On February 21 and 22 the Johns Hopkins University celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of its founding and the installation of its second president. In Europe, where the life of a university is measured by centuries, it may be looked on as a sign of crudeness for us to celebrate the tenth or the twenty-fifth anniversary of the establishment of a university. It is, however, a notable fact that universities such as the Johns Hopkins or Chicago should have surpassed so quickly most of the great European institutions not only in size and wealth, but also in their real contributions to higher education and the advancement of knowledge. The Johns Hopkins University will always occupy an important place in the history of the American university. The opportunity given by an endowment unhampered by restrictions or precedents was fully grasped by President Gilman. He called together a small group of professors—Sylvester, Rowland, Remsen and Martin in the sciences—unequaled as leaders in research. By the establishment of a system of fellowships, a group of students was gathered together who have since represented the most advanced work of the country. In the erection of cheap buildings equipped with expensive apparatus, in the creation of working seminar libraries in place of a museum of books, in the establishment of scientific journals and in other ways, the university set an excellent example. But its chief claim to our honor is the supreme place it gave to advanced work and investigation by both teachers and students. In the recent establishment of a medical school the same methods have been followed, and the university has again led in a great forward movement.
On the first day of the exercises at Baltimore, Dr. D. C. Oilman, who guided the university during its twenty-five years and has now undertaken an equally important office in the presidency of the Carnegie Institution, gave a commemoration address. On the second day. Dr. Ira Remsen, who has been professor of chemistry since the opening of the university, was formally installed as president, and gave the inaugural address. Both addresses were of great interest not only to those who have been connected with the university, but also to all who are interested in higher education. The addresses will be found in the issue of Science for February 28, and will doubtless be published by the University. In addition to these two addresses, there was a reception, a luncheon at the hospital, a dinner by the alumni and other events. Degrees were conferred on a number of university presidents and others. Of the six to whom the doctorate of laws was awarded, on the ground of their association in carrying on the work of the university, five are men of science—Dr. J. S. Billings, Dr. G. Stanley Hall, Professor J. W. Mallet, Dr. C. D. Walcott and Professor Simon Newcomb. The same degree was given to four alumni, including Professor Josiah Royce and Professor E. B. Wilson.
It is to be hoped that the urgent recommendation for the enlargement of the U. S. National Museum made to congress by Secretary Langley will receive consideration. The present building is truly a scandal. Specimens of