

Konkani cardinal numbers
 <  णव धा इक्रा  > 
    Cardinal : धा (dhā)
    Ordinal : धावें (dhāvẽ)


From Sanskrit दश (daśa), from Proto-Indo-European *déḱm̥ (ten). Compare Marathi दहा (dahā) and Hindi दस (das).


धा • (dhā) (Latin script dha, Kannada script ಧಾ)

  1. ten


Alternative scripts


From Proto-Indo-European *dʰeh₁- (to do, put, place). Cognate with Ancient Greek θέμα (théma, that which is put down), Proto-Hellenic *tʰétis (a placement, arrangement) whence Ancient Greek θέσις (thésis); Latin faciō (make, do) whence English fact, factory etc; English do, deed, deem, doom.



धा • (dhā)

  1. to put, place, set, lay in or on
    • c. 1700 BCE – 1200 BCE, Ṛgveda 10.121.1:
      हि॒र॒ण्य॒ग॒र्भः सम॑वर्त॒ताग्रे॑ भू॒तस्य॑ जा॒तः पति॒रेक॑ आसीत्।
      दा॑धार पृथि॒वीं द्यामु॒तेमां कस्मै॑ दे॒वाय॑ ह॒विषा॑ विधेम॥
      hiraṇyagarbháḥ sámavartatā́gre bhūtásya jātáḥ pátiréka āsīt.
      dādhāra pṛthivī́ṃ dyā́mutémā́ṃ kásmai devā́ya havíṣā vidhema.
      Hiraṇyagarbha was present at the beginning; when born, he was the sole lord of created beings; he upheld this earth and heaven-- let us offer worship with an oblation to the divine.

Derived terms

Sanskrit terms belonging to the root धा‎ (0 c, 7 e)
Primary Verbal Forms
  • दधाति (dadhā́ti, Present)
  • धत्ते (dhatte, Present)
  • धास्यति (dhāsyáti, Future)
  • धाता (dhātā́, Periphrastic Future)
  • अधात् (ádhāt, Aorist)
  • दधौ (dadháu, Perfect)
Secondary Forms
  • धीयते (dhīyáte, Passive)
  • अधायि (ádhāyi, Passive)
  • धापयति (dhāpáyati, Causative)
  • धित्सति (dhitsati, Desiderative)
  • देधीयते (dedhīyate, Intensive)
  • दाधाति (dādhāti, Intensive)
  • दाधेति (dādheti, Intensive)
Non-Finite Forms
  • धातुम् (dhā́tum, Infinitive)
  • हित्वा (hitvā́, Gerund)
  • हित (hitá, Past Participle)
Derived Nominal Forms
Prefixed Root Forms


Terms derived from the Sanskrit root धा‎ (5 c, 0 e)


  • Monier Williams (1899) “धा”, in A Sanskrit–English Dictionary, [], new edition, Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, →OCLC, page 0513.
  • Arthur Anthony Macdonell (1893) “धा”, in A practical Sanskrit dictionary with transliteration, accentuation, and etymological analysis throughout, London: Oxford University Press
  • William Dwight Whitney, 1885, The Roots, Verb-forms, and Primary Derivatives of the Sanskrit Language, Leipzig: Breitkopf and Härtel, page 082
  • Otto Böhtlingk, Richard Schmidt (1879-1928) “धा”, in Walter Slaje, Jürgen Hanneder, Paul Molitor, Jörg Ritter, editors, Nachtragswörterbuch des Sanskrit [Dictionary of Sanskrit with supplements] (in German), Halle-Wittenberg: Martin-Luther-Universität, published 2016
  • Mayrhofer, Manfred (1992) Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altindoarischen [Etymological Dictionary of Old Indo-Aryan] (in German), volume 1, Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, pages 783-7
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