


From Old Norse góðr, from Proto-Germanic *gōdaz, from Proto-Indo-European *gʰedʰ-.


  • IPA(key): /ˈkɔuːwʊɹ/
    Rhymes: -ɔuːwʊɹ


góður (comparative betri, superlative bestur)

  1. good
    • Genesis 1:31 (Faroese Bible)
      Og Gud sá alt tað, ið Hann hevði gjørt - og tað var sera gott. Og kvøld varð, og morgun varð, sætta dag.
      God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.


góður a16
Singular (eintal) m (kallkyn) f (kvennkyn) n (hvørkikyn)
Nominative (hvørfall) góður góð gott
Accusative (hvønnfall) góðan góða
Dative (hvørjumfall) góðum góðari góðum
Genitive (hvørsfall) (góðs) (góðar) (góðs)
Plural (fleirtal) m (kallkyn) f (kvennkyn) n (hvørkikyn)
Nominative (hvørfall) góðir góðar góð
Accusative (hvønnfall) góðar
Dative (hvørjumfall) góðum
Genitive (hvørsfall) (góða)


Derived terms



From Old Norse góðr, from Proto-Germanic *gōdaz, from Proto-Indo-European *gʰedʰ-.


  • IPA(key): /ˈkouːðʏr/
  • (file)
    Rhymes: -ouːðʏr


góður (comparative betri, superlative bestur)

  1. good
    • Genesis 1:31 (Icelandic Bible, New International Version)
      Og Guð leit allt, sem hann hafði gjört, og sjá, það var harla gott. Það varð kveld og það varð morgunn, hinn sjötti dagur.
      God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.
  2. to taste good
    Takk fyrir matinn, hann var góður.Thank you for the meal, it was very tasty.
  3. proficient, good at something
    Hann er góður á gítar.He is a proficient guitar player.
    Synonym: fær
  4. kind to, kindhearted
    Hann er góður við börn.He is kind to children.
  5. well-behaved; able to keep calm
    Hundurinn minn er mjög góður.My dog is very well-behaved.
    Krakkar, nú verðið þið að vera þæg og góð.Kids, now you must behave well and stay calm.
    Synonym: þægur
  6. a considerable amount; a significant amount
    Maður verður að gefa sér góðan tíma til þess.One has to set aside a considerable amount of time for that.
  7. (colloquial) satisfied or at ease
    Má bjóða þér kaffi? – Nei takk, ég er góður.Can I offer you some coffee? – No thanks, I'm good.


Derived terms

Compound words:

See also

  • skárri (slightly better but not good)
  • skána (to become slightly better but not good)
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