For works with similar titles, see As You Like It.
- As you Like it, from a facsimile copy of the First Folio (1623) (transcription project)
- As You Like It, from The Plays of William Shakespeare, in eight volumes, vol. II, with notes by Samuel Johnson (1765) (external scan)
- As You Like It, edited by J. C. Smith in The Warwick Shakespeare (1894) Google Books
- As You Like It, in The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Vol. III, Oxford edition (1910) (external scan)
- As You Like It, edited by J. W. Holme, The Works of Shakespeare, The Arden Shakespeare, 1st ser. (1914) (HathiTrust) (external scan)
- As You Like It, edited by Jack R. Crawford, The Yale Shakespeare (1919)
- As You Like It, The Works of William Shakespeare, The New Shakespeare (1926) (HathiTrust)
See also
- "Under the Greenwood Tree" (from Act II, scene 5)
- "Blow, blow, thou winter wind" (from Act II, scene 7)
- "What Shall He Have That Killed the Deer" (from Act IV, scene 2)
- "It Was a Lover and His Lass" (from Act V, scene 3)

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