


Inherited from Old Gujarati आविवउं (āvivaüṃ), from Sauraseni Prakrit 𑀆𑀯𑁂𑀤𑀺 (āvedi), from Sanskrit આપયતિ (āpáyati, cause to reach). Cognate with Old Marwari आवइ (āvai), Mewari आणो (āṇo), Hindustani آنا / आना (ānā), Nepali आउनु (āunu), Punjabi آؤنا / ਆਉਣਾ (āuṇā), Romani avel.



આવવું • (āvvũ)

  1. to come, arrive
    આવો, બેસો
    āvo, bĕso
    come, sit down
    અવાય, તો આવો
    āvāy, to āvo
    (If you) can come, then come
  2. to be located
    મહેસાણા ઉત્તર ગુજરાતમાં આવ્યું
    mahĕsāṇā uttar gujrātmā̃ āvyũ
    Mehsana is in northern Gujarat
    આપણાં ગામમાં એક મંદિર હવે આવશે
    āpṇā̃ gāmmā̃ ek mandir have āvśe
    in our village there will now be a mandir
  3. to grow, come into bloom
    આ ઝાડ પર સફરજન આવે
    ā jhāḍ par sapharjan āve
    apples come/appear/grow on this tree
    મોગરા હવે આવશે
    mogrā have āvśe
    jasmine (flowers) will now come into bloom/appear
  4. (of diseases) to catch
    મને તાવ આવ્યો
    mane tāv āvyo
    I (just) got a cold
  5. (of emotions, feelings, thoughts) to manifest, form, develop
    એમને ત્યારે બહુ દયા આવી
    emne tyāre bahu dayā āvī
    at that time he/she felt compassion
  6. to become, end up, result, come out
    એ ચિત્ર સરખું ન આવ્યું
    e citra sarkhũ na āvyũ
    that picture did not come out properly


Further reading

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