< Space and Global Health

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The learning module is dedicated to capacity building in the context of Space and Global Health is not officially maintained by any United Nations body or programme. It is not possible by default, that official documents can be edited by the public. The Wikiversity content can be regarded is a participatory interface between a Community of Practise and official working groups and individual member states activities.

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  • (Projects about Space Technology and its Application) if it is a reference to project or activity that addresses space technology in the Global Health domain or in the area of Disaster Management,
  • (National Policies for Application of Space Technology) make reference to national policies in the domain of application of space technology (e.g. Global Health of Disaster Management) or
  • (Official UNOOSA Documents) comments that make a references to official UNOOSA documents

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Like in any other Wikipedia article and Wikiversity learning resource for capacity building the Neutral Point of View (NPOV) should be applied in any learning resource.

Treat the content just like any other learning resource in Wikiversity. It is recommended to learn about the official UNOOSA documents first (e.g. for Space and Global Health, to be clear about the framing of the learning resource. Then start editing the learning resources or translate the learning resource in another language and address the requirements and constraints in this learning resource (e.g. for Latin America). Start editing after studying the basic concepts of Space and Global Health or the application of Space Technology in the domain of disaster management.

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Official Entities of United Nations

Offical entities of United Nations like WHO or UNOOSA have a special mandate and the entities cannot simple decide to work beyond a given mandate which is given to the entity by the general assembly of the UN. They have no mandate to maintain the learning resource and the learning resource is maintained by the non-official Community of Practice taking official recommendations of the Working Group into account for the capacity building.

The wiki community members are encourage to cross check and validate the content of the learning resource, update with new scientific evidence or valuable extensions for learning resources for capacity building in the domain of Space and Global Health or Disaster Management at programme of UN-SPIDER. Problem solving in complex dynamic systems need a holistic approach that combines food, health, security, economics, social and cultural considerations to implement risk mitigation strategies in sustainable way (see UN Sustainable Development Goals[1])


  1. Kates, R. W., Parris, T. M., & Leiserowitz, A. A. (2005). What is sustainable development? Goals, indicators, values, and practice. Environment(Washington DC), 47(3), 8-21.
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