See also: 营垒
army; to deal in; to trade army; to deal in; to trade; to operate; to run; camp; nourishment; to manage |
rampart | ||
trad. (營壘) | 營 | 壘 | |
simp. (营垒) | 营 | 垒 |
- barracks and the enclosing walls
- camp
- 這樣,就不能把敵人營壘中被裹脅的人們,過去是敵人而今日可能做友軍的人們,都從敵人營壘中和敵人戰線上拉過來。 [MSC, trad.]
- From: 1935, 毛澤東 (Mao Zedong), 《論反對日本帝國主義的策略》 (On Tactics Against Japanese Imperialism), 《毛澤東選集》. English translation based on the Foreign Languages Press edition
- Zhèyàng, jiù bùnéng bǎ dírén yínglěi zhōng bèi guǒxié de rénmen, guòqù shì dírén ér jīnrì kěnéng zuò yǒujūn de rénmen, dōu cóng dírén yínglěi zhōng hé dírén zhànxiàn shàng lā guòlai. [Pinyin]
- It would mean inability to draw to our side all those in the enemy camp and on the enemy front who have joined them under compulsion, and those who were our enemies yesterday but may become our friends today.
这样,就不能把敌人营垒中被裹胁的人们,过去是敌人而今日可能做友军的人们,都从敌人营垒中和敌人战线上拉过来。 [MSC, simp.]
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