< The Essays of Francis Bacon


Abbott, E. A., lxxx
Abstemius, Laurentius (Lorenzo Bevilaqua), 243
Abuse, 194, 231
Accept of, 15
Accessary, 107
Accommodate, 14
Actium, 144
Acts, 12, 19, 46, 143, 266
Aculeate, 260
Adamant, 80
Addison, Joseph, 75
Address to the Deil, xci, 105
Ado, 36
Adulatore et amico, De, 44
Adust, 171
Advancement, 164
Advancement of Learning, xliv, lii, 5, 10, 18, 25, 28, 34, 43, 50, 57, 61, 69, 71, 84, 106, 132, 204, 234, 235, 240, 261, 270
Adventure, 5, 163
ADVERSITY, OF, lxxi, xciv, 22
Advised, 81
Advoutress, 87
Aeneid, 61, 137, 165
Aeschines, 135
Aesop, 179, 202, 204, 243
A Cat and Venus, 180
A Cock and a Diamond, 55
A Fly upon a Wheel, 243
Momus, 204
Aesopi fabulae Graeco-latinae, 204
Aesopi Phrygis et Aliorum Fabulae, 244
Aestivation, 209
Affect, 3, 180
Affection, 31
After, 181
Agamemnon, 17
Agesilaus II., 37, 187, 202
Agricolae, Vita Julii, 9, 242
Agrippa, 121
Alchemist, The, 172
Alcibiades, 197
Alcibiades, Life of, 199
Alcoran, 71
Alexander the Great, 83, 88, 134, 166, 198
Alexander, Life of, 166
Alfonso X., 249
All one, 263
Allay, 6
Alley, 100
Allow, 79
All's Well that Ends Well, 183
Almaigne, 268
Almost, 197
Amos, 252
Amyot, Jacques, lxxvi, 76
Anabaptist, 18
Anathema, 57
Anatomy of Melancholy, The, 3, 22, 77
Anaxagoras, xxx
And, 108
ANGER, OF, 258
Angry, 261
Annales, 9, 25, 86, 102, 104, 121, 164, 241
Anselm, St., 88
Answer, 192
Antecamera, 209
Antic, 177
Antimasque, 177
Antiochus III., 244
Antoninus Pius, 235
Antony, 21, 43, 120, 121, 135, 144, 236
Antony and Cleopatra, 43, 77, 124, 227
Antony, Life of, lxxvi, 57
Apelles, 198
Apologia Ecclesiae Anglicanae, xix
Apologie or aunswer in defence of the Church of England, xix
Apology in Certain Imputations concerning the late Earl of Essex, xxxvii, xlii, xliii
Apophthegmes New and Old, lii, lxxxvii, 20, 24, 35, 55, 67

69, 84, 96, 100, 112, 125, 197, 199, 239, 260

Apparent, 184
Appetite, 226
Appian of Alexandria, The Roman History of, 166
Appius and Virginia, 43
Appolloni Tyanensi, Vita, 84
Appollonius of Tyana, 83, 84, 118
Appose, 103
Apprehend, 228
Apricock, 214
Apt, 134
Arbitrement, 14
Archer-Hind, R. D., 263
Argos, 99
Argument, 133
Arians, 266
Arietation, 269
Aristander, 166
Aristippus, 100
Aristophanes, 169
Aristotle, xx, xxii, Ixii, Ixxv, 72, 116, 245
Metaphysics, 245
Nichomachean Ethics, 245
Poetics, 245
Politics, 117, 245
Rhetoric, 245
Armada, xxvi, xxviii, 168
Arminians, 266
Arrogancy, 40
Artichokes of Hierusalem, 155
Arundel, 2d Earl of (see, Thomas Howard)
As, 16, 25, 72, 85, 103, 121, 130, 132, 181, 189, 203, 246, 248, 263
Ascham, Roger, Ixxxiv
Assay, 62
Assured, 70
As You Like It, 81, 113, 162, 169, 240
ATHEISM, OF, Ixxvi, 71
Atlanticus, 170
Atlantis, 170
Attempered, 258
Attic style, Ixxii, Ixxiii
Atticus, Titus Pomponius, 143, 144
Aubrey, John, Ixv
Audits, 161
Augmentis Scientiarum, De, xxiii, lii
Augustae Historiae Scriptores, 38, 70, 194
Augustine, St., Ixxvi, 4
Augustine, The Confessions of, 4
Augustus, 9, 21, 25, 77, 121, 144, 166, 172, 194, 197, 236, 249
Aurelianus, 249
Aurelius, Marcus, 122
Austin, Sarah, 32
Authorized Version, Ixxvi, Ixxxv, Ixxxix, xc, 106, 180, 183
Aversation, 117
Avert, 12
Avoidance, 210
Away, 241

Bacon (English Men of Letters), 114
Bacon, Anne Cooke, xv, xvi, xvii, xviii, xix, xxv, xxxv, xlvii, Iv, xciv
Bacon, Anthony, xv, xvii, xix, xx, xxv, xxxii, xxxiv, xxxv, xxxvii, xli, xiiii, Ixviii, Ixix, 203
Bacon, Edward, xvii
Bacon, Francis
Ancient of Gray's Inn, xxii, 251
Anecdotes of, xx, xxi, xxiii, xxiv, xxvi, xxvii, xxxiv, xxxix, xliii, liii, Ivii
Attorney-General, xlvii
Baron Verulam, xlvii
Birth, xv
Character, Ivii, Iviii, xcv, xcvi
Death and burial, liii, liv
Diplomatic service, xxii, xxiii
Fall and condemnation, xlviii, xlix, 1, li
Knigmhood, xliv
Lord Chancellor, xlvii
Lord Keeper, xlvii
Marriage, xliv
Member of House of Commons, xxvi, xxvii, Ixvi, xcii. 137
Portraits, liv, Iv, Ivi, Ivii
Privy Councillor, xlvii
Queen's Counsel Extraordinary, xxxvii, xxxix, xli, xliii
Solicitor-General, xlv
Undergraduate, xx, xxi, xxii
Viscount St. Alban, xlvii
Will, liv, Ivii, Iviii
Advancement of Learning, xliv, lii, 5, 10, 18, 25, 28, 34, 43, 50, 57, 61, 69, 71, 84, 106, 132, 204, 234, 235, 240, 261, 270
Apology in Certain Imputations concerning the late Earl of Essex, xxxvii, xlii, xliii
Apophthegmes New and Old, lii, Ixxxvii, 20, 24, 35, 55, 67, 69, 84, 96, 100, 112, 125, 197, 199, 239, 260

Augmentis Scientiarum, De, xxiii, lii
Controversies of the Church of England, An Advertisement touching the, xxviii
Colours of Good and Evil, Of the, xxxvii
Commentarius Solutus, lxiv, 114
Custumae aptae ad Individuum, xxvii
Declaration of the Practises and Treasons attempted and committed by Robert late Earle of Essex, A., xlii
Discourse of the Plantation in Ireland, lxvii
Essaies (second edition), xlvii, lxx, 183, 290
Essayes (first edition), xxxvii
Essayes or Counsels, Civill and Morall, lii, lxi, lxiii, lxvii, lxxii, lxxiii, lxxvii, lxxix, lxxx, lxxxii, lxxxy, lxxxviii, xc, xciv, xcv, xcvi, 129, 207
Francis Bacon (Great Englishmen of the Sixteenth Century), lvii
Francis Bacon: His Life and Philosophy, liv, lvi
Historie of the Raigne of King Henry the Seventh, The, lii, 137, 167
Instauratio Magna, xlviii
Letter of Advice to Queen Elizabeth, xxvii, xxviii
Letter to Lord Burghley, xxix, xxx, xxxi
Lord Bacon, lv, Ixxx
Masques, xxxii, xlvii, xlviii, lxv, lxxxii
Meditationes Sacrae, xxxvii
Novum Organum, xlviii
Opera Moralia et Civilia, lii
Saggi Morali del Signore Francesco Bacono, 129
Sapientia Veterum, De, xlvii, 23, 129
Sermones Fideles sive Interiora Rerum, lii
Sylva Sylvarum: or A Natural History, xxi, xxiii, xxiv, lii, liii, lxi, 175, 179, 224
Temporis Partus Maximus, xxviii, xlviii
Union of the Kingdoms of England and Scotland. Certain Articles or Considerations touching the, lxvii
Works of Francis Bacon, The, liii, lv, lvi, lvii, 15, 37, 54, 61, 62, 76, 90, 91, 94, 154, 165, 178, 182, 199, 204, 270
Works of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England, The, lv
Bacon, Sir Nathaniel, xvii, liv
Bacon, Sir Nicholas, xv, xvi, xvii, xxiv, li, liv, lv, lxv, 220
Bacon, Sir Nicholas, 2d, xvii
Bajazet II., 88
Banquet, 206
Barberry, 215
Barnham, Alice, xliv
Barnham, Benedict, xlv
Barriers, 177
Barriers, Prince Henry's, 177
Bartholomew Fair, 191, 215
Bartholomew-tide, 17, 216
Battle, 270
Baugh and May, 168
Bay, 216
Bay-salt, 157
Bean-flower, 217
Bear, 115
Bear out, 226
Bear's-foot, 223
Beat over, 235
Beaumont, Francis, xlviii, lxxxii, 174
Beaumont and Fletcher
Four Plays in One, 174
The Honest Man's Fortune, 14
The Maid's Tragedy, 123
Beaver, 167
Because, 33, 111
Become, 208
Bedford, Earl of (see, Francis Russell)
Befall to, 268
Beggar, 116
Beholding, 42
Belike, 237
Bellum Jugurthinum, 84
Belly, 98
Bernard, St., lxxvi, 74
Life and Works of Saint Bernard, 15
S. Bernardus. Ad Pastores in Synodo Congregates sermo, 74
Bias, 107
Acts, 12, 19, 46, 143, 266
Amos, 252
1 Corinthians, 12, 118, 198, 201, 216
2 Corinthians, 52, 209, 243
Daniel, 13, 16, 138, 250
Deuteronomy, 252

Ecclesiastes, xc, 160, 240, 241, 261
Ephesians, 258
Esther, 206
Exodus, 11, 17, 113
Genesis, 6, 15, 17, 47, 61, 135, 172, 187
Hebrews, 8, 162
Isaiah, 18, 91, 245
James, 19, 117, 126, 254
Jeremiah, 111, 244
Job, 21, 63
Joel, 195
John, 3, 111, 117
1 John, 201
Joshua, 122
Judges, 17, 182
1 Kings, 257, 262
2 Kings, 14
Luke, 7, 10, 11, 14, 56, 94, 187, 230, 253, 259
Mark, 14, 133, 198
Matthew, 12, 14, 18, 20, 42, 55, 56, 85, 124, 146, 256, 265
Nehemiah, 102
Philippians, 4
Proverbs, lxxxvi, xc, 19, 30, 40, 50, 82, 91, 106, 147, 160, 161, 164, 242, 252, 253, 255
Psalms, 12, 15, 20, 72, 101, 132, 180, 183, 197, 216, 253, 254
Revelation, 14, 206
Romans, 7, 57, 60, 158, 200, 243
1 Samuel, 165
2 Samuel, 94
2 Thessalonians, 140
1 Timothy, 16, 195, 258
2 Timothy, 114
Zephaniah, 200
Bible in English style, lxxxviii, lxxxix
Biblia Sacra (see, Vulgate)
Bion, 74
Blackbird, The, 214
Blacks, 8
Blanch, 115
Boccaccio, Giovanni, lx
Bodley, Sir Thomas, 103
Boiardo, Matteo Maria, 74
Botany, The Elements of, 215
Bradshaw, John, 27
Brave, 68, 157
Bravery, 48, 174, 258
Brent, Sir Nathaniel, lxxix, 78
Briareus, 99
Broke, 162
Broken music, 174
Browne, Sir Thomas, 9, 262
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 23
Browning, Robert, 160
Bruit, 244
Brutus, 196
Brutus, Decimus Junius, 120
Brutus, Marcus Junius, 21, 166, 236
Brutus, Marcus, Life of, lxxvi, 166
Buckingham, Duke of (see, George Villiers)
Buckle, 99
BUILDING, OF, lxv, 203
Bullace, 215
Bullen, A. H., 22
Bunyan, John
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, 10
The Pilgrim's Progress, 156
Burghley, Lord (see, William Cecil)
Burnet, 218
Burns, Robert, xci, 105
Burrhus, or Burrus, Afranius, 104
Burse, 80
Burton, Robert, 3, 22, 77
Busbec, Augier Ghislen de, 54
Busy, 220
Butler, Samuel, 6
Buzz, 150
By, 143
Byron, George Gordon Noel, 72
Childe Harold, 178
Letters and Journals of Lord Byron: With Notices of his Life. T. Moore. (New York, 1831), 4, 72
The Works of Lord Byron. A New, Revised and Enlarged Edition, with Illustrations. Letters and Journals. R. E. Prothero, 22
Caesar, Caius Julius, xx, lxxii, lxxiii, lxxv, lxxxvi, lxxxvii, 21, 64, 69, 108, 115, 144, 186, 193, 236, 249
Julius Caesar, 31, 59, 64, 73, 125, 147, 148, 184
Caesar, Life of, lxxvi, 120, 166, 186
Caesaribus, De XII., lxxv, 9, 69, 166, 167
Calpurnia, 120
Camden, William, xv
Can, 47
Captious, 257
Caracalla, 83
Care, 195
Carleton, Sir Dudley, xliv, 200
Carneades, 3

Carr, Robert, Earl of Somerset, xlviii
Cashiered, 237
Cassius, 21, 236
Cast, 208
Castoreum, 119
Cat and Venus, A, 180
Catch, 175
Catchpole, 243
Cato, Dionysius, 98
Cato, Marcus Porcius, 185
Catonis Distichorum de Moribus, 98
Catullus, Caius Valerius, lxxii
Cecil, Mildred Cooke, xviii, xix
Cecil, Sir Robert, Earl of Salisbury, xvii, xxvi, xxviii, xxxiv, xxxv, xxxviii, xliv, xlv, lxiv, lxvii, 103, 154, 200
Cecil, William, Lord Burghley, xviii, xxviii, xxix, xxxii, xxxvi, lxxvii
Celsus, Aulus Cornelius, 148
Certayne Sermons, xix
Cessions, 246
Chamaïris, 212
Chamber of presence, 208
Chamberlain, John, xliv
Chamberlain, Nicholas, 200
Chapman, George, xliv
Eastward Hoe, xliv
The Masque of the Middle Temple and Lincoln's Inn, 176
Chapmen, 162
Charge, 245
Charlemagne, 268
Charles the Bold, lxxvii, 122, 123
Charles, Prince (Charles I.), lvii
Charles V., 83, 85
Charon, 135
Chaucer, Geoffrey, lix, 217
The Clerk's Tale, 237
The Doctor's Tale, 43
The Knight's Tale, 77, 122
The Prologue, 110, 213
Check with, 44, 149
Chesterfield, The Letters of Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, 27
Childe Harold, 178
Chop, 255
Church, R. W., Ixxx, 114
Churchmen, 33
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, xx, lxxii, lxxiii, lxxv, xc, xcii, 75, 115, 143, 160, 205, 246, 248, 264
Brutus, 196
Epistolae, 46, 108, 144
Legibus, De, 257
Orationes, 76, 115, 121, 160
Oratore, De, 34, 205
Philippicae, 121, 135
Rhetorica, 198
Tusculanae, 182, 245
Cicero, Quintus Tullius, 248
Ciceronis Scripta Quae Manserunt Omnia, M. Tullii, 248
Cimon, Life of, 132
Cipher, biliteral, xxiii
Circumstance, 247
Civil, 77, 228
Civility, 211
Clamour, 97
Claudius (Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus), 102
Claudius Crassus, Appius, 43
Clément, Jacques, 21, 181
Cleon, 169
Clerk's Tale, The, 237
Close, 49
Cloth of Arras, 125
Clough, Arthur Hugh, 258
Cock and a Diamond, A, 55
Codlin, 214
Coemption, 163
Coke, Sir Edward, xxxiii, xxxiv, xli, xlv, xlvii, xlviii
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, lx
Collation, 88
Collegiate, 183
Colour, 193
Colours of Good and Evil, Of the, xxxvii
Columbus, 239
Comedy of Errors, The, 38, 103, 138
Comfort, 183
Comines, Philippe de, lx, lxxvii, 122, 123
Command, 5
Commend, 148
Commentaries (Caesar), lxxii
Commentarius Solutus, lxiv, 114
Commiserable, 159
Commodities, 188
Commodus, 83
Common Prayer, The Book of, 183
Communicate, 122
Composition, 150, 194
Compound, 249
Comus, 174
Conceit, 29, 254, 255
Conclusion, 105
Conduct of Life, 268
Confessio Amantis, 43
Confessions of Augustine, The, 4
Confidence, 73
Conquest of Peru, History of the, 202
Conscience, 47

Consent, 72, 200
Consort, 95
Constans, Flavius Julius, 87
Constantino the Great, 87
Constantinus, Flavius Claudius, 87
Constantius, Flavius Julius, 87
Contain, 260
Contrariwise, 38, 236
Controversies of the Church of England. An Advertisement touching the, xxviii
Conversation, 117
Converse, 180
Convince, 71
Cooke, Sir Anthony, xv, xviii
Copulate, 183
1 Corinthians, 12, 118, 198, 201, 216
2 Corinthians, 52, 209, 243
Coriolanus, 127, 198
Coriolanus, Life of, lxxvi, 96
Corn, 156
Cornelian-tree, 212
Correspondence of M. Tullius Cicero, arranged according to its Chronological Order, The, 108
Corroborate, 181
Cortegiano, Il, xviii
Coryate, Thomas, 188
Coryats Crudities, lxix, 187
Cotgrave, Bandle, 214, 215
Council of Trent, 77
COUNSEL, OF, lxxxviii, 91
Court, Great, 207
Court and Times of James I., 200
Covert, 219
Cowley, Abraham, Life of, 6
Cowper, William, 190, 211
Cranmer, Thomas, xix
Creature, 30
Cringe, 13
Crispus, Flavius Julius, 87
Critias, 170
Croesus, 135
Cromwell, Oliver, xcv
Cromwell, Sir Oliver, lxvii
Crook, 107
Cunning, 172
CUNNING, OF, lxiii, lxiv, lxxx, lxxxvi, xci, xciii, 100
Cunningly, 132
Curiosities, 36
Curiosity, 222
Curiosity, Of, 37
Curious, 115, 240
Curiously, 234
Currently, 149
Custom, 158
CUSTOM AND EDUCATION, OF, xxiii, lxxxvii, xc, 181, 183
Custumae aptae ad Individuum, xxvii
Cymbeline, 49
Cyrus, 135, 249

Daintily, 4
Dainty, 175
Dammasin, 213
Danett, Thomas, lxxvii
Daniel, 13, 16, 138, 250
Davison, Francis, lxviii
Davison, William, lxviii
DEATH, OF, lxii, 7
Deceivable, 200
Deceive, 224
Decent, 198
Decii, 251
Declaration of the Practises and Treasons attempted and committed by Robert late Earle of Essex, A, xlii
Declination, 103
Decline, 186
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The History of, 21
De facto, 48
Defence of Poesie, The, lx, 107, 141
Defoe, Daniel, 248
DEFORMITY, OF, lxiv, 200
DELAYS, OF, lxiii, 98
Demetrius, 88
Democritus, 3, 71
Demosthenes, xx, 51, 121, 135
Dependance, 173
Deprave, 231
Derive, 40
Desemboltura, 185
Destitute, 159
Deuteronomy, 252
Devereux, Robert, 2d Earl of Essex, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxiv, xxxy, xxxvi, xxxvii, xxxviii, xxxix, xl, xli, xlii, xliii, l, lxxxiii, 103, 130, 174
Devereux, Robert, 3d Earl of Essex, xlviii
Device, 178
Diagoras, 73
Dialogues of the Dead, 74
Dialogues of the Gods, 74
Dialogues of Plato, 116, 170, 202, 261, 263, 264
Diary (Evelyn), 220
Dictionarie of the French and English Tongues, 214, 215
Dictionary, New English, 233
Dictionary of National Biography, 114
Dictionary of Slang and Colloquial English, A, 256
Difference, 115, 229
Difficileness, 56

Diocletian, 83
Diogenes Laertius, 73, 100
Dion Cassius, 10, 121, 122
Disadvantageable, 131
Discommodity, 158
Discontent, 171, 229
Discontentment, 227
Discorsi sopra La Prima Deca di T. Livio, lxxix, lxxx, 54, 55, 62, 181, 263
DISCOURSE, OF, lxxiii, 151
Discourse of the Plantation in Ireland, lxvii
Discourses upon the First Decad of Livy, Political, 263
Discoursing, 3
Discovery of America, 166, 239
Disgrace, 173
DISPATCH, OF, lxiii, lxxxviii, 111
Dispense with, 171
Displant, 154
Displeasure, 172
Disreputation, 229
Dissimulation, 24
Distance, 69
Distaste, 231
Distemper, 83
Ditty, 175
Divers, 94, 198
Diverse, 13
Diversly, 136
Doctor, 11
Doctor's Tale, The, 43
Doderidge, Sir John, xlv
Dole, 160
Dolours, 10
Domestic Life, lxiii
Domitian, 9, 83, 95, 166
Donative, 90
Donne, John, lv
Douay Bible, 180
Doubt, 130
Drake, Sir Francis, lix
Drama, Elizabethan, lxxxi, lxxxii, lxxxiii
Drusus Caesar, 86
Drusus, Nero Claudius, 196
Dryden, John
Georgics, 223
Plutarch's Lives of Illustrious Men Translated by John Dryden and Others, 166, 205
Religio Laici, 264
Dürer, Albrecht, 198

Eales, Samuel J., 15
Eastward Hoe, xliv
Eccentric, 77
Ecclesiastes, xc, 160, 240, 241, 261
Ecclesiastical Sonnets, 23
Echo of Pont-Charenton, xxiii
Eclogae, 134
Edgar, 249
Edinburgh Review, The, lv
Edward II., 86
Edward IV., 197
Edward VI., xviii, 168
Egerton, Sir Thomas, xxxix
Eighty-eight, the year, xxvi, 168
Eikon Basilike, 260
Either, 149, 218
Ejaculation, 35
Elegancy, 211
Element, 72
Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, xlvii, 174
Elizabeth, Queen of England, xv, xvi, xvii, xix, xx, xxxiii, xxxiv, xxxv, xxxvi, xxxvii, xxxviii, xxxix, xl, xlii, xliii, xlv, xlvi, lix, lxiii, lxiv, lxix, lxxvi, lxxviii, 101, 103, 137, 167, 168, 174, 182
Embase, 6
Emblemes, 114
Embossment, 221
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, lxiii, 35, 76, 123
Conduct of Life, 268
Domestic Life, lxiii
Friendship, lxiii
Love, lxiii
Empedocles, 117
EMPIRE, OF, 29, 82
Employ to, 156
Endymion, 211
Engaged with, 182
Engine, 77
English Grammar (Ben Jonson), 127
English language, lxxii, lxxiii, lxxxv, 30, 86, 125, 127, 156, 179, 183
English Men of Letters, lxx, 114
Enow, 134
Enterpriser, 186
Entertainment, 230
ENVY, OF, lxiv, 35
Epaminondas, 187
Ephesians, 258
Epicoene; or, The Silent Woman, 221
Epicure, 17
Epicureans, 5
Epicurus, 43, 71, 73
Epicycle, 77
Epigrammata, 95
Epimenides, 117
Epimetheus, 68
Epistle I. To Sir Richard Temple, Lord Cobham, 46
Epistle III. To Allen, Lord Bothurst, 159

Cicero, 46, 108, 144
Horace, 10
Pliny the Younger, 246, 247
Seneca, lxx, 8, 9, 22, 43
Equinoctia, 60
Equipollent, 182
Erasmi Adagia, 118
Esculent, 155
Escurial, 205
Esmond, Henry, 13
Essais (Montaigne), lx, Ixxviii, 6
Essay, lxx
Essayes or Counsels, Civill and Morall, lii, lxi, lxiii, lxvii, lxxii, lxxiii, lxxvii, lxxix, lxxx, lxxxii, lxxxv, lxxxviii, xc, xciv, xcv, xcvi, 129, 183, 207
Essex, 2d Earl of (see, Robert Devereux)
Essex, 3d Earl of (see, Robert Devereux)
Estate, 58, 64, 128, 228, 235, 257
Esther, 206
Ethics, Nichomachean, 245
Eunuchus, 93
Euripides, 17, 199
Exaltation, 183
Excellency, 197
Except, 117
Excusation, 113, 246
Exhaust, 34, 271
Exilio, De, 32
Exodus, 11, 17, 113
Expect, 162
Experience, to put in, 157
Extern, 195
Extreme, 201
Evelyn, John, lxix, 220
Every of them, 63
Every Man in his Humour, 190

Fables of Abstemius, 243
Fables of Aesop and Other Eminent Mythologists: With Morals and Reflexions, 55, 180, 243
Facility, lviii, 48
Factious, 244
Faery Queene, The, 45, 98, 99, 110, 122, 207, 208
Fain, 89
Fair, 28, 205, 255
Fall, xci, 28, 105
Fame, 61
Farmer, John S., 256
Farneworth, Ellis, 263
Fashion, 227
Fast, 216
Favor, 198
Felicity, 24
Fenton, Geoffrey, lxxviii
Ferdinand II., 86
Ferrier, Susan Edmonstone, 219
Fetch, 269
Fetch about, 104
Field, 270
Flashy, 234
Fleming, Sir Thomas, xxxv, xlv, xlvii
Florio, John, 183, 231
Flos Africanus, 213
Flout, 153
Flower-de-luce, 213
Flux, 262
Fly upon a Wheel, A, 243
Foil, 238
Foix, Gaston de, 194
Folk-lore, xci
FOLLOWERS AND FRIENDS, OF, lxii, lxiii, 227
Fomentation, 113
Fond, 127
Foot, 206
Foot-pace, 255
Foot (under foot), 190
For that, 128
Forth (so far forth), 231
Formal Gardens in England and Scotland, 220
FORTUNE, OF, lxxx, 184
Foundation, 30
Four and twenty letters, xci, 127
Four mutable elements, 72
Four Plays in One, 174
Foxe, Richard, 94
Francis Bacon: His Life and Philosophy, liv, lvi
Francis I., 85
Frederick V., Elector Palatine, xlvii
Friendship, lxiii
FRIENDSHIP, OF, lxii, lxxi, lxxvii, lxxxviii, xci, xciii, xcv, 117, 129
Fritellaria, 212
Froward, 226
Fume, 264
Futile, 27, 93

Galba, 9, 50, 69, 166
Galen, 245
Galliard, 152
GARDENS, OF, lxv, lxxv, 203, 211
Gasca, Pedro de, 202
Gaudery, 145
Gay, John, Life of, 45
Gellius, Aulus, 115, 116
Genesis, 6, 15, 17, 47, 61, 135, 172, 187
Georgica, 60, 61, 187, 259
Georgics, 223

Geraint and Enid, 110, 153
Gerard, Balthazar, 181
Germander, 212
Germania, 9
Gibbon, Edward, 21
Gidea Hall, xv
Gillyflower, 217
Gingle, 158
Gladstone, William Ewart, 97
Globe, 47
Globe Theatre, xl
Glorious, 164, 228
Glory, 176, 245, 254
Go, 223
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 17
Goldsmith, Oliver, 46
Gonzalo, Fernandez y Aguilar, 260
Good-natured Man, The, 46
Goodwin, William Watson, 35, 37, 76, 123
Gorhambury, xvii, xxv, xxvi, li, liv, lvi, lvii, lxv, 203, 220
Gower, John, 43
Grace, 254, 255
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, 10
Gracious, 198
Graecia, 143
Grape-hyacinth, 214
Gray, Asa, 215
Gray's Inn, xxii, xxv, xxvi, xxxi, xxxii, xliv, xlvii, xlviii, lxxxii, xcii, 174, 251
Great Englishmen of the Sixteenth Century, lvii
GREAT PLACE, OF, lviii, lxii, xciv, 45
Greene, Robert, lx
Gregory the Great, 263, 264
Grenviile, Sir Richard, lxvi
Greville, Fulke, xxxv
Grief, 64
Grimston, James Walter, 3d Earl of Verulam, liv, lvi
Grimston, Sir Harbottle, liv
Grose, Francis, 256
Gross, 264, 265
Gryllus, 34
Guicciardini, Francesco, lxxviii, lxxix, 85
Gulliver's Travels, 74, 262
Gunpowder Plot, 17
Guy Mannering, 263

Haberdasher, 101
Habilitation, 140
Had need be, 179
Hadrian, 38
Hakluyt, Richard, lx, 108
Halleck, Fitz-Greene, 33
Hamlet, 29, 31, 34, 55, 106, 115, 118, 125, 130, 194, 196, 223, 231, 232
Hand of Ethelberta, The, 203
Handle, 36
Hannibal, 196
Hap, 262
Hardy, Thomas, 203
Hawkins, John Adair, lv
Healths, 81
Hearken, 158
Heath, 218
Heauton-timorumenos, 114
Hebrews, 8, 162
Hecathomythium seu centum Fabulae, 243, 244
Helmet of Pluto, 99
Henley, W. E., 256
Henry I., 88
Henry II., 88
Henry III., of France, 21, 62, 167, 238
Henry IV., of France, 238, 250
1 Henry IV., 112, 133
2 Henry IV., 33, 104, 129
Henry V., 66, 218
Henry VI., 167
1 Henry VI., 137, 171, 177, 201
2 Henry VI., 108, 110, 213, 232, 244, 247
3 Henry VI., 140, 175, 208
Henry VII., lix, 89, 94, 137, 149, 167, 250
Henry VIII., lix, lxxxiv, 85, 168
Henry VIII., 59, 106
Henry, Prince, lxx
Heraclitus, 3, 125
Herba muscaria, 214
Herbert, George, lii
Hermogenes, xx, 196
Herodotus, lxxv, 166
Heroides, 197, 234
Hesiod, 92, 204
Hilliard, Nicholas, lv, lvi
His, 86, 183
Historia del Concilio Tridentino, lxxix, 78
Historia d' Italia, L', lxxviii, 85
Historiae (Livy), xx. 88, 185, 197, 244, 246, 251
Historiae Romanae (Dion Cassius), 10. 121, 122
Historiae (Tacitus), 9, 25, 50, 61, 62, 69, 70, 166, 246
Historiae Augustae Scriptores, 38, 70, 194
Historie of the Councel of Trent, The, 78

Historie of Guicciardin, The, lxxviii
Historie of Philip de Commines, The, lxxvii
Historie of the Raigne of King Henry the Seventh, The, lii, 137, 167
Historie of the Turkes, Generall, 202
History of Appian of Alexandria, The Roman, 166
History of the Conquest of Peru, 202
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The, 21
History of England, The, 48, 226
History of the World, lx
History, Veracious, 74
Hobart, Sir Henry, xlv, xlvii, lxiv, 114
Hobbes, Thomas, lxv
Hoby, Elizabeth Cooke, xviii
Hoby, Sir Edward, xvii
Hoby, Sir Thomas, xviii
Holland, Lady Henry, 32
Holland, Philemon, lxxvi
Holly-oak, 215
Holpen, 110
Holy Grail, The, 216
Holy League, xxiii, 238
Homer, xx, xxi, lxxv, 67, 99, 165, 186
Honest Man's Fortune, The, 14
Horace, lxxv, 10, 121
Hortensius, 196
House, 30
House-dove, 156
Howard, Charles, 1st Earl of Nottingham, xxxviii
Howard, Lady Frances, Countess of Somerset, xlviii
Howard, Henry, Earl of Northampton, xxvi
Howard, Thomas, 2d Earl of Arundel, liii
Howsoever, 5, 189
Hudibras, 6
Humanity, 118
Humorous, 33
Hundred, 90, 136
Husband, 248
Hutton, Sir Richard, lxiv, 251
Hyacinthus orientalis, 212
Iliad, xx, 67, 99
Ill, 203
Imagery, Bacon's, xci, xcii, xciii
Impertinences, 32
Impertinency, 254
Impertinent, 115
Importeth, 13
Importune, 178, 227
Impose, 3
Imposthumation, 68
Imprinting, 239
Impropriate, 145
In, 104
In Memoriam, 146
Inbowed, 208
Incensed, 24
Incident to, 141
Incommodities, 188
Inconformity, 109
Incur, 38
Indifferent, 27
Indignity, 45
Infamed, 86
Infinite, 191
Information, to make an, 230
Ingrossing, 67
Inheritance, The, 219
Insolency, 58
Instauratio Magna, xlviii
Intelligence, 228
Intend, 141
Intention, 191
Interessed, 19
Intervenient, 257
Into, 81
Inundation, 268
Inure, 173
Inward, 49, 209
Iphigeneia, 17
Iphigeneia in Tauris, 17
Iphigenie auf Tauris, 17
Ira, De, 259
Isabella the Catholic, 239
Isaiah, 18, 91, 245
Ismail I., 197, 249
Iteration, 112
Itinerary, lxix
Its, 183
Ivanhoe, 134, 149, 188

Jade, 152
James, 19, 117, 126, 254
James I., xxxviii, xliii, xlv, lxiii, lxiv, lxvii, lxix, lxxvi, 154, 261
Janizary, 90
Jannsen (Jonson) Van Ceulen, Cornelius, lvi
Jaureguy, John, 181
Jenneting, 214
Jeremiah, 111, 244
Jewel, John, xix
Job, 21, 63
Joel, 195
John, 3, 111, 117
1 John, 201
Johnson, Samuel, lxx

Lives of the English Poets
Cowley, 6
Gay, 45
Jonson, Ben, xliv, xcvi
Alchemist, The, 172
Bartholomew Fair, 191, 215
English Grammar, 127
Epicoene; or, The Silent Woman, 221
Every Man in his Humour, 190
Magnetic Lady; or Humours Reconciled, The, 47
Masque of Augurs, 177
Prince Henry's Barriers, 177
Sejanus his Fall, 156, 172
Timber; or Discoveries made upon Men and Matter, xxvi, xcvi
Underwoods, 245
Volpone; or The Fox, 52
Joshua, 122
Joust, 177
Jowett, Benjamin, 117
Judges, 17, 182
JUDICATURE, OF, lxiv, 251
Julia, 121
Julian the Apostate, 87
Justinian, 249
Juvenal, 10

Keats, John, xxxi
Endymion, 211
Sonnet. On first looking into Chapman's Homer, xxxi, xxxii
Sonnet."When I have fears that I may cease to be Before my pen has glean'd my teeming brain," 199
Keep but an even hand, 130
Keep way, 185
Killigrew, Catherine Cooke, xviii
Killigrew, Sir Henry, xviii
Killigrew, Thomas, Jr., xviii
Killigrew, Thomas, Sr., xviii
King John, 104
1 Kings, 257, 262
2 Kings, 14
Knap, 203
Knight's Tale, The, 77, 122
Knights, The, 169
Knee-timber, 57
Knolles, Richard, 202
Knot, 219
Knowledge, 55

Lady of the Lake, The, 175
Lamb, Charles, 108
La Rochefoucauld, Francois, duc de, 115, 196
Latin in English, lxxxiv, lxxxv
Laudative, 145
Lavender, 211
Lay of the Last Minstrel, The, 205
Leads, 207
Leaded, 210
Lear, 32, 95, 150, 231
Lee, Sidney, lvii
Leese, 90, 149
Legend, The, 71
Legibus, De, 257
Lepanto, 144
L'Estrange, Sir Roger, 55, 180, 243
Let, 220
Letter of Advice to Queen Elizabeth, xxvii, xxviii
Letter to Lord Burghley, xxix, xxx, xxxi
Leucippus, 71
Leviathan, The, lxv
Life and Works of Saint Bernard, 15
Lilium convallium, 214
L'Historia d'ltalia, lxxviii, 85
Litany, The, 181
Lives of the English Poets, 6, 45
Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans, The, lxxvi, 76
Livia, 86
Livia Drusilla, 9, 24
Livy, lxxv, lxxx, lxxxvi, xc, 43, 88, 196, 197
Historiae, xx, 88, 185, 197, 244, 246, 251
Loading, 56
Lodge, Edmund, xvii, 220
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 68
Loose, 105
Lord Bacon, lv, lxxx
Lord of the Isles, The, 220, 270
Lose, 232
Louis XI., lxxvii, 123
Love, lxiii
LOVE, OF, lxii, 42
Love's Labour's Lost, 49, 105, 141, 230
Lucan, lxxv, 64
Lucian, lxxv, 74
Charon, 135
Dialogues of the Dead, 74
Dialogues of the Gods, 74
Timon, 74
Veracious History, 74
Lucretius, lxxv, 5, 17
Lucullus, 134, 205, 236
Lucullus, Life of, 134, 205
Luke, 7, 10, 11, 14, 56, 94, 187, 230, 253, 259
Lurch, 204
Lycurgus, 249
Lysander, Life of, 6

Mabillon, Dom John, 15
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, lv, lxxx, 48, 226
Macbeth, 8, 34, 69, 97, 131
Machiavelli, Niccolò, lx, lxxix, lxxx, lxxxi, 54, 55, 62, 181, 263
Machiavellism, lxxx, xcv
Macro, 172
Maecenas, 121
Magnetic Lady; or Humours Reconciled, The, 47
Maid's Tragedy, The, 123
Mainly, 162
Make, 72, 233
Malice, 201
Manage, 194
Marco Bozzaris, 33
Marguerite d'Angoulême, Queen of Navarre, lx
Marish, 158
Marjoram, sweet, 216
Mark, 14, 133, 198
Marriage of the Thames and the Rhine, The, xlviii, 174
Marston, John, xliv
Martial (Marcus Valerius Martialis), lxxv, 95
Marvel, 201
Mary I., 168
Mary Queen of Scots, 112
MASQUES AND TRIUMPHS, OF, xxxii, liii, lxiv, 174
Masque, 174
Masque of Augurs, 177
Masque of Flowers, The, xlviii
Masque of the Middle Temple and Lincoln's Inn, The, 176
Masque of Pandora, The, 68
Masques (Bacon's), xxxii, xlvii, xlviii, lxv, lxxxii
Mate, 8
Material, 113
Matter, 102, 201
Matthew, 12, 14, 18, 20, 42, 55, 56, 85, 124, 146, 256, 265
Matthew, Sir Tobie, 129, 130
Maximes et Réflexions Morales, 115, 196
Mean, 85, 230, 232
Mean, in a, 23
Measure for Measure, 247
Meat, 147
Meautys, Anne Bacon, liv
Meautys, Sir Thomas, liv
Medea, 165
Medici, Catharine de', xxiii, 167
Medici, Cosmo de', 20, 194
Medici, Lorenzo de', 86
Medicina, A. Cornelii Celsi De, 148
Medicine, 109
Meditationes Sacrae, xxxvii
Meditations of Marcus Antoninus, The, 122
Medlar, 215
Melocotone, 215
Memorabilia, 202
Meno, 261
Merchandizing, 188
Merchant of Venice, The, 162, 192, 194, 255
Mercury rod, 18
Mere, 118
Merely, 14
Mere-stone, 252
Merry Wives of Windsor, The, 42
Messalina, Valeria, 102
Metamorphoses, 66, 75, 152
Metaphysics (Aristotle), 245
Mew, 135
Mezereon-tree, 212
Middleton, Thomas, 8
Midsummer-Night's Dream, A, 176, 214, 217, 218
Migne, Jacques Paul, 74
Militar, 245
Milken Way, 185
Milton, John
Anecdote of, 26
Comus, 174
Paradise Lost, 47, 72, 77, 142, 171, 231, 268, 270
Mintman, 97
Misanthropi, 56
Mislike, 192
Mohammed, 16, 52, 266
Moil, 157
Momus, 204
Monastery, The, 24
Monk's-hood, 215
Montagu, Basil, lv
Montaigne, Michel de, lx, lxi, lxix, lxx, lxxvii, lxxviii, lxxix, 6
Moore, Thomas, 4, 72
More, 198
More, Sir Thomas, 190
Morley, John, lxxxi
Morris-dance, 13
Morse, S. F. B., 234
Mortification, 7
Morton, John, 94
Moryson, Fynes, lxix
Most of all, 73
Motions, 60
Mought, 122
Mountebank, 52
Move, 101
Much Ado About Nothing, 5, 31, 36, 102, 157
Mucianus, 25, 246
Müller, Johann, 168

Multiplication upon, 183
Muniting, 16
Mustapha, 86, 87, 202
Mystery, 23

Napier, A., 6
Narcissus, 102
Narses, 37
National Portrait Gallery, lvii
Naturalis Historia, 198
NATURE IN MEN, OF, xci, 178
Naught, 162
Nectarine, 215
Negative, double, 30
Neglecting, 20
NEGOCIATING, OF, lxiii, 225
Nehemiah, 102
Nero, 82, 84
Neville, Henry, xvii
Neville, Sir Henry, xviii
Newel, 207
Nice, 138, 175
Nicol, John, liv, lvi
Noctes Atticae, 115
Nonesuch, xxxviii
North, Sir Thomas, lxxvi, 76
Northampton, Earl of (see, Henry Howard)
Notable, 250
Note, 231
Nottingham, 1st Earl of (see, Charles Howard)
Novum Organum, xlviii
Numa Pompilius, 117

Obnoxious, 173, 201
Observations, 239
Obtain, 25
Occasion, 98
Ochino, Bernardino, xix
Odyssey, 34
Oes, 176
Of, 40, 113, 124, 146, 169, 253, 254
Offence, 147
Officious, 228
Oft, 259
Old Age, 199
Old Law, The, 8
Old Mortality, xci, 175
Olynthiacs, xx
On first looking: into Chapman's Homer, xxxi, xxxii
O'Neill, Hugh, 2d Earl of Tyrone, xxxviii
Opera Moralia, lx, 34, 35, 37, 76
Opera Moralia et Civilia, lii
Optimates, 236
Oraculous, 27
De Haruspicum Responso in P. Clodium, 76
In M. Antonium Philippica Tertia Decima, 121
In L. Calpurnium Pisonem, 115
Pro C. Rabirio Postumo, 160
Oratore, De, 34, 205
Oratoria, De Institutione, 116, 232
Order, to take, 171
Osman I., 249
Othello, 6, 118, 240
Otho, 8, 9
Overcome, 162
Overlive, 121
Over-power, 268
Overspeaking, 254
Ovid, lxxv, lxxxvi
Heroides, 197, 234
Metamorphoses, 66, 75, 152
Remedia Amoris, 179
Tristium, 253

Packing of thought, lxxxvii, lxxxviii
Painter, William, lx
Pair, 110
Palm, 85
Pandora, 68
Parable, 123
Paradise Lost, 47, 72, 77, 142, 171, 231, 268, 270
Parker, Matthew, xix
Particular, 262
Pass, Simon, lvi
Passable, 236
Passages, 112
Patrologiae Cursus Completus, 74
Paul, 12
Paulet, or Poulet, Sir Amias, xxii, lv, lxxxviii, 112
Pawn, 190
Pease, 156
Periam, Elizabeth Bacon Neville, xviii, xlv
Periam, Sir William, xlv
Pericles, Prince of Tyre, 142, 269
Period, 195
Perish, 123
Persuade, 19
Pertinax, 21
Perturb, 77
Pet Lamb, The, 237
Phaedo, 261
Phaethon, 152, 262
Pharsalia, 64
Philip II., of Macedon, 88, 121, 166, 198
Philip II., of Spain, 167, 168, 205

Philippe le Bel, 197
Philippians, 4
Philippicae, 51, 121, 135
Philology, 271
Philostratus, 84
Piety, natural, 76
Pilgrim's Progress, The, 156
Pirate, The, 137
Piso, Lucius Calpurnius, 115
Place, to take, 231
Plantation, 154
PLANTATIONS, OF, liii, lxvi, lxvii, 154
Plato, xx, lxxv, 73, 116, 202, 261, 264
Critias, 170
Meno, 261
Phaedo, 261
Protagoras, 116
Republic, 170
Timaeus, 170, 263, 264
Plato's great year, 264
Plausible, 41
Plautianus, Lucius Fulvius, 121
Plautus, lxxv, 184
Play-pleasure, 36
Pleasure, 172
Pliny the Elder, liii, lxxv, 198, 246
Pliny the Younger, lxxv, 246, 247
Plutarch, lx, lxxv, lxxvi, 76, 166
Plutarch's Lives of Illustrious Men, 166, 205
Alcibiades, 199
Alexander, 166
Antony, lxxvi, 57
Caesar, lxxvi, 120, 166, 186
Cimon, 132
Coriolanus, lxxvi, 96
Lucullus, 134, 205
Lysander, 6
Marcus Brutus, lxxvi, 166
Pompey, 120
Sulla, 186
Themistocles, 125, 132
Timoleon, 187
Plutarch, Philosophie commonly called the Morals, written by the learned philosopher, lx, lxxvi
Adulatore et amico, De, 44
Curiosity, Of, 37
Exilio, De, 32
Gryllus, 34
Superstition, Of, 76
Symposiaca, 35
Training of Children, Of the, 123
Pluto, 99, 161
Ply, 183
Poems on Life and Duty, 258
Poesy, 22
Poetics (Aristotle), 245
Point, 207
Point-device, 240
Politic, 52
Politics, 13
Politics of Aristotle, The, 117, 245
Poll, 256
Pollock, Sir Frederick, 233
Polycrates, 166
Pompey, 64, 108, 143, 144, 160, 161, 205, 236
Pompey, Life of, 120
Pope, Alexander, lxxx
Epistle I, 46
Epistle III, 159
The Rape of the Lock, 177
Popularity, 228
Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain, xvii, 220
Poser, 152
Practice, 226
Praeterita, lxxxix
Praetorian bands, 21, 90
Pragmatic Sanction, 139
Pray in aid, 124
Precedent, 86
Prefer before, 203
Pre-occupate, 8
Prescott, William Hickling, 202
Prescription, 226
Present, 141
Prest, 142
Pretend, 142
Pretty, 105
Prevent, 254
Primum mobile, 63, 77, 238
Principall Navigations, Voiages and Discoveries of the English Nation, etc., The, lx, 108
Privado, 119
Private, 156
Privateness, 46, 180
Probus, 70
Procure, 138
Profit, 195
Prologue, The, 110, 213
Prometheus, 23, 68
Prometheus Bound, 23
Prometheus Unbound, 23
Proof, 31
Proper, 129, 260
PROPHECIES, OF, xxiii, liii, 165
Proportion, Vier Bücher von menschlicher, 198
Propriety, 12
Prospect, 5
Prospective, 114
Protagoras, 116
Prothero, Rowland E., 22

Proverb literature, lxxxvii, lxxxviii, 28, 44, 54, 112, 118, 123, 125, 151, 244
Proverbs, lxxxvi, xc, 19, 30, 40, 50, 82, 91, 106, 147, 160, 161, 164, 242, 252, 253, 255
Provoke, 8
Proyning, 233
Psalm CIV., 176
Psalms, 12, 15, 20, 72, 101, 132, 180, 183, 197, 216, 253, 254
Psalter, The, 79, 254
Publilii Syri Mimi Sententiae, 44
Puling, 176
Purprise, 255
Push, 242
Pyrrho, 3
Pythagoras, 32, 123
Pythonissa, 165

Quality, 66
Quarles, Francis, 114
Quarrel, 34
Quarter, 44
Quarter, to keep good, 103
Quech, 182
Queen Mary, 181
Quentin Durward, 123
Quicken, 191
Quintessence, 72
Quintilian (Marcus Fabius Quintilianus), 116, 232
Quotable prose, xciv, xcv

Rabelais, Franςois, lxxvii, 13
Rabelais, Les Cinq Livres de F., 13
Rabirius (Caius Rabirius Postumus), 160
Ralegh, Sir Walter, xxvi, xxxviii, lx, lxvi, 154
Rape of the Lock, The, 177
Rasps, 214
Ravaillac, Franςois, 181
Rawley, William, xx, xxi, xxii, xxiy, xxvi, lii, lxix, lxxii, lxxiii, xci, xcii
Reason, 46, 59
Recamera, 209
Reciproque, 44
Redburn, xxv
Redgauntlet, 189, 207
Redgrave, xvi, xvii
Reduce, 271
Refer, 231
Referendary, 231
Refrain, 258
Regard (in regard), 137
Regard (in regard of), 192
Regiment, 146
REGIMENT OF HEALTH, OF, xlvi, lxvi, xcv, 146
Regiomontanus, 168
Regular, 48
Regulus, Marcus Atilius, 251
Reiglement, 191
Reins, 235
Religio Laici, 264
Religio Medici, 9, 262
Remedia Amoris, 179
Remover, 186
Renaissance, The, lix, lx, lxxxiv, xcv
Reposed, 194
Republic, 170
Rerum Natura, De, 5, 17
Resort, 105
Respect, 131, 148
Respects, 49, 58, 238
Rest, 172
Restrained, 125
Return, 206
Revelation, 14, 206
REVENGE, OF, xxiii, lxxv, 19
Revenges, 21
Reynolds, S. H., 207
Rhetoric (Aristotle), 245
Rhetorica, 198
Ribes, 214
Richard II., xl, 150, 192, 255
Richard III., 49
RICHES, OF, xc, 159
Rid, 140
Right, 107
Rise, 163
Roast Pig, A Dissertation upon, 108
Robinson Crusoe, 248
Romanes Lecture, lxxxi
Romans, 7, 57, 60, 158, 200, 243
Romeo and Juliet, 154, 204
Romulus, 140, 249
Rosemary, 223
Rossetti, William Michael, 23
Round, 6, 29, 110
Rowlett, Margaret Cooke, xviii
Rowlett, Sir Ralph, xviii
Roxalana, 86, 202
Ruskin, John, lxxxix
Russell, Francis (2d Earl of Bedford), xviii
Russell, Lord John, xviii

Sabinian, 264
Sacrifice, 251
Sad, 24
Saggi Morali del Signore Francesco Bacono, 129
Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin, lxxvii
Saisiaz, La, 160
Salisbury, Earl of, (see, Sir Robert Cecil)
Sallust, xx, 84

1 Samuel, 165
2 Samuel, 94
Sapientia Veterum, De, xlvii, 129
Sarpi, Paolo, lxxix, 78
Sarza, 119
Saturn, 76
Satyrian, 214
Scant, 204
Scantling, 250
Scipio Africanus Major, lxxxvi, 196, 244, 246
Scott, Sir Walter, xci
Guy Mannering, 263
Ivanhoe, 134, 149, 188
Lady of the Lake, The, 175
Lay of the Last Minstrel, The, 205
Lord of the Isles, The, 220, 270
Monastery, The, 24
Old Mortality, xci, 175
Pirate, The, 137
Quentin Durward, 123
Redgauntlet, 189, 207
Scrap, 256
Scrivener, 163
Seasons, The, 217
Seat, 203
Second, 230
SEDITIONS AND TROUBLES, OF, lxxxvi, xciv, 60
Seek (be to seek), 191
Seel, 172
SEEMING WISE, OF, lxiv, xcv, 114
Sejanus his Fall, 156, 172
Sejanus, Aelius, 86, 121, 172
Selymus I., 88
Selymus II., 87
Seneca, lxxv, lxxvii, 8, 116, 170, 246
Epistolae ad Lucilium, lxx, 8, 9, 22, 43
De Ira, 259
Medea, 165
Thyestes, 47
Sermones Fideles sive Interiora Rerum, lii
Services, 215
Several, 206
Severus, Lucius Septimius, 10, 21, 121, 193, 194
Sforza, Lodovico, 86
Shadow, 46
Shakspere, William, xl, lii, lix, lxvii, lxxv, lxxvi, lxxvii, lxxxi, lxxxii, lxxxiii, lxxxiv, lxxxv, xciv, xcv, 8, 34, 74, 76, 172, 183, 212, 213, 214, 217
All 's Well that Ends Well, 183
Antony and Cleopatra, 43, 77, 124, 227
As You Like It, 81, 113, 162, 169, 240
Comedy of Errors, The, 38, 103, 138
Coriolanus, 127, 198
Cymbeline, 49
Hamlet, 29, 31, 34, 55, 106, 115, 118, 125, 130, 194, 196, 223, 231, 232
1 Henry IV., 112, 133
2 Henry IV., 33, 104, 129
Henry V., 66, 218
1 Henry VI., 137, 171, 177, 201
2 Henry VI., 108, 110, 213, 232, 244, 247
3 Henry VI., 140, 175, 208
Henry VIII., 59, 106
Julius Caesar, 31, 59, 64, 73, 125, 147, 148, 184
King John, 104
Lear, 32, 95, 150, 231
Love's Labour's Lost, 49, 105, 141, 230
Macbeth, 8, 34, 69, 97, 131
Measure for Measure, 247
Merchant of Venice, The, 162, 192, 194, 255
Merry Wives of Windsor, The, 42
Midsummer-Night's Dream, A, 176, 214, 217, 218
Much Ado About Nothing, 5, 31, 102, 157
Othello, 6, 118, 240
Pericles, Prince of Tyre, 142, 269
Richard II., xl, 150, 192, 255
Richard III., 49
Romeo and Juliet, 154, 204
Taming of the Shrew, The, 22, 49, 180, 249, 260, 262
Tempest, The, 158, 264
Timon of Athens, 74, 172, 229
Titus Andronicus, 228
Troilus and Cressida, 162
Twelfth Night; or What You Will, 21, 175, 200, 214
Two Gentlemen of Verona, The, 241
Winter's Tale, The, 211, 213, 215, 217
Venus and Adonis, lxxxiii
Shelley, Memoir of Percy Bysshe, 23
Shilleto, Arthur Richard, 22
Shrewd, 106
Sibylla's offer, 98
Side, 237
Sidgwick, Henry
Henry Sidgwick, A Memoir by A. S. and E. M. S., 97

Sidney, Sir Philip, lx, 107, 141
Sidney Letters, xxxviii
Silius, Caius, 102
Simulation, 24
Sinews of war, 135
Singular, 139
Sit, 189
Slide, 60, 186
Slope, 220
Slug, 189
Smith, Captain John, lxvii, 154
Smith, Sydney
A Memoir of the Reverend Sydney Smith, by his Daughter, Lady Holland, with a Selection from his Letters, edited by Mrs. Austin, 32
Smother, 125
So, 5
Socrates, 116, 202, 245
Softness, 229
Solecism, 84
Solon, 135, 249, 263
Solution of continuity, 11
Solyman I., 87, 202
Somerset, Countess of (see, Lady Frances Howard)
Somerset, Earl of (see, Robert Carr)
Sort, 31, 204
Southampton, Earl of (see, Henry Wriothesley)
Spang, 176
Spartianus, Aelius, 38, 194
Spectator, The, 75, 265
Spedding, James, liii, lv, lvi, lvii, lxxx, lxxxi, 15, 37, 54, 61, 62, 76, 89, 90, 91, 94, 103, 154, 165, 178, 179, 182, 199, 204, 270
Speech of touch, 153
Spenser, Edmund, 45, 98, 99, 110, 122, 207, 208, 217
Spials, 201
Sprite, 177
Stablish, 164
Staddle, 136
Stale, 53
Stand upon, 141
Stand with, 155
Stanhope, Michael, xviii
Stanhope, Philip Dormer, 4th Earl of Chesterfield, 27
State, 137
Stay, 59
Steal, 49
Steele, Sir Richard, 265
Sterne, Lawrence, 9, 129, 250
Stick, 251
Stirp, 58
Stock-gillyflower, 212, 217
Stond, 234
Storm, The, lv
Stout, 149
Stove, 212
Straightways, 85
STUDIES, OF, lxix, lxx, lxxi, lxxxviii, xcii, 233
Suetonius, lxxv, 9, 69, 166, 167
Sufficiency, 50
Sufficient, 240
Suit, 265
Sulla, lxxxvi, 69, 120, 186
Sulla, Life of, 186
Sulphur, flower of, 119
Superficies, 114
Superstition, Of (Plutarch), 76
Surcharge, 59
Survival of Elizabethan English in Scottish Vernacular, xci
Suspect, 110, 237
SUSPICION, OF, lxiii, xcii, 149
Sustentation, 269
Swift, Jonathan, 262
Sylva Sylvarum: or A Natural History, xxi, xxiii, xxiv, lii, liii, lxi, 175, 179, 224
Symposiaca, 35
Syrus, Publilius, 44

Tacitus, xxi, lxxiv, lxxv, lxxvii, xcii, 9, 24, 25, 63, 84, 246, 264
Annales, 9, 25, 86, 102, 104, 121, 164, 241
Germania, 9
Historiae, 9, 25, 50, 61, 62, 69, 70, 166, 246
Julii Affricolae Vita, 9, 242
Talmud, 71
Taming of the Shrew, The, 22, 49, 180, 249, 260, 262
Task, The, 190, 211
Temper, 83
Temperature, 29
Tempest, The, 158, 264
Temporis Partus Maximus, xxviii, xlviii
Tendering, 148
Tennyson, Alfred
Blackbird, The, 214
Geraint and Enid, 110, 153
Holy Grail, The, 216
In Memoriam, 146
Queen Mary, 181
Terence (Publius Terentius Afer), lxxv
Eunuchus, 93
Heauton-timorumenos, 114
Thackeray, William Makepeace, 13

Thales, 35
Thank, 230
That, 26, 72, 101, 234, 247
Themistocles, 124, 144
Themistocles, Life of, 125, 132
Theodoric the Great, 249
Theogony, 92
Theologues, 243
2 Thessalonians, 140
Thomas, known as Thomas à Becket, 88
Thomson, James, 217
Thyestes, 47
Thyme, 218
Tiberius Claudius Nero Caesar, 9, 25, 86, 121, 166, 172, 196
Tigellinus, Sophonius, 104
Tigranes, 134
Timaeus, 170, 263, 264
Timber; or Discoveries made upon Men and Matter, xxvi, xcvi
Timoleon, 187
Timoleon, Life of, 187
Timon, 57
Timon, 74
Timon of Athens, 74, 172, 229
Timone, 74
Timotheus, 186
1 Timothy, 16, 195, 258
2 Timothy, 114
Timur (Tamerlane), 37
Tiphys, 165
Titus Andronicus, 228
To, 109, 156
Topiary work, 220
Tottel's Miscellany, 196
Touch, 146, 260
Tourney, 177
Towardness, 87
Toxophilus, lxxxiv
Tract, 27, 196
Traduce, 263
Training of Children, Of the, 123
Trajan, 122, 246
Transcendence, 22
Travail, 140
TRAVEL, OF, lxviii, 79
Tribunitious, 97
Triggs, H. Inigo, 220
Trinity College (Cambridge), xx, xxi, 207
Trinummus, 184
Tristium, 253
Tristram Shandy, 9, 129, 250
Triumph, 174
Troilus and Cressida, 162
TRUTH, OF, lxi, lxxv, lxxvi, 3, 94
Turn the cat in the pan, xci, 104
Turquet, 177
Tusculanae, 182, 245
Twelfth Night, or What You Will, 21, 175, 200, 214
Twickenham, xvii, xxxv
Two Gentlemen of Verona, The, 241
Tyrone, 2d Earl of (see, Hugh O'Neill)
Tyrrell, Robert Yelverton, 108

Ulysses, 34
Undertaker, 157
Undertaking, 40
Underwoods, 245
Unguent, 113
Union of the Kingdoms of England and Scotland. Certain Articles or Considerations touching the, lxvii
UNITY IN RELIGION, OF, xxviii, lxxvi, lxxvii, 11
Unsecreting, 93
Upon, 161, 227
Use, 190
Usury, 187
USURY, OF, 187
Utopia, 190

VAIN-GLORY, OF, lxxxviii, xcii, 243
Value, 163
Van Somer, Paul, lvi, lvii
Vantage, 144
Varchi, Benedetto, lxxviii, lxxix
Vatican, 205
Vaunt, 247
Vaux, Thomas, 2d Baron Vaux of Harrowden, 196
Vein, 38
Vena porta, 89, 188
Venus and Adonis, lxxxiii
Veracious History, 74
Vergil, xxi, lxxv, 61, 121
Aeneid, 61, 137, 165
Eclogae, 134
Georgica, 60, 61, 187, 259
Vernon, Elizabeth, Countess of Southampton, lxxxiii
Verulam, 3d Earl of (see James Walter Grimston)
Verulam House, lxv, 203
Version, 265
Vespasian, 9, 25, 50, 83, 84, 166, 197, 249
VICISSITUDE OF THINGS, OF, lxxix, xciv, 261
Victual, 155
Villars, Pierre de, 20
Villiers, George, 1st Duke of Buckingham, xxxv, xlix, li, lii
Virginia Company, South, lxvii, lxxxiii, 154
Vitellius. Aulus, 9, 25
Vizard, 177

Vocation, 12
Voice, 232
Volpone; or The Fox, 52
Vopiscus, Flavius, 70
Votary, 182
Vouch, 12
Vulgar, 125
Vulgate, lxxxvi, xc, 15, 47, 50, 106, 180, 252, 258

Wait upon, 101
Waller, Edmund, 199
Wantons, 30
Wardens, 215
Washington, George, 202
Waste, 106
Wax, 124
Way, 44
Webster, John, 43
Welt, 221
Were better, 125
"When I have fears that I may cease to be" (Keats), 199
Which, 122
Whit, 52
White, Horace, 166
Whitgift, John, xx, xxi
Who, 36, 131
William Rufus, 88
William the Silent, 181
Winter's Tale, The, 211, 213, 215, 217
Wisdom of the Ancients, Of the, xlvii, 23, 61, 68, 92, 99, 125, 271
WISDOM FOR A MAN'S SELF, OF, lxiii, lxxx, xciv, 106
With (withe), 182
Withal, 266
Witty, 14
Wonderment, 176
Wont, 201
Wordsworth, William
Ecclesiastical Sonnets, 23
The Pet Lamb, 237
Work, 226
Works of Francis Bacon, The (Spedding), liii, lv, lvi, lvii, 15, 37, 54, 61, 62, 76, 90, 91, 94, 154, 165, 178, 179, 182, 199, 204, 270
Works of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England, The, lv
Works of Lord Byron, The (Prothero), 22
Worlde of Wordes, A, 183, 231
Wotton, Sir Henry, liv, 26
Would, 4, 19, 101, 151, 175, 234
Wright, W. Aldis, 168
Wriothesley, Henry, 3d Earl of Southampton, xli, xlii, l, lxvii, lxxxiii
Wrought, 234
Wyatt, Sir Thomas, lx

Xenophon, xx, 202
Memorabilia, 202

Yea, 216
Year, Plato's great, 264
York House, xv, xxxix
YOUTH AND AGE, OF, lxxxvi, 193

Zanger, 202
Zeal, 264
Zelants, 13
Zenobia, 249
Zephaniah, 200
Zeuxis, 198

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