< Motivation and emotion < Book

Understanding and improving our motivational and emotional lives
using psychological science (2021)


  1. Cover - Jtneill
  2. Collaborative online authoring using wiki - Jtneill et al.


  1. Active transport motivation - What motivates use of active transport and how can people be encouraged to use it? - MyUserName
  2. Beneficence as a psychological need - What is beneficence and what are its implications as a psychological need? - MyUserName
  3. Brief motivational interviewing as a health intervention - How can brief motivational interviewing be used as a health intervention? - MyUserName
  4. Consumer panic buying motivation - What motivates consumer panic buying and how can it be prevented? - MyUserName
  5. Dispositional optimism - What is dispositional optimism and how does it influence people's lives? - MyUserName
  6. Employee self-care motivation - How can employers promote and encourage employee self-care? - MyUserName
  7. Environment-friendly behaviour motivation - What motivates environment-friendly behaviour? - MyUserName
  8. Episodic future thinking and delay discounting - What is the relationship between between EFT and DD? - MyUserName
  9. Episodic memory and planning - What role does episodic memory play in planning? - MyUserName
  10. Equity theory - What is equity theory and how can it be applied? - MyUserName
  11. Feedback and motivation - What is the effect of feedback on motivation? - MyUserName
  12. Frame of reference and motivation - How does frame of reference affect motivation? - MyUserName
  13. Freedom and motivation - What is the effect of freedom on motivation? - MyUserName
  14. Frustration of basic psychological needs - What causes frustration of basic psychological needs and what are the consequences? - MyUserName
  15. Fulfilling potential - How can people fulfill their personal potential? - MyUserName
  16. Gamification and work motivation - How can gamification enhance work motivation? - MyUserName
  17. Goal-framing theory and pro-environmental behaviour - What is the role of GFT in PEB? - MyUserName
  18. Green prescription motivation - What motivates green prescription compliance? - MyUserName
  19. Growth needs and motivation - What are survival needs and how do they influence motivation? - MyUserName
  20. Initiative - What is initiative, what are its consequences, and how can it be developed? - MyUserName
  21. Laziness - What is laziness and how can we become less lazy? - MyUserName
  22. Malingering motivation - What motivates malingering and what can be done about it? - MyUserName
  23. Meaning in life - What contributes to a sense of meaning in life and what are the consequences? - MyUserName
  24. Morality as a psychological need - What is morality and what are its implications as a psychological need? - MyUserName
  25. Novelty-variety as a psychological need - What is novelty-variety and what are its implications as a psychological need? - MyUserName
  26. Optimism bias - What is optimism bias and how does it influence our lives? - MyUserName
  27. Optimism and coping - How are optimism and coping related? - MyUserName
  28. Optimism and physical health - How does optimism affect physical health? - MyUserName
  29. Optimism and pessimism - Are optimism and pessimism opposite ends of a single continuum or two different constructs? - MyUserName
  30. Optimism and psychological well-being - How are optimism and psychological well-being related? - MyUserName
  31. Perceived behavioural control and motivation - What is the role of perceived behavioural control in motivated behaviour? - MyUserName
  32. Perseverance - What is perseverance, what are its effects, and how can it be developed? - MyUserName
  33. Physical activity motivation - How can health professionals motivate people to meet minimum physical activity recommendations? - MyUserName
  34. Physical and psychological needs - What is the relationship between physical and psychological needs? - MyUserName
  35. Positive illusions about the self - How can positive illusions about the self contribute to personal effectiveness? - MyUserName
  36. Relative deprivation and motivation - What is the effect of relative deprivation on motivation? - MyUserName
  37. Security/safety as a psychological need - What is security/safety and what are its implications as a psychological need? - MyUserName
  38. Student engagement and learning - What is student engagement and how can it be fostered to improve learning? - MyUserName
  39. Survival needs and motivation - What are survival needs and how do they influence motivation? - MyUserName
  40. Task initiation - What are the challenges with task initiation and can we get started? - MyUserName
  41. Time and motivation - What is the effect of freedom on motivation? - MyUserName
  42. To-do lists - Are to-do lists a good idea? What are their pros and cons? How can they be used effectively? - MyUserName
  43. Vocational identity - What is vocational identity and how does it develop? - MyUserName
  44. Volunteer tourism motivation - What motivates volunteer tourism? - MyUserName
  45. What the hell effect - What is the WTHE and what are its consequences? - MyUserName
  46. Wounded healer paradigm - What is the wounded healer paradigm and how does it explain the motivations of psychological health professionals? - MyUserName


  1. Affective disorders - What affective disorders occur, what causes them, and how can they be managed? - MyUserName
  2. Amusement - What is amusement, what causes it, what are its consequences, and how can it be fostered? - MyUserName
  3. Brain fog - What is brain fog, what causes it, and how can it be managed? - MyUserName
  4. Compassion - What is compassion, what are its pros and cons, and how can it be fostered? - MyUserName
  5. Connection to country and well-being - What is the relationship between connection to country and well-being? - MyUsername
  6. Cultural influences on shame, guilt, and pride - How does culture influence shame, guilt, and pride? - MyUsername
  7. Developmental changes in emotion regulation - What developmental changes occur in emotion regulation? - MyUsername
  8. Emotional eating - What is emotional eating and what effect does it have on emotion and health? - MyUsername
  9. Empathy-altruism hypothesis - What is the empathy-altruism hypothesis and how can it be applied? - MyUserName
  10. Employee assistance programs - What are EAPs, how do they help, and how effective are they? - MyUserName
  11. Eudaemonia - What is eudaemonia and how can it be developed? - MyUserName
  12. Exercise and endocannabinoids - What is the relationship between exercise and the endocannabinoid system? - MyUserName
  13. Fairness and emotion - What is the relation between fairness and emotion? - MyUserName
  14. Gratitude - What is gratitude, what causes it, what are its consequences, and how can it be fostered? - MyUserName
  15. Gloatrage - What is gloatrage, what causes it, and what are its consequences? - MyUserName
  16. Inspiration - What is inspiration, what causes it, what are its consequences, and how can it be fostered? - MyUserName
  17. Impact bias - What is impact bias, what causes it, what are its consequences, and how can it be avoided? - MyUserName
  18. Interest - What is interest, what causes it, what are its consequences, and how can it be fostered? - MyUserName
  19. Kama muta - What is kama muta, what are its effects, and how can it be fostered? - MyUserName
  20. Indigenous Australian mindfulness - How has Indigenous Australian culture traditionally conceived of, and practiced, mindfulness? - MyUsername
  21. Indigenous well-being in Australia - What are the ingredients for Indigenous well-being in Australia? - MyUsername
  22. Fear of driving - What are the pros and cons of fearing driving and how can it be managed? - MyUserName
  23. Linguistic relativism and emotion - What is the role of linguistic relativism in emotion? - MyUserName
  24. Mindfulness and creativity - How can mindfulness enhance creativity? - MyUsername
  25. Mixed emotions - What are mixed emotions, what causes them, and how can they be managed? - MyUsername
  26. Mudita - What is mudita and how can it be developed? - MyUsername
  27. Narrative therapy and emotion - What is the role of emotion in narrative therapy? - MyUsername
  28. Nature and psychological distress - How can nature help people deal with psychological distress? - MyUsername
  29. Non-english emotion words - What non-english words help to describe human emotions? - MyUsername
  30. Persuasion and emotion - What is the role of emotion in persuasion? - MyUsername
  31. Pity - What is pity, what are its implications, and how can it be managed? - MyUserName
  32. Pleasure - What is pleasure and what are its consequences? - MyUserName
  33. Positivity ratio - What is the positivity ratio and what are its implications? - MyUserName
  34. Rational compassion - What is rational compassion and how can it be cultivated? - MyUsername
  35. Reflected glory - What is reflected glory and what are its pros and cons? - MyUsername
  36. Religiosity and coping - What is the relationship between religiosity and coping? - MyUsername
  37. Resentment - What is resentment, what causes it, and what are its consequences? - MyUserName
  38. Serenity - What is serenity, what causes it, what are its consequences, and how can it be fostered? - MyUserName
  39. Sorry - What is feeling sorry, what causes it, and what are its consequences? - MyUserName
  40. Sorry business - What is sorry business and what role does it play in Indigenous communities in Australia? - MyUsername
  41. Synthetic cannabinoids and emotion - What are the emotional effects of synthetic cannaboids? - MyUsername
  42. Transactional analysis and emotional literacy - How can TA help to develop emotional literacy? - MyUsername
  43. Viewing natural scenes and emotion - What is the effect of viewing natural scenes on emotion and how can this be applied? - MyUsername
  44. Wave metaphor for emotion - In what respects is an ocean wave a helpful metaphor for understanding human emotions? - MyUsername

Motivation and emotion

  1. Lottery winners, motivation, and emotion - What are the motivational and emotional impacts of winning a lottery? - Username
  2. Money priming - What is the effect of money priming on motivation and emotion? - Username
  3. Motivational dimensional model of affect - What is the motivational dimensional model of affect and what are its implications? - Username
  4. Overchoice, emotion, and motivation - What are the emotional and motivational effects of overchoice? - Username
  5. Patience and impatience - What are the psychological causes and consequences of patience and impatience? - Username
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