just; honourable; public just; honourable; public; common; fair; duke; mister |
the people; nationality; citizen | ||
trad. (公民) | 公 | 民 | |
simp. #(公民) | 公 | 民 |
- citizen
- civics
- 但根據教育觀點而論,則公民一科之功能,不當僅看作做公民之預備;實當視為學生社會生活之發展。 [MSC, trad.]
- From: 1947, 汪懋祖, 中學公民課程之討論, 《教育雜誌》, volume 32, number 6, page 8
- Dàn gēnjù jiàoyù guāndiǎn ér lùn, zé gōngmín yī kē zhī gōngnéng, bùdāng jǐn kànzuò zuò gōngmín zhī yùbèi; shí dāng shìwèi xuéshēng shèhuì shēnghuó zhī fāzhǎn. [Pinyin]
- However, from the perspective of education, the function of civics as a subject should not only be regarded as preparation for citizens; it should be thought of as a way to develop the role of students in the community.
但根据教育观点而论,则公民一科之功能,不当仅看作做公民之预备;实当视为学生社会生活之发展。 [MSC, simp.]- 公民與其他科最大不同是:先要理解其定義、產生背景及個中含意。定義懂,對號入座,才不會張冠李戴,答非所問。 [Taiwanese Mandarin, trad.]
- From: 2016, 劉駿豪, 《原來讀書可以這樣做!:10堂課掌握個人專屬讀考學習要領,考進理想校系(附補教名師各科亮點學習法)》 (quoting 酆伶老師)
- Gōngmín yǔ qítā kē zuìdà bùtóng shì: xiān yào lǐjiě qí dìngyì, chǎnshēng bèijǐng jí gèzhōng hányì. Dìngyì dǒng, duìhàorùzuò, cái bùhuì zhāngguànlǐdài, dáfēisuǒwèn. [Pinyin]
- The biggest difference between civics and other subjects is that one must first understand its definition, background and meaning. If you understand its definition, you won't confuse it for something else, and give an irrelevant answer to the question.
公民与其他科最大不同是:先要理解其定义、产生背景及个中含意。定义懂,对号入座,才不会张冠李戴,答非所问。 [Taiwanese Mandarin, simp.]- 期間若覺得壓力很大,尤其是唸公民時,一開始很多名詞都很陌生,常常覺得很挫折,此時可休息一下出門走走,再回來針對那些名詞上網找文獻或書籍閱讀,才能漸入佳境。 [Taiwanese Mandarin, trad.]
- From: 2019, 邱樺 (editor), 《公民》, page (3)
- Qījiān ruò juéde yālì hěn dà, yóuqí shì niàn gōngmín shí, yī kāishǐ hěn duō míngcí dōu hěn mòshēng, chángcháng juéde hěn cuòzhé, cǐshí kě xiūxí yīxià chūmén zǒuzǒu, zài huílái zhēnduì nàxiē míngcí shàngwǎng zhǎo wénxiàn huò shūjí yuèdú, cái néng jiànrùjiājìng. [Pinyin]
- If you feel stressed during this period, especially when studying civics – many terms seem strange at first, and it can be frustrating trying to understand them – you can take a break and go out for a walk, and then come back to search the Internet for relevant literature or books. This will allow you make progress.
期间若觉得压力很大,尤其是念公民时,一开始很多名词都很陌生,常常觉得很挫折,此时可休息一下出门走走,再回来针对那些名词上网找文献或书籍阅读,才能渐入佳境。 [Taiwanese Mandarin, simp.]
Derived terms
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