have been edited by Dr. C. Hart Merriam, one of the leading contributors to the success of the expedition. The report, as now published, consists of two volumes, but others are promised as remaining material is elaborated. The first volume is largely made up of the narrative of the expedition by the litterateur-naturalist, John Burroughs, and an account of the natives of the Alaska coast region by Dr. George Bird Grinnell. The second volume contains memoirs on the discovery and exploration of Alaska, by Dr. William H. Dall; on Alaskan birds, by Professor Charles Keeler; on the forests of Alaska, by Professor B. E. Fernow; on the geography of Alaska, by Dr. Henry Gannett; on the Alaskan atmosphere, by Professor William H. Brewer; on 'Bogoslof, Our newest volcano,' by Dr. Merriam; on the salmon industry, by Dr. Grinnell, and on fox farming, by M. L. Washburn. Each of these memoirs is a substantial contribution to knowledge of the territory; the whole constitutes a standard source of information concerning Alaska and its resources and possibilities. The volumes are no less notable in form than in substance; they are models of bookmaking technique. Convenient in form and size, they are sumptuous in eflfect and finish; typography and paper are irreproachable, the binding is appropriate, and the illustrations are adequate and well distributed. These illustrations are especially fine. There are 39 lithograph plates, showing landscapes, glaciers, flowering and fruiting plants, birds, mammals, etc., with unsurpassed fidelity and refinement; and there are 85 photogravure plates, showing characteristic views of the region with an accuracy and fulness of detail seldom attained and never excelled, some of the pictures of glaciers and bergs, for example, being revelations of the possibilities of photomechanical reproduction. These admirable plates are supplemented by 240 text cuts, mainly reproductions of drawings notable alike for faithfulness to nature and for artistic perfection.
Professor Giddings's new book, 'Inductive Sociology' (The Macmillan Company), is an elaboration of the theories set forth in his previous work on 'The Principles of Sociology.' The present volume covers, however, only one half of the field marked out by the author as general sociology. Its object is, in the author's words, "to present a scheme of inductive method, a somewhat detailed analysis and classification of social facts, and a tentative formulation of the more obvious laws of social activity." Studies of the historical evolution of society and of the deeper problems of causation are deferred for future consideration.
The volume is divided into two books, the first of which deals with social theory, the second with the elements and structure of society. In the first book a new solution is suggested for the puzzling problem of the unit of society. Mr. Giddings maintains that the true unit is neither the individual nor the family but the 'socius.' This introductory book also contains an admirable analysis of the methods of sociology, which is better by far than anything that has been presented since Comte's classification, and is in many respects an improvement upon this earlier attempt. The second book is divided into four parts, dealing respectively with the social population, the social mind, social organization and social welfare. Within each part the material is classified under separate categories, and the special subjects set forth in a series of propositions, distinctions and definitions. To show how sociology can be systematized, a number of statistical tables, formulae, diagrams and maps are presented; and to encourage further investigation along these lines, blank forms are furnished for the collection and consideration of sociological data.