to exercise; to move about; to get things done by pulling strings | to fight; fight; war to fight; fight; war; battle | ||
trad. (運動戰) | 運動 | 戰 | |
simp. (运动战) | 运动 | 战 |
- mobile warfare
- 運動戰,就是正規兵團在長的戰線和大的戰區上面,從事於戰役和戰鬥上的外線的速決的進攻戰的形式。 [MSC, trad.]
- From: 1938, 毛澤東 (Mao Zedong), 《論持久戰》 (On Protracted War), 《毛澤東選集》. English translation based on the Foreign Languages Press edition
- Yùndòngzhàn, jiùshì zhèngguī bīngtuán zài cháng de zhànxiàn hé dà de zhànqū shàngmiàn, cóngshì yú zhànyì hé zhàndòu shàng de wàixiàn de sùjué de jìngōngzhàn de xíngshì. [Pinyin]
- Mobile warfare is the form in which regular armies wage quick-decision offensive campaigns and battles on exterior lines along extensive fronts and over big areas of operation.
运动战,就是正规兵团在长的战线和大的战区上面,从事于战役和战斗上的外线的速决的进攻战的形式。 [MSC, simp.]
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