< Popular Science Monthly < Volume 60

I N D E X.

Acid., Sulfuric, Manufacture of 479
Agassiz, Louis, and T. H. Huxley, Edinburgh Reviewer, Asa Gray, On the Reception of the Origin of Species 181
Agricultural Yearbook 185
Agriculture, Work of Department of 285
Alaska, Harriman Expedition of 1900 281
American, Association, Winter Meeting of 283
"Society of Naturalists, Chicago Meeting 380
"Mathematical and Physical Societies 381
"Chemical Society, Philadelphia Meeting 381
Antarctic Exploration, J. W. Gregory 209
Arnold's Sea-beach at Ebb-tide 90
Association, American, Winter Meeting of 283
"British, French and German, for the Advancement of Science 92
Astronomical and Astrophysical Society of America 381
Aurora Borealis, Comets' Tails, the Corona, John Cox 265

Bacon, Friar Roger, Edward S. Holden 255
Bailey, Solon I., Recent Total Eclipses of the Sun 240
Bailey on Twilight in the Tropics 570
Baldwin's Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology 378
Bicentennial Exercises of Yale 187
Bigelow, Frank H., The Formation and Motions of Clouds 495
Bigourdan on the Metric System 89
Biographies of Eminent Chemists 565
Biology, Contributions to, from Investigations on the Breeding Salmon, Yandell Henderson 503
Birds, Journeyings of, F. H. Knowlton 323
Black Belt, Theology versus Thrift in, Charles Bartlett Dyke 360
Börnstein's Leitfaden der Wetterkunde 186
Branner, John C., The Palm Trees of Brazil 387
British Association, Glasgow Meeting of 92

Cahow, The Story of the, A. E. Verrill 22
Calkins's Introduction to Psychology 186
Calms, A Study of, Edwin Grant Dexter 521
Cameron, Frank K., The Soil as an Economic and Social Factor 539
Carnegie Institution 379
""Trust Deed by Andrew Carnegie creating a Trust for the benefit of the 470
""Officers of 475
Cement for a Modern Street, S. F. Peckham 145
Chamberlain, Alexander Francis, Work and Rest, Genius and Stupidity 413
Chapin, Charles V., The End of the Filth Theory of Disease 234
Chemical, Industry of England 191
"Society, American, Philadelphia Meeting 381
Chemists, Biographies of Eminent 566
Clayton, H. Helm, The Influence of Rainfall on Commerce and Politics 158
Clouds, Formation and Motions of, Frank H. Bigelow, 495
College-Man as Leader in the World's Work, R. H. Thurston 346
Comets' Tails, the Corona and the Aurora Borealis, John Cox 265
Commerce, and Politics, Influence of Rainfall on, H. Helm Clayton 158
"Our Foreign, in 1901, Frederic Emory 529
Convocation Week and Winter Meetings of Scientific Societies 283
Corson, Mrs. Hiram, Janet's Etat Mental des hystériques 378
Cox, John, Comets' Tails, the Corona and the Aurora Borealis 265
Culture, Human, and Environment in Relations to Sex in, Otis T. Mason 336
Dall, W. H., Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution 263
""Alpheus Hyatt 439

Darwin, Charles, On the Tendency of Species to form Varieties 5
Davis, Bradley Moore, The Origin of Sex in Plants 66
Day, Length of, affected by Secular Cooling and Meteoric Dust 190
Degenerate Age, Is this a, J. J. Stevenson 481
Deluge, The Noachian, G. Frederick Wright 279
Democracy and the Recognition of Science 477
Descent of Man, Lindley M. Keasbey 365
Dexter, Edwin Grant, A Study of Calms 521
Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology 378
Differentiation of the Human Species, Lindley M. Keasbey 448
Discussion and Correspondence 279
Discussion and Correspondence 377
Disease, End of Filth Theory of, Charles V. Chapin 234
Draining of the Zuider Sea, J. H. Gore 551
Dyke, Charles Bartlett, Theology versus Thrift in the Black Belt 360

Eclipse Expeditions, Work of the 478
Eclipses, Recent Total, of the Sun, Solon I. Bailey 240
Economic and Social Factor, Soil as, Frank K. Cameron 539
Edinburgh Reviewer, and T. H. Huxley, Louis Agassiz, Asa Gray, On the Reception of the Origin of Species 177
Education, The National Control of, Sir John E. Gorst 49
Electromagnetic Basis for Mechanics 94
Emory, Frederic, Our Foreign Commerce in 1901 529
Engineering, Books on 474
Environment in Relation to Sex in Human Culture, Otis T. Mason 336
Evolution, Idea, Lucretius and the, William L. Poteat 166
"Lamarck, the Founder of, W. H. Dall 263
"Stellar, in the Light of Recent Research, George E. Hale 291
"of Fishes, David Starr Jordan 556
Exploration, Antarctic, J. W. Gregory 209
Extinct Animals, Popular Books on 473

Fanaticism, Suicidal, in Russia, W. G. Sumner 442
Filth Theory of Disease, End of, Charles V. Chapin 234
Fishes, of Japan, David Starr Jordan 76
"Evolution of, David Starr Jordan 556
Franklin's Philosophical Society, Ellis Paxon Oberholtzer 430
Frear and Novy on Germicidal Action of the Organic Peroxides 570
French Association for the Advancement of Science 92
Fruits, Dried, Zinc in 93
Fuertes on Water Filtration Works 474
Functions of a Museum and of its Director 377

Galton, Francis, The Possible Improvement of the Human Breed under existing Conditions of Law and Sentiment 218
Genius and Stupidity, Work and Rest, Alexander Francis Chamberlain 413
Genus of Great Antiquity, a 571
Geological Society of America, Rochester Meeting 381
Germicidal Action of the Organic Peroxides, Novy and Frear on 570
German Men of Science and Physicians 92
Giddings on Inductive Sociology 282
Giffen, Sir Robert, The Importance of General Statistical Ideas 106
Glazebrook, R. T., The Aims of the National Physical Laboratory of Great Britain 124
Gore, J. H., Draining of the Zuider Sea 551
Gorst, Sir John E., The National Control of Education 49
Gray, Asa, and T. H. Huxley, Edinburgh Reviewer, Louis Agassiz, On the Reception of the Origin of Species 181
Green on the English Chemical Industry 191
Gregory, J. W., Antarctic Exploration 209

Haddon, A. C., The Omen Animals of Sarawak 80
Hale, George E., Stellar Evolution in the Light of Recent Research 291
Harriman Alaska Expedition of 1900 281
Henderson, Yandell, Contributions to Biology from Investigations on the Breeding Salmon 503
Hills, Frederick Lyman, Psychiatry—Ancient, Medieval and Modern 31
Holden, Edward S., Friar Roger Bacon 255
Human, Breed, Improvement of, under existing Conditions of Law and Sentiment, Francis Galton 218
"Culture, Environment in Relation to Sex in, Otis T. Mason 336
"Species, Differentiation of the, Lindley M. Keasbey 448
Huxley, T. H., and The Edinburgh Reviewer, Louis Agassiz, Asa Gray, On the Reception of the Origin of Species 183
Hyatt, Alpheus, W. H. Dall 439

Intellect, Human, Evolution of, Edward L. Thorndike 58
International Zoological Congress at Berlin 188
Intuitive Suggestions, Thomas on 378

Janet's Etat Mental des hystériques 378
Japan, Fishes of, David Starr Jordan 76
Johns Hopkins University 568
Jordan, David Starr, The Fishes of Japan 76
"""The Evolution of Fishes 556
Journeyings of Birds, F. H. Knowlton 323
Keasbey, Lindley M., The Descent of Man 365
""The Differentiation of the Human Species 448

Knowlton, F. H., The Journeyings of Birds 323

Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution, W. H. Dall 263
Lightning, The Spectrum of 479
Literary Problem, A Mechanical Solution of, T. C. Mendenhall 97
Lucas's Animals of the Past 473
Lucretius and the Evolution Idea, William L. Poteat 166

MacDougal, D. T., The Sensory Mechanism of Plants 174
MacMillan, Conway, The Minnesota Seaside Station 193
Magnitude and Mass of the Visible Universe 287
Man, Descent of, Lindley M. Keasbey 365
Mason, Otis T., Environment in Relation to Sex in Human Culture 336
Mathematical, American, and Physical Societies, Society for Plant Morphology and Physiology 381
Mechanics 567
"Electromagnetic Basis for 94
Mendenhall, T. C., A Mechanical Solution of a Literary Problem 97
Message of the President 283
Meteoric Dust and Secular Cooling, Effect of, on Length of Day 190
Meteorology, Text-Book of 186
Metric System 89
Meyer, on American Museums 382
Minnesota Seaside Station, Conway MacMillan 193
Mosquitoes, Theobald on 566
Movements, Earliest Organic, Were they Conscious or Unconscious? 458
Museum, Functions of a, and of its Director 377
" The National 568
Museums, American, Meyer on 382
National, Control of Education, Sir John E. Gorst 49
"Museum 568

Naturalists, American Society of, Chicago Meeting 380
Nature Study, Books on 90
Naval Observatory 284
Newcomb on the Stars 281
Nobel Prize, first Award 92
Novy and Freer on Germicidal Action of the Organic Peroxides 570
Nutrition, Pawlow's Researches on 92

Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxon, Franklin's Philosophical Society 430
Observatory, The Naval 284
Omen Animals of Sarawak, A. C. Haddon 80
Origin of Species, On the Reception of, T. H. Huxley, The Edinburgh Reviewer, Louis Agassiz, Asa Gray 177

Paleontological Discoveries 383
Palm Trees of Brazil, John C. Branner 387
Pawlow's Researches on Nutrition 92
Peckham, S. F., Cement for a Modern Street 145
Peroxides, Organic, Germicidal Action of the 570
Perseus, The New Star in 286
Philbrick's Field Manual for Engineers 474
Philosophical Society, Franklin's, Ellis Paxon Oberholtzer 430
Philosophy, What is, Frank Thilly 513
Physical Laboratory, National, of Great Britain, R. T. Glazebrook 124
Plant Morphology and Physiology, Society for 381
Plants, The Origin of Sex in, Bradley Moore Davis 66
"The Sensory Mechanism of, D. T. MacDougal 174
Poteat, William L., Lucretius and the Evolution Idea 166
President's Message 283
Psychiatry—Ancient, Medieval and Modern, Frederick Lyman Hills 31
Psychological Books, Recent 378
Psychologique, L'année 378
Psychology, Introduction to 186

Rainfall, Influence of, on Commerce and Politics, H. Helm Clayton 158
Reptiles, Winged, S. W. Williston 314

Salmon, Breeding, Contributions to Biology from Investigations on, Yandell Henderson 503
Sarawak, Omen Animals of, A. C. Haddon 80
Science, Progress of 92
Science, Progress of 187
Science, Progress of 283
Science, Progress of 379
Science, Progress of 475
Science, Progress of 568
"in 1901 424
"Democracy and the Recognition of 477
Scientific, Literature 89
Scientific, Literature 185
Scientific, Literature 281
Scientific, Literature 378
Scientific, Literature 473
Scientific, Literature 565
Scientific Items 96
Scientific Items 192
Scientific Items 288
Scientific Items 384
Scientific Items 480
Scientific Items 572
"Societies, Winter Meetings of 283
"Meetings of 380
"Work Here and Abroad 476
Seaside Station, Minnesota, Conway MacMillan 193
Secular Cooling and Meteoric Dust, Effect of, on Length of Day 190
Seeley's Dragons of the Air 473
Sensory Mechanism of Plants, D. T. MacDougal 174
Sex, in Plants, Origin of, Bradley Moore Davis 66
"Environment in Relation to, in Human Culture, Otis T. Mason 336
Sociology, Inductive, Giddings on 282
Soil, The, as an Economic and Social Factor, Frank K. Cameron 539
Species, Tendency of, to form Varieties, Charles Darwin 5
"Human, Differentiation of the, Lindley M. Keasbey 448
Spectrum of Lightning 479
Star, The New, in Perseus 286
Stars, Newcomb on the 281
Statistical Ideas, Importance of General, Sir Robert Giffen 106
Stellar Evolution in the Light of Recent Research, George E. Hale 291
Stevenson, J. J., Is this a Degenerate Age? 481
Street, Cement for Modern,S. F. Peckham 145
Sumner, W. G., Suicidal Fanaticism in Russia 442
Sun, Recent Total Eclipses of, Solon I. Bailey 240
Suicidal Fanaticism in Russia, W. G. Sumner 442
Sulfuric Acid, Manufacture of 479

Teacher, A, Functions of a Museum and of its Director 377
Telegraphy, Wireless 381
Theobald on Mosquitoes 566
Theology versus Thrift in the Black Belt, Charles Bartlett Dyke 360
Thilly, Frank, What is Philosophy? 513
Thomas on Intuitive Suggestions 378
Thorndike, Edward L., The Evolution of the Human Intellect 58
Thurston, R. H., The College-Man as Leader in the World's Work 346
Titchener, E. B., Were the Earliest Organic Movements Conscious or Unconscious? 458
Twilight in the Tropics, Bailey on 570

Universe, Visible, Magnitude and Mass of 287
University, Johns Hopkins, The 569

Varieties, on the Tendency of, to depart Indefinitely from the Original Type, Alfred Russel Wallace 13
Verrill, A. E., The Story of the Cahow 22
Virchow, Professor Rudolf, Eightieth Birthday of 187
Wallace, Alfred Russel, On the Tendency of Varieties to depart Indefinitely from the Original Type 13

Williston, S. W., Winged Reptiles 314
Wireless Telegraphy 381
Woodward on the Effect of Secular Cooling 190
Work and Rest —Genius and Stupidity, Alexander Francis Chamberlain 413
Wright, G. Frederick, The Noachian Deluge 279
Wright's Flowers and Ferns in their Haunts 91

Yale Bicentennial Exercises 187
Yearbook of the U. S. Department of Agriculture 185

Zinc in Dried Fruits 93
Zoological Congress, International 188
Zoology, Tendencies in 95
Zuider Sea, Draining of the, J. H. Gore 551
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