The Six Orders of the Mishnah | |||||
Seder Zeraim | Seder Moed | Seder Nashim | Seder Nezikin | Seder Kodashim | Seder Tohorot |
Berakhot | Shabbat | Yevamot | Bava Kamma | Zevachim | Kelim |
Peah | Eruvin | Ketubot | Bava Metzia | Menachot | Oholot |
Demai | Pesachim | Nedarim | Bava Batra | Chullin | Negaim |
Kilayim | Shekalim | Nazir | Sanhedrin | Bekhorot | Parah |
Sheviit | Yoma | Sotah | Makkot | Arakhin | Tohorot |
Terumot | Sukkah | Gittin | Shevuot | Temurah | Mikvaot |
Maaserot | Beitzah | Kiddushin | Eduyot | Keritot | Niddah |
Maaser Sheni | Rosh Hashanah | Avodah Zarah | Meilah | Makhshirin | |
Challah | Taanit | Avot | Tamid | Zavim | |
Orlah | Megillah | Horayot | Middot | Tevul Yom | |
Bikkurim | Moed Katan | Kinnim | Yadayim | ||
Chagigah | Oktzin |
Model texts: Tractate Berakhot | Berakhot 1:4 | Peah 1:1 | Hebrew Mishnah - משנה בעברית
Project information: The Open Mishnah Project | עברי
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