

one; single; a
one; single; a; (before verbs) as soon as, once; (before a noun) entire (family, etc.)
mouth; (a measure word, for people, livestock or utensils)
simp. and trad.




  1. one + the classifier : one mouthful; one bite; one sip; one item
    一口純正英語 [MSC, trad.]
    一口纯正英语 [MSC, simp.]
    jiǎng yīkǒu chúnzhèng de yīngyǔ [Pinyin]
    to speak idiomatic English



  1. flatly; readily (denying or admitting with one sentence)

Derived terms

  • 一口價兒一口价儿
  • 一口兩匙一口两匙
  • 一口咬定 (yīkǒuyǎodìng)
  • 一口咬死
  • 一口氣一口气 (yīkǒuqì)
  • 一身一口
  • 混一口飯混一口饭
  • 鬆一口氣松一口气


Etymology 1

Kanji in this term
Grade: 1
Grade: 1
Alternative spellings
一と口 (dated)


  • (Tokyo) [hìtóꜜkùchì] (Nakadaka – [2])
  • IPA(key): [çi̥to̞kɯ̟̊ᵝt͡ɕi]


(ひと)(くち) • (hitokuchi) 

  1. eating or drinking all of something by taking it into the mouth at one time: one mouthful; one bite; one draft; one draught; one gulp
    • (Can we date this quote?), 宮本百合子, 秋風, 青空文庫:
      Kaben no kage ni aomushi ga takatte ita.
      Kimi ga warui kara niwatori ni nagete yaru to kiiroi kōchin ga hitokuchi de tabete shimau.
      In the shadow of the flower petals was a swarm of caterpillars.
      As they were disgusting, I threw them at the chicken, and the yellow Cochin ate them up in one mouthful.
  2. a small amount of food or drink: bite; sip
    • 1934, 太宰治, 彼は昔の彼ならず, 青空文庫:
      Boku ga madamu no irete kureta ocha o hitokuchi susutta toki, Seisen wa sotto tachiagatte, sō shite tonari no heya kara shōgiban o motte kita no de aru.
      When I took a sip of the tea that the mistress had made, Seisen quietly got up and then brought a shogi board from the next room.
  3. summarizing; picking up the main points briefly; lumping together; generalizing
    • 1948, 坂口安吾, 現代とは?, 青空文庫:
      Dentō no hitei to hitokuchi ni iu keredomo, dentō wa subete hitei shinakereba naranu to iu mono de wa nakute, sude ni jisshitsu o ushinainagara kyomō no kūi o tamotte shinkōteki na sonzai o tsuzukete iru koto ga hansei sare hitei sarenakereba naranu to iu dake da.
      Although everything is lumped together as rejection of tradition, it is not that all traditions must be rejected. What must be reconsidered and rejected is their continuation as a religious existence which maintains a false, vacant title while having already lost substance. That is all.
  4. one word
    Synonym: 一言 (hitokoto)
    • 1912, 夏目漱石, 初秋の一日, 青空文庫:
      Wai wa sutēshon mae de katta shinbun ni yomifuketta mama hitokuchi mo mono o iwanakatta.
      Y did not say a single word as he pored over the newspaper he bought in the area in front of the station.
  5. one share of stock, one unit of monetary contribution, etc.
  6. a part in an endeavor that involves multiple people
    Synonyms: 分け前 (wakemae), 割当 (wariate)
Derived terms

Etymology 2

Kanji in this term
いち > いっ
Grade: 1
Grade: 1


  • (Tokyo) っこー [ìkkóó] (Heiban – [0])
  • IPA(key): [ik̚ko̞ː]


(いっ)(こう) • (ikkō) いつこう (itukou)?

  1. one mouth
  2. one word
  3. one sword or utensil with a mouth
    • 1897, 尾崎紅葉, 金色夜叉, 青空文庫:
      Kare no futokoro o idetaru wa ronuri no kirameku ikkō no tantō nari.
      What came out from his bosom was one short sword whose lacquer glistened.
Derived terms
  • 一口両舌(いっこうりょうぜつ) (ikkō ryōzetsu)
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