< Motivation and emotion < Assessment
Topic development - Author guidelines
Quickstart tip:
On a chapter page, click "Create source" or "Edit source", copy and paste
{{subst:Motivation and emotion/Book chapter structure}}
and click "Publish".
This will paste the template material and create an initial structure.


This early assessment exercise builds skills needed for completing the Book Chapter assessment exercise by developing a plan for the chapter and getting feedback. Requirements: Register a Wikiversity account, create a user page, sign up to an approved topic, develop a chapter plan (with section headings and key points, including at least one relevant image), and summarise at least one social contribution with evidence on your Wikiversity user page. Worth 5%.

There are no extensions or late submissions available for this exercise. If you are unable to complete this assessment item on time, withdrawal from the unit is recommended.


The purpose of this exercise is to encourage early development of a Book Chapter and Multimedia Presentation topic and to provide feedback about progress.

Topics must be approved by the unit convener. Suitable topics are specific, unique (i.e., have been covered by previous book chapters), and be related to either motivation or emotion

The selected topic should allow for application of psychological theory and research knowledge to help people live more effective motivational and emotional lives.

This exercise includes a social contribution component which involves providing online feedback about the development of other book chapters.

Book chapters are hosted on Wikiversity. Training in how to use Wikiversity is provided in tutorials.

Topic selection

  1. Topics must be unique (i.e., the question hasn't been covered by previous motivation and motivation book chapters).
  2. Topics should contribute to the overarching theme of the motivation and emotion book which is "understanding and improving our motivational and emotional lives using psychological science".
  3. Some pre-approved topics are available (see the book chapter table of contents). To sign up, login to Wikiversity, go to the book chapter table of contents, edit the page", add your Wikiversity user name to a topic which does not already have an author, and publish the page.
  4. Alternatively, propose a new topic by emailing the unit convener with these details:
    1. Title
    2. Subtitle (in the form of a question). Most topics are about how "X" affects "Y" (where X or Y refer to some aspect of motivation or emotion).
    3. Wikiversity user name
    4. Details of any related previous book chapter topics (use this search box)
  5. Proposed topics will be evaluated according to:
    1. Fit with the book theme (understanding and improving our motivational or emotional lives based on psychological science).
    2. Uniqueness: Topics must not have been sufficiently covered previously in the Motivation and Emotion book project. Search Wikiversity before making a proposal. If there are similar previous topics, make sure that the proposed topic builds on, or differs from, previous work.
    3. Scope: Is there sufficient theoretical and research material available to warrant a dedicated chapter? If the topic is too narrow, then it may be difficult to satisfy the marking criteria.

Chapter plan

  1. The chapter plan should consist of:
    1. Title, sub-title, and table of contents
    2. Headings
    3. Key points with citations
    4. At least 1 relevant image
    5. At least 3 references
    6. At least 1 internal (wiki or inter-wiki) link
    7. At least 1 external link
  2. The user page should consist:
    1. Self-introduction including link to chapter being worked on
    2. Social contributions section with a summary and link to evidence of at least one contribution
  3. Length (Word count): There is no minimum or maximum length for the topic development exercise.

Marking criteria

  1. Title, sub-title, TOC (10%): An approved chapter title (linked to the chapter page) and subtitle should appear in the book's table of contents along with the primary author's user name (linked to Wikiversity user page). The same title and sub-title should appear at the topic of the chapter page, along with a table of contents (which automatically appears once four or more headings are added).
  2. User page (10%): Create a Wikiversity user page with some information about yourself. Suggested headings: About me, Book chapter I'm working on, Social contributions.
  3. Social contribution (10%): On your Wikiversity user page, summarise and link to direct evidence that you have provided online feedback about the development of at least one other topic. More info.
  4. Headings (10%): Use the recommended headings (see template) plus three to six top-level content headings (between the Overview and Conclusion) which may, in turn, each contain two to five sub-headings (a section should contain either zero or two or more sub-headings - avoid having sections which only contain one sub-heading). Headings should use sentence casing.
  5. Key points (30%): In each section, provide bulleted or numbered key points about relevant theory and research, including key citations. Sections which use sub-headings require at least one introductory key point before branching into sub-sections. Provide relatively brief overviews of stand-alone concepts (with links to further information, e.g., other book chapters and/or relevant Wikipedia articles). The bulk of the proposed chapter should address the problem/question in the sub-title using the best available psychological theory and research.
  6. Image (10%): Provide at least one relevant, reusable image with an APA style figure caption.
  7. References (10%): In a section called "References", provide at least three APA style citations for key peer-reviewed sources which are cited in the plan.
  8. Resources (10%):
    1. In a section called "See also", provide at least one bullet-pointed internal (wiki) link to a relevant Wikiversity page.
    2. In a section called "External links" provide at least one bullet-pointed external link to a key internet resource (not Wikiversity or Wikipedia).


This marking rubric describes typical characteristics of topic development at each grade level, based on the marking criteria.

Grade Description
HD (High Distinction) A clear, complete, easy to understand plan is presented. Considerable depth and breadth of theoretical and research knowledge of the topic is demonstrated via the scope and detail within the plan. All recommended sections are provided. The development of the plan illustrates that author has actively engaged in developing skills required for collaborative online writing and editing (e.g., internal wiki links are provided for key terms, responses are made to comments on the chapter talk page). There are citations to more than three key academic sources with references provided in APA style. The author introduces themself on their Wikiversity user page and summarises and provides directly verifiable evidence of feedback provided about the development of at least one other book chapter topic.
DI (Distinction) A very good, understandable plan is presented. The plan includes key relevant theory and research, with relevant references. The material is well organised into sections, with minimal spelling and grammar issues. There is good evidence that the author has developed the capacity to work effectively in the collaborative editing environment. The author's user page is set up and links to evidence of contributing feedback about other chapters. There is at least one key area for further improvement.
CR (Credit) A competent plan is presented. The plan includes the main ideas and sections necessary for developing a good chapter about the topic. Some aspects of the plan, however, may be missing, limited, or problematic. For example, the headings and structure may be under-developed, the reference list may indicate a lack of depth in investigation of the topic, use of wiki links and/or images could often be improved, and/or user page set-up feedback about other chapters may not have been completed.
P (Pass) A basic, sufficient plan is presented, however there may be incomplete coverage of relevant theory and research, and/or a lack of depth or breadth in conceptualising the chapter. The chapter plan may cover basic information about separate concepts, but lack detail about how the concepts will be brought together to help address the topic. A basic heading structure is presented, but is likely to need more sections and/or improved formatting or organisation. Spelling and grammar problems are often evident. Citation and referencing tends to be missing or limited in scope and quality (e.g., top peer-reviewed citations about the topic haven't been cited). These plans usually have very brief edit histories (e.g., less than 24 hours) and are often noticeably shorter than plans which attract higher grades. Authors often haven't set up an informative user page or provided evidence of engagement with the development of other chapter plans.
F (Fail) The plan is insufficient and/or incomplete. Major gaps and/or errors in content are evident. Little evidence of awareness of relevant theory, research, and use of peer-reviewed references. These plans typically have under-developed heading structures and do not illustrate the use of key editing skills. Written expression is often undermined by poor spelling and/or grammar. These plans typically have very brief editing histories (e.g., consist of a few, last minute edits). There is generally no evidence of active engagement with the development of other chapters.

Learning outcomes

How this assessment exercise addresses the learning outcomes:

Learning outcome Description
Be able to integrate theories and current research towards explaining the role of motivation and emotions in human behaviour. This exercise requires identification and organisation of key theories and research to address a specific motivation or emotion topic.

Submission and marking process

  1. Submit via UCLearn.
  2. Chapter plans will be evaluated according to the marking criteria.
  3. No extensions will be approved.
  4. Late submissions will receive 0.
  5. Marks and feedback should be returned within three weeks of the due date.
    1. Marks will be available via UCLearn
    2. Feedback will be available via the book chapter's Wikiversity discussion page.
    3. Availability of marks and feedback will be notified via UCLearn Announcements.
  6. If you don't understand or disagree with your mark and/or feedback, then please see the marking dispute process.


These topic development submissions received 100%:

  1. Body image flexibility - What is BIF, what are its effects on well-being, and how can it be developed? - U3170940
  2. Emotional self-efficacy - What is emotional self-efficacy, what are its effects, and how can it be developed? - U3190210
  3. Guilty pleasure - What is guilty pleasure and what are its consequences? - U3160224
  4. Meta-emotion - What are meta-emotions? How do they influence our emotional lives? - U3190467
  5. Methamphetamine and emotion - What is the effect of methamphetamine on emotion? - NUMBLA0371
  1. Growth mindset development - How can a growth mindset be developed? - U3172958 (2019)
  2. Familicide motivation - What motivates people to kill members of their family? - U3160212 (2018)
  3. Awe and well-being - How does experiencing awe influence our well-being? - U3122707 (2017)

The links go to snapshots of chapter and user pages as submitted for the topic development assessment exercise.

See also

This article is issued from Wikiversity. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.