< WikiJournal of Humanities

WikiJournal of Humanities
Open access • Publication charge free • Public peer review • Wikipedia-integrated

WikiJournal of Humanities is an open-access, free-to-publish, Wikipedia-integrated academic journal for humanities, arts and social sciences topics. WJH WikiJHum Wiki.J.Hum. WikiJHum WikiHum WikiHumanities Wikijournal of Humanities Wikiversity Journal of Humanities WikiJournal Humanities Wikipedia Humanities Wikipedia Humanities journal Free to publish Open access Open-access Non-profit online journal Public peer review

WikiJournal of Humanities

An open access journal with
no publication costs – About

ISSN: 2639-5347
Frequency: Continuous

Since: December 2017
Funding: Wikimedia Foundation
Publisher: WikiJournal User Group
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How to contribute

        Stages used in these tables refer to the following steps:

        Pre-publication steps

        1. Manuscript has been received and an authorship declaration form has been submitted
        2. The editorial board has decided on article suitability
        3. A peer review coordinator has been designated
        4. Comments from the peer review have been presented to the author(s)
        5. Author(s) have responded to the peer review and made amendments accordingly
        6. The peer reviewer has been given opportunity to assess the amendments
        7. The editorial board has decided whether to publish the work in the journal

        Post-publication steps

        8. A doi code has been generated and the article added to the relevant journal issue
        9. A PDF version has been generated
        10. Relevant material has been transferred to Wikipedia (or sister project) by the authors or editors
        11. Other unfinished tasks (given in comment field)

        The table below is generated from the records on Wikidata, with the exception of the Notes column, which can be edited in Visual Editor

        Stage Wikidata Article Submission Editors Reviewers DOI PDF WP Notes [edit]
        3 Q100400709 Fascism and Italy 6 April 2019 Brian McKenzie [add] [add] [create]
        & [add]
        3 Q100400710 Florence Fuller 8 July 2019 Sarah Vital [add] [add] [create]
        & [add]
        3 Q99557809 Digital media use and mental health 8 June 2019 Jackie Koerner
        João Peschanski
        Rachel Wexelbaum [add]
        [add] [create]
        & [add]
        updated after FA promotion
        1 Q100400712 When the Wikimedia movement challenges how to do science 8 March 2020 [add] [add] [create]
        & [add]
        10 Q99519061 Osman I, father of kings 31 May 2020 Eystein Thanisch [add] Rama Aziz Draz
        Hassan Hallak [add]
        & [add]
        4; Q100400716 DARK REFLECTIONS: Rossetti’s Ecce Ancilla Domini! and Manet’s Olympia 20 June 2020 Frances Di Lauro [add] anonymous [add] [create]
        & [add]
        4; Q99706473 Loveday, 1458 23 July 2020 Sarah Vital [add] Michael Hicks [add] [create]
        & [add]
        3 Q100400717 The Holocaust in Slovakia 25 July 2020 Eystein Thanisch [add] [add] [create]
        & [add]
        1 Q100606157 Sustainability Through Sci-Fi: Visions of Future Cities via Popular Media and the Hedonistic Sustainability Movement 25 August 2020 [add] [add] [create]
        & [add]
        1 Q105894605 Under a mysterious mute marquee of “silentio universi”. 11 March 2021 [add] [add] [create]
        & [add]

        + [edit] using article Q number (needs to be done in source editor)

        Articles currently submitted to WikiJournal of Humanities for peer review‎ (7 pgs)
        Article preprints not yet submitted to WikiJournal of Humanities for peer review‎ (4 pgs)
        This article is issued from Wikiversity. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.