thus; so; like that thus; so; like that; you; thou |
o'clock; time; when o'clock; time; when; hour; season; period | ||
trad. (爾時) | 爾 | 時 | |
simp. (尔时) | 尔 | 时 |
- (literary) (at) this time, (at) that time
- 爾時持地菩薩即從座起前白佛言:「世尊,若有衆生,聞是觀世音菩薩品,自在之業,普門示現神通力者,當知是人功德不少。 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: Lotus Sutra, translated by Kumārajīva, 406 CE
- Ěrshí Chídì púsà jí cóng zuò qǐ qián bái Fó yán: “Shìzūn, ruò yǒu zhòngshēng, wén shì Guānshìyīn púsà pǐn, zìzài zhī yè, pǔmén shìxiàn shéntōnglì zhě, dāng zhī shì rén gōngdé bùshào. [Pinyin]
- Then the Bodhisattva Earth Holder rose from his seat, went before the Buddha, and said to him: "World-Honored One, if any living being hears this Bodhisattva Regarder of the Cries of the World chapter, hears of the freedom of his actions and the divine power of the revelation of the universal gateway, it should be known that this person's blessings are not few."
尔时持地菩萨即从座起前白佛言:「世尊,若有众生,闻是观世音菩萨品,自在之业,普门示现神通力者,当知是人功德不少。 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
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