- adzooks (archaic)
- ay, caramba
- ay, chihuahua
- begorra (dated, Ireland)
- bless my heart
- bless my soul
- bless us
- blige (UK)
- blimey
- bloody hell
- blow me (dated, UK)
- blow me backwards (dated, UK)
- blow me down
- blow me over (dated, UK)
- blow me pink (dated, UK)
- blow me tight (dated, UK)
- blow me up (dated, UK)
- blow my buttons (dated, UK)
- butter my butt and call me a biscuit
- by all that is holy
- by Allah (Islam)
- by cracky
- by George
- by God
- by golly
- by gum
- by gummy
- by jingo
- by Jove
- by juckies
- by Jupiter
- by thunder
- byrlady (obsolete)
- caramba
- Christ
- Christ alive
- Christ on a bike
- Christ on a cracker
- Christ on a raft
- cor (UK)
- cor blimey (UK)
- cor lummy (UK)
- cowabunga (jocular, orig. US)
- crikey (UK, Australia, NZ)
- criminy
- cripes
- crivvens (Scotland, UK)
- chuffing hell (UK)
- dear God
- dear me
- dearie me
- deary me
- dear Lord
- diggety
- eep
- egad
- egads
- ermahgerd
- fancy that
- fuck me
- fucking hell
- gad so
- Gadsbodikins (archaic)
- gadsbud (archaic)
- gadzooks (archaic)
- gaw
- gee (US, dated)
- gee whiz (US, dated)
- gee willikers (US, dated)
- geeminy
- geez
- geez Louise (US)
- geshmak
- get out of town
- glory be
- God Almighty
- God in heaven
- God's teeth
- good golly
- golly
- golly gee willikers
- golly gosh
- good God
- good golly
- good gracious
- good gravy
- good grief
- good heavens
- good Lord
- goodness [⇒ thesaurus]
- goodness gracious
- goodness gracious me
- goodness me
- googly-moogly
- gorblimey
- Gordon Bennett (UK)
- gosh
- gosh all hemlock
- gracious
- gramercy
- great balls of fire
- great Caesar
- great Caesar's ghost
- great googly moogly
- great Scott
- hallo
- hello [⇒ thesaurus]
- heavens
- heavens above
- heavens to Betsy
- heavens to Murgatroyd
- hell's bells
- hey [⇒ thesaurus]
- heyday (obsolete)
- hold up
- holy cannoli
- holy cow
- holy crap
- holy crap on a cracker
- holy cricket
- holy crickets
- holy dignity
- holy doodle
- holy fuck
- holy fuck knuckles
- holy guacamole
- holy Hannah
- holy hell
- holy kamoley
- holy kamoly
- holy macaroni
- holy mackerel
- holy magnum
- holy moley
- holy moly
- holy man
- holy Moses
- Holy Mother
- Holy Mother of God
- holy ravioli
- holy shit
- holy stromboli
- holy smoke
- holy Toledo
- hooly dooly
- hot damn
- I'll be
- I'll be a dirty bird!
- I'll be a monkey's uncle (or call me a monkey's uncle)
- I'll be a son of a bitch
- I'll be a son of a gun
- I'll be blowed
- I'll be bound
- I'll be buggered
- I'll be damned
- I'll be danged
- I'll be darned
- I'll be dashed
- I'll be dipped
- I'll be dipped in shit
- I'll be hanged
- I'll be hornswoggled
- I'll be jiggered
- I'll be shot
- imagine that
- I'm blowed (dated, UK)
- I say
- Janey Mack (Ireland)
- Jaysus
- Jeebus
- jeepers
- jeepers creepers
- jeez
- jeez Louise
- jeezy peeps (Scotland)
- Jerusalem crickets
- Jesum Crow
- Jesus
- Jesus Christ
- Jesus fucking Christ
- Jesus H. Christ
- Jesus Murphy (Canada)
- Jiminy Cricket
- jings (Scotland)
- jinkies
- Judas Priest
- jumping Jehoshaphat
- jumping Jesus
- knock me down with a feather
- knock me over with a feather
- land sakes
- lauks
- lawks
- lawks a-mercy
- lawl
- leapin' lizards
- Lord
- Lord be praised
- Lord love a duck
- lordy
- mama mia
- mamma mia
- man alive
- mercy sakes
- Mother of God
- my
- my conscience (obsolete)
- my giddy aunt (Britain, dated)
- my sainted aunt (Britain, dated)
- my sainted uncle (Britain, dated)
- my God
- my goodness
- my gosh
- my Lord
- my my
- my word
- no way
- O gemini
- ods bodikin (archaic)
- odsfish
- odzookens (archaic)
- oh
- oh em gee
- ohmigod
- oh my
- oh my days
- oh my God
- oh my Goddess
- oh my goodness
- oh my goodness gracious
- oh my gosh
- oh my hell
- oh my heck
- oh my fuck
- oh my life
- oh my Lord
- oh my stars
- oh my word
- oi
- OMG (internet slang)
- omigod
- omigosh
- peas and rice
- praise the Lord
- rah (MLE)
- sacré bleu
- sakes alive
- 'sblood (archaic)
- 'sdeath (archaic)
- shart (obsolete)
- 'sheart (obsolete)
- sheesh
- shit fire and save matches
- shiver my timbers
- shut my mouth
- shut the front door
- slap my ass and call me Judy
- slap my ass and call me Sally
- snakes alive
- sodding hell
- son of a gun
- stone me
- stone the crows (rare)
- strewth
- strike me pink
- 'struth (archaic)
- suffering Sappho
- suffering succotash
- sweet Grandma on stilts
- sweet Jesus
- sweet mother of God
- sweet mother of Jesus
- well
- well, I never
- well, well (often sarcastic)
- well, well, well (often sarcastic)
- what
- what do you know (often sarcastic)
- whoa
- whoah
- wow
- wowee
- wowzers
- ye gods
- yikes
- yikes bikes
- you don't say (often sarcastic)
- yowzah
- zoiks
- zoinks
- ZOMG (internet slang)
- ZOMFG (internet slang)
- zooterkins (archaic)
- zound (archaic)
- zounds (archaic)
- zowie
- yay [⇒ thesaurus] (exuberantly approving; see for further synonyms)
- yes [⇒ thesaurus] (approving; see for further synonyms)
- no [⇒ thesaurus] (disapproving; see for further synonyms)
See also
- Appendix:Roget MICRA thesaurus/Class VI § 870. Wonder
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