< Korean < Words


Roman: gada [1]
Noun [2]
  1. to go
Imparative 가!
  1. go! [4]


RR: gareuda [5] [6]
  1. to split or divide something isolated.
  2. to make way in air or water.
  3. to distinguish or discriminate right and wrong reasonably.
Related terms
Verbs Nouns
  • 가르다 [7]
  • 가리다
  • 갈다
  • 갈리다
  • 거르다
  • 고르다
  • 가람
  • 가랑이
  • 가래
  • 가리비 [8]
  • 갈래
  • 갈비
  • 갈퀴
  • 고랑
  • 구렁

(under construction)


RR: gallae [9] [10]
  1. what is split, divided, or separated.
Related terms
Compare 1
  • The galley (ship) looks like a long extension of the Chinese pictogram , which is modelled after a pair of opposing wings of a bird.
  • cf. Japanese ガレー (gare). See: w:jp: ガレー船
Compare 2
  • The galley (kitchen), as seen in large airplanes or ships, also looks like a long extension of the Chinese pictogram more often than not.
  • cf. Japanese ギャレー (gyare). See: w:jp: ギャレー
Compare 3
Compare 4
  • The long gallery is used for displaying art collections, and so on.


RR: geoheum [15]
wikt: 거흠
Revision as of 11:43, 17 December 2006 (edit)

KYPark (talk | contribs)

Alternative forms
  • 거훔 (geohum) (obsolete)
  • 거엄 (geoEom) (obsolete)
Of native Korean origin.

거흠 • (geoheum)

  1. (obsolete) jawbone
Derived terms
Related terms
See also
  • 구무 (gumu): (obsolete) hole, hollow, cavity

Category: Korean nouns
Category: Native Korean words

See also


Roman: gumu [17]
Noun [18]
  1. ‘구멍’의 옛말. [19]
  2. ‘밑구멍’의 옛말. [20] [21]
Alternative forms
  • 구멍 [gumeong] cf. German Gaumen
  • 구메 [gume] cf. Low German gume, Middle Dutch gumme
  • 구모 [gumo] cf. Old High German goumo
  • 귓구무 [gwit-] earhole
  • 입구무 [ip-] oral cavity
  • 콧구무 [kot-] nostril


RR: gureuda [24] [25]
  1. (intransitive) to roll over
  • 굴리다 (gullida, transitive "to roll")
  • 굴렁쇠 (gulleongsoe, "hoop")


Nuns [38] [39]
Roman: nuna
Alias: 누님 (nunim)
Noun [40] [41]
  1. 같은 부모에게서 태어난 사이거나 일가친척 가운데 항렬이 같은 사이에서, 남자가 손위 여자를 이르거나 부르는 말. 때로는 남남끼리 나이가 적은 남자가 손위 여자를 정답게 이르거나 부르는 말. 예: 옆집 누나.
    older sister of a male (by extension applied to close, friendly older females)
  • 누이 (nui, "younger sister of a male")
  • 언니 (eonni, "older sister of a female")
Germanic Norse Others

RR: do


  1. (particle) too [47]


RR: dolmen [49]
  1. (loanword) dolmen
Related terms
  • 고인돌 (goindol, "dolmen"), origin unknown.
  • *돌면 (돌, dolmyeon, "dolmen"), assumed.
  • 면 (, myeon, Old Chinese *men, "roof; house"). [50]

RR: du [51]
  1. (numeral) two [52]
Germanic Norse Latinic


RR: duda [53]
  1. to put, set, place [54]

RR: duk


Schematic cross-section of Offa's Dyke, showing the design intended to protect Mercia against attacks/raids from Powys. The deep ditch makes the high dyke. Korean (gud, "ditch") is the anagram as well as antonym of (dug, "dyke").
  1. dyke, levee, bank, embankment, dam [57]
Germanic Latinic Others
WHY & HOW it is vital
From: Wikipedia: Great Flood (China)
He figures prominently in the Chinese legend of "Great Yu Who Controlled the Waters" (Chinese: 大禹治水; pinyin: Dà Yǔ Zhì Shuǐ).
Still in 2020 summer, we saw such a disastrous flooding along the Yangtze River.
The readers do miss the story of such a thrilling success he made by controlling the huge body of water that he may well be called the father of flood control, or 한물(hanmur, "flood") + 아비(abi, "father") in Korean wordplay.
See also
Korean dictionaries
낱말 표준국어대사전 뉴에이스 국어사전
  1. 높은 길을 내려고 쌓은 언덕. [59]
  2. 하천이나 호수의 물, 바닷물의 범람을 막기 위하여 설치하는, 흙이나 콘크리트 따위로 만든 구축물.
  3. 보를 만들거나 논밭을 보호할 목적으로 쌓은 언덕.
  1. 제방(堤防).
  2. 높은 길을 내려고 쌓은 언덕.
  1. 물가에 흙이나 돌, 콘크리트 따위로 쌓은 둑. 홍수나 해일에 물이 넘어 들어오지 못하게 하거나 물을 막아 고이게 한다.
    cf. levee #American English
  1. 홍수를 막기 위하여 흙으로 쌓은 둔덕. 둑.
  1. 물이 밀려들어 오는 것을 막기 위하여 쌓은 둑.
    cf. Deich #German
  2. 파거나, 둑으로 둘러막은 못.
    cf. Teich #German
  1. 물의 침범을 막기 위하여 쌓은 둑.
  1. 넓고 오목하게 팬 땅에 늘 물이 괴어 있는 곳. 늪보다 작다.
    cf. pond, pool, above all, moat.
  1. 넓고 깊게 팬 땅에 물이 괴어 있는 곳. 늪보다 작음. 연못.

RR: dun [60]
  • Sino-Korean (, dun),[61] synonymous[62] to (, jin; once 딘, din),[63] is phono-semantically too similar to English dun from Scottish Gaelic dùn to be ignored. What a casual, if not causal, coincidence!
  • Topologically, #둔, meaning "hill,"[64] may well compare with #둑, as follows:
    • The former is a thinly-topped or obtusely-topping heap or hill, say, dune. It may further compare with English down, town, dun, etc., and with the other Germanic relatives.
    • The latter is a thickly-topped or acutely-topping heap or hill, say, dyke. It may further compare with English tight, thigh, dough, etc., and with their Dutch and German (or Yiddish) counterparts.
둔 (dun) 둑 (duk)
English  Dutch  German 
dune duin Düne
thin dun dünn
down[65] dons Daune[66]
town tuin[67] Zaun[68]
dun dun Dun
English  Dutch  German 
dyke dijk Deich
thick dik dick
tight dicht dicht
thigh dij דיך‎ [69]
dough deeg Teig
屯 #Chinese
(tún, "village, camp, station")
dun #English
dun ("fort, hill-fort")
dun #Old English
dun ("hill, mountain")
dún #Irish
dún ("fort, fortress")
dún #Old Irish
dún ("fort, fortress")
dùn #Scottish Gaelic
dùn ("heap; fort, fortress; town")
See also


(ditda, "to set foot on" [70])

See: #도
  1. [부사] 어떤 일이 거듭하여.
  2. [부사] 그 밖에 더.
  3. [부사] 그럼에도 불구하고.


See: #도
  1. [부사] 어떤 것을 전제로 하고 그것과 같게.
  2. [부사] 그 위에 더. 또는 거기에다 더.


RR: manse
[萬歲] [71]
  1. (Exclamation for future joy) May somebody or something last for ever! [72]
  2. (Exclamation for present joy) hurrah!, bravo!.

A horse
Roman: mal
  1. 말과의 포유류. 어깨의 높이는 1.2~1.7미터이며, 갈색ㆍ검은색ㆍ붉은 갈색ㆍ흰색 따위가 있다. 네 다리와 목ㆍ얼굴이 길고 목덜미에는 갈기가 있으며, 꼬리는 긴 털로 덮여 있다. 초식성으로 3~4세에 성숙하고 16~20세까지 번식하는데, 4~6월이 번식기이고 수태한 후 335일 만에 한 마리의 새끼를 낳는다. 성질이 온순하고 잘 달리며 힘이 세어 농경, 운반, 승용, 경마 따위에 사용한다. [73] [74]
  • 말- (mal-, prefix meaning "large")
mearh #Old English (“horse”) mare #Translations
  • Irish: marc
  • Welsh: march
  • Old Frisian: mar
  • Old High German: marah
  • Old Norse: marr
  • Dutch: merrie
  • German: (obsolete) Mähre
  • Icelandic: meri
  • Norwegian: merr
  • Swedish: märr


Formica rufa, also known as the red wood ant, southern wood ant, or horse ant, is ...
A caterpillar being bitten by F. rufa
Roman: mal-gaemi
Noun [75]
  1. ‘왕개미’를 일상적으로 이르는 말. [76] [77] [78]
    a horse ant, or Formica rufa if you like. [79]
  • 왕개미 (王-, wang-gaemi, lit. "king ant") [80]
  • 홍개미 (紅-, hong-gaemi, lit. "red ant") [81] [82]
말개미 #Korean "horse ant"
(mal, "horse") + 개미 (gaemi, "ant")
馬蟻 #Sino-Korean
(ma, "horse") + (ui, "ant")
螞蟻 #Chinese
(, "insect") + (, "ant") [83]
horse ant #English
horse ("horse") + ant ("ant")
https://www.websters1913.com/words/Horse [84]
Pherdeameise #German
Pferd ("horse") + e + Ameise ("ant")
Pferdeameise f. (동물) 붉은가슴개미
See also


A horse leech on Wikipedia
Roman: mal-geomeori
Noun [85]
  1. 거머릿과의 환형동물. 몸의 길이는 10cm, 폭은 1.7cm 정도이며, 등은 누런 녹색이고, 배는 연한 녹색에 검고 작은 반점이 줄지어 있다. 몸은 대칭형으로 다소 평평하고 긴 가락 모양이다. 사람의 피부에 상처를 내기는 하나 피를 빨지는 못하며 조개류를 먹고 산다. 논이나 연못에 사는데 한국, 일본, 중국 등지에 분포한다. [86] [87]
    a horse-leech [88]
Asiatic & Finno-Ugric Germanic & Slavic
馬蛭 #Chinese
(, "horse") + (zhì, "leech")
馬蛭 #Japanese Kotobank
ウマ (uma, "horse") + ビル (biru, "leech")
말거머리 #Korean
(mal, "horse") + 거머리 (geomeori, "leech")
đỉa trâu #Vietnamese
đỉa ("leech") + trâu ("water buffalo")
hobukaan #Estonian wp
hobu ("horse") + kaan ("leech")
hevosjuotikas #Finnish wp
hevos ("horse") + juotikas ("leech")
lópióca #Hungarian wp
("horse") + pióca ("leech")
Paardenbloedzuiger #Dutch wp
paarden ("horse") + bloedzuiger ("leech")
horse leech #English
horse ("horse") + leech ("leech")
Pferdeegel #German wp
Pferde ("horse") + Egel ("leech")
hesteigle #Norwegian wp
hest ("horse") + eigle ("leech")
hästigel #Swedish wp
häst ("horse") + igel ("leech")
pijavka koňská #Czech wp
pijavka ("leech") + koňská ("horse")
pijawka końska #Polish wp
pijawka ("leech") + końska ("horse")
ко́нская пия́вка #Russian
ко́нская ("horse") + пия́вка ("leech")
Wikt: horse-leech #Translations in History [89] [90]
larger than the common leech
  • Chinese:
  • Czechs: pijavka koňská
  • Estonian: hobukaan
  • Finnish: hevosjuotikas (fi)
  • German: Pferdeegel m
  • Hungarian: lópióca
  • Japanese: ウマヒル (umahiru)
  • Korean: 말거머리 (malgeomeori)
  • Norwegian: hesteigle
  • Polish: pijawka końska
  • Russian: конская пиявка f (kónskaja pijávka) [91]
  • Swedish: hästigel
  • Vietnamese: đỉa trâu [92]
See also
  • 말- (mal-, "large; coarse")
  • (mal, "horse")


A hornet or *horse-bee
Roman: mal-beol
Noun [93]
  1. ‘호박벌’을 일상적으로 이르는 말. 동물 말벌과의 벌을 통틀어 이르는 말. 동물 말벌과의 벌. 몸은 암컷이 2.5cm, 수컷이 2cm 정도이며, 검은 갈색에 갈색 또는 누런 갈색의 털이 나 있다. [94] [95]
    a hornet [96]
  • (beol, "bee")
馬蜂 #Chinese
(, "horse") + (fēng, "bee")
말벌 #Korean
(mal, "horse") + (beol, "bee")
морин зөгий #Mongolian
морин (morin, "horse") + зөгий (zögij, "bee")
eşek arısı #Turkish
eşek (eşek, "mule") + arısı (arısı, "bee's")
ձիաբոռ #Armenian
ձի (ji, "horse") + ա (a, interfix) + բոռ (boṙ, "bee")
lódarázs #Hungarian
(, "horse") + darázs (darázs, "bee")
*horse bee #English
horse ("horse") + bee ("bee")
*pferdebiene #German
Pferd ("horse") + e + Biene ("bee") [97]
פֿערדבין #Yiddish
פֿערד‎ (ferd, "horse") +‎ בין‎ (bin, "bee")
shellan cabbyl #Manx
shellan ("bee") + cabbyl ("horse")


(mal, "horse") + 파리 (pari, "fly")
馬蠅 #Japanese
うま (uma, "horse") + ばえ (bae, "fly")
horsefly #English
horse ("horse") + fly ("fly")
Pherdebremse #German
Pferd ("horse") + e + Bremse ("fly")
Naver German dictionary [98]


RR: meoguri
  1. (Hamgyeong dialect) frog
Related terms


RR: mirinae [104]
  1. (Jeju dialect) Milky Way, literally, "dragon river" or "long river"
Related terms


RR: beoteong-arae

  1. Your, His or Her Majesty
  • Majesty
    The common majesty is "the quality of being impressive and great." What could physically justify the royal Majesty? It may be especially when His/Her Majesty leads the great noble crowd. Likewise is the case with the Korean counterpart, which is a metonym from Korean 버텅 (beoteong, "stepstone" + 아래 (arae, "the lower part"), possibly a calque from Sino-Korean 폐하 (pyaeha) from Chinese 陛下, all suggesting the noble gathering below the royal stepstone. As such, great nobility, east and west, must act as a measure, metaphor and/or metonym for great royalty and/or majesty.
  • This entry is to enter 표준국어대사전 (pyojun-gukeo-daesajeon), too.


RR: chiu (蚩尤) [106]
  1. Chiyou,[107] the ancient Far-East god of war.
See also
  • Tuesday, meaning "Tiw's day"
  • Thing, the ancient Germanic assembly
  • Mars Thingsus in Latin, meaning "Mars or the war god characteristic of the Thing"
  • Tinghus in Norwegian, meaning "Courthouse", literally, "Thing-house" cf. Korean/Words/텽집


RR: taegeuk (太極) [112]
  1. The Ultimate Oneness, Taiji, or the like. [113]
RR: taegeukgi (太極旗)
  1. the national flag of the Republic of Korea [114]
RR: taegeukdo (太極圖)
  1. Taijitu or yin-yang diagram
  • It is quite an irony as well as mystery that the colorful shield pattern above (ca. AD 430) of an Western Roman infantry unit is the earliest known Taijitu or yin-yang diagram, most likely of East Asian origin, and that most likely earlier than that. The influence of the East on the West would have never ended with that!
See also

RR: tyeong [121]
  1. The obsolete word of Sino-Korean 청(, cheong cf. Mandarin ting, "public office; large assembly or reception hall"), etc.
  • 텽집 [122] (tyeongjip, literally, "thing-house" cf. Norwegian "tinghus"), from 텽(廳, tyeong, "thing" as "a public assembly or judicial council") + 집(jip, "house").


RR: pumda [123]


  1. to embrace, sit on (eggs) [124]


  1. to repeatedly draw water from its body, likely using a certain device. (frequentative) [125]
    • cf. Middle English pumpe, German pumpen (frequentative)
Related terms
  • 푸다 [puda] to dip, draw, ladle (not frequentative)
  • 파다 [pada] to dig
  • 뿜다 [ppumda] to spout, spurt, blow, cf. fume
  • 용두레 [yongdure] a long bucket to pump or draw water up to a higher field [126]
Germanic Latinic


RR: haebaragi [127]
  1. sunflower


(きょくじつき, Kyokujitsu-ki)
The Rising Sun Flag
RR: haetgwi [128]
  1. the rising sun's rays, literally, sun's ear. [129]
  • 햇귀엣골 or 해귀엣골 (haegwietgol, "the halo of the sun")


RR: haetmul [130]
  1. halo of the sun. [131]


  1. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=가다
  2. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/가다
  3. Anomalous English infinitive "to go"
    From Middle English gon, goon, from Old English gān (“to go”). Hence, the present prefix "to" is a corruption of the early English "-on" or "-n", which is equivalent to Dutch "-an", German "-en", and even Korean "-다"!
  4. Cognates
  5. 네이버: 가르다
    1. 쪼개거나 나누어 따로따로 되게 하다.
    2. 물체가 공기나 물을 양옆으로 열며 움직이다.
    3. 옳고 그름을 따져서 구분하다.
  6. Wikt: 가르다
    1. to separate
    2. to cut or slice through
    3. to make the difference between defeat and victory
  7. Likely slidings:
    • 가르다
    • 가리다
    • 거르다
    • 고르다
  8. Fossil scallop
  9. Naver: 갈래
    1. 하나에서 둘 이상으로 갈라져 나간 낱낱의 부분이나 계통.
    2. (수량을 나타내는 말 뒤에 쓰여) 갈라진 낱낱을 세는 단위.
  10. Wikt: 갈래
    1. what is split off
  11. Compare:
  12. Compare:
  13. Naver: 할퀴다
    1. 손톱이나 날카로운 물건으로 긁어 상처를 내다.
    2. 휩쓸거나 스쳐 지나다.
    3. (생략)
    • A set of fingernails may well or ill serve as a rake in practice, even in raking on lifeless objects.
  14. "A galley proof is a printout of a document in which the margins are especially large. The idea is that you can read over what you have printed and have room for writing comments."
  15. Naver: 입-웃거흠
    1. ‘입천장’의 옛말.
    Not Available
    • Naver: 웃거흠
    • Naver: 거흠
  16. (derived from Old English goma, Old High German goumo "palate")
    Revision as of 05:39, 9 October 2007 (edit) (undo) (thank)
    Visviva (talk | contribs)
  17. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=구무
  18. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/구무
  19. (obsolete) hole, hollow, cavity
  20. (obsolete) vulva
  21. 남광우 편저. 교학 고어사전. 교학사. 1977. p. 140.
  22. While obsoleting this sense, German Gaumen below mainly means "palate" nowadays. Perhaps it may have begun with "oral cavity" (possibly together with "palate") and ended with "palate" alone anyway at last.
  23. https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/クマザサ (kumazasa)
  24. Naver: 구르다1
    1. 바퀴처럼 돌면서 옮겨 가다.
    2. 마소나 수레 따위가 걷거나 달리거나 할 때에 출썩거리다.
    3. 포나 총 따위를 쏠 때, 반동으로 그 자체가 뒤로 되튀다.
  25. Wikt: 구르다
    1. (intransitive) to roll, turn (over and over)
    1. A gyroscope
    2. A gyrocompass
    3. An autogyro
    1. A swirling vortex.
    2. A circular current, especially a large-scale ocean current.
    3. A circular motion, or a circle described by a moving body; a turn or revolution; a circuit.
    1. (intransitive) to whirl
    1. I turn in a circle, wheel around, rotate.
    2. I circle, revolve around.
  26. from Ancient Greek γῦρος (gûros, "ring, circle")
    1. circle
    2. a circular motion
    3. a circuit, course, ring
    4. (by extension) place where horses are trained
  27. From the relevant verb?
    1. ring, circle
  28. From Middle French cylindre
    1. (geometry) A surface created by projecting a closed two-dimensional curve along an axis intersecting the plane of the curve.
    2. (geometry) A solid figure bounded by a cylinder and two parallel planes intersecting the cylinder.
    3. Any object in the form of a circular cylinder.
    4. A cylindrical cavity or chamber in a mechanism, such as the counterpart to a piston found in a piston-driven engine.
    5. (automotive) The space in which a piston travels inside a reciprocating engine or pump.
    6. A container in the form of a cylinder with rounded ends for storing pressurized gas; a gas cylinder.
    7. An early form of phonograph recording, made on a wax cylinder.
    8. The part of a revolver that contains chambers for the cartridges.
    9. (computing) The corresponding tracks on a vertical arrangement of disks in a disk drive considered as a unit of data capacity.
  29. From Latin cylindrus #Latin.
    1. (geometry) cylinder
    2. (automobiles) cylinder
  30. From Ancient Greek κύλινδρος (kúlindros).
    1. cylinder
    2. (by extension) a roller; a cylindrical stone for levelling the ground
  31. From κῠλίνδω (kulíndō, “I roll”)
    1. round stone, tumbler, marble (child's toy)
    2. roller, cylinder
    3. roll of a book, volume
    1. I roll or wallow (intransitive)
  32. From Middle English carre, borrowed from Anglo-Norman carre, from Old Northern French (compare Old French char), from Latin carra, neuter plural of carrus (“four-wheeled baggage wagon”), or Gaulish origin.
    1. A wheeled vehicle that moves independently, with at least three wheels, powered mechanically, steered by a driver and mostly for personal transportation; a motorcar or automobile.
    2. - 12. (omitted)
  33. From Late Latin cyclus, from Ancient Greek κύκλος (kúklos), from Proto-Indo-European ? (“circle, wheel”). Doublet of wheel; see there for more.
    1. An interval of space or time in which one set of events or phenomena is completed.
    2. A complete rotation of anything.
    3. - 15. (omitted)
  34. Benedictine nuns of the Mariendonk Abbey, Grefath, Düsseldorf, Germany.
  35. What a coincidence it is that all wear glasses!
  36. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=누나
  37. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/누나
  38. Synonyms:
  39. Synonyms:
  40. https://www.websters1913.com/words/Nun
    Nun (?), n. [OE. nunne, AS. nunne, fr. L. nonna nun, nonnus monk; cf. Gr. ?, ?; of unknown origin. Cf. Nunnery.]
  41. Synonyms:
  42. Naver: 도15
    1. 이미 어떤 것이 포함되고 그 위에 더함의 뜻을 나타내는 보조사.
    2. - 6. (omitted)
    Wikt: 도 #Etymology_3
    1. as well; too; either, or (negative) neither, nor
      • 나도! (nado) Me too!
  43. Example:
    A: 배고파! (baegopa) Hungry!
    B: 나도! (nado) Me too!
  44. Listen to the audio there!
  45. Naver: 돌멘
    1. =고인돌(큰 돌을 몇 개 둘러 세우고 그 위에 넓적한 돌을 덮어 놓은 선사 시대의 무덤).
    Wikt: 고인돌
    1. A dolmen, a prehistoric megalith having a capstone supported by two or more upright stones.
  46. 宀 #Japanese
    On: べん (ben), めん (men)
    Kun: やね (yane, "roof"), いえ (ie, "house").
  47. Naver: 두1
    1. 그 수량이 둘임을 나타내는 말.
      • 두 사람
      • 사과 두 개
      • 두 볼에 흐르는 눈물.
    wikt: 두
    1. two
    Alternative forms
    • [dul] (used when in isolation)
  48. wikt: two:
    1. two
  49. Naver: 두다1
    1. 일정한 곳에 놓다.
      • 연필을 책상 위에 두다
      • 소화기는 눈에 잘 띄는 곳에 두어야 한다.
      • 쌀가마를 창고에 두었다.
    2. - 12. (omitted)
    Wikt: 두다
    1. To put
    2. To keep (from), preserve
    3. To have (in mind)
    4. To set up
  50. Wikt: do
    1. (auxiliary) A syntactic marker
    2. (transitive) To perform; to execute.
    3. (obsolete, transitive) To cause, make (someone) (do something).
    4. - 30. (omuitted)
    From Middle English don, from Old English dōn, from Proto-Germanic *dōną, from Proto-Indo-European *dʰeh₁- (“to put, place, do, make”).
  51. https://www.websters1913.com/words/Do
    Do (d?), v. t. or auxiliary. [...]
    1. To place; to put. [Obs.] Tale of a Usurer (about 1330).
    2. To cause; to make; -- with an infinitive. [Obs.]
  52. Naver: 둑1
    1. 높은 길을 내려고 쌓은 언덕.
      • 둑을 쌓다.
    2. 하천이나 호수의 물, 바닷물의 범람을 막기 위하여 설치하는, 흙이나 콘크리트 따위로 만든 구축물.
      • 저수지 둑
      • 물이 둑 위로 넘쳤다.
      • 들판과 바닷가는 방파제의 둑으로 나누어져 있었고 둑 아래로 성난 바닷물이 끓어오르고 있었다.
        출처 <<최인호, 지구인>>
    3. 보를 만들거나 논밭을 보호할 목적으로 쌓은 언덕.
    Wikt: 둑
    1. dike, bank, embankment
  53. Compare Korean/Words/담 as well as wikt: dam.
  54. cf. dike #English, ditch #English
  55. You might wonder why this should come first.
  56. Wikt: 둔
  57. 많은 사람이 떼를 지어 모이는 일. 또는 모인 곳이나 모인 무리.
  58. "진 둔" or "진칠 둔" jin dun or jinchil dun, "진 진" or "진칠 진" jin jin or jinchil jin.
  59. 군사들의 대오(隊伍)를 배치한 것. 또는 그 대오가 있는 곳.
  60. "언덕 둔"
  61. "Soft, fluffy immature feathers which grow on young birds"
  62. dun #Danish, dun #Norwegian, dun #Swedish, dúnn #Icelandic.
  63. "garden"
  64. "fence"
  65. Yiddish dikh
  66. "After the boat capsized, I thought that I would never set foot on dry land again."
  67. Naver: 만세3
    1. 영원히 삶.
      Ever-lasting life.
      • 만세를 누리소서.
        May you live long.
    2. 귀인, 특히 천자나 임금의 죽음을 이르는 말.
      The death of Highness, especially, the king.
    Naver: 만세4
    1. 바람이나 경축, 환호 따위를 나타내기 위하여 두 손을 높이 들면서 외치는 소리.
      • 대한 독립 만세!
      • 대한민국 만세!
      • 만세 소리
      • 만세를 부르다
    • Worthy of the leader, this is too vital to follow the the above two forerunners.
  68. Examples
    • May Your Majesty live long!
    • Long live the king!"
  69. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=말
  70. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/말
  71. (mal, "horse") + 개미 (gaemi, "ant")
  72. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=말개미
  73. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/말개미
  74. 그러면, 거꾸로, 왕개미는 일상적인 ‘말개미’를 고답적으로 또는 학술적으로 이르는 말인가?
  75. However, you may not like its Korean calque or loan translation 홍개미 that must be 말개미 in Korean context!
  76. 개밋과의 곤충. 몸의 길이는 7~13mm이며, 검은색 또는 갈색이고 금빛 털이 빽빽하게 나 있다. 일개미의 머리는 타원형인데 수컷의 머리는 둥글다. 한국, 일본 등지에 분포한다.
  77. 개밋과의 곤충. 일개미의 몸의 길이는 8mm 정도이며 붉은 갈색이고, 배는 어두운 갈색이다. 암컷은 머리와 가슴이 검은 갈색이고 꽁지는 붉은 갈색이다. 한국, 유럽, 일본, 중국 등지에 분포한다.
  78. This looks like a loan translation of Formica rufa.
  79. Maybe it began with "horse ant"(馬蟻) and ended with simply "ant"(螞蟻), as 馬("horse") corrupted into 螞("insect").
  80. "Horse ant (Zoöl.), a large ant (Formica rufa); -- called also horse emmet."
  81. (mal, "horse") + 거머리 (geomeori, "leech")
  82. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=말거머리
  83. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/말거머리
  84. Etymology
    From Middle English horseleche, horse leche (“horse doctor; bloodsucker, leech”), equivalent to horse +‎ leech. So called because it commonly attacks the membrane that lines the inside of the mouth and nostrils of animals, such as horses, that drink at pools where it lives.
  85. Created by User:KYPark, 22 February 2013
  86. All the original {{t}} templates were made {{t-}} but for Finnish {{t+}} by Rukhabot, 2 April 2013.
  87. Added by User: Atitarev, 26 February 2013
  88. Added by User:Wyang, 22 February 2013
  89. (mal, "horse") + (beol, "bee")
  90. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=말벌
  91. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/말벌
  92. Or *horse-bee, as it is much bigger than common bees.
  93. cf. Pferdeameise ("horse ant"), Pferdebremse ("horse fly"), Pferdeegel ("horse leech"), Pferdefliege ("horse fly").
  94. " Pferdebremse 여성 [동물] 등에의 일종, 말파리"
  95. '개구리1'의 방언(함경).
  96. This has overridden the titled 머구리 (meoguri) entirely nowadays. Such was not the case, but rather the opposite, in old days.
  97. '개구리'의 방언(전북)
  98. '개구리1'의 방언(평안, 함경)
  99. '잠수부(潛水夫)'의 방언(함북)
  100. Naver: 미리내
    1. 은하수 (銀河水)’의 방언(제주)
  101. 폐하 1 陛下
    1. 황제나 황후에 대한 경칭.
    폐하 2 陛下
    1. 뜰의 층계 아래.
  102. The prior spelling is assumed to be *티우(tiu).
  103. Mandarin (Pinyin): Chīyóu
  104. "The ancient Germanic god of war, identified with Tyr of Norse mythology. Possibly the god after whom Tuesday was named."
  105. Týr is the relevant Wikipedia page.
  106. "(Norse mythology) The Norse god of war, identifiable with Tiu or Tiw."
  107. "Týr is the namesake of the Tiwaz rune (ᛏ), a letter of the runic alphabet corresponding to the Latin letter T. By way of the process of interpretatio germanica, the deity is the namesake of Tuesday ('Týr's day') in Germanic languages, including English. Interpretatio romana, in which Romans interpreted other gods as forms of their own, generally renders the god as Mars, the ancient Roman war god, and it is through that lens that most Latin references to the god occur. For example, the god may be referenced as Mars Thingsus (Latin 'Mars of the Thing') on 3rd century Latin inscription, reflecting a strong association with the Germanic thing, a legislative body among the ancient Germanic peoples."
  108. 태극
  109. 표준국어대사전
    1. 중국 철학에서, 우주 만물의 근원이 되는 실체.
    2. 하늘과 땅이 분리되기 이전의 세상 만물의 원시 상태.
  110. 표준국어대사전
    1. 대한민국의 국기. 흰 바탕의 한가운데 진홍빛 양(陽)과 푸른빛 음(陰)의 태극을 두고, 사방 대각선 상에 검은빛 사괘(四卦)를 둔다. 사괘의 위치는 건(乾)을 왼편 위, 곤(坤)을 오른편 아래, 감(坎)을 오른편 위, 이(離)를 왼편 아래로 한다. 조선 고종 19년(1882)에 일본에 수신사로 간 박영효가 처음 사용하고, 고종 20년(1883)에 정식으로 국기로 채택ㆍ공포되었다. 1949년에 문교부 고시로 현재의 형태로 확정되었다.
  111. That shows the shield pattern of the Western Roman infantry unit armigeri defensores seniores.
  112. It shows a taijitu in red and black, with the motto contraria sunt complementa ("opposites are complementary").
  113. Numericana - Escutcheons of Science
  114. That is, the yin-yang diagram, "with black representing yin and white representing yang. It is a symbol that reflects the inescapably intertwined duality of all things in nature, a common theme in Taoism. No quality is independent of its opposite, nor so pure that it does not contain its opposite in a diminished form: these concepts are depicted by the vague division between black and white, the flowing boundary between the two, and the smaller circles within the large regions."
  115. Of binary opposition, that is, Taiji of yin and yang.
  116. Join the edges labelled A so that the directions of the arrows match.
  117. Naver: 텽
    1. 명사 ‘청’의 옛말.
      출처 <<훈몽 중:3>>
  118. 남광우 편저, 교학고어사전, 1997. p.1350.
  119. Naver: 품다
    Wikt: 품다
    1. 품속에 넣거나 가슴에 대어 안다.
      • 암탉이 알을 품다
    2. 남에게 보이지 않도록 품속에 넣어 지니다.
      • 가슴에 품고 있던 은장도를 꺼내다
    3. 기운 따위를 지니다.
    1. 괴어 있는 물을 계속해서 많이 푸다.
    1. 낮은 곳의 물을 높은 곳의 논이나 밭으로 퍼 올리는 데 쓰는 농기구.
  120. Wikt: 해바라기
  121. 햇귀
  122. 표준국어대사전 정의
    1. 해가 처음 솟을 때의 빛.
    2. =햇발(사방으로 뻗친 햇살).
  123. Naver: 햇물1
    1. [haetmul] > [haemmul], which is easier to pronounce.
    1. =햇무리(햇빛이 대기 속의 수증기에 비치어 해의 둘레에 둥글게 나타나는 빛깔이 있는 테두리).
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