Auguste Delarbre (1821–1903), French colonial administrator Myodocarpaceae Bu
Delavaya Père Jean Marie Delavay (1834–1895) Sapindaceae Qu
Delilia Alire Raffeneau Delile (1778–1850) Asteraceae Qu
Delissea Jacques Delisse (1773–1856) Campanulaceae Qu
Delpinophytum Federico Delpino (1833–1905) Brassicaceae Qu
Delwiensia Delbert Wiens (b. 1932), American plant taxonomist; worked at the University of Dar es Salaam and University of Nairobi Asteraceae Bu
Demosthenesia Demosthenes (384–322 BC), politician Ericaceae Bu
Dendrobangia Miguel Bang (1853–1895), Danish gardener at Kew Gardens Metteniusaceae Bu
Dendrocousinsia Herbert Henry Cousins (1869–1949), British agricultural chemist; director of agriculture in Jamaica Euphorbiaceae Bu
Dendrokingstonia John Filmore Kingston (1795–1860), English botanist; wrote about the flora of Devon in 1829 Annonaceae Bu
Dendroviguiera Louis Guillaume Alexandre Viguier (1790–1867), French doctor and botanist Asteraceae Bt
Denekia Carl Heinrich Deneke (1735–1803), Swedish doctor and botanist Asteraceae Bu
Denhamia Dixon Denham (1786–1828), colonial administrator Celastraceae Qu
Denisophytum Marcel Denis (1897–1929), French botanist, from Clermont-Ferrand Fabaceae Bt
Deplanchea Émile Deplanche (1824–1874) Bignoniaceae Qu
Deppea Ferdinand Deppe (1794–1861) Rubiaceae Bu
Deprea Alexandre-Armand Desprez (1747–1829), French doctor and botanist Solanaceae Bu
Desbordesia Gustave Borgnis-Desbordes (1839–1900), military officer Irvingiaceae Qu
Deschampsia Louis Auguste Deschamps (1765–1842) Poaceae Co
Descurainia François Descourain (1658–1740), French pharmacist Brassicaceae St
Desfontainia René Louiche Desfontaines (1750–1833) Columelliaceae Co
Desmazeria John Baptiste Henri Joseph Desmazières (1786–1862) Poaceae Qu
Desplatsia Desplats, possibly Victor Desplats (1819–1888) Malvaceae Bu
Deuterocohnia Ferdinand Cohn (1828–1898) Bromeliaceae Ba
Deutzia Jean Deutz (1743–1784), Dutch merchant and lawyer, patron of Carl Peter Thunberg Hydrangeaceae Co
Deutzianthus Euphorbiaceae Bu
Devia Miriam Phoebe de Vos (1912–2005) Iridaceae Bu
Devogelia Eduard Ferdinand de Vogel (b. 1942), Dutch botanist at the national herbarium at Leiden University Orchidaceae Bu
Dewevrea Alfred Dewèvre (1866–1897), Belgian pharmacist and mycologist Fabaceae Bu
Dewevrella Apocynaceae Bu
Dewildemania Émile Auguste Joseph De Wildeman (1866–1947) Asteraceae Qu
Dewinteria Bernard de Winter (b. 1924) Pedaliaceae Bu
Diabelia Clarke Abel (1789–1826), surgeon and naturalist Caprifoliaceae Bt
Dickasonia Frederick Garrett Dickason (1904–1990), American clergyman and botanist Orchidaceae Qu
Dickinsia Frederick Dickins (1838–1915), British scholar and amateur botanist Apiaceae Bu
Didelotia Octave François Charles Didelot (1812–1886), French admiral Fabaceae Bu
Didierea Alfred Grandidier (1836–1921) Didiereaceae Ba
Dieffenbachia Joseph Dieffenbach (1790–1863), head gardener of the Imperial Gardens at Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna Araceae Co
Diegodendron Diego Suárez 16th-century, Portuguese navigator and explorer Bixaceae Bt
Dielitzia Ludwig Diels (1874–1945) and Ernst Georg Pritzel (1875–1946) Asteraceae Bu
Dielsantha Ludwig Diels (1874–1945) Campanulaceae Qu
Dielsia Restionaceae Qu
Dielsiocharis Brassicaceae Qu
Dielsiodoxa Ericaceae Bt
Dielsiothamnus Annonaceae Qu
Diervilla N. Diereville (b. 1670) Caprifoliaceae Co
Dilkea Wentworth Dilke, 1st Baronet (1810–1869) Passifloraceae Bu
Dillandia Michael O. Dillon (b. 1947) Asteraceae Bu
Dillenia Johann Jacob Dillenius (1684–1747) Dilleniaceae Ch
Dillwynia Lewis Weston Dillwyn (1778–1855) Fabaceae St
Dinizia José Antonio Picanço Diniz (1870–1934), lawyer and amateur entomologist; friend of Adolpho Ducke, the author of the genus Fabaceae Bu
Dinklageella Max Julius Dinklage (1864–1935), German merchant who collected plants in West Africa Orchidaceae Qu
Dinklageodoxa Bignoniaceae Qu
Dintera Kurt Dinter (1868–1945) Plantaginaceae Qu
Dinteracanthus Acanthaceae Qu
Dinteranthus Aizoaceae St
Dioclea Diocles of Carystus (c. 375 BC – c. 295 BC) Fabaceae Qu
Diogenesia Diogenes (c. 410 BC – c. 320 BC), philosopher, or Diogenes Laërtius (3rd century), biographer Ericaceae Bu
Diogoa Diogo Cão (c. 1450 – c. 1486), Portuguese explorer Olacaceae Qu
Dioscorea Pedanius Dioscorides (c. 40 – c. 90) Dioscoreaceae Ch
Dioscoreophyllum Menispermaceae Bu
Dirichletia Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet (1805–1859), mathematician Rubiaceae Bu
Dittrichia Manfred Dittrich (born 1934), German botanist and previous director of the herbarium at the Botanical Garden in Berlin. Asteraceae Bt
Dodartia Denis Dodart (1634–1707) Mazaceae Qu
Dodonaea Rembert Dodoens (1517–1585) Sapindaceae Co
Doellingeria Ignaz Döllinger (1770–1841) Asteraceae Ba
Doerpfeldia Wilhelm Dörpfeld (1853–1940), archeologist Rhamnaceae Bu
Dolomiaea Déodat Gratet de Dolomieu (1750–1801) Asteraceae Qu
Dombeya Joseph Dombey (1742–1794) Malvaceae St
Domeykoa Ignacy Domeyko (1802–1889) Apiaceae Qu
Donatia Vitaliano Donati (1717–1762) Stylidiaceae Qu
Donella George Don (1798–1856) Sapotaceae Bu
Doniophyton David Don (1799–1841) Asteraceae Bu
Donnellsmithia John Donnell Smith (1829–1928) Apiaceae Qu
Donnellyanthus John Donnell Smith (1829–1928), biologist, and Nelly Diego Pérez (fl. 2001), director of a botanical lab at the National Autonomous University of Mexico Rubiaceae Bu
Dorstenia Theodor Dorsten (1492–1552) Moraceae St
Dossinia Pierre-Etienne Dossin (1777–1852), Belgian botanist from Liège Orchidaceae Qu
Douepea Herman van Donep, government secretary in Kochi Brassicaceae Bu
Downingia Andrew Jackson Downing (1815–1852) Campanulaceae St
Doyerea Louis Michel François Doyère (1811–1863) Cucurbitaceae Bu
Doyleanthus James A. Doyle (b. 1943), American botanist and paleontologist at the University of California, Davis Myristicaceae Bu
Drakaea Sarah Drake (1803–1857) Orchidaceae Qu
Dransfieldia John Dransfield (b. 1945) Arecaceae Bu
Draperia John William Draper (1811–1882), scientist Boraginaceae Qu
(syn. of Stephanotis)
Johann Franz Drège (1794–1881) Apocynaceae Ba
Dregeochloa Poaceae Bu
Dresslerella Robert Louis Dressler (b. 1927) Orchidaceae Qu
Dressleria Orchidaceae Qu
Dresslerothamnus Asteraceae Bu
Driessenia Peter van Driessen (1753–1828), Dutch doctor, pharmacist, chemist and botanist Melastomataceae Bu
Droguetia Marc Julien Droguet (1769–1836), French naval doctor Urticaceae Bu
Droogmansia Frans André Hubert Droogmans (1858–1938), Belgian politician Fabaceae Bu
Drummondita Thomas Drummond (1780–1835) and his brother James Drummond (1787–1863) Rutaceae Qu
Drusa André Pierre Ledru (1761–1825), French clergyman and botanist Apiaceae Bu
Dubautia Joseph Eugène Dubaut (1796–1832), French naval officer Asteraceae Qu
Duboisia Charles Dubois (1656–1740) Solanaceae St
Dubouzetia Eugène du Bouzet (1805–1867), French counter-admiral and governor of New Caledonia Elaeocarpaceae Qu
Dubyaea Jean Étienne Duby (1798–1885) Asteraceae Bu
Duckea Adolpho Ducke (1876–1959) Rapateaceae Qu
Duckeanthus Annonaceae Qu
Duckeella Orchidaceae Qu
Duckeodendron Solanaceae Qu
Duckesia Humiriaceae Qu
Ducrosia François-Barthélémy Ducros (1751–1822), Swiss clergyman, botanist in Nyon Apiaceae Bu
Dudleya William Russel Dudley (1849–1911) Crassulaceae St
Dugesia Alfredo Dugès (1826–1910) Asteraceae Qu
Duguetia Jacques Joseph Duguet (1649–1733), French clergyman and professor of theology Annonaceae Bu
Duhaldea Jean-Baptiste Du Halde (1674–1743), historian Asteraceae Bu
Dumasia Jean-Baptiste Dumas (1800–1884), chemist Fabaceae Qu
Dunalia Michel Félix Dunal (1789–1856) Solanaceae Qu
Dunbaria George Dunbar (d. 1851), classicist Fabaceae Qu
Dunnia Stephen Troyte Dunn (1868–1938) Rubiaceae Qu
Dunstervillea Galfrid C. K. Dunsterville (1905–1988), English engineer, specialist in orchids Orchidaceae Qu
Duparquetia Charles Duparquet (1830–1888), French clergyman, naturalist and plant collector Fabaceae Bu
Duperrea Louis Isidore Duperrey (1786–1865), explorer Rubiaceae Bu
Duperreya Convolvulaceae Qu
Dupineta Antoine du Pinet (1515–1584), French writer in Lyon Melastomataceae Qu
Dupontia J. D. Dupont, Parisian who wrote about Atriplex Poaceae Bu
Dupontiopsis Poaceae Bt
Dupuya David J. Du Puy (b. 1958), English botanist, specialist in the plants of Madagascar Fabaceae Bu
Duranta Castore Durante (c. 1529 – 1590) Verbenaceae St
Duroia Johann Philipp Du Roi (1741–1785), German dendrologist and doctor in Helmstedt and Braunschweig Rubiaceae Qu
Durringtonia Lorraine Rosebeth Durrington Tan (b. 1948), Australian botanist in Queensland; later a doctor Rubiaceae Bu
Duseniella Per Karl Hjalmar Dusén (1855–1926) Asteraceae Qu
Dussia Antoine Duss (1840–1924) Fabaceae Qu
Dutailliopsis Gustave Dutailly (1846–1906) Rutaceae Bu
Dutaillyea Rutaceae Bu
Duthiastrum Augusta Vera Duthie (1881–1963) Iridaceae Bu
Duthiea John Firminger Duthie (1845–1922) Poaceae Bu
Duvalia Henri Auguste Duval (1777–1814), French doctor and botanist with a focus on succulents Apocynaceae St
Duvaliandra Apocynaceae Qu
Dyckia Joseph zu Salm-Reifferscheidt-Dyck (1773–1861) Bromeliaceae St
Dyera William Turner Thiselton-Dyer (1843–1928) Apocynaceae Qu
Dymondia Margaret Elizabeth Dryden-Dymond (1909–1952), South African gardener at Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden Asteraceae Bu
Eastwoodia Alice Eastwood (1859–1953) Asteraceae Qu
Eatonella Daniel Cady Eaton (1834–1895) Asteraceae Qu
Eberhardtia Philippe Eberhardt (1874–1942), French professor of botany in Besançon Sapotaceae Bu
Eberlanzia Friedrich Eberlanz, amateur naturalist of Lüderitz Bay in Namibia Aizoaceae St
Echeandia Pedro Gregorio Echeandía y Jiménez (1746–1817), Spanish botanist and apothecary in Pamplona and Zaragoza Asparagaceae Qu
Echeveria Atanasio Echeverría y Godoy (b. c. 1771) Crassulaceae Co
Edgeworthia Michael Pakenham Edgeworth (1812–1881) and Maria Edgeworth (1768–1849), writer Thymelaeaceae Co
Edithcolea Edith Cole (1859–1940), who collected plants in the 1890s in the Horn of Africa[lower-alpha 4] Apocynaceae St
Edmondia Pierre Edmond Boissier (1810–1885) Asteraceae Bu
Edmundoa Edmundo Pereira (1914–1986), Brazilian botanist from the Botanical Garden in Rio de Janeiro Bromeliaceae Bt
Eduandrea Édouard André (1840–1911) Bromeliaceae Bu
Eggelingia William Julius Eggeling (1909–1994) Orchidaceae Qu
Ehrendorferia Friedrich Ehrendorfer (b. 1927), Austrian professor of botany in Graz and Vienna; director of the botanical garden in Vienna Papaveraceae Bu
Ehretia Georg Dionysius Ehret (1708–1770) Boraginaceae St
Ehrharta Jakob Friedrich Ehrhart (1742–1795) Poaceae Qu
Eigia Alexander Eig (1894–1938) Brassicaceae Bu
Eitenia Liene Teixeira Eiten (1925–1979), Brazilian botanist, and her husband George Eiten (1923–2012), American-born Brazilian botanist at the University of Brasília Asteraceae Bu
Eizia Eizi Matuda (1894–1978) Rubiaceae Bu
Ekebergia Carl Gustaf Ekeberg (1716–1784) Meliaceae Qu
Ekmania Erik Leonard Ekman (1883–1931) Asteraceae Qu
Ekmanianthe Bignoniaceae Qu
Ekmaniopappus Asteraceae Bu
Ekmanochloa Poaceae Qu
Elekmania Asteraceae Bu
Eliea Jean-Baptiste Élie de Beaumont (1798–1874) Hypericaceae Bu
Ellenbergia Heinz Ellenberg (1913–1997) Asteraceae Bu
Elliottia Stephen Elliott (1771–1830) Ericaceae St
Ellisia John Ellis (1710–1776) Boraginaceae Qu
Ellisiophyllum Plantaginaceae Qu
Ellisochloa Roger Pearson Ellis (b. 1944), South African botanist in Pretoria; specialist in grasses Poaceae Bu
Elmera Adolph Daniel Edward Elmer (1870–1942) Saxifragaceae Qu
Eloyella Juan Eloy Valenzuela y Mantilla (1756–1834), Colombian clergyman and botanist Orchidaceae Qu
Elsholtzia Johann Sigismund Elsholtz (1623–1688) Lamiaceae St
Elvasia Francisco Manoel de Elvas, Portuguese writer of a history of Brazil Ochnaceae Bu
Emarhendia M. R. Henderson (1899–1982) Gesneriaceae Bu
Emblingia Thomas Embling (1814–1893), doctor Emblingiaceae Qu
Embreea Alvin Goodale Embree (1925–2001), American orchid enthusiast Orchidaceae Qu
Emiliella Émilie du Châtelet (1706–1749), natural philosopher Asteraceae Bu
Eminia Emin Pasha (1840–1892) Fabaceae Bu
Eminium Araceae Bu
Enceliopsis Christoph Entzelt (1517–1583), German clergyman and chronicler Asteraceae Bu
Endertia Frederik Endert (1891–1953) Fabaceae Bu
Endlicheria Stephan Endlicher (1804–1849) Lauraceae Qu
Endressia Philipp Anton Christoph Endress (1806–1831), German botanist and plant collector Apiaceae Qu
Engelhardia Nicolaus Engelhard (1761–1831), Dutch merchant and colonial administrator Juglandaceae Qu
Engelmannia George Engelmann (1809–1884) Asteraceae Qu
Englerarum Adolf Engler (1844–1930) Araceae Bu
Engleria Asteraceae Qu
Englerina Loranthaceae Qu
Englerocharis Brassicaceae Qu
Englerodaphne Thymelaeaceae Qu
Englerodendron Fabaceae Qu
Englerophytum Sapotaceae Qu
Enriquebeltrania Enrique Beltrán (1903–1994) Euphorbiaceae Qu
Eokochia Wilhelm Daniel Joseph Koch (1771–1849) Amaranthaceae Bu
Eplingiella Carl Epling (1894–1968) Lamiaceae Bu
Erblichia Ch. Erblich, German court garden-master in Hannover Passifloraceae Bu
Ercilla Alonso de Ercilla (1533–1595) Phytolaccaceae St
Erichsenia Frederick Ole Erichsen (1869–1917), engineer with Goldfields Water Supply Scheme in Australia Fabaceae Qu
Ernestia Ernst Heinrich Friedrich Meyer (1791–1858) Melastomataceae Qu
Errazurizia Federico Errázuriz Zañartu (1825–1877), president Fabaceae Bu
Ertela Johann Gottlob Hertel (b. 1709), German scholar who wrote a dissertation in Leipzig on plant respiration Rutaceae Bu
Escallonia Antonio José Escallón y Flórez (1739–1819), Spanish official and plant-hunter in South America Escalloniaceae Ch
Eschenbachia Johann Friedrich Eschenbach (b. 1757), German doctor and botanist in Leipzig Asteraceae Bu
Eschscholzia Johann Friedrich von Eschscholtz (1793–1831) Papaveraceae Co
Eschweilera Franz Gerhard Eschweiler (1796–1831), German doctor, lichenologist and mycologist Lecythidaceae Qu
Escobaria Rómulo Escobar Zerman (1872–1946) and his brother Numa Pompilio Escobar Zerman (1874–1949) Cactaceae Ba
Escobedia Jorge Escobedo y Alarcón (1743–1805), Spanish lawyer and colonial administrator in Peru Orobanchaceae Bu
Escontria Blas Escontría y Bustamante (1847–1906), Mexican politician and engineer Cactaceae St
Esenbeckia Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von Esenbeck (1776–1858) Rutaceae Qu
Espadaea Juan José Díaz de Espada (1757–1832), Spanish bishop in Havana, Cuba Solanaceae Bu
Espejoa Antonio de Espejo (c. 1540 – 1585) Asteraceae Bu
Espeletia José Manuel de Ezpeleta, 1st Count of Ezpeleta de Beire (1739–1823) Asteraceae Bu
Espostoa Nicolas E. Esposto (1877–1942), Peruvian botanist and doctor who taught at the agricultural school in Lima Cactaceae St
Espostoopsis Cactaceae Qu
Esterhazya Nikolaus II, Prince Esterházy (1765–1833) Orobanchaceae Bu
Esterhuysenia Elsie Elizabeth Esterhuysen (1912–2006) Aizoaceae Qu
Etlingera Andreas Ernst Etlinger (1756–1785), German botanist and doctor in Kulmbach Zingiberaceae Ba
Eudema Eudemus of Rhodes (c. 370 BC – c. 300 BC), historian Brassicaceae Bu
Eugenia Prince Eugene of Savoy (1663–1736) Myrtaceae St
Eulalia Eulalie Delile (1796–1883), French botanical illustrator. Wife of Alire Raffeneau Delile and later of Jacques Cambessèdes Poaceae Qu
Eulaliopsis Poaceae Qu
Eumachia Eumachus, Greek herbalist mentioned by Theophrastus Rubiaceae Bu
Eupatorium Mithridates VI Eupator (132–63 BC) Asteraceae Qu
Eupatoriastrum Asteraceae B2
Eupatorina Asteraceae Qu
Eupatoriopsis Asteraceae Qu
Euphronia Euphronis, ancient writer on cultivation Euphroniaceae Bu
Everardia Everard im Thurn (1852–1932) Cyperaceae Qu
Everistia Selwyn Lawrence Everist (1913–1981), Australian botanist at the Queensland herbarium Rubiaceae Bu
Eversmannia Eduard Friedrich Eversmann (1794–1860) Fabaceae Qu
Ewartia Alfred James Ewart (1872–1937) Asteraceae Qu
Ewartiothamnus Asteraceae Qu
Exbucklandia William Buckland (1784–1856) Hamamelidaceae Qu
Exellodendron Arthur Wallis Exell (1901–1993) Chrysobalanaceae Qu
Eysenhardtia Carl Wilhelm Eysenhardt (1794–1825), German doctor and naturalist; later a professor of botany in Königsberg Fabaceae Qu
Faberia Ernst Faber (1839–1899), German clergyman, sinologist and naturalist Asteraceae Bu
Fabiana Francisco Fabián y Fuero (1719–1801), clergyman; founded a botanical garden Solanaceae Co
Facchinia Francesco Angelo Facchini (1788–1852) Caryophyllaceae Bu
Fadenia Robert Bruce Faden (b. 1942), American botanist at the Smithsonian Institution Amaranthaceae Qu
Fagraea Jonas Theodor Fagraeus (1729–1797), Swedish botanist and doctor in Gothenburg Gentianaceae Qu
Faguetia Auguste Faguet (1841–1886) Anacardiaceae Bu
Faidherbia Louis Faidherbe (1818–1889), army general Fabaceae Bu
Falconeria Hugh Falconer (1808–1865) Euphorbiaceae Qu
Falkia Johan Peter Falk (1732–1774) Convolvulaceae Qu
Fallopia Gabriele Falloppio (1523–1562), professor of anatomy and pharmacy Polygonaceae Co
Fallugia Virgilio Fallugi (1625–1707), Italian botanist Rosaceae St
Fanninia George Fox Fannin (1832–1865), Irish botanist and plant collector in Natal in South Africa Apocynaceae Qu
Fargesia Paul Guillaume Farges (1844–1912) Poaceae Ba
Farmeria William Francis Gamul Farmer (1811–1860), English high sheriff in Surrey; orchid enthusiast Podostemaceae Bu
Faroa João Cabral Pereira Lapa e Faro (c. 1820 – c. 1896), Portuguese doctor in western southern Africa Gentianaceae Bu
Farquharia John Henry Joseph Farquhar (1879–1972), forester and plant collector in Nigeria Apocynaceae Qu
Farsetia Filippo Farsetti (1703–1774), patron of botany and the arts Brassicaceae Bu
Fatoua Jean Baptiste Ambroise Fatou (1786–1858), French naval apothecary Moraceae Bu
Faucherea Ètienne Aimé Fauchère (1876–1950), French colonial administrator and general inspector in the agricultural service in Madagascar Sapotaceae Bu
Faujasia Barthélemy Faujas de Saint-Fond (1741–1819) Asteraceae Qu
Faujasiopsis Asteraceae Qu
Faurea William Caldwell Faure (1822–1844), South African soldier and botanist Proteaceae Qu
Favratia Louis Favrat (1827–1893), Swiss teacher and botanist, conservator at the botanical museum in Lausanne Campanulaceae Bu
Faxonia Charles Edward Faxon (1846–1918) Asteraceae Bu
Feddea Friedrich Karl Georg Fedde (1873–1942) Asteraceae Bu
Feeria Heinrich Feer (1857–1892), Swiss botanist in Geneva, and Carl Feer-Herzog (1820–1880), politician Campanulaceae Qu
Feijoa João da Silva Feijó (1760–1824) Myrtaceae Qu
Feldstonia Carl Hansen Ostenfeld (1873–1931) Asteraceae Bu
Feliciadamia Henri Jacques-Félix (1907–2008), French naturalist at the National Museum of Natural History, and Jaques-George Adam (1909–1980), French botanist and plant collector in France and Africa Melastomataceae Qu
Fendlera Augustus Fendler (1813–1883) Hydrangeaceae St
Fendlerella Hydrangeaceae Qu
Fenixia Eugenio Fenix (1883–1939), forester; collected in the Philippines for the Arnold Arboretum at Harvard University Asteraceae Bu
Ferdinandusa Ferdinand I of Austria (1793–1875) Rubiaceae Bu
Feretia Pierre Victor Adolphe Ferret (1814–1882), French botanist and researcher with the military Rubiaceae Bu
Fergusonia William Ferguson (1820–1887) Rubiaceae Qu
Fernandezia Gregorio García Fernández (d. 1798), Spanish professor of medicine in Madrid Orchidaceae Qu
Fernandoa Ferdinand II of Portugal (1816–1885) Bignoniaceae Bu
Fernelia Jean Fernel (1497–1558), doctor Rubiaceae Qu
Fernseea Heinrich Wawra von Fernsee (1831–1881) Bromeliaceae Bu
Ferraria Giovanni Baptista Ferrari (1584–1655) Iridaceae St
Ferreyranthus Ramón Ferreyra (1910–2005), Peruvian botanist; curator of the herbarium and professor of natural history in Lima Asteraceae Qu
Ferreyrella Asteraceae Qu
Fessia Bernhard Heindl (b. 1947), Austrian philosopher, anthropologist, psychologist, writer and agricultural scientist Asparagaceae Bu
Fevillea Louis Feuillée (1660–1732) Cucurbitaceae Qu
Fibigia Johann Fibig (1758–1792), German doctor and naturalist; professor in Mainz; built up the botanical garden there Brassicaceae Qu
Ficalhoa Francisco Manuel de Melo Breyner, 4th Count of Ficalho (1837–1903) Sladeniaceae Bu
Ficinia Heinrich David August Ficinus (1782–1857), German doctor, apothecary, naturalist and professor in Dresden Cyperaceae Qu
Fiebrigiella Karl August Gustav Fiebrig (1869–1951) Fabaceae Bu
Fieldia Barron Justice Field (1786–1846), English-born Australian lawyer, poet and writer; a judge on the Supreme Court of New South Wales Gesneriaceae Qu
Filetia Gerrit Jan Filet (1825–1891), Dutch military doctor Acanthaceae Qu
Filgueirasia Tarciso S. Filgueiras (b. 1950), Brazilian botanist; specialist in grasses Poaceae Bu
Fillaeopsis Edmé Jean Filleau de Saint-Hilaire (1779–1845), French economist, journalist and colonial administrator Fabaceae Bu
Fingerhuthia Carl Anton Fingerhuth (c. 1800 – 1876), German doctor and mycologist Poaceae Qu
Finlaysonia George Finlayson (1790–1823) Apocynaceae Qu
Finschia Otto Finsch (1839–1917) Proteaceae Bu
Firmiana Karl Joseph von Firmian (1716–1782), nobleman Malvaceae St
Fischeria Friedrich Ernst Ludwig von Fischer (1782–1854) Apocynaceae Qu
Fitchia Walter Hood Fitch (1817–1892) Asteraceae Qu
Fittingia Hans Fitting (1877–1970) Primulaceae Bu
Fittonia Sarah Mary Fitton (c. 1796 – 1874) and her sister Elizabeth Fitton Acanthaceae Co
Fitzroya Robert FitzRoy (1805–1865) Cupressaceae St
Fitzwillia William Vincent Fitzgerald (1867–1929) Asteraceae Bu
Flacourtia Étienne de Flacourt (1607–1660) Salicaceae St
Fleischmannia Gottfried Fleischmann (1777–1850), German professor of anatomy in Erlangen Asteraceae Qu
Fleischmanniopsis Asteraceae Qu
Flemingia John Fleming (1747–1829) Fabaceae St
Fleurydora Francis Fleury (1882–1919), French plant collector, including in Africa and Asia Ochnaceae Qu
Flindersia Matthew Flinders (1774–1814), navigator Rutaceae Qu
Floerkea Heinrich Gustav Flörke (1764–1835) Limnanthaceae Qu
Floscaldasia Francisco José de Caldas (1768–1816) Asteraceae Qu
Flosmutisia José Celestino Mutis (1732–1808) Asteraceae Qu
Flourensia Jean Pierre Flourens (1794–1867), doctor Asteraceae Bu
Floydia Alexander Floyd (b. 1926) Proteaceae Bu
Flueggea Johannes Flüggé (1775–1816) Phyllanthaceae Qu
Flyriella Lowell David Flyr (1937–1971) Asteraceae Bu
Fockea Gustav Woldemar Focke (1810–1877) Apocynaceae Qu
Foleyola Henri Foley (1871–1956), French doctor at the Pasteur Institute of Algeria Brassicaceae Bu
Fonkia Francisco Fonk (1830–1912), Chilean doctor in Puerto Montt Plantaginaceae Bu
Fontainea Constant Aristide Fontaine (1818–1900), French professor of chemistry and toxicology at the school of naval medicine in Toulon Euphorbiaceae Bu
Fontanesia René Louiche Desfontaines (1750–1833) Oleaceae St
Forchhammeria Johan Georg Forchhammer (1794–1865) Resedaceae Qu
Fordia Charles Ford (1844–1927), British botanist who founded the botanical garden in Hong Kong Fabaceae Qu
Fordiophyton Melastomataceae Bu
Forestiera Robert André Forestier (1742–1812), French doctor Oleaceae St
Forgesia Antoine Marie Desforges-Boucher (1715 – c. 1790), French governor in Réunion Escalloniaceae Bu
Formania Adam Forman (1876–1976), Scottish clergyman who promoted the use of Sphagnum dressings for wounds in World War I Asteraceae Bu
Forsskaolea Peter Forsskål (1732–1763) Urticaceae Qu
Forstera Johann Reinhold Forster (1729–1798) and Georg Forster (1754–1794) Stylidiaceae Qu
Forsteronia Thomas Furly Forster (1761–1825) Apocynaceae Qu
Forsythia William Forsyth (1737–1804) Oleaceae Co
Fortunearia Robert Fortune (1812–1880) Hamamelidaceae Qu
Fortuynia Fortuyne, unknown person from present-day Jakarta, Indonesia Brassicaceae Bu
Forzzaea Rafaela Campostrini Forzza (b.1972), Brazilian botanist and curator of the Herbarium of the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden Bromeliaceae Bt
Fosbergia Francis Raymond Fosberg (1908–1993) Rubiaceae Bu
Fosterella Mulford B. Foster (1888–1978) Bromeliaceae Bu
Fothergilla John Fothergill (1712–1780) Hamamelidaceae Co
Fouquieria Pierre Fouquier (1776–1850), doctor Fouquieriaceae Ch
Frailea Manuel Fraile (1850–1944), gardener with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Cactaceae St
Franciscodendron William Douglas Francis (1889–1959) Malvaceae Bu
Francoa Francisco Franco (c. 1515 – c. 1569), Spanish doctor Francoaceae Ch
Frankenia Johann Francke (1590–1661), Swedish botanist Frankeniaceae Ch
Franklandia Thomas Frankland, 6th Baronet (1750–1831) Proteaceae Qu
Franklinia Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790), polymath Theaceae Co
Frasera John Fraser (1750–1811) Gentianaceae St
Fraunhofera Joseph von Fraunhofer (1787–1826), physicist Celastraceae Bu
Freesia Friedrich Freese (1795–1876), German botanist Iridaceae Co
Fremontodendron John C. Frémont (1813–1890), explorer and politician Malvaceae Co
Freycinetia Louis de Freycinet (1779–1842), naval officer and naturalist Pandanaceae St
Freylinia Lorenzo Freylino (1754–1820), Italian nobleman and naturalist; maintained a garden with 6000 exotic plants in Buttigliera d'Asti Scrophulariaceae Bu
Freziera Amédée-François Frézier (1682–1773) Pentaphylacaceae Qu
Fridericia Frederick William III of Prussia (1770–1840) Bignoniaceae Bu
Friesodielsia Robert Elias Fries (1876–1966) and Ludwig Diels (1874–1945) Annonaceae Bu
Frithia Frank Frith (1872–1954), English and South African gardener with the South African Railways and Harbours Administration; collected succulents in South Africa and Namibia Aizoaceae Qu
Fritzschia Carl Julius Fritzsche (1808–1871) Melastomataceae Bu
Froelichia Josef Aloys Frölich (1766–1841) Amaranthaceae St
Froelichiella Amaranthaceae Qu
Froesia Richardo de Lemos Fróes (1891–1960), Brazilian plant collector Ochnaceae Bu
Froesiochloa Poaceae Bu
Froesiodendron Annonaceae Bu
Frolovia Pjotr Kosmitsch von Frolow (1775–1839), Russian governor in Barnaul; built up a botanical garden with Siberian plants Asteraceae Bu
Frommia Paul Ludwig Theodor Johannis Fromm (1864–1940), German military officer, cartographer, naturalist and collector in eastern southern Africa Apiaceae Bu
Froriepia Ludwig Friedrich von Froriep (1779–1847), German doctor, professor of medicine and anatomy in Jena and Halle Apiaceae Bu
Fryxellia Paul Fryxell (1927–2011) Malvaceae Qu
Fuchsia Leonhart Fuchs (1501–1566) Onagraceae Co
Fuernrohria August Emanuel Fürnrohr (1804–1861), German botanist and professor at a school in Regensburg Apiaceae Qu
Fuerstia Carl Magnus Fürst (1854–1935), Swedish doctor, professor of anatomy and histology at Lund University Lamiaceae Bu
Fuertesia Miguel Domingo Fuertes Lorén (1871–1926), Spanish clergyman, plant collector on Hispaniola and Cuba Loasaceae Bu
Fuertesiella Orchidaceae Bu
Fuertesimalva Javier Fuertes (b. 1960), Spanish botanist; specialist in Malvaceae Malvaceae Bu
Fuirena Joergen Fuiren (1581–1628), Danish doctor and botanist from Copenhagen Cyperaceae Qu
Fulcaldea Emmanuel de Foucault (fl. 1813), French botanist; wrote on preservation of woodlands Asteraceae Bu
Funkiella Nicolas Funck (1816–1896), Luxembourg architect, zoologist, botanist and explorer; director of the zoos in Brussels and Cologne Orchidaceae Qu
Furcraea Antoine François, comte de Fourcroy (1755–1809) Asparagaceae St
Furtadoa Caetano Xavier dos Remedios Furtado (1897–1980), Indian botanist at the botanical garden in Singapore Araceae Qu
Gaertnera Joseph Gaertner (1732–1791) Rubiaceae Qu
Gagea Thomas Gage (1761–1820) Liliaceae St
Gagnebina Abraham Gagnebin (1707–1800), Swiss military doctor and botanist with a surgical practice near Bern Fabaceae Qu
Gagnepainia François Gagnepain (1866–1952) Zingiberaceae Qu
Gahnia Henrik Gahn (1747–1816), Swedish naval doctor and botanist; student of Carl Linnaeus Cyperaceae Qu
Gaillardia Antoine René Gaillard de Charentonneau (d. 1791), French magistrate and botanist Asteraceae Co
Gaimardia Joseph Paul Gaimard (1793–1858) Restionaceae Qu
Galeana Hermenegildo Galeana (1762–1814), independence fighter Asteraceae Bu
Galeottia Henri Guillaume Galeotti (1814–1858) Orchidaceae Qu
Galeottiella Orchidaceae Qu
Galiniera Joseph Germain Galinier (1814–1888), French military officer, explorer and cartographer Rubiaceae Bu
Galinsoga Ignacio Mariano Martinez de Galinsoga (1766–1797) Asteraceae Qu
Galitzkya Nikolai Petrovic Ikonnikov-Galitzky (1892–1942) Brassicaceae Bu
Gallardoa Ángel Gallardo (1867–1934) Malpighiaceae Bu
Gallesia Giorgio Gallesio (1772–1839) Petiveriaceae Qu
Gallienia Joseph Gallieni (1849–1916), army general Rubiaceae Bu
Galopina Jean-François de Galaup, comte de Lapérouse (1741–1788) Rubiaceae Bu
Galpinia Ernest Edward Galpin (1858–1941) Lythraceae Qu
Galvezia José de Gálvez, 1st Marquess of Sonora (1720–1787) Plantaginaceae Qu
Gambelia William Gambel (1823–1849) Plantaginaceae Qu
Gambeya Henri Gambey (1787–1847), French mechanic and entrepreneur who made precision instruments (sextants, compasses, etc.) for many scientists Sapotaceae Bu
Gamblea James Sykes Gamble (1847–1925) Araliaceae Qu
Garberia Abram Paschal Garber (1838–1881), American doctor and botanist from Pennsylvania who discovered or rediscovered this genus in southern Florida Asteraceae Bu
Garcia Basilio Garcia Perez Caballero, paymaster for the Spanish king in Santa Marta in present-day Colombia Euphorbiaceae Bu
Garciadelia Ricardo Guarionex García (b. 1960), Dominican professor of botany at the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo and director of the botanical garden Euphorbiaceae Bu
Garcibarrigoa Hernando García-Barriga (1913–2005), Colombian professor at the National University of Colombia in Bogotá; founded the botanical garden there Asteraceae Bu
Garcinia Laurent Garcin (1683–1751), French botanist and fellow of the Royal Society Clusiaceae St
Gardenia Alexander Garden (1730–1791) Rubiaceae Co
Gardeniopsis Rubiaceae Qu
Gardneria Edward Gardner (1784–1861), English colonial administrator at the court of the raja of Nepal Loganiaceae Qu
Gardnerina George Gardner (1810–1849) Asteraceae Bu
Garnieria Jules Garnier (1839–1904) Proteaceae Bu
Garnotia Prosper Garnot (1794–1838) Poaceae Qu
Garrettia Henry Burton Guest Garrett (1871–1959), forester and plant collector, conservator with the Forestry Department in Chiang Mai, Thailand Lamiaceae Qu
Garrya Nicholas Garry (c. 1782 – 1856), merchant and trader Garryaceae Ch
Gastoniella Gerald Joseph Gastony (b.1940), American botanist working at the University of Michigan Pteridaceae Bt
Gaudichaudia Charles Gaudichaud-Beaupré (1789–1854) Malpighiaceae Bu
Gaudinia Jean François Aimé Théophile Philippe Gaudin (1766–1833) Poaceae Qu
Gaultheria Jean François Gaultier (1708–1756) Ericaceae Co
Gaussia Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855), mathematician Arecaceae Qu
Gaya Jaques Étienne Gay (1786–1864) Malvaceae Bu
Gaylussacia Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac (1778–1850), chemist Ericaceae St
Gayophytum Claude Gay (1800–1873) Onagraceae Qu
Gazania Theodorus Gaza (1398–1478), classicist Asteraceae Co
Geesinkorchis Robert Geesink (1945–1992), Dutch botanist at the herbarium in Leiden Orchidaceae Bu
Geigeria Philipp Lorenz Geiger (1785–1836) Asteraceae Bu
Geijera J. D. Geijer (fl. 1686), Swedish botanist Rutaceae Qu
Geleznowia Nikolái Zheleznov (1816–1877), Russian professor of agronomy at Moscow State University Rutaceae Qu
Genlisea Stéphanie Félicité, comtesse de Genlis (1746–1830) Lentibulariaceae Qu
Gennaria Patrizio Gennari (1820–1897) Orchidaceae Qu
Gentiana Gentius (d. 168 BC), king Gentianaceae Ch
Gentianella Gentianaceae St
Gentianopsis Gentianaceae Bu
Gentianothamnus Gentianaceae Bu
Geoffroea Claude Joseph Geoffroy (1685–1752) Fabaceae Bu
Geohintonia George S. Hinton (b. 1949), Mexican rancher from Nuevo León who discovered this genus Cactaceae Bu
Georgeantha Alex George (b. 1939) Ecdeiocoleaceae Bu
Gerardiina John Gerard (1545–1612) Orobanchaceae Bu
Gerbera Traugott Gerber (1710–1743), German doctor and botanist Asteraceae Co
Gereaua Roy Emile Gereau (b. 1947) Sapindaceae Bu
Germainia Rodolphe Germain (1827–1917), French doctor and veterinarian in the colonial forces in Vietnam Poaceae Bu
Gerrardanthus William Tyrer Gerrard (c. 1831 – 1866) Cucurbitaceae Qu
Gerrardina Gerrardinaceae Qu
Gerritea Gerrit Davidse (b. 1940), Dutch-born American professor at Washington University in St. Louis and curator at the Missouri Botanical Garden Poaceae Bu
Gesneria Conrad Gessner (1516–1565) Gesneriaceae St
Gesnouinia François Gesnouin (1750–1814), French naval apothecary; taught chemistry in Brest Urticaceae Bu
Ghikaea Dimitrie Ghica-Comănești (1839–1923) and Nicholas Dimitri Ghika (1875–1921), plant collector Orobanchaceae Bu
Gibbsia Lilian Gibbs (1870–1925) Urticaceae Bu
Gibsoniothamnus Dorothy L. Nash Gibson (1921–2012), American botanist who studied the flora of Veracruz and Guatemala Schlegeliaceae Qu
Gilberta John Gilbert (1812–1845) Asteraceae Qu
Gilbertiodendron Georges Charles Clément Gilbert (1908–1983), Belgian plant collector and professor of botany in Leuven Fabaceae Bu
Gilesia Christopher Giles (c. 1840 – 1917), surveyor, and Ernest Giles (1835–1897) Malvaceae Bu
Gilgiochloa Ernest Friedrich Gilg (1867–1933) Poaceae Qu
Gilia Filippo Luigi Gilii (1756–1821), Italian clergyman, naturalist and astronomer who worked in part in the Vatican City Polemoniaceae Co
Giliastrum Polemoniaceae Qu
Gillbeea William Gillbee (1825–1885), Australian surgeon in Melbourne; supported botanical expeditions Cunoniaceae Bu
Gillenia Arnold Gille (1586–1633), German doctor Rosaceae Co
Gillespiea John Wynn Gillespie (1901–1932), American botanist who collected in Fiji; specialist in Rubiaceae Rubiaceae Bu
Gilletiodendron Justin Gillet (1866–1943), Belgian clergyman and plant collector Fabaceae Qu
Gilliesia John Gillies (1792–1834) Amaryllidaceae Qu
Gilmania Marshall French Gilman (1871–1944), American botanist from California with a focus on the flora of Death Valley Polygonaceae Qu
Gilruthia John A. Gilruth (1871–1937) Asteraceae Qu
Ginoria Carlo Ginori (1702–1757), manufacturer Lythraceae Bu
Girardinia Jean Pierre Louis Girardin (1803–1884), French agricultural chemist; professor in Rouen and Lille Urticaceae Bu
Girgensohnia Gustav Karl Girgensohn (1786–1872), Estonian botanist; court counselor in Tartu Amaranthaceae Qu
Gironniera Paul de la Gironière (1797–1862) Cannabaceae Qu
Gisekia Paul Dietrich Giseke (1741–1796) Gisekiaceae Qu
Givotia anagram derived from Joachim Otto Voigt (1798–1843) Euphorbiaceae Bu
Gjellerupia Knud Gjellerup (1876–1954), Danish doctor in Dutch service who participated in a German and Dutch expedition to New Guinea in 1909 and 1910 Opiliaceae Bu
Glaziophyton Auguste François Marie Glaziou (1828–1906) Poaceae Qu
Gleadovia Frank Gleadow (1856–1930), English forester and plant collector in India who discovered this plant Orobanchaceae Bu
Gleasonia Henry A. Gleason (1882–1975) Rubiaceae Qu
Gleditsia Johann Gottlieb Gleditsch (1714–1786) Fabaceae Co
Glehnia Peter von Glehn (1835–1876) Apiaceae Qu
Gleichenia Wilhelm Friedrich von Gleichen (1717–1783) Gleicheniaceae Bt
Gleichenella Gleicheniaceae Bt
Glekia Georg Ludwig Engelhard Krebs (1792–1844) Scrophulariaceae Qu
Glionnetia Guy Lionnet (1922–2007) Rubiaceae Bu
Gloxinella Benjamin Peter Gloxin (1765–1794) Gesneriaceae Bu
Gloxinia Gesneriaceae Ba
Gmelina Johann Georg Gmelin (1709–1755) Lamiaceae St
Gochnatia Frédéric Charles Gochnat (1784–1816), French botanist in Strasbourg with a focus on chicory Asteraceae Bu
Godmania Frederick DuCane Godman (1834–1919) Bignoniaceae Qu
Godoya Manuel Godoy (1767–1851), statesman Ochnaceae Bu
Goeppertia Heinrich Göppert (1800–1884) Marantaceae Bu
Goerkemia Görkem Yıldırımlı (20th and 21st centuries), Turkish plant collector, son of the botanist Şinasi Yıldırımlı (b. 1949); they founded a herbarium Brassicaceae Bu
Goethalsia George Washington Goethals (1858–1928), army officer and engineer Malvaceae Bu
Goetzea Johann August Ephraim Goeze (1731–1823) Solanaceae Bu
Goldbachia Carl Ludwig Goldbach (1793–1824), German-born Russian professor of botany in Moscow Brassicaceae Qu
Goldmanella Edward Alphonso Goldman (1873–1946) Asteraceae Bu
Gomesa Bernardino Gomez (1769–1823), Portuguese botanist and naval surgeon Orchidaceae St
Gomortega Casimiro Gómez Ortega (1741–1818) Gomortegaceae Bu
Gongora Antonio Caballero y Góngora (1740–1818), archbishop Orchidaceae St
Gontscharovia Nikolái Gontscharow (1900–1942), Russian botanist and collector Lamiaceae Bu
Gonzalagunia Francisco Gonzales Laguna (d. 1899), Spanish clergyman and botanist in Lima Rubiaceae Bu
Gonzalezia María del Socorro González Elizondo (b. 1953), Mexican plant taxonomist with a focus on Cyperaceae Asteraceae Bu
Goodallia Edward Angelo Goodall (1819–1908), painter and illustrator Thymelaeaceae Bu
Goodenia Samuel Goodenough (1743–1827) Goodeniaceae Ch
Goodia Peter Good (d. 1803) Fabaceae St
Goodmania George Jones Goodman (1904–1999), American professor of botany at the University of Oklahoma and curator of the herbarium there Polygonaceae Qu
Goodyera John Goodyer (1592–1664) Orchidaceae St
Gorceixia Claude-Henri Gorceix (1842–1919) Asteraceae Bu
Gordonia James Gordon (c. 1708 – 1780), London horticulturalist Theaceae Ba
Gorteria David de Gorter (1717–1783) Asteraceae Qu
Gossia Wayne Goss (1951–2014), politician Myrtaceae Bu
Gossweilera John Gossweiler (1873–1952) Asteraceae Qu
Gouania Antoine Gouan (1733–1821) Rhamnaceae Qu
Goudaea Eric Gouda (b. 1957), Dutch botanist; specialist in Bromeliaceae Bromeliaceae Bu
Gouinia François Marie Gabriel Gouin (1818–1873), French military doctor; collected grasses in Veracruz in Mexico Poaceae Bu
Govenia James Robert Gowen (1783–1862), English horticulturist from the village of Highclere in Hampshire, England; experimented with rhododendrons; secretary of the Royal Horticultural Society Orchidaceae Qu
Graderia anagram derived from John Gerard (1545–1612) Orobanchaceae Bu
Graellsia Mariano de la Paz Graells y de la Agüera (1809–1898) Brassicaceae Qu
Graffenrieda Franz Ludwig von Graffenried (1600–1661), Swiss nobleman; published Johann Bauhin's Historia plantarum universalis Melastomataceae Bu
Grafia Žiga Graf (1801–1838), German doctor and botanist in Ljubljana Apiaceae Bu
Grahamia Maria Graham (1785–1842), writer and illustrator, and/or Robert Graham (1786–1845) Anacampserotaceae Qu
Grandidiera Alfred Grandidier (1836–1921) Achariaceae Qu
Grangea Joseph-Louis Lagrange (1736–1813), mathematician Asteraceae Bu
Grangeopsis Asteraceae Bu
Grangeria Claude Granger (c. 1680 – 1737), French doctor who traveled and collected seeds in Judah and Egypt Chrysobalanaceae Bu
Grauanthus Jürke Grau (b. 1937), German botanist who worked in systematic botany at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Asteraceae Bu
Grausa Loasaceae Bt
Gravesia Louis Graves (1791–1857), French botanist, geologist and archeologist; director of waterways and forests in Oise in France Melastomataceae Qu
Grayia Asa Gray (1810–1888) Amaranthaceae Qu
Grazielanthus Graziela Maciel Barroso (1912–2003) Monimiaceae Bu
Grazielia Asteraceae Bu
Grazielodendron Fabaceae Bu
Greenea Benjamin Daniel Greene (1793–1862) Rubiaceae Qu
Greeneocharis Edward Lee Greene (1843–1915) Boraginaceae Qu
Greeniopsis Benjamin Daniel Greene (1793–1862) Rubiaceae Bu
Greenmaniella Jesse More Greenman (1867–1951) Asteraceae Qu
Greenwayodendron Percy James Greenway (1897–1980), South African botanist at the agricultural research station and herbarium in Nairobi, Kenya Annonaceae Greenwoodiella Qu
Greenwoodiella Edward Warren Greenwood (1918–2002), Canadian botanist who explored Mexico Orchidaceae Bt
Gregbrownia Gregory K. Brown (b. 1951), American botanist; specialist in Bromeliaceae Bromeliaceae Bu
Greigia Samuel Greig (1827–1887), president of the Russian Horticultural Society Bromeliaceae St
Greslania Ivenor de Greslan (1839–1900), French agronomist; born in Réunion Poaceae Bu
Greuteria Werner Rodolfo Greuter, (b.1938) Swiss botanist and chair of the Editorial Committee for the (ICBN) Fabaceae Bt
Grevea Grevé (d. 1895), French naturalist and rancher on Madagascar; collected plants and fossils Montiniaceae Bu
Grevillea Charles Francis Greville (1749–1809), antiquarian Proteaceae Co
Grewia Nehemiah Grew (1641–1712) Malvaceae St
Greyia George Grey (1812–1898), explorer Melianthaceae St
Griffinia William Griffin (d. 1827), London horticulturalist Amaryllidaceae St
Griffonia Marie-Théophile Griffon du Bellay (1829–1908) Fabaceae Bu
Grimmeodendron Friedrich Wilhelm Grimme (1827–1887), writer and botanist Euphorbiaceae Bu
Grindelia David Hieronymus Grindel (1776–1836), Latvian botanist Asteraceae St
Grisebachianthus August Grisebach (1814–1879) Asteraceae Qu
Griselinia Francesco Griselini (1717–1783), Italian botanist Griseliniaceae Ch
Grisollea Augustin Grisolle (1811–1869), doctor Stemonuraceae Bu
Grobya George Grey, 8th Baron Grey of Groby (1802–1835) Orchidaceae Qu
Groenlandia Johannes Groenland (1824–1891) Potamogetonaceae Qu
Gronovia Jan Frederik Gronovius (1686–1762) Loasaceae Qu
Grosourdya René de Grosourdy (1807–1864), French doctor, chemist and botanist; plant collector in Cuba, Puerto Rico and South America Orchidaceae Qu
Grossera Wilhelm Carl Heinrich Grosser (1869–1942), German botanist, director of a research institute in Wrocław Euphorbiaceae Qu
Grosvenoria American journalists Gilbert Hovey Grosvenor (1875–1966) and his son Melville Bell Grosvenor (1901–1982) and grandson Gilbert M. Grosvenor (b. 1931) Asteraceae Bu
Grubbia Michael Grubb (1728–1808), Swedish botanist, plant collector and mineralogist Grubbiaceae Qu
Grubovia Valeri Grúbov (1917–2009), Russian botanist with a focus on central Asia Amaranthaceae Bu
Grusonia Hermann Gruson (1821–1885), industrialist Cactaceae Ba
Guanchezia Francisco J. Guánchez (b. 1953), Venezuelan plant collector who organized botanical excursions Orchidaceae Bu
Guardiola José Antonio Fernández de Ceballos González-Calderón, Marquès de Guardiola (1767–1824), Mexican naturalist, student of Vicente Cervantes Asteraceae Bu
Guatteria Giambattista Guatteri (1739–1793), Italian professor of botany in Parma Annonaceae Bu
Gueldenstaedtia Johann Anton Güldenstädt (1745–1781) Fabaceae Qu
Guettarda Jean-Étienne Guettard (1715–1786) Rubiaceae Qu
Guevaria Alvaro E. Guevara, an American from Austin, Texas; assisted the author of the genus, Robert Merrill King Asteraceae Bu
Guibourtia Nicolas-Jean-Baptiste-Gaston Guibourt (1790–1867) Fabaceae Qu
Guichenotia Antoine Guichenot (1783–1867) Malvaceae Qu
Guilfoylia William Guilfoyle (1840–1912) Surianaceae Qu
Guilleminea Jean Baptiste Antoine Guillemin (1796–1842) Amaranthaceae Qu
Guioa José Guio y Sánchez (fl. 1794), Spanish plant illustrator, including for Luis Née Sapindaceae Qu
Guiraoa Ángel Guirao y Navarro (1817–1890), Spanish doctor, naturalist and politician from Murcia who discovered this plant Brassicaceae Bu
Guizotia François Guizot (1787–1874), historian Asteraceae St
Gundelia Andreas von Gundelsheimer (1668–1715) Asteraceae Qu
Gundlachia Juan Gundlach (1810–1896) Asteraceae Bu
Gunillaea Gunilla Thulin, wife of the Swedish botanist (and author of this genus) Mats Thulin (b. 1948) Campanulaceae Bu
Gunnarella Gunnar Seidenfaden (1908–2001) Orchidaceae Qu
Gunnera Johan Ernst Gunnerus (1718–1773) Gunneraceae Ch
Gunnessia Ann Gunness (20th century), collector of this plant and others in the vicinity of Weipa, Queensland, in Australia Apocynaceae Bu
Gunniopsis Ronald Campbell Gunn (1808–1881) Aizoaceae Qu
Gustavia Gustav III (1746–1792) Lecythidaceae Bu
Gutenbergia Johannes Gutenberg (1400–1468), printer Asteraceae Bu
Guthriea Francis Guthrie (1831–1899) Achariaceae Qu
Gutierrezia Pedro Gutierrez (fl. 1802), Spanish botanist in El Puerto de Santa María Asteraceae Bu
Guynesomia Guy L. Nesom (b. 1945) Asteraceae Bu
Guyonia Jean Guyon (1794–1870), French military doctor; chief military surgeon in Algeria Melastomataceae Bu
Guzmania Anastasio Guzman (d. 1807), Spanish apothecary and naturalist Bromeliaceae Ba
Gyminda Franz Mygind (1710–1789), Danish and Austrian court official; collected plants in Barbados Celastraceae Bu
Haageocereus Walther Max Haage (1899–1992), German gardener and nonfiction author; inherited a cactus nursery, and supported many cactus-collecting expeditions Cactaceae Ba
Haastia Julius von Haast (1824–1887) Asteraceae Ba
Haberlea Carl Constantin Haberle (1764–1832), professor of botany in Hungary Gesneriaceae St
Hablitzia Carl Ludwig Hablitz (1752–1821) Amaranthaceae St
Hackelia Josef Hackel (1783–1869), Bohemian clergyman; professor of agriculture at a school in Litoměřice Boraginaceae Qu
Hackelochloa Eduard Hackel (1850–1926) Poaceae Qu
Hacquetia Belsazar Hacquet (1739–1815) Apiaceae Co
Haeckeria Gottfried Renatus Haecker (1789–1864), German apothecary, botanist and conservator in Lübeck Asteraceae Qu
Haegiela Laurence Haegi (b. 1952), Australian botanist at the botanical garden in Adelaide, Australia Asteraceae Bu
Hagenbachia Karl Friedrich Hagenbach (1771–1849), Swiss doctor and professor of botany and anatomy at the University of Basel Asparagaceae Qu
Hagenia Karl Gottfried Hagen (1749–1829) Rosaceae Qu
Hagsatera Eric Hágsater (b. 1945), Mexican botanist and herbarium director; specialist in orchids Orchidaceae Qu
Hainardia Pierre Hainard (b. 1936), Swiss botanist and ecologist from Geneva Poaceae Bu
Hakea Christian Ludwig von Hake (1745–1818), German botanical patron Proteaceae St
Halacsya Eugen von Halácsy (1842–1913) Boraginaceae Qu
Halenia Jonas Petri Halenius (1727–1810), Swedish doctor and student of Carl Linnaeus Gentianaceae Bu
Halesia Stephen Hales (1677–1761) Styracaceae Co
Halfordia George Britton Halford (1824–1910), physiologist Rutaceae Qu
Halgania Emmanuel Halgan (1771–1852), naval officer Boraginaceae Qu
Halleorchis Nicolas Hallé (b. 1927), French botanist at the National Museum of Natural History Orchidaceae Bu
Halleria Albrecht von Haller (1708–1777) Stilbaceae Qu
Hallianthus Harry Hall (1906–1986) Aizoaceae Qu
Hamelia Henri-Louis Duhamel du Monceau (1700–1781) Rubiaceae St
Hamilcoa Hamilcar I of Carthage (5th century BC) Euphorbiaceae Bu
Hammarbya Carl Linnaeus Orchidaceae Qu
Hammeria Steven A. Hammer (b. 1951), American botanist, horticulturist and plant collector Aizoaceae Bu
Hampea Georg Ernst Ludwig Hampe (1795–1880) Malvaceae Qu
Hanabusaya Hanabusa Yoshitada (1842–1917), Japanese diplomat Campanulaceae Bu
Hanburia Daniel Hanbury (1825–1875) Cucurbitaceae Bu
Hancea Henry Fletcher Hance (1827–1886) Euphorbiaceae Qu
Hanceola Lamiaceae Qu
Hancockia William Hancock (1847–1914), Irish botanist who collected for Kew Gardens in Asia Orchidaceae Qu
Hancornia Phillip Hancorn (18th and 19th centuries), English seafarer, in the service of the Portuguese navy for many years Apocynaceae Qu
Handelia Heinrich von Handel-Mazzetti (1882–1940) Asteraceae Qu
Handeliodendron Sapindaceae Qu
Handroanthus Oswaldo Handro (1908–1986) Bignoniaceae Bu
Haniffia Mohamed Haniff (d. 1930), plant collector who oversaw botanical gardens in present-day Malaysia Zingiberaceae Qu
Hannafordia Samuel Hannaford (1828–1874), English and Australian journalist who wrote about botany and agriculture Malvaceae Qu
Hannonia Hanno the Navigator (c. 480 BC – 440 BC) Amaryllidaceae Bu
Hanseniella Bertel Hansen (1932-2005) Danish botanist and lecturer Podostemaceae Bt
Hanslia Johanna "Hansli" Cnefelius, née Hegner, a friend of the author of the genus, Anton Karl Schindler Fabaceae Bu
Harashuteria Hiroshi Hara (1911–1986) Fabaceae Bu
Harbouria Jared Patterson Harbour (1831–1917), collector in the Rocky Mountains of North America Apiaceae St
Hardenbergia Franziska, Countess von Hardenberg (1794–1870) Fabaceae Co
Hardwickia Thomas Hardwicke (1756–1835) Fabaceae Qu
Harfordia William George Willoughby Harford (1825–1911), American botanist and taxonomist; curator at the California Academy of Sciences Polygonaceae Bu
Harleya Harley Harris Bartlett (1886–1960) Asteraceae Bu
Harleyodendron Raymond Mervyn Harley (b. 1936), English botanist at Kew Gardens; collected in England, Brazil, Mexico and Paraguay Fabaceae Bu
Harmandia Jules Harmand (1845–1921), French naval doctor and naturalist; collected in Southeast Asia, Japan and present-day Sri Lanka Olacaceae Bu
Harmonia Harvey Monroe Hall (1874–1932) Asteraceae Bu
Harmsia Hermann Harms (1870–1942) Malvaceae Qu
Harmsiodoxa Brassicaceae Qu
Harmsiopanax Araliaceae Qu
Harnackia Adolf von Harnack (1851–1930), historian Asteraceae Bu
Haroldia Harold E. Robinson (b. 1932) Asteraceae Bt
Haroldiella Harold St. John (1892–1991) Urticaceae Bu
Harperella Roland McMillan Harper (1878–1966) Apiaceae Bu
Harperocallis Tofieldiaceae Qu
Harrisia William Harris (1860–1920), Superintendent of the Public Gardens in Jamaica Cactaceae St
Harrysmithia Karl August Harald Smith (1889–1971), Swedish and American botanist, curator at the botanical museum in Uppsala Apiaceae Qu
Hartleya Thomas Gordon Hartley (1931–2016) Stemonuraceae Bu
Hartliella Dimitri Hartl (1926–2015), German botanist, professor at the University of Mainz; worked on Scrophulariaceae Linderniaceae Bu
Hartmanthus Heidrun Hartmann (1942–2016), German botanist, professor at the University of Hamburg Aizoaceae Bt
Hartogiopsis Johannes Hartog (c. 1663 – 1722), German gardener and plant collector in Dutch service in present-day Sri Lanka and South Africa Celastraceae Qu
Hartwrightia Samuel Hart Wright (1825–1905) Asteraceae Bu
Harveya William Henry Harvey (1811–1866) Orobanchaceae Qu
Hasseltia Johan Conrad van Hasselt (1797–1823) Salicaceae Qu
Hasseltiopsis Salicaceae Qu
Hastingsia Serranus Clinton Hastings (1813–1893), lawyer Asparagaceae Bu
Hatiora anagram of Hariota, for Thomas Harriot (1560–1621), scientist Cactaceae Co
Hatschbachiella Gerdt Guenther Hatschbach (1923–2013), Brazilian botanist and taxonomist who founded the botanical museum in Curitiba Asteraceae Bu
Haumania Lucien Leon Hauman (1880–1965) Marantaceae Qu
Haumaniastrum Lamiaceae Qu
Haussknechtia Heinrich Carl Haussknecht (1838–1903) Apiaceae Qu
Hauya René Just Haüy (1743–1822) Onagraceae Bu
Havardia Valery Havard (1846–1927) Fabaceae Qu
Havetiopsis Armand Havet (1795–1820) Clusiaceae Bu
Hawkesiophyton Jack Hawkes (1915–2007) Solanaceae Bu
Haworthia Adrian Hardy Haworth (1768–1833) Asphodelaceae St
Haworthiopsis Asphodelaceae Bt
Haya George William Robertson Hay (1845–1915), British doctor and naturalist Caryophyllaceae Bu
Hazardia Barclay Hazard (1852–1938), American amateur botanist in Santa Barbara, California Asteraceae Qu
Hebenstretia Johann Ernst Hebenstreit (1702–1757) Scrophulariaceae St
Heberdenia Thomas Heberden (1703–1769), William Heberden (1710–1801), or William Heberden the Younger (1767–1845), possibly Primulaceae Bu
Hechtia Julius Gottfried Konrad Hecht (1771–1837), Prussian counsellor Bromeliaceae St
Heckeldora Édouard Marie Heckel (1843–1916) Meliaceae Qu
Hectorella James Hector (1834–1907) Montiaceae Qu
Hedbergia Karl Olov Hedberg (1923–2007) Orobanchaceae Bu
Hedinia Sven Hedin (1865–1952) Brassicaceae Qu
Hedlundia Johan Teodor Hedlund (1861–1953), Swedish botanist Rosaceae Bt
Hedstromia John Maynard Hedstrom (1872–1951), politician Rubiaceae Bu
Heeria Oswald Heer (1809–1883) Anacardiaceae Qu
Hegnera Johanna "Hansli" Cnefelius, née Hegner, a friend of the author of the genus, Anton Karl Schindler Fabaceae Bu
Heimia Ernst Ludwig Heim (d. 1834) Lythraceae St
Heinsenia Ernst Heinsen (fl. 1894), German botanist from Glücksburg who collected this plant Rubiaceae Qu
Heinsia Daniël Heinsius (1580–1655), classicist Rubiaceae Qu
Heiseria Charles Bixler Heiser (1920–2010) Asteraceae Bu
Heisteria Lorenz Heister (1683–1758) Olacaceae Qu
Heldreichia Theodor von Heldreich (1822–1902) Brassicaceae Qu
Helietta Louis Théodore Hélie (1804–1867), French doctor and teacher; wrote about Ruta Rutaceae Bu
Hellenia Carl Niclas von Hellens (1745–1820) Costaceae Qu
Helleriella Alfonse Henry Heller (1894–1973), American mining engineer and botanist; specialist in orchids Orchidaceae Bu
Hellmuthia Hellmuth Steudel (1816–1886), German doctor in Esslingen; son of Ernst Gottlieb von Steudel Cyperaceae Bu
Helmholtzia Hermann von Helmholtz (1821–1894), scientist Philydraceae Qu
Helmiopsiella C. Helm, German clergyman in Berlin; amateur botanist Malvaceae Bu
Helmiopsis Malvaceae Bu
Helmontia Jan Baptist van Helmont (1580–1644), chemist Cucurbitaceae Bu
Helwingia Georg Andreas Helwing (1666–1748) Helwingiaceae Ch
Hemiboea François Beau (1723–1804), clergyman Gesneriaceae Bu
Hemsleya William Hemsley (1843–1924) Cucurbitaceae Qu
Henckelia Leo Victor Felix Henckel von Donnersmarck (1785–1861), German administrator; amateur botanist and member of a society of naturalists in Halle Gesneriaceae Qu
Henleophytum Friedrich Gustav Jakob Henle (1809–1885), doctor Malpighiaceae Qu
Hennecartia Jules-François Hennecart (1797–1888), French politician and banker who acquired Victor Jacquemont's herbarium Monimiaceae Qu
Henonia Jacques-Louis Hénon (1802–1872), politician Amaranthaceae Qu
Henoonia possibly Jacques-Louis Hénon (1802–1872), politician Solanaceae Bu
Henophyton Jean Baptiste Adrien Hénon (1821–1896), French military language interpreter; teacher of Arabic in Algeria; plant collector Brassicaceae Bu
Henrardia Johannes Theodoor Henrard (1881–1974), Dutch pharmacist and botanist; curator at the university herbarium in Leiden Poaceae Qu
Henricksonia James Solberg Henrickson (b. 1940) Asteraceae Bu
Henrya Aimé Constant Fidèle Henry (1801–1875), French-born German bookseller in Bonn; member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina Acanthaceae Qu
Henslowia John Stevens Henslow (1796–1861) Santalaceae Qu
Hensmania Alfred Hensman (1834–1902), politician Asphodelaceae Bu
Heppiella Johann Adam Philipp Hepp (1797–1867) Gesneriaceae Qu
Herbertia William Herbert (1778–1847) Iridaceae Ba
Herbstia Derral Raymon Herbst (b. 1934), American botanist in Hawaii Amaranthaceae Bu
Herderia Johann Gottfried Herder (1744–1803), philosopher Asteraceae Bu
Herissantia Louis-Antoine-Prosper Hérissant (1745–1769), French doctor, naturalist and poet Malvaceae Qu
Heritiera Charles Louis L'Héritier de Brutelle (1746–1800) Malvaceae Qu
Hermannia Paul Hermann (1646–1695) Malvaceae St
Hermbstaedtia Sigismund Friedrich Hermbstädt (1760–1833) Amaranthaceae Qu
Hernandia Francisco Hernández de Toledo (1514–1587) Hernandiaceae Qu
Herodotia Herodotus (c. 485 BC – c. 424 BC), historian Asteraceae Qu
Herrania Pedro Alcántara Herrán (1800–1872), army general and diplomat Malvaceae Qu
Herreranthus Pedro Pablo Herrera Oliver (20th and 21st centuries), Cuban biologist who worked at the ministry of science in Havana; specialist in native Asteraceae Asteraceae Bu
Herreria Gabriel Alonso de Herrera (c. 1470 – 1539) Asparagaceae Bu
Herreriopsis Asparagaceae Qu
Hertia Johann Casimir Hertius (1679–1748), German doctor and botanist; wrote a dissertation on Pimpinella Asteraceae Qu
Hesperomannia Horace Mann Jr. (1844–1868) Asteraceae Qu
Hessea Christian Heinrich Friedrich Hesse (1772–1832) Amaryllidaceae Bu
Heuchera Johann Heinrich von Heucher (1677–1746) Saxifragaceae Co
Hewittia Hewett Watson (1804–1881) Convolvulaceae Bu
Heynea Benjamin Heyne (1770–1819) Meliaceae Qu
Heynella Karel Heyne (1877–1947) Apocynaceae Qu
Heywoodia Arthur William Heywood (1853–1918), was with the forest department in Cape Town, South Africa Phyllanthaceae Qu
Hibbertia George Hibbert (1757–1837), merchant and slaver Dilleniaceae St
Hickelia Paul Robert Hickel (1865–1935), French botanist and dendrologist, active in forest preservation; founded the Société dendrologique Poaceae Bu
Hicksbeachia Michael Hicks Beach, 1st Earl St Aldwyn (1837–1916) Proteaceae Qu
Hidalgoa Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla (1753–1811), priest and independence fighter Asteraceae Bu
Hiepia Tiên Hiêp Nguyên (b. 1947), Vietnamese botanist; organized field research excursions in Southeast Asia Apocynaceae Bu
Hiernia William Philip Hiern (1839–1925) Orobanchaceae Qu
Hieronyma Joaquim Jerônimo Serpa (1773 – c. 1843), Brazilian doctor; professor of botany and director of the botanical garden in Olinda and Pernambuco Phyllanthaceae Bu
Hieronymiella Georg Hans Emmo Wolfgang Hieronymus (1846–1921) Amaryllidaceae Bu
Hilaria Augustin Augustin Saint-Hilaire (1779–1853), French botanist and entomologist; explored and collected in South America for many years Poaceae Qu
Hildebrandtia Johann Maria Hildebrandt (1847–1881) Convolvulaceae Qu
Hildegardia Hildegard of Bingen (1098–1179) Malvaceae Qu
Hillebrandia William Hillebrand (1821–1886) Begoniaceae Qu
Hilleria Matthaeus Hiller (1646–1725), German clergyman, professor and linguist in Tübingen Petiveriaceae Qu
Hillia John Hill (1716–1775) Rubiaceae Qu
Hilliardia Olive Mary Hilliard (b. 1925) Asteraceae Bu
Hilliardiella Asteraceae Bu
Hindsia Richard Brinsley Hinds (1811–1846) Rubiaceae Qu
Hinterhubera Rudolph Hinterhuber (1802–1892), Austrian botanist and apothecary in Bolzano and Mondsee Asteraceae Bu
Hintonella George Hinton (1882–1943), English-born Mexican mining engineer and plant collector Orchidaceae Qu
Hintonia Rubiaceae Qu
Hippia Hippias (c. 443 BC – c. 393 BC), philosopher Asteraceae Bu
Hippocratea Hippocrates (c. 460 BC – c. 377 BC), doctor Celastraceae Qu
Hippolytia Ippolit Krashenínnikov (1884–1947), Russian botanist and geographer; specialist in Asteraceae Asteraceae Bu
Hiraea Jean-Nicolas de La Hire (1685–1727), French doctor and botanist Malpighiaceae Qu
Hirschfeldia Christian Cay Lorenz Hirschfeld (1742–1794) Brassicaceae Qu
Hitchcockella A. S. Hitchcock (1865–1935) Poaceae Qu
Hladnikia Franz Hladnik (1773–1844) Apiaceae Qu
Hochreutinera Bénédict Pierre Georges Hochreutiner (1873–1959) Malvaceae Qu
Hockinia George Curnow Hockin (1812–1890), friend of the author of the genus in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and his brother John Hockin (1810–1893), an amateur botanist in Dominica Gentianaceae Bu
Hodgkinsonia Clement Hodgkinson (1818–1893) Rubiaceae Qu
Hodgsonia Brian Houghton Hodgson (1800–1894) Cucurbitaceae Qu
Hodgsoniola John Hodgson (1799–1860), politician Asphodelaceae Qu
Hoehnea Frederico Carlos Hoehne (1882–1959) Lamiaceae Qu
Hoehneella Orchidaceae Qu
Hoehnephytum Asteraceae Qu
Hoffmannanthus Karl August Otto Hoffmann (1853–1909) Asteraceae Bu
Hoffmannia Georg Franz Hoffmann (1761–1826) Lamiaceae St
Hoffmanniella Karl August Otto Hoffmann (1853–1909) Asteraceae Qu
Hoffmannseggia Johann Centurius Hoffmannsegg (1766–1849) Fabaceae Qu
Hofmeisterella Wilhelm Hofmeister (1824–1877) Orchidaceae Qu
Hofmeisteria Friedrich Hofmeister (1782–1864), German publisher and plant collector who built up a botanical garden and herbarium Asteraceae Qu
Hohenackeria Rudolph Friedrich Hohenacker (1798–1874) Apiaceae Qu
Hohenbergia Duke Paul Wilhelm of Württemberg (1797–1860) Bromeliaceae Ba
Hohenbergiopsis Bromeliaceae Bu
Hollandaea Henry Holland, 1st Viscount Knutsford (1825–1914) Proteaceae Bu
Hollermayera Athanasius Hollermayer (1860–1945), German clergyman and plant collector in Chile Brassicaceae Bu
Hollisteria William Welles Hollister, American rancher; this plant was found on his property in Santa Barbara, California Polygonaceae Qu
Holmbergia Eduardo Ladislao Holmberg (1852–1937) Amaranthaceae Qu
Holmgrenanthe Patricia Kern Holmgren (b. 1940), Noel Herman Holmgren (b. 1937), and Arthur Herman Holmgren (1912–1992) Plantaginaceae Bu
Holmskioldia Johan Theodor Holmskjold (1732–1794) Lamiaceae St
Holstianthus Bruce K. Holst (b. 1957), American botanist who worked at the Missouri Botanical Garden and the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens in Florida Rubiaceae Bu
Holttumochloa Richard Eric Holttum (1895–1990) Poaceae Bu
Holubia Emil Holub (1847–1902) Pedaliaceae Bu
Holzneria Wolfgang Holzner (1942–2014), Austrian botanist, Japanologist, and professor in Vienna Plantaginaceae Bu
Homollea Anne-Marie Homolle (1905–1988) Rubiaceae Qu
Honckenya Gerhard August Honckeny (1724–1805) Caryophyllaceae Qu
Hoodia William Chamberlain Hood (1790–1879), British doctor in Lambeth and collector of succulents Apocynaceae Bu
Hooglandia Ruurd Dirk Hoogland (1922–1994) Cunoniaceae Bu
Hookerochloa Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817–1911) Poaceae Bu
Hopea John Hope (1725–1786) Dipterocarpaceae Qu
Hopkinsia John Marquis Hopkins (1870–1912), politician Restionaceae Qu
Hoppea David Heinrich Hoppe (1760–1846) Gentianaceae Qu
Horaninovia Pavel Gorianinov (1796–1866), Russian botanist with a focus on fungus and ferns; professor at the medical academy in Saint Petersburg Amaranthaceae Qu
Horichia Clarence Klaus Horich (1921–1994), German botanist who collected in Canada and Central and South America; specialist in cactus Orchidaceae Qu
Hornea John Horne (1835–1905) Sapindaceae Qu
Hornschuchia Christian Friedrich Hornschuch (1793–1850) Annonaceae Bu
Hornstedtia Claës Fredrik Hornstedt (1758–1809) Zingiberaceae Qu
Hornungia Ernst Gottfried Hornung (1795–1862), Germany apothecary in Aschersleben; collected plants and bugs in the Harz Brassicaceae Qu
Horovitzia Salomón Horovitz (1897–1978), Argentinian agricultural engineer; professor of genetics at the National University of La Plata Caricaceae Bu
Horsfieldia Thomas Horsfield (1773–1859) Myristicaceae Qu
Horsfordia Eben Norton Horsford (1818–1893) and Frederick Hinsdale Horsford (1855–1923), American rancher and gardener Malvaceae Bu
Horstrissea Horst Risse (1948–1989), German botanist at the botanical garden in Dahlem in Berlin Apiaceae Bu
Hortia Garcia de Orta (c. 1500 – c. 1570) Rutaceae Bu
Hortonia Anne Wilmot-Horton (1787–1871), amateur botanist with knowledge of the plants of present-day Sri Lanka Monimiaceae Bu
Horvatia Adolf Olivér Horvát (1907–1997), Hungarian botanist; teacher of the author of this genus, Leslie Andrew Garay Orchidaceae Qu
Horwoodia Arthur Reginald Horwood (1879–1937), British paleobotanist and lichenologist at the city museum in Leicester and the Kew Herbarium Brassicaceae Qu
Hosackia David Hosack (1769–1835) Fabaceae St
Hosea George Hose (1838–1922), clergyman and plant collector Lamiaceae Bu
Hosiea Alexander Hosie (1853–1925), English diplomat, researcher and plant collector in China Icacinaceae Qu
Hoslundia Ole Haaslund-Schmidt (d. 1802), Danish botanist and plant collector in Ghana Lamiaceae Qu
Hosta Nicolaus Thomas Host (1771–1834) Asparagaceae Co
Hottarum Mitsuru Hotta (1935–2015) Araceae Bu
Hottonia Petrus Houttuyn (1648–1709) Primulaceae Co
Houlletia Romain Jean Baptiste Houllet (1815–1890), French horticulturalist Orchidaceae St
Houstonia William Houstoun (1695–1733) Rubiaceae Co
Houttuynia Martinus Houttuyn (1720–1798) Saururaceae Co
Hovea Anton Pantaleon Hove (d. 1830), Polish-born botanist Fabaceae St
Hovenia David ten Hove (1724–1787), Dutch senator Rhamnaceae St
Hoverdenia Adrian Josef Graf von Hoverden-Plencken (1798–1875), Silesian administrator and collector; president of the former museum in Wrocław Acanthaceae Bu
Howellia Thomas J. Howell (1842–1912) and his brother Joseph Howell (1830–1912) Campanulaceae Qu
Howelliella John Thomas Howell (1903–1994) Plantaginaceae Qu
Howittia Godfrey Howitt (1800–1873) Malvaceae Qu
Hoya Thomas Hoy (c. 1750 – 1822) Apocynaceae Co
Hua Henri Hua (1861–1919), French botanist, curator at the National Museum of Natural History Huaceae Bu
Huangtcia Tseng-Chieng Huang (b.1931) Taiwanese/Chinese botanist Fabaceae Bt
Hubbardia Charles Edward Hubbard (1900–1980) Poaceae Qu
Hubbardochloa Poaceae Qu
Huberantha Herbert Franz Josef Huber (1931–2005) Annonaceae Bt
Huberia François Huber (1750–1831) and his son Jean Pierre Huber Melastomataceae Bu
Huberodendron Jacques Huber (1867–1914) Malvaceae Bu
Huberopappus Otto Huber (b. 1944) Asteraceae Bu
Hubertia Joseph Hubert (1747–1826), French farmer on Réunion; wrote on the horticulture of exotic plants Asteraceae Bu
Hudsonia William Hudson (1730–1793) Cistaceae St
Huernia Justus Heurnius (b. 1587), Dutch missionary and plant collector Apocynaceae St
Huertea Jerónimo Gómez de la Huerta (1573–1643), Spanish personal physician, naturalist, poet and humanist Tapisciaceae Qu
Hughesia Regina Olson Hughes (1895–1993) Asteraceae Bu
Hugonia August Johann von Hugo (1686–1760), German personal physician at the court in Hannover; maintained a large herbarium Linaceae Bu
Hugueninia Auguste Huguenin (1780–1860), French teacher of natural history; curator of the museum in Chambéry Brassicaceae Bu
Huidobria Francisco García de Huidobro Aldunate (1791–1852), Chilean politician and director of the national library; conservator at the natural history museum Loasaceae Bu
Hullettia Richmond William Hullett (1843–1914) Moraceae Qu
Hullsia Charles Stephen Hulls (c. 1835–1923), accompanied John McKinlay on expeditions Asteraceae Bu
Hulsea Gilbert White Hulse (1807–1883), American military doctor, botanist and plant collector Asteraceae Qu
Humbertacalia Jean-Henri Humbert (1887–1967) Asteraceae Qu
Humbertia Philibert Commerson (1727–1773) Convolvulaceae Bu
Humbertiella Jean-Henri Humbert (1887–1967) Malvaceae Qu
Humbertiodendron Trigoniaceae Qu
Humbertioturraea Meliaceae Qu
Humbertochloa Poaceae Qu
Humboldtia Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1859) Fabaceae Qu
Humeocline Amelia Egerton, Lady Hume (1751–1809) Asteraceae Bu
Hunnemannia John Hunneman (d. 1839), English bookseller Papaveraceae St
Hunteria William Hunter (1755–1812), colonial administrator and botanist Apocynaceae Qu
Huntleya John Thomas Huntley (1792?–1881?), a reverend and orchid grower Orchidaceae Qu
Hunzikeria Armando Theodoro Hunziker (1919–2001) Solanaceae Bu
Huodendron Hu Xiansu (1894–1968) Styracaceae Bu
Hutchinsonia John Hutchinson (1884–1972) Rubiaceae Qu
Huttonaea Caroline Hutton (1826–1908), English plant collector in South Africa with a focus on orchids; discovered this plant Orchidaceae Qu
Huynhia Kim-Lang Huynh (b.1935) Swiss botanist working at the University of Neuchâtel Boraginaceae Bt
Hylandia Bernard Hyland (b. 1937) Euphorbiaceae Qu
Ianhedgea Ian Charleson Hedge (b. 1928) Brassicaceae Bu
Ibervillea Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville (1661–1706), explorer Cucurbitaceae Bu
Idesia Eberhard Isbrand Ides (1657–1708), diplomat Salicaceae Co
Ignurbia Ignatz Urban (1848–1931) Asteraceae Bt
Ikonnikovia Nikolai Petrovic Ikonnikov-Galitzky (1892–1942), Russian botanist who traveled extensively in Mongolia Plumbaginaceae Bu
Ildefonsia Antonio Ildefonso Gomes de Freitas (1794–1859), Brazilian botanist; doctor in Rio de Janeiro Plantaginaceae Bu
Iljinia Modest Ilín (1889–1967), Russian botanist and naturalist; taught at the university and botanical garden in Saint Petersburg; specialist in Chenopodiaceae and Asteraceae Amaranthaceae Bu
Illigera Johann Karl Wilhelm Illiger (1775–1813) Hernandiaceae Qu
Imperata Ferrante Imperato (1550–1625) Poaceae Co
Incarvillea Pierre Nicolas d'Incarville (1706–1757) Bignoniaceae Co
Indofevillea Louis Feuillée (1660–1732) Cucurbitaceae Bu
Indorouchera Jean-Antoine Roucher (1745–1794), nature poet Linaceae Qu
Inezia Inez Clare Verdoorn (1896–1989) Asteraceae Qu
Iriartea Bernardo de Iriarte (1735–1814), diplomat Arecaceae Qu
Iriartella Arecaceae Qu
Irlbachia Franz Gabriel von Bray (1765–1832), Bavarian diplomat and naturalist; president of the botanical society in Regensburg Gentianaceae Bu
Irvingbaileya Irving Widmer Bailey (1884–1967) Stemonuraceae Qu
Irvingia Edward Irving (1816–1855) Irvingiaceae Qu
Isabelia Isabel, Princess Imperial of Brazil (1846–1921) Orchidaceae Qu
Isertia Paul Erdmann Isert (1757–1789) Rubiaceae St
Isidodendron Isidoro Cabrera-Rodriguez (b. 1922), Colombian dendrologist and plant collector at the herbarium of the University of Valle Trigoniaceae Bu
Isidorea Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (1805–1861) Rubiaceae Bu
Isidroa Isidro E. Méndez (b. 1958), Cuban botanist; specialist in Verbenaceae, especially Lantana Verbenaceae Bu
Itoa Keisuke Itō (1803–1901) and his grandson Tokutarō Itō (1868–1941) Salicaceae Qu
Ivania Ivan Murray Johnston (1898–1960) Brassicaceae Bu
Ivanjohnstonia Boraginaceae Qu
Jablonskia Eugene Jablonszky (1892–1975), German and Hungarian paleobotanist and plant taxonomist; also a geologist Phyllanthaceae Bu
Jackiopsis William Jack (1795–1822) Rubiaceae Bu
Jacksonia George Jackson (1780–1811) Fabaceae Bu
Jacobsenia Hermann Jacobsen (1898–1978), German gardener and botanist; curator and supervisor at a botanical garden in Kiel; specialist in succulents Aizoaceae Bu
Jacquemontia Victor Jacquemont (1801–1832) Convolvulaceae St
Jacqueshuberia Jacques Huber (1867–1914) Fabaceae Bu
Jacquinia Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727–1817) Primulaceae Bu
Jacquiniella Orchidaceae Bu
Jaegeria Georg Friedrich von Jäger (1785–1866), German doctor, naturalist and paleontologist in Stuttgart; taught natural science Asteraceae Bu
Jaeschkea Heinrich August Jäschke (1817–1883), linguist and missionary Gentianaceae Bu
Jaeschkea Heinrich August Jäschke (1817–1883), linguist and missionary Gentianaceae Bu
Jaffrea Tanguy Jaffré, French botanist working for the IRD in New Caledonia Rhamnaceae Bt
Jagrantia Jason Randall Grant (b. 1969), American botanist in Neuchâtel, Switzerland; specialist in Bromeliaceae Bromeliaceae Bu
Jaimehintonia Jaime or James Hinton (1915–2006), American businessman, writer and plant collector; also a farmer in Mexico for many years Asparagaceae Bu
Jamesbrittenia James Britten (1846–1924) Scrophulariaceae Bu
Jamesia Edwin James (1797–1861) Hydrangeaceae St
Jamesianthus Robert Leslie James (1897–1977), American teacher, botanist and historian who discovered this plant Asteraceae Bu
Jamesonia William Jameson (1796–1873) Pteridaceae Bt
Janotia Maurice-Marie Janot (1903–1978), French doctor, biochemist, biologist and pharmacologist at the Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles Rubiaceae Bu
Jansenella Pieter Jansen (1882–1955), Dutch botanist and teacher in Rotterdam and Amsterdam with a focus on grasses Poaceae Bu
Jaramilloa Roberto Jaramillo Mejía (1919–2006), Colombian botanist at the Instituto de Ciencias Naturales Asteraceae Bu
Jarandersonia James Aidan Robb Anderson (1922–2004), English forester, botanist and plant collector with the Forestry Service in Sarawak (now in Malaysia) Malvaceae Bu
Jasarum Julian Alfred Steyermark (1909–1988) Araceae Bu
Jaumea Jean Henri Jaume Saint-Hilaire (1772–1845) Asteraceae Bu
Jefea Billie Lee Turner (1925–2020) Asteraceae Bu
Jeffersonia Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826), president Berberidaceae Co
Jeffreya Charles Jeffrey (b. 1934), English botanist at Kew Gardens with a focus on Chinese flora; specialist in Asteraceae and Cucurbitaceae Asteraceae Bu
Jeffreycia Asteraceae Bu
Jejewoodia Jeffrey James Wood (b. 1952), English botanist at Kew Gardens; specialist in orchids Orchidaceae Bu
Jensenobotrya Emil Jensen (1889–1963), German-Namibian rancher near the bay at Lüderitz; amateur botanist with a focus on desert flora, including Welwitschia Aizoaceae Bu
Jensia Jens Clausen (1891–1969) Asteraceae Bu
Jepsonia Willis Linn Jepson (1867–1946) Saxifragaceae Bu
Jerdonia Thomas C. Jerdon (1811–1872) Gesneriaceae Bu
Jessea Jesse More Greenman (1867–1951) Asteraceae Bu
Joannesia John VI of Portugal (1767–1826) Euphorbiaceae Bu
Jobinia Jobin, a French plant illustrator, including for Flora Brasiliensis Apocynaceae Bu
Johanneshowellia John Thomas Howell (1903–1994) Polygonaceae Bu
Johannesteijsmannia Johannes Elias Teijsmann (1808–1882) Arecaceae Bu
Johnsonia Thomas Johnson (c. 1600 – 1644) Asphodelaceae Bu
Johnstonalia Marshall Conring Johnston (b. 1930) Rhamnaceae Bu
Johnstonella Ivan Murray Johnston (1898–1960) Boraginaceae Bu
Johrenia Martin Daniel Johren (d. 1718), German doctor and botanist; professor of medicine in Frankfurt (Oder) Apiaceae Bu
Joinvillea François d'Orléans, Prince of Joinville (1818–1900) Joinvilleaceae Bu
Jollydora Adrien Jolly (1854–1949), French gardener, specimen preparer and plant collector Connaraceae Bu
Joosia Emil Joos (1826–1895) and Wilhelm Joos (1821–1900), doctors and naturalists Rubiaceae Bu
Jordaaniella Pieter Gerhardus Jordaan (1913–1987), South African botanist, professor at Stellenbosch University Aizoaceae Bu
Joseanthus José Cuatrecasas (1903–1996) Asteraceae Bu
Jouvea Joseph Duval-Jouve (1810–1883) Poaceae Bu
Jovellana Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos (1744–1811), statesman Calceolariaceae Co
Jovetia Paul Jovet (1896–1991), French botanist; specialist in bryophytes and the flora of west and southwest France Rubiaceae Bu
Juanulloa Jorge Juan y Santacilia (1713–1773), scientist, and Antonio de Ulloa (1716–1795), admiral Solanaceae Bu
Jubaea Juba II (c. 50 BC – 24) Arecaceae Bu
Jubaeopsis Arecaceae St
Jubelina Jean Jubelin (1787–1860), French colonial administrator and politician; provided support to François Mathias René Leprieur and other scientists Malpighiaceae Bu
Julbernardia Marie Joseph Jules Pierre Bernard (1876–1950), French colonial administrator; governor in Gabon Fabaceae Bu
Jumellea Henri Lucien Jumelle (1866–1935) Orchidaceae Bu
Jumelleanthus Malvaceae Bu
Junellia Sven Albert Brynolt Junell (b. 1901), Swedish botanist with a focus on Verbenaceae and Lamiaceae Verbenaceae Bu
Jungia Joachim Jungius (1587–1657), mathematician and natural scientist Asteraceae Bu
Jurinea André Jurine (1780–1804), Swiss botanist Asteraceae St
Justicia James Justice (1698–1763) Acanthaceae Co
Juttadinteria Jutta Dinter (1871–1949), wife and colleague of the German botanist Kurt Dinter Aizoaceae St

See also


  1. Clicking on anything other than D to J will navigate away from this page.
  2. Page numbers for references are omitted, since all the references list genera alphabetically except for Plants of the World, which is mainly cited for genera that match their family names.
  3. Except for the people with an indication in their name or description that they were known for something else, all are remembered for their work as naturalists, including amateur and professional botanists, mycologists, zoologists, apothecaries, geologists, geographers and meteorologists.
  4. Present-day geographical names are used wherever possible.



  • Bayton, Ross (2020). The Gardener's Botanical: An Encyclopedia of Latin Plant Names. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-20017-0.
  • Burkhardt, Lotte (2018). Verzeichnis eponymischer Pflanzennamen – Erweiterte Edition [Index of Eponymic Plant Names – Extended Edition] (pdf) (in German). Berlin: Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum, Freie Universität Berlin. doi:10.3372/epolist2018. ISBN 978-3-946292-26-5. S2CID 187926901. Retrieved January 1, 2021. See for license.
  • Burkhardt, Lotte (2022). Eine Enzyklopädie zu eponymischen Pflanzennamen [Encyclopedia of eponymic plant names] (pdf) (in German). Berlin: Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum, Freie Universität Berlin. doi:10.3372/epolist2022. ISBN 978-3-946292-41-8. S2CID 246307410. Retrieved January 27, 2022. See for license.
  • Christenhusz, Maarten; Fay, Michael Francis; Chase, Mark Wayne (2017). Plants of the World: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Vascular Plants. Chicago, Illinois: Kew Publishing and The University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-52292-0.
  • Coombes, Allen (2012). The A to Z of Plant Names: A Quick Reference Guide to 4000 Garden Plants. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press. ISBN 978-1-60469-196-2.
  • Cullen, Katherine E. (2006). Biology: The People Behind the Science. New York, New York: Infobase Publishing. ISBN 978-0-8160-7221-7.
  • POWO (2019). "Plants of the World Online". London: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Archived from the original on March 22, 2017. Retrieved January 1, 2021. See Archived 2021-04-23 at the Wayback Machine for license.
  • Quattrocchi, Umberto (2000). CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names, Volume II, D–L. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press. ISBN 978-0-8493-2676-9.
  • Stearn, William (2002). Stearn's Dictionary of Plant Names for Gardeners. London: Cassell. ISBN 978-0-304-36469-5.

Further reading

  • Gledhill, David (2008). The Names of Plants. New York, New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-86645-3.

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