The learning resource is a root page of an Open Innovation Ecosystem for disaster management and application of space technology. The primary reference of this learning resource is UN-SPIDER ("United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response")[1] as a platform which facilitates the use of space-based technologies for disaster management and emergency response.[2] It is a programme under the auspices of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA).

The content in Wikiversity is a community product currently in a pilot phase and this learning module does not have any official qualitiy assurance of UNOOSA or UN-SPIDER.

Licencing and Mandate

United Nations and its bodies plan and organize their activities with a mandate of its member states and the UN bodies have to assure that any publications or official documents of UN programmes cannot be altered by anyone that do not have a permission to do so. So for any official information visit the UN-SPIDER knowledge portal. Furthermore there is no mandate for and in UN-SPIDER to perform any Quality Assurance in the learning resource of Wikiversity. Significant quality assured content can be used with an appropriate Creative Common citation reference can be integrated in future developments and could lead to additional features and response options in the UN-SPIDER or other programmes.

Please note that all content, alterations and activities you might want to perform in this learning resource will not need an official mandate. Treat the content just like any other learning resource in Wikiversity. It is recommended to learn about the official documents first, to be clear about these learning resources and then start editing afterwards. Use Discuss page to suggest alterations, advancements of the learning resource if you are unsure how contributions could be implemented in Wikiversity.

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  • Embedded in UNOOSA activities in the Programme of Space Application
  • Capacity Building to leverage the potential of Space Science and Technology


International cooperation towards low-emission and resilient societes.

5 Cross-cutting Areas defined by COPUOS

  • Govermance
  • Capacity Building
  • Resillience
  • Interoperability
  • Space for sustainable development

Space Activities

  • Space Economy
  • Space Society
  • Space Accessibility
  • Space Diplomacy

5 Benefit Areas

  • People
  • Planet
  • Prosperty
  • Peace
  • Partnership

Learning Task

  • (IT-services) Analyse the service of Copernius and explain the role of Space Technology to provide the service.
  • (Tectonic Hazards) Learn about tectonic hazards explain with the example Tectonic_hazards/Tsunami how the impact of an Tsunami event can be accessed a international gavernmental and non-governmental support can be coordinated with remote sensing images and explain how satellites can be used for communication support people and organizations in Disaster Management and Risk Management!
  • (Reach People) Explain why it is import to reach people for a demand driven reponse after a disaster when communication infrastructure is destroyed directly or the missing electricity supply does not allow to charge batteries of mobile devices like smartphones?

Space Today

  • impact of society, economy,


Recommendation to Teacher

The recommendation to teachers is:

  • Please inform yourself about official documents of UN General Assembly that deal with Disaster management and Space Technology and be aware of the news on the UN-SPIDER web portal[2].
  • Read and create references in your learning resource to official documents published at United Nations and explain, how the have an impact on the design of the learning resources.
  • If you implemented risk mitigation strategies for disaster management you can create a case-study of your approach and document the lessons learned. You may want to design the publication with a Green Open Access approach.

Space technology for disaster risk management and emergency response

The design of learning resources should target the global vulnerability to natural disasters.

  • Learning resources about climate change are helpful to understand the systemic risk. * Learning resource about land degradation processes focus on the improvement of Risk Literacy for a rapidly growing populations (especially non-formal eduction in Wikiversity).
  • Learning resource about earthquakes, floods, storms, and other natural hazards analyse the risk management challenges and limitations
  • Learning resource that social sciences and environmental sciences help to understand,
    • how disasters cause massive disruption to societies,
    • overburden national economic systems,
    • cause considerable losses of life and property,
    • ...

Learning Task

  • (Policy and Programmes) Read the resolution 61/110 from December 14th, 2006 and understand, how United Nations General Assembly responds to the needs mentioned above on the policy level with the establishment of UN-SPIDER.
  • (Types of Satellite Technology) explore the different types of space technology, such as earth observation and meteorological satellites, communication and navigation satellites. Describe how these technology can play a major role in supporting disaster management.
  • (Workflow and Use case) assume a major earthquake occures in a remote area with many small villages. This event triggers a workflow including the to immediate provision of accurate and timely information for decision making. Describe the workflow and explain, how space-based information are relevant in all phases of the disaster management cycle from disaster risk reduction[3].
  • (Earth Observation and Disasters) Read the UN-SPIDER newsletter 2013/06 about earth observation and disaster response[4] apply the lessons learned on current events documented as maps on COPERNICUS Emergency Management Service[5]
  • (Sendai Framework) Analyse the core elements of the Sendai Framework (2015/03), in which world leaders agreed on a new global framework for disaster risk reduction for the period 2015 through 2030. Describe the benefit and limitation of the outcome [6]
  • (Digital Elevation Model) Explain how satellites can provide a digital elevation model, even for the planet Mars and explore how the before and after comparision in a Geographic Information System (GIS) can detect land slides.
  • (Sustainable Development Goals) Assign specific services of Space Technology to Sustainable Development Goals.
  • (Risk Management) Disaster or other threads to human society, environment, infrastructure, ... need risk management. Define the contribution of space technology to risk assessment and risk mitigation strategies.
  • (Open Access to Satellite Data) access to data and learn about the data processing and management of Big Data

See also

  • Risk Management
  • Disaster management
  • Open Innovation Ecosystem
  • Risk Literacy
  • Last Mile Problem[7] applied on technical infrastructure (e.g. mobile phone technology) that might not available to citizens that are exposed to natural hazards. Learning enviroments in Wikipedia are stored in digital form. Learning could be transformed into role plays, story telling and oral communication to solve the last mile problem especially with a Risk Literacy objective in mind.
  • Expert Focus Group for Space and Global Health Flooding as major disaster cause often major health problems like Cholera. Application of space technology has similar challenges according to capacity building and on the content level both topic are linked independent of the institutional collaboration and mandate of UN bodies and programmes.
  • One United Nations support multidisciplinary cross-organisational efforts for global challenges.

Open Capacity Building



  1. UN-SPIDER: Initial Version of Learning Resouce is derived from the wikipedia article about UN-SPIDER - especially wording and order topics - partial import (2017/08/17)
  2. 1 2 UN-SPIDER Knowledge Portal"
  3. UN-SPIDER March 2015 Newsletter: Space-based Information for Disaster Risk Reduction
  4. UN-SPIDER June 2013 Newsletter: Earth Observation for Disaster Response
  5. Boccardo, P. (2013). New perspectives in emergency mapping. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 46(1), 571-582.
  6. Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030
  7. Balcik, B., Beamon, B. M., & Smilowitz, K. (2008). Last mile distribution in humanitarian relief. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 12(2), 51-63.
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