layer upon layer; level by level; multi-layered | |||
trad. (層層設防) | 層層 | 設防 | |
simp. (层层设防) | 层层 | 设防 |
- to set up successive lines of defense
- 這就是大規模的運動戰,而不是深溝高壘、層層設防、專靠防禦工事的陣地戰。 [MSC, trad.]
- From: 1938, 毛澤東 (Mao Zedong), 《論持久戰》 (On Protracted War), 《毛澤東選集》. English translation based on the Foreign Languages Press edition
- Zhè jiù shì dàguīmó de yùndòngzhàn, ér bù shì shēngōugāolěi, céngcéngshèfáng, zhuān kào fángyù gōngshì de zhèndìzhàn. [Pinyin]
- This means large-scale mobile warfare, and not positional warfare depending exclusively on defence works with deep trenches, high fortresses and successive rows of defensive positions.
这就是大规模的运动战,而不是深沟高垒、层层设防、专靠防御工事的阵地战。 [MSC, simp.]
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