< Motivation and emotion < Book

Understanding and improving our motivational and emotional lives
using psychological science (2020)


  1. Cover - Jtneill
  2. Collaborative online authoring using wiki - Jtneill


  1. Academic locus of control - What is academic locus of control, what are its consequences, and how can it be developed? - U3142852
  2. Achievement goal theory - What is achievement goal theory and how can it be applied? - U3141425
  3. Action identification theory - What is action identification theory and how can it be applied? - U3170158
  4. Asylum seeker motivation - What are the motivations of asylum seekers? - U3200789
  5. Antidepressants and motivation - What are the effects of popular antidepressants on motivation? - U3144263
  6. Aspirational goals - Are aspirational goals an effective tool in promoting motivation? - U3175750
  7. Autonomy support and motivation - What role does autonomy support play in motivation and how can it be fostered? - U3190052
  8. Basic psychological need theory - What is basic psychological need theory and how can it be applied? - U3182677
  9. Brief motivational interventions for problematic alcohol use - How can brief motivational interventions be used to reduce problematic alcohol use and associated harms? - U3187898
  10. Cancer screening motivation - What are the motivational facilitators and barriers to participation in bowel screening programs? - U3191761
  11. Child killer motivation - What motivates children to kill others? - U3175432
  12. Climate change denial motivation - What motivates climate change denial? - Aimeeclaire
  13. Cognitive dissonance and motivation - What is the effect of cognitive dissonance on motivation? - U3185008
  14. Conscientiousness and motivation - What is the relationship between conscientiousness and motivation? - U3187486
  15. Conspiracy theory motivation - What motivates people to believe in conspiracy theories? - Cat Vera Vera
  16. Constructive nonconformism cultivation - How can constructive nonconformism be cultivated? - U3190399
  17. Cortisol and motivation - How does cortisol affect motivation? - U3174214
  18. Deliberate practice and mastery - How can deliberate practice facilitate mastery? - U115433
  19. Domestic violence motivation - What motivates domestic violence? - Ann William
  20. Egosystem and ecosystem motivation - What are egosystem and ecosystem motivations and what are their consequences? - Amyleehart
  21. Eisenhower matrix and time management - What is the Eisenhower matrix and how can it be used to improve time management? - EllisMerlino250
  22. Endurance sport motivation - What motivates people to engage in endurance sport training and competition? - Zacrosser
  23. ERG theory - What is Alderfer's ERG theory? - Ashton Whimpress
  24. Exercise addiction - What is exercise addiction, what causes it, and how can it be managed? - Hamish3145835
  25. Feedback and motivation in sport - What is the effect of feedback on motivation in sport? - U3173886
  26. Gamification and educational motivation - How can gamification enhance educational motivation? - U3166965
  27. General strain theory, crime, and delinquency - How does GST explain crime and delinquency? - U3180567
  28. Giving up goals - When should we give up goals and when should we persist? - U3200244
  29. Goldilocks principle and motivation - How does the Goldilocks principle influence motivation - U3190385
  30. Guilty pleasure - What is guilty pleasure and what are its consequences? - U3160224
  31. Habit versus addiction - What are the similarities and differences between habit and addiction? - U3176478
  32. Healthy risk-taking - What is healthy risk-taking and how can it be fostered? - Kalanyay
  33. Hypomania and motivation - What are the motivational characteristics of hypomania? - U3187388
  34. Implicit motives - What are implicit motives and how do they work? - U3201178
  35. Indigenous Australian education and work motivation - What motivates Indigenous Australian people to engage in education and work? - U3187741
  36. Indigenous Australian psychologist motivation - What motivates Indigenous Australians to become psychologists? - U3201480
  37. Köhler effect and motivation - What is the Köhler effect and how can it be applied? - U3170318
  38. Meta-emotion - What are meta-emotions? How do they influence our emotional lives? - U3190467
  39. Motivated reasoning - What is motivated reasoning and how does it affect our lives? - U3169965
  40. Motivational science - What the meaning of motivational science and why is it important to take a scientific approach to understanding motivation? - Charlos99
  41. Music and study - What effect does music have on studying? What is the best music to study to? - U3182476
  42. Organisational citizenship behaviour motivation - What motivates OCB and what are its consequences? - Cmstanton95
  43. Paedophilic motivation - Why are some people sexually attracted to minors? - Ciara Holmes
  44. Parricide motivation - What motivates children to kill their parents? - U3177123
  45. Performance feedback - How can a manager give effective performance feedback to a worker? - U3178984
  46. Pill-testing motivation at music festivals – What motivates people to engage or not engage in pill-testing at music festivals? - U3179701
  47. Protection motivation theory - What is protection motivation theory and how can it be applied? - U3177198
  48. Psychedelic treatment of addiction - How can psychedelics help in treating addiction? - Anubhandary
  49. Religious motivation - What motivates people to engage in religious activities? - U3114726
  50. Sedentary behaviour change - How can sedentary behaviour be changed? - U3177230
  51. Self-actualisation and motivation - What motivates self-actualisation? - Amy.lange1306
  52. Self determination theory in education - How can self determination theory be applied in educational settings? - U3174052
  53. Strength model of self-control - What is the strength model of self-control and how can it be applied? - U3190425
  54. Subliminal priming and motivation - What is the effect of subliminal priming on motivation? - U3192645
  55. Theory of basic human values - What is the theory of basic human values and how can it be applied? - U3037228
  56. Uses and gratifications theory - What is UGT and how can it be applied? - U3158414
  57. TV binge-watching motivation - What motivates TV binge-watching? - Palloverma00
  58. Unconscious motivation - What role does the unconscious play in motivation? - Emma.w321
  59. Urgency bias and productivity - What is the impact of urgency bias on productivity and what can be done about it? - U3190244
  60. Voyeurism motivation - What motivates voyeurism? - U3091402
  61. Work and passion - What is the relationship between work and passion? - U3181428
  62. Writer's block - What causes writer's block and how can it be overcome? - SLDux


  1. Advertising and emotion - What is the role of emotion in advertising? - u3185194
  2. Art therapy and emotion – How does art therapy engage and influence emotion? - Hill Sarah Louise
  3. Attentional bias for emotional stimuli - What is the nature of human attentional bias for emotional stimuli and what are the implications? - Amy.lange1306
  4. Autism spectrum disorder and emotional regulation - How does ASD impact on emotional regulation? - U3187381
  5. Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response and emotion - What emotions are involved in ASMR experiences and why do they occur? - U3161596
  6. Ayahuasca and emotion - What is the effect of ayahuasca on emotion? - Sydtomcat
  7. Bewilderment - What is bewilderment and how can it be dealt with? - U3185242
  8. Body image flexibility - What is BIF, what are its effects on well-being, and how can it be developed? - U3170940
  9. Boredom and technology addiction - What is the relationship between boredom and technology addiction and what can be done about it? - U3176856
  10. Cocaine and emotion - What are the effects of cocaine on emotion regulation? - Shayley Woodgate
  11. Cognitive behaviour therapy and emotion - What effect can CBT have on emotion? - U3189416-2
  12. Community resilience - What is community resilience and how can it be fostered? - Jayleami
  13. Compassion fatigue - What is compassion fatigue, what are the consequences, and how can it be managed? - MPress2020
  14. Compassion focused therapy - What is CFT and how can it be applied? - U3190523
  15. Compassion training - How can compassion be developed through training? - U3189154
  16. Compersion - What is compersion and how can it be developed? - U3202026
  17. Coping and emotion - What is the relationship between coping and emotion? - U3037120
  18. Criminal empathy - What causes empathy for criminals? - U3177510
  19. Crowds and emotion - What is the relationship between crowds and emotion? - Fiddausi Husseini
  20. Dark triad personality and emotion - What role does emotion play in the dark triad personality? - Melissa Hogan
  21. Dental fear - What causes dental fear, what are the consequences, and how can it be managed? - U3186994
  22. DMT and spirituality - How can DMT facilitate spiritual experiences? - Username
  23. Emotional abuse in romantic relationships - Why does emotional abuse occur in romantic relationships and what can be done about it? - Laurenpeel
  24. Emotional schema therapy - What is emotional schema therapy and how does it work? - U3145017
  25. Emotional self-efficacy - What is emotional self-efficacy, what are its effects, and how can it be developed? - U3190210
  26. Emotion display rules - What are display rules, how do they vary, and how are they developed? - U3188019
  27. Emotion regulation and ageing - What is the impact of ageing on emotion regulation and what can be done? - U3190016
  28. Emotion regulation and culture - To what extent does emotion regulation vary by culture? - Lilyapps123
  29. Endocannabinoid system and emotion - What is the role of the endocannabinoid system in emotion? - Claireebousfield
  30. Epigenetic impacts on emotional well-being - How can epigenetics influence emotional well-being? - Dakka2005
  31. Equanimity - What is equanimity and how can it be developed? - TaraMaland
  32. Equine therapy and emotion - What is equine therapy and what is the role of emotion in equine therapy? - U3005392
  33. Eudaimonia - What is eudaimonia and how can it be developed? - C.Rose9
  34. Expressive suppression - What is expressive suppression and what is its effect on emotion? - U3191574
  35. Fatigue and emotion - What is the effect of fatigue on emotion and what can be done about it? - U3162169
  36. Fear of pain - How does fear of pain affect our lives? - U3187664
  37. Fear of working out - What is FOWO and how can it be overcome? - OwenUC
  38. Forest therapy and emotion - What is forest therapy and how does it influence emotion? - U3175516
  39. Fundamental attribution error and emotion - What is the relationship between the FAE and emotion? - U3166897
  40. Funerals and grief work - How do funerals facilitate grief work? - U3025324
  41. Hope therapy - What is hope therapy and how can it be applied? - Jackson McNee
  42. Horticultural therapy and psychosocial well-being - How can horticultural therapy contribute to psychosocial well-being? - NNClancy
  43. Hypomania and emotion - What are the emotional characteristics of hypomania? - LucieMacdonald
  44. Imagery and emotion - How can imagery be used to regulate emotion? - U3189677
  45. Intranasal oxytocin and emotion - What are the emotional effects of intranasal oxytocin? - U3167177
  46. Intuitive eating - What is intuitive eating and what effect does it have on emotion and health? - BirdU3171984
  47. Leadership and morale - How does leadership affect morale? - U3187226
  48. Limbic system and emotion - What role does the limbic system play in emotion? - U3155259
  49. Materialism and well-being - What is the relationship between materialism and well-being? - U3197375
  50. Mental toughness - What is mental toughness, how does it help, and how can it be developed? - Myfanwyb
  51. Methamphetamine and emotion - What is the effect of methamphetamine on emotion? - NUMBLA0371
  52. Mindful eating - What is mindful eating and what effect does it have on emotion and health? - Bellamavro
  53. Mood management theory and media consumption - What is mood management theory and how does it explain media consumption and its effects on mood? - U3190415
  54. Morality and emotion - What role do emotions play in morality? - Kait B
  55. Music and emotion regulation – How can music be used to regulate emotion? - U3183539
  56. Nature deficit disorder - What is NDD, why does it matter, and what can be done about it? - U3189981
  57. Nightmares and emotion - What are the emotional characteristics and consequences of nightmares? - U3200978
  58. Nutrition and anxiety - How can nutrition be used to help deal with anxiety? - U3130574
  59. Omega-3 fatty acids and mood - What is the relationship between omega-3 fatty acids and mood? - U3190522
  60. Optimism and depression - What is the relationship between optimism and depression? - U3175502
  61. Orthorexia and emotion - What are the emotional risk factors and consequences of orthorexia? - U3191870
  62. Oxytocin and mother-infant bonding - What role does oxytocin play in mother-infant bonding? - U3189449
  63. Oxytocin and social support - What is the relationship between oxytocin and social support? - U3122220
  64. Panic - What are the emotional components of panic and how can panic be managed? - U3176631
  65. PERMA model of well-being - What is the PERMA model of well-being? - U3170318
  66. Phencyclidine and emotion - What are the emotional effects of phencyclidine? - SoniaM2020
  67. Positive emotion - What are positive emotions, why do we have them, what are their effects, and how can they be enhanced? - Taylor Mamukic
  68. Post-traumatic growth - What is post-traumatic growth and how can it be fostered? - U3186080
  69. Psychedelic treatment of depression and anxiety - How can psychedelics help in treating depression and anxiety? - JulesCro
  70. Psychological need satisfaction and body image - What is the relationship between psychological need satisfaction and body image? - Maddison gray1
  71. Psychological resilience during COVID-19 pandemic isolation - How can people be psychologically resilient during COVID-19 pandemic isolation? - Zacharydodemaide
  72. Relief - What is relief and what role does it play in our emotional lives? - Originalusernameplease
  73. Self-criticism and emotion - How does self-criticism affect emotion? - U3169316
  74. Sense of coherence - What is SOC, what are the effects, and how can it be developed? - U3178767
  75. Shame, guilt, and recidivism - What role do shame and guilt play in recidivism? - U3190229
  76. Social comparison and emotion - What is the effect of social comparison on emotion? - Tomu3138325
  77. Sorrow - What is sorrow, how does it function, and how can it be dealt with? - U3202324
  78. Stress reduction theory - What is the SRT, what is the evidence, and how can it be applied? - U3190072
  79. Subjective well-being - What is SWB, why does it matter, and how can it be enhanced? - U3187314
  80. Survivor guilt - Why do victims of trauma experience survivor guilt? - U3176522
  81. Sympathy - What is sympathy, why do we experience it, and what are the consequences, and how can it be facilitated? - Jacinta.Swinden
  82. Terror management theory - What is TMT and how can it be applied? - Oscar3176498
  83. Transgenerational trauma - What is transgenerational trauma and how can it be dealt with? - U3190456
  84. Transpersonal psychology - What is transpersonal psychology? - U3195247
  85. Trauma and emotion - What is the effect of trauma on emotion? - U3039010
  86. Triune brain theory and emotion - What is the triune brain theory and what are its implications for human emotion? - U3174181
  87. Unconscious bias and emotion - What is the role of emotion in unconscious bias? - U3149815
  88. Workplace mental health - How can mental health be enhanced in the workplace? - GwenFord

Motivation and emotion

  1. COVID-19 pandemic impacts on motivation and emotion - How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted on human motivation and emotion? - U3144808.Lillian
  2. Disgust and disease avoidance motivation - What role does disgust play in disease avoidance motivation? - U3160493
  3. Long-term side effects of antidepressants on motivation and emotion - What are the long-term side effects of antidepressants on motivation and emotion? - U3190069
  4. Opioid use disorder - What is opioid use disorder and how can it be treated? - U3065346
  5. Reward system, motivation, and emotion - What role does the reward system play in motivation and emotion? - U3216413
  6. Sporting performance, motivation, and emotion - How does motivation and emotion affect sporting performance? - Jarred Lind
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