
Old Church Slavonic



From Proto-Slavic *jьmati.


имати • (imati) impf

  1. to have
    • John 8:24, from Codex Marianus, 4082400-4082420:
      аште бо вѣрꙑ не емлете ѣко азъ есмъ · ꙋмьрете въ грѣсѣхъ вашихъ ·
      ašte bo věry ne emlete ěko azŭ esmŭ · umĭrete vŭ grěsěxŭ vašixŭ ·
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  2. to take
    • lines 154-156, from the Primary Chronicle:
      и побѣгоша людьє изъ града. и повелѣ ѡльга воємъ своимъ имати є, ꙗко взѧ градъ и пожьже и.
      i poběgoša ljudĭe izŭ grada. i povelě olĭga voemŭ svoimŭ imati e, jako vzę gradŭ i požĭže i.
      And all the people fled from the city. Olga commanded her soldiers to capture them, as she took the city and set it ablaze.
  3. to acquire




Derived terms


Further reading


Alternative forms


Inherited from Proto-Slavic *jьmati, from Proto-Indo-European *h₁em-.


  • IPA(key): /ǐmati/
  • Hyphenation: и‧ма‧ти


ѝмати impf (Latin spelling ìmati)

  1. (transitive, intransitive) to have, possess, own
    имати срећеto be lucky, have luck
    имати временаto have time
    имати новацаto have money
    имати прехладуto have a cold
    она има 19 годинаshe is 19 years old
    имаш правоyou are right, you are correct
    имати обичај да..to have a habit/custom to..
    имати на умуto have in mind, keep in mind
    имати у видуto keep in mind
    имати на паметиto keep in mind
    имати противto object to
  2. (transitive) to be, be located (in past and future tenses usually replaced by би̏ти (to be, exist)
    има ли шећера?is there any sugar?
    има ли когаis there anyone in?
    има ли црвених аута на паркиралишту?are there any red cars on the parking lot?
    на зиду имају двије сликеthere are two paintings on the wall
    што има за вечеру?what is there for supper?
    има отад пет годинаfive years have passed since then, it has been five years since then
  3. (intransitive, with да) to have to, be obliged to
    има(ш) да му поштено платишyou have to pay him fairly
    има(ју) да раде ц(иј)ели данthey have to work the whole day
  4. (transitive) to wear, have on
    имала је црвени шеширићshe had a red bonnet on



Derived terms


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