

Alternative forms


Inherited from Old East Slavic ити (iti), from Proto-Slavic *jьti (to go). The infinitive spelled with д (d) is attested since the 14th century, under influence of иду́ (idú), идёшь (idjóšʹ), etc.


  • IPA(key): [ɪˈtʲːi]
  • (file)


идти́ • (idtí) impf (perfective пойти́) (concrete verbs)

  1. to go
    Идём в кинотеа́тр!Idjóm v kinoteátr!Let's go to the movie theater!
  2. to walk
  3. (of precipitation) to fall
    Идёт дождь.Idjót doždʹ.It’s raining.
    Идёт снег.Idjót sneg.It’s snowing.
    Идёт град.Idjót grad.It’s hailing.
  4. to function, to work
    Э́ти часы́ не иду́т.Éti časý ne idút.This clock/watch doesn't work.
  5. to suit, to become (of wearing clothes)
    Э́тот костю́м ему́ идёт.Étot kostjúm jemú idjót.This suit suits him.
  6. (used in expressions)
    Вре́мя идёт бы́стро.Vrémja idjót býstro.Time flies.
    Э́то ещё куда́ ни шло.Éto ješčó kudá ni šlo.That's still all right. (colloquial)
    Их това́ры иду́т хорошо́.Ix továry idút xorošó.Their products are selling well.
    О чём идёт речь?
    O čom idjót rečʹ?
    What is being talked about? / What is it all about? / What is the topic? / What are you guys talking about?
    Речь идёт о двух/трёх веща́х.Rečʹ idjót o dvux/trjox veščáx.They're talking about two/three things.
    Всё идёт по пла́ну.Vsjo idjót po plánu.Everything is going as planned.
    Во ско́лько идёт э́та переда́ча?Vo skólʹko idjót éta peredáča?What time is this (television) program on?
    Э́то не идёт ни в како́е сравне́ние с че́м-либо/ке́м-либо.
    Éto ne idjót ni v kakóje sravnénije s čém-libo/kém-libo.
    It cannot be compared with something/someone.
    идти́ на компроми́ссidtí na kompromíssto compromise, make a compromise
    идти́ на усту́пкиidtí na ustúpkito compromise, make concessions
    идти́ на рискidtí na riskto run a risk, take a chance
    идти́ на всёidtí na vsjoto be ready to do anything, go to any length
    идти́ по пята́мidtí po pjatámto follow in someone's footsteps; to follow on the heels of

Usage notes


Derived terms

  • See also ходи́ть (xodítʹ) for further terms derived from that verb.

See also


  • Vasmer, Max (1964–1973) “иду”, in Oleg Trubachyov, transl., Этимологический словарь русского языка [Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language] (in Russian), Moscow: Progress
  • Chernykh, P. Ja. (1993) “идти”, in Историко-этимологический словарь русского языка [Historical-Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language] (in Russian), 3rd edition, volumes 1 (а – пантомима), Moscow: Russian Lang., →ISBN, page 337
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