< WikiJournal of PPB

WikiJournal of Psychology, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Open access • Publication charge free • Public peer review • Wikipedia-integrated

WikiJournal WikiJournal of Psychology, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences is an open-access, free-to-publish, Wikipedia-integrated academic journal for Psychologial health and wellbreing topics. <seo title=" WJP, WikiJPPB, Wiki.J.PPB., WikiJPPB, Wikiversity Journal PPB, WikiJournal of PPB, WikiJournal PPB, Wikipedia PPB, Wikipedia PPB journal, WikiPPB, Wikipsychology, Psychology, Psychiatry, Behavioral Sciences Free to publish, Open access, Open-access, Non-profit, online journal, Public peer review "/>

WikiJournal of Psychology, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

An open access journal with
no publication costs – About

Frequency: Continuous

Since: 2021
Funding: Wikimedia Foundation
Publisher: WikiJournal User Group
On social media

RSS feed
Mailing list

Member of


        WikiJournal of PPB is an ISSN-registered, peer reviewed, open access journal in published free of charge. The journal is hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation, the same organization that runs Wikipedia. Articles that pass peer-review are published as a citeable, indexed PDF, and suitable text and images are integrated into Wikipedia and related projects (with a link to the indexed PDF). The vast readership of Wikipedia results in a high effective impact of included works.

        The journal publishes both review articles and original research in various formats. WikiJournals enable academic and medical professionals to contribute expert knowledge to the Wikimedia movement in the academic publishing format that directly rewards them with citable publications. Included works are assigned DOI codes (permanent links to each work via Crossref) and are indexed by Google Scholar, DOAJ and others.

        The journal targets a broad population spanning from advanced researchers and clinicians to students and laypersons, wherein the latter can get quick explanations of advanced terms by in-line links to Wikipedia.

        Unique publication features

        Open Access

        All of our published articles are openly accessible under a free Creative Commons or similar license

        Free to publish

        We are a fully non-profit journal with a volunteer board of editors, and we therefore have no publication charges of any kind

        Public peer-review

        All peer reviews are published and publicly accessible


        Appropriate material is integrated into Wikipedia for added reach and exposure

        Further information:



        All accepted articles are published in two forms:

        Before inclusion in the journal, article submissions are peer reviewed by at least two relevant experts. The quality of the peer reviews is weighted in when the editorial board makes final decision on including the article in the journal. The journal emphasises transparency throughout the process, from peer reviews to final version and all versions are freely accessible online.


        The journal offers its services for free, by donations to the Wikimedia Foundation, and fully volunteer peer reviewers, editors and editorial board members. WikiJournal of Psychology, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences is part of the WikiJournal Publishing Group, which is also the formal publisher of the journal.

        Anyone may edit journal pages, but only minor edits to accepted journal articles (e.g. spelling) are permitted. Any edits that change the content of a published article require an additional round of peer-review, and if accepted, are published in an updated version of the page. Suggestions for updates of the main text of published articles may be created as separate drafts that are re-submitted to undergo peer review before being used to update the article.

        All articles are open to post-publication peer review, and edit suggestions can be added at the "Discuss" tab at the top of each page.


        The publication ethics statement of the WikiJournal of Psychology, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences abides by several international guidelines:

        Indexing and impact

        File:COPE logo for WikiJPPB.png

         Open Publishing Award winner
        (open publishing model category)

        The journal prioritises diverse impact across a range of metrics, such as its AltMetric score, in addition to traditional Impact Factor (Not yet assigned by Web of Science; unofficial estimation here). Additionally high reach is achieved for those articles integrated into Wikipedia in full or in part.


        More detailed updates are located at the discussion page

        • 2021-01-30:
        This article is issued from Wikiversity. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.