< Korean < Words
- RR: dun [1]
- Sino-Korean 둔 (屯, dun),[2] synonymous[3] to 진 (陣, jin; once 딘, din),[4] is phono-semantically too similar to English dun from Scottish Gaelic dùn to be ignored. What a casual, if not causal, coincidence!
- Topologically, #둔, meaning "hill,"[5] may well compare with #둑, as follows:
- The former is a thinly-topped or obtusely-topping heap or hill, say, dune. It may further compare with English down, town, dun, etc., and with the other Germanic relatives.
- The latter is a thickly-topped or acutely-topping heap or hill, say, dyke. It may further compare with English tight, thigh, dough, etc., and with their Dutch and German (or Yiddish) counterparts.
둔 (dun) | 둑 (duk) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Associatives
- See also
- References
- ↑
- ↑ 많은 사람이 떼를 지어 모이는 일. 또는 모인 곳이나 모인 무리.
- ↑ "진 둔" or "진칠 둔" jin dun or jinchil dun, "진 진" or "진칠 진" jin jin or jinchil jin.
- ↑ 군사들의 대오(隊伍)를 배치한 것. 또는 그 대오가 있는 곳.
- ↑ "언덕 둔"
- ↑ "Soft, fluffy immature feathers which grow on young birds"
- ↑ dun #Danish, dun #Norwegian, dun #Swedish, dúnn #Icelandic.
- ↑ "garden"
- ↑ "fence"
- ↑ Yiddish dikh
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