< Popular Science Monthly < Volume 54

I N D E X.

Academy della Crusca, The. (Frag.) 572
Adulteration of Butter with Glucose. (Frag.) 570
Allen, Grant. The Season of the Year 230
America, Middle. Was it Peopled from Asia? E. S. Morse 1
Animals' Bites. (Frag.) 430
Anthropology. Decorated Skulls and the Power ascribed to them (Frag.) 570
"Estrays from Civilization. (Frag.) 573
"Huichol Indians of Jalisco. (Frag.) 574
"Lessons of. (Table) 411
"Pre-Columbian Musical Instruments. E. S. Morse* 712
"Superstitions, Aboriginal, about Bones. (Frag.) 572
"Superstition and Crime. E. P. Evans 206
Archæology. Earliest Writing in France. G. de Mortillet 542
"Lake Dwelling, A Neolithic 856
"Stone Age in Egypt. J. de Morgan 202
Architectural Forms in Nature. S. Dellenbaugh* 63
Astronomical Photographs, A Library of. (Frag.) 717
Astronomy. Bombardment, The Great. C. F. Holder* 506
Atkinson, E. Wheat-growing Capacity of the United States 145
""The Wheat Problem again 759
Atlantic Slope, The. (Frag.) 858

Bactrian Camel for the Klondike. (Frag.) 136
Barr, M. W. Mental Defectives and the Social Welfare* 746
Bede, Chair of the Venerable. (Frag.) 283
Bees, Burrowing, The Nests of. (Frag.) 860
Bering Sea Controversy and the Scientific Expert. G. A. Clark 654
Biological Survey, The United States. (Frag.) 856
Blackford, Charles Minor, Jr. Soils and Fertilizers 392
Blake, I. W. Our Florida Alligator* 330
Bombardment, The Great. C. F. Holder* 506
Books Noticed 126
Books Noticed 274
Books Noticed 415
Books Noticed 559
Books Noticed 704
Books Noticed 845
Agriculture. Michigan Board, Thirty-fifth Annual Report of 423
Alexander, A. Theories of the Will in the History of Philosophy 566
Andrews, C. M. The Historical Development of Modern Europe 126
Anthropology. Indians of Northern British Columbia, Facial Paintings of. F. Boas 710
Archæology, Introduction to the Study of North American. C. Thomas 420
Arthur and Trembly. Living Plants and their Properties 564
Astronomy, A Text-Book of Geodetic. J. F. Hayford 129
—  Corona and Coronet. M. L. Todd 418
—  Earth and Sky, The. E. S. Holden 850
—  Tides, The. G. H. Darwin 705
Bailey, L. H. Evolution of our Native Fruits 704
Baldwin, J. M. The Story of the Mind 565
Barnes, C. R. Form and Function of Plant Life 277
Barra. Eduardo de la. Literatura arcaica 280
Beauchamp, W. M. Polished-Stone Articles used by New York Aborigines before and during European Occupation 279
Beddard, F. E. Elementary Zoölogy 706
Béker, G. A. Rrimas 280
Binet, Alfred. L'Année Psychologique 129
Björling, P. R. Mechanical Engineer's Pocketbook 132
Boas, Franz. Facial Paintings of the Indians of Northern British Columbia 710
Bolton, H. C. Catalogue of Scientific and Technical Periodicals (1665-1895) 566
Botany. Familiar Life in Field and Forest. F. S. Mathews 418
— Fossil Plants. A. C. Seward 127
— Fruits, The Evolution of our Native. L. H. Bailey 704
— Function and Forme of Plant Life. C. R. Barnes 277
— Les Végétaux et les Milieux Cosmiques 132
— Living Plants and their Properties. Arthur and Trembly 564
— Practical Plant Physiology 128
Brain Weight, Indexes of. McCurdy and Mohyliansky 709
Brush, George J. Manual of Determinative Mineralogy 707
Butler, Amos W. The Birds of Indiana 422
Carus-Wilson, C. A. Electro-Dynamics 277
Catalogue of Scientific and Technical Periodicals (1665-1895). H. C. Bolton 566
Chemical Analysis, Manual of. G. S. Newth 708
Chemistry. Inorganic according to the Periodic Law. Venable and Howe 567
— Qualitative Analysis. E. A. Congdon 567
— Short Manual of Analytical. John Muter 419
Clark, William J. Commercial Cuba 564
Conant, F. S. Biographical Pamphlet 132
Congdon, E. A. Brief Course in Qualitative Analysis 567
Cornelius, Hans. Psychologie als Erfahrungs-wissenschaft 850
Costantin, M. J. Les Végétaux et les Milieux Cosmiques 132
Creighton, J. E. An Introductory Logic 706
Crook, J. W. History of German Wage Theories 708
Cuba, Commercial. William J. Clark 564
Dana, E. S. Text-Book of Mineralogy 848
Dana, James D. Revised Text-Book of Geology 418
Darwin, George Howard. The Tides 705
Davis, H. S. Star Catalogues 280
Day. D. T. Mineral Resources of the United States 852
Detmer, W. Practical Plant Physiology 128
Drey, Sylvan. A Theory of Life 280
Earthquakes of the Pacific Coast. E. S. Holden 850
Economics. Commercial Cuba. William J. Clark 564
— German Wage Theories, History of. J. W. Crook 708
— Public Administration in Massachusetts. R. H. Whitten 422
Education. Greek Prose. H. C. Pearson 708
— Handbook of Nature Study for Elementary Schools 130
— Harold's Rambles. J. W. Troeger 567
— On a Farm. N. L. Helm 423
— United States Commissioner's Report for 1896-'97 852
Electricity. Electro-Dynamics. C. A. Carus-Wilson 277
— Industrial. A. G. Elliott 132
— The Discharge of, through Gases. J. J. Thomson 565
— The Storage Battery. A. Treadwell 421
Elliott, A. G. Industrial Electricity 132
Engineering. Mechanical Engineer's Pocketbook 132
Ethnology. Explorations in Honduras. G. B. Gordon 133
Forestry. American Woods. R. B. Hough 276
— Conditions in Wisconsin. F. Noth 709
Geikie, James. Earth Sculpture 845
Geography. Natural Advanced. Redway and Hinman 421
— Philippine Islands and their People. D. C. Worcester 415
— Physical, of New Jersey. R. D. Salisbury 422
Geological Bulletin, Part H, Vol. Ill, of the University of Upsala 280
Geological Survey of Kansas. Vol. IV S. W. Williston 709
Geology. Earth Sculpture. James Geikie 845
— Indiana, Twenty-second Annual Report of Department of 852
— Indian Territory, Reconnaissance of Coal Fields of. N. F. Drake 852
— Iowa Survey. Eighth volume 851
— Mineralogy, Manual of Determinative 707
— Mineralogy, Text-Book of. E. S. Dana 848
— Mineral Resources of the United States. D. T. Day 852
— New Jersey State Report for 1897 851
— Panama, Geological History of the Isthmus of. R. T. Hill 851
— Text-Book of. J. D. Dana 418
Giddings, Franklin H. Elements of Sociology 559
Goldman, Henry. The Arithmetician 279
Goode, G. B. Report of United States National Museum for 1895 710
Gordon, G. B. Ethnological Explorations in Honduras 133
Groos, Karl. The Play of Animals 274
Harris, Edith D. Story of Rob Roy 709
Hayford, J. F. Text-Book of Geodetic Astronomy 129
Helm, Nellie Lathrop. On a Farm 423
Hill, R. T. Geological History of the Isthmus of Panama 851
History. Commune, The. Lissagaray. Translated by E. M. Aveling 423
— Europe, The Historical Development of Modern. C. M. Andrews 126
— Napoleon III and his Court. Imbert de Saint-Amand 422
— Reader for Elementary Schools. L. L. W. Wilson 853
— Spanish Literature. J. Fitzmaurice-Kelly 275
Hoffman, F. S. The Sphere of Science 128
Holden, E. S. Earthquakes of the Pacific Coast, 1769-1897 850
— The Earth and Sky 850
Holyoake, G. J. Jubilee History of the Leeds Cooperative Society 849
Hough, R. B. American Woods 276
Iowa State University Bulletin, Vol. IV, No. 3 279
James, William. Human Immortality 708
Jayne, Horace. The Mammalian Anatomy of the Cat 278
Jordan, D. S. Lest we Forget 568
Keyser, L. S. News from the Birds 567
Lambert, R. A. Differential and Integral Calculus 421
Lange, D. Handbook of Nature Study for Elementary Schools 130
Lantern Land, In. (Monthly.) Allen and Carleton 708
Le Bon, Gustave. The Psychology of Peoples 847
Leeds Industrial Cooperative Society, Jubilee History of. G. J. Holyoake 849
Library Bulletin, No. 9, New York State 133
Lissagaray. History of the Commune. Translated by E. M. Aveling 423
Logic, An Introductory. J. E. Creighton 706
Lyte, E. O. Elementary English 279
McConachie, L. G. Congressional Committees 131
Mathematics. Differential and Integral Calculus. R. A. Lambert 421
— Infinitesimal Analysis. William B. Smith 849
— Lectures on the Geometry of Position. T. R. Reye Translated 419
Mathews, F. Schuyler. Familiar Life in Field and Forest 418
Maurice-Kelly, James Fitz. History of Spanish Literature 275
Meteorology. Wind Deposits, Mechanical Composition of. J. A. Udden 853
Mills, Wesley. Nature and Development of Animal Intelligence 562
Mivart, St. George. The Groundwork of Science 563
Music, A Short Course in. Ripley and Tupper 133
Muter, John. Manual of Analytical Chemistry 419
Natural History. Animal Intelligence, Nature and Development of. Wesley Mills 562
— Birds, News from the. L. S. Keyser 567
— Birds of Indiana 422
— Four-footed Americans and their Kin. M. O. Wright 563
— Solitary Wasps, Habits of. G. W. and E. P. Peckham 851
— Taxidermy, The Art of. John Rowley 420
— Wild Animals I have Known. E. S. Thompson 417
Newth, G. S. Manual of Chemical Analysis 708
Ornithology. How to Name the Birds. H. E. Parkhurst 131
Overton, Frank. Physiology, Applied 277
— Physiology for Advanced Grades 566
Paleontology. Fossil Plants. A. C. Seward 127
Parkhurst, H. E. How to Name the Birds 131
Pearson, H. C. Greek Prose 708
Peckham, G. W. and E. P. Habits of the Solitary Wasps 851
Philosophy. Immortality, Human. William James 708
Physiology, Applied. Frank Overton 277
— Applied, for Advanced Grades. F. Overton 566
Psychology. Child, The Study of the. A. R. Taylor 564
— L'Année Psychologique 129
— Mind, The Story of the. J. M. Baldwin 565
— of Peoples. G. Le Bon 847
— Play of Animals, The. Karl Groos 274
— Psychologie als Erfahrungs-wissenschaft. Hans Cornelius 850
— Will, Theories of the, in the History of Philosophy. A. Alexander 566
Quinn, D. A. Stenotypy. Second edition 279
Redway, J. W., and Hinman K. Natural Advanced Geography 421
Reye, Theodor R. Lectures on the Geometry of Position. Translated 419
Rice, W., and Eastman Barrett. Under the Stars, and Other Verses 134
Richter, J. P. F. Selections from the Works of 279
Ripley, F. H., and Tupper, T. A Short Course in Music 133
Rollin, H. J. Yetta Ségal 278
Rowley, John. The Art of Taxidermy 420
Saint-Amand, Imbert de. Napoleon III and his Court 422
Salisbury, Rollin D. Physical Geography of New Jersey 422
Science, Groundwork of, The. St. George Mivart 563
—  Sphere of. F. S. Hoffman 128
Seward, A. C. Fossil Plants 127
Smith, William B. Infinitesimal Analysis 849
Sociology. Congressional Committees. L. G. McConachie 131
—  Currency Problems of the United States in 1897-'98. A. B. Stickney 133
—  Elements of. F. H. Giddings 559
—  The State. W. Wilson 130
—  Workers, The. W. A. Wyckoff 707
Stickney, A. B. Currency Problem of the United States in 1897-'98 133
Still, A. Alternating Currents and the Theory of Transformers 133
Story of the Railroad, The. Cy Warman 848
Taylor, A. R. The Study of the Child 564
Thomas, C. Introduction to North American Archæology 129
Thompson, Ernest Seton. Wild Animals I have Known 417
Thomson, J. J. The Discharge of Electricity through Gases 565
Todd, Mabel L. Corona and Coronet 418
Treadwell, Augustus. The Storage Battery 421
Troeger, John W. Harold's Rambles 567
Udden, J. A. Mechanical Composition of Wind Deposits 853
United States National Museum, Report of, for 1895 710
Venable and Howe. Inorganic Chemistry according to the Periodic Law 567
Waring, George E., Jr. Street-Cleaning Methods in European Cities 131
Warman, Cy. Story of the Railroad 848
Whitten, Robert H. Public Administration in Massachusetts 422
Wilson, L. L. W. History Reader for Elementary Schools 853
Wilson, Woodrow. The State 130
Winter, H. L. Notes on Criminal Anthropology 280
Worcester, Dean C. The Philippine Islands and their People 415
Wright, Mabel Osgood. Four-footed Americans and their Kin 563
Wyckoff, W. A. The Workers 707
Zoölogy, Elementary. E. E. Beddard 706
Botany. English Names for Plants. (Frag.) 428
"Forest Planting on the Plains. (Frag.) 718
"Light and Vegetation. D. T. MacDougall 193
"Plant Characters, Changes in. (Frag.) 286
"Poisonous Plants. (Frag.) 855
"Seeds, Dispersal of. (Frag.) 715
Boyer, M. J. Sketch of Clemence Royer. (With Portrait) 690
Brain Weights and Intellectual Capacity. J. Simms 243
Brooks, William Keith. Mivart's Groundwork of Science 450
Bullen, Frank T. Life on a South Sea Whaler 818

Canada, The Interior of. (Frag.) 141
Catbird, The Coming of the. S. Trotter 772
Causses of Southern France, The. (Frag.) 138
Cereals in the United States. Distribution of. (Frag.) 859
Clarke, F. W. Sketch. With Portrait) 110
Clark, George A. The Scientific Expert and the Bering Sea Controversy 654
Climatic Evolution, Laws of. (Frag.) 855
Collier, J. The Evolution of Colonies 52
Collier, J. The Evolution of Colonies 289
Collier, J. The Evolution of Colonies 577
Colonies, The Evolution of. J. Collier 52
Colonies, The Evolution of. J. Collier 289
Colonies, The Evolution of. J. Collier 577
Commensals. (Frag.) 716
Cooking Schools in Philadelphia. (Frag.) 428
Cordillera Region of Canada. (Frag.) 283
Cram, W. E. Concerning Weasels* 786
Criminology. California Penal System. C. H. Shinn* 644
Cuba, The Climate of. (Frag.) 426
Curious Habit, Origin of a. (Frag.) 286

Dastre, M. Iron in the Living Body 807
Dawson, E. R. The Torrents of Switzerland 46
Death Gulch, a Natural Bear-Trap. T. A. Jaggar* 475
Decorated Skulls and the Power ascribed to them. (Frag.) 570
Dellenbaugh, F. S. Architectural Forms in Nature* 63
Dodge, C. R. Possible Fiber Industries of the United States* 15
Dorsey, George A. Up the Skeena River* 181
D Q, The New Planet. (Frag.) 426
Dream and Reality. M. C. Melinand 96
"""(Table) 124
Dreams, The Stuff of. Havelock Ellis 721
Dresslar, F. B. Guessing as Influenced by Number Preferences 781
Dutch Charity, A Practical. J. H. Gore 103

Earliest Writing in France, The. G. de Mortillet 542
Earthquakes, Modern Studies of. George Geraland 362
Economics. Cereals, Distribution of, in the United States 859
"Conquest, The Spirit of. J. Novicow 518
"Gold, Marvelous Increase in Production of. A. E. Outerbridge, Jr. 635
"Wheat-growing Capacity of the United States. E. Atkinson 145
"Wheat Problem, The. E. Atkinson 759
Education and Evolution. (Smith.) (Corr.) 554
"and Evolution. (Table) 269
"German School Journeys. (Frag.) 573
"History of Scientific Instruction. J. N. Lockyer 372 529
"Nature Study in the Philadelphia Normal School. L. L. W. Wilson 313
"Playgrounds of Rural and Suburban Schools. L. G. Oakley 176
"Science and Culture. (Table) 842
"Science in. Sir A. Geikie 672
"Series Method, The. A Comparison. Charlotte Taylor 537
"Should Children under Ten learn to Read and Write? G. T. W. Patrick 382
"The Goal of. (Table) 118
Electricity. The Nernst Electric Lamp. (Frag.) 854
Ellis, Havelock. The Stuff that Dreams are made of 721
Emerson and Evolution. (Alexander.) (Corr.) 555
"""(Table) 558
Estrays from Civilization. (Frag.) 573
Ethnology. Was Middle America Peopled from Asia? E. S. Morse 1
Evans, E. P. Superstition and Crime 206
Evolution and Education. (Smith.) (Corr.) 554
"and Education. (Table) 269
"Extra Organic Factors of. (Frag.) 427
"of Pleasure Gardens. (Frag.) 717
"Social. What is it? Herbert Spencer 35
"Survival of the Fittest. (Table) 844

Fads and Frauds. (Table) 701
Fiber Industries of the United States. C. R. Dodge* 15
Florida Alligator, Our. I. W. Blake* 330
Ford, R. Clyde. The Malay Language 813
Forest Planting on the Plains. (Frag.) 718
Fossils as Criterions of Geological Ages. (Frag.) 427
Foundation, A Borrowed. (Table) 273
French Science, Two Gifts to. M. H. de Parville* 81

Galax and its Affinities. (Frag.) 571
Geikie, Sir A. Science in Education 672
Geography. Atlantic Slope, The. (Frag.) 858
"West Indies, Physical, of. F. L. Oswald 802
Geological Romance, A. J. A. Udden* 222
Geology. Death Gulch, a Natural Bear-Trap. T. A. Jaggar* 475
"Glacial, in America. D. S. Martin 356
"Siamese Geological Theory, A. (Frag.) 718
Geraland, George. Modern Studies of Earthquakes 362
German School Journeys. (Frag.) 573
Glacial Geology in America. D. S. Martin 356
Glaciation and Carbonic Acid. (Frag.) 135
Gold, Marvelous Increase in Production of. A. E. Outerbridge, Jr. 635
Gore, J. H. A Practical Dutch Charity 103
Guessing as Influenced by Number Preferences. F. B. Dresslar 781

Hanging an Elephant. (Frag.) 286
Herrings at Dinner. (Frag.) 574
Hitchcock, Charles H, Sketch of* 260
Holder, C. F. The Great Bombardment* 506
Huichol Indians of Jalisco. (Frag.) 574
Huxley Lecture, The. (Frag.) 425
Hygiene. Rebreathed Air as a Poison. (Frag.) 714
"Throat and Ear, Care of the. W. Scheppegrell 791

Ide, Mrs. G. E. Shall we Teach our Daughters the Value of Money? 686
Indian Idea of the "Midmost Self." (Frag.) 136
Ireland, W. Alleyn. The Labor Problem in the Tropics 481
Iron in the Living Body. M. Dastre 807
Iztaccihuatl (the White Lady Mountain). (Frag.) 569

Jaggar, T. A. Death Gulch, a Natural Bear-Trap* 475
Jastrow, Joseph. The Mind's Eye* 299
Jordan, D. S. True Tales of Birds and Beasts 352

Kekule, Friedrich August. Sketch. (With Portrait) 401

Labor Problem in the Tropics. W. A. Ireland 481
Lake Dwelling, A Neolithic. (Frag.) 856
Light and Vegetation. D. T. MacDougall 193
Lockyer, J. N. A Short History of Scientific Instruction 372
Lockyer, J. N. A Short History of Scientific Instruction 529

MacDougall. Light and Vegetation 193
Malay Language. E. C. Ford 813
Martel, M. E. A. Speleology, or Cave Exploration 255
Martin, D. S. Glacial Geology in America 356
Melinand, M. C. Dream and Reality 96
Mental Defectives and the Social Welfare. M. W. Barr* 746
Meteorology, Climatic Evolution, Laws of 855
"Sahara, Winds of. (Frag.) 717
Miles, Manly, Sketch of. (With Portrait) 834
Mind's Eye, The. Joseph Jastrow* 299
Missouri Botanical Garden, Additions to. (Frag.) 135
Molecular Asymmetry and Life. (Frag.) 139
Mongoose in Jamaica, The. C. W. Willis* 86
Moon and the Weather, The. G. J. Varney. (Corr.) 118
Morgan, J. de. Stone Age in Egypt 202
Morse, E. S. Pre-Columbian Musical Instruments* (Frag.) 712
""Was Middle America Peopled from Asia? 1
Mortillet, Gabriel de, Sketch of. (With Portrait) 546
"""The Earliest Writing in France 542

Names, Technical and Popular. (Frag.) 285
Naples Aquarium, The. (School for the Study of Life under the Sea.) E. H. Patterson 668
Natural History. Catbird, The Coming of the. S. Trotter 772
""Commensals. (Frag.) 716
""Herrings at Dinner. (Frag.) 574
""Origin of a Curious Habit. (Frag.) 286
""School for the Study of Life under the Sea. E. H. Patterson 668
""Scorpion, My Pet. Norman Robinson* 605
""Weasels. W. E. Cram* 786
Natural Selection and Fortuitous Variation. (Frag.) 141
Nature Study in the Philadelphia Normal School. L. L. W. Wilson 313
Nernst Electric Lamp, The. (Frag.) 854
Neufeld, Dr. (Frag.) 140
Nicaragua and its Ferns. (Frag.) 137
Nontoxic Matches, The French. (Frag.) 857
Novicow, J. The Spirit of Conquest 518

Oakley, Isabella G. Playgrounds of Rural and Suburban Schools 176
Observation, The Science of. C. L. Whittle* 456
Ocean Currents, Drift of. (Frag.) 716
Oswald, F. L. Physical Geography of the West Indies 802
Outerbridge, A. E., Jr. Marvelous Increase in Production of Gold 635

Parville, M. H. de. Two Gifts to French Science* 81
Patrick, G. T. W. Should Children under Ten learn to Read and Write? 382
Patterson, Eleanor H. A School for the Study of Life under the Sea 668
Pearls, American Fresh-Water. (Frag.) 859
Pedigree Photographs. (Frag.) 428
Physics. Utilization of Wave Power. (Frag.) 715
Physiology. Iron in the Living Body. M. Dastre 807
Plant Characters, Changes in. (Frag.) 286
Plant Names, English. (Frag.) 428
Playgrounds of Rural and Suburban Schools. Isabella G. Oakley 176
Pleasure Gardens, Evolution of. (Frag.) 717
Plumandon, J. R. The Cause of Rain 89
Poisonous Plants. (Frag.) 855
Portland Cement. (Frag.) 857
Potteries, Doulton. (Frag.) 430
Pre-Columbian Musical Instruments. E. S. Morse* 712
Psychology. Dreams. Havelock Ellis 721
"Guessing as Influenced by Number Preferences. F. B. Dresslar 781
Pulpit, A Voice from the. (Table) 409

Rabies Bacillus, The. (Frag.) 284
Racial Geography of Europe. W. Z. Ripley 163
Racial Geography of Europe. W. Z. Ripley 338
Racial Geography of Europe. W. Z. Ripley 614
Rain, The Cause of. J. R. Plumandon 89
Rebreathed Air as a Poison. (Frag.) 714
Robinson, Norman. My Pet Scorpion* 605
Royer, Clemence, Sketch of. (With Portrait.) M. J. Boyer 690
Russell's Photographic Researches. (Frag.) 139

Saghalin, The Island of. (Frag.) 285
St. Kildans, The. (Frag.) 284
Scheppegrell, W. Care of the Throat and Ear 791
Science, A Doubtful Appendix to. (Table) 120
"and Culture. (Table) 842
"Christian. The New Superstition. (Table) 557
"Education in. (Words of a Master.) (Table) 699
"Mivart's Groundwork of. W. K. Brooks 450
"The Advance of. (Table) 415
Scientific Instruction, A Short History of. J. N. Lockyer 372
Scientific Instruction, A Short History of. J. N. Lockyer 529
Scorpion, My Pet. Norman Robinson* 605
Seasons of the Year, The. Grant Allen 230
Seeds, Dispersal of. (Frag.) 715
Series Method, The. A Comparison. Charlotte Taylor 537
Shinn, Charles Howard. The California Penal System* 644
Siamese Geological Theory, A. (Frag.) 718
Silkworm Gut, Spanish. (Frag.) 860
Simms, Joseph. Brain Weights and Intellectual Capacity 243
Skeena River, Up the. George A. Dorsey* 181
Smell, The Physics of. (Frag.) 283
Smith, Franklin. Politics as a Form of Civil War 588
Smith, Stephen. Vegetation a Remedy for the Summer Heat of Cities* 433
Social Decadence, An Example of. (Table) 412
Sociology. California Penal System. C. H. Shinn* 644
"Mental Defectives and the Social Welfare. M. W. Barr* 746
"Politics as a Form of Civil War. F. Smith 588
"The Foundation of. (Giddings.) (Corr.) 553
Soils and Fertilizers. C. M. Blackford, Jr 392
South Sea Whaler, Life on a. F. T. Bullen 818
Spain's Decadence, The Cause of. (Table) 122
Speleology, or Cave Exploration. M. E. A. Martel 255
Spencer, Herbert. What is Social Evolution? 35
Spirit of Conquest, The. J. Novicow 518
Stone Age in Egypt, The. J. de Morgan 202
Submarine Telegraphy, Early. (Frag.) 569
Superstition and Crime. E. P. Evans 206
"Aboriginal, about Bones. (Frag.) 572
"The New. (Table) 557
Survival of the Fittest. (Table) 844
Switzerland, The Torrents of. E. R. Dawson 46

Taxation, Principles of. Hon. D. A. Wells 319
Taxation, Principles of. Hon. D. A. Wells 490
Taxation, Principles of. Hon. D. A. Wells 736
Taylor, Charlotte. The Series Method 537
Throat and Ear, Care of the. W. Scheppegrell 791
Toes in Walking, The. (Frag.) 429
Trade Hunting, Scientific. (Frag.) 140
Trait, A, Common to us all. (Frag.) 429
Travel. Up the Skeena River. George A. Dorsey 181
Tree Planting in Arid Regions. (Frag.) 282
Trees as Land Formers. (Frag.) 858
Trotter, Spencer. The Coming of the Catbird 772
True Tales of Birds and Beasts. D. S. Jordan 352

Udden, J. A. A Geological Romance* 222

Varney, G. J. The Moon and the Weather. (Corr.) 118
Vegetation a Remedy against the Summer Heat of Cities. Dr. S. Smith 433

War, The "Hell" of. (Frag.) 718
Wave Length and other Measurements. (Frag.) 137
Wave Power, The Utilization of. (Frag.) 715
Weasels, Concerning. W. E. Cram* 786
Weir, J., Jr. The Herds of the Yellow Ant* 75
Wells, David Ames, Death of. (Table) 271
"""Principles of Taxation 319
"""Principles of Taxation 490
"""Principles of Taxation 736
West Indies, Physical Geography of. F. L. Oswald 802
Wheat-growing Capacity of the "United States. E. Atkinson 145
Wheat Problem, The, again. E. Atkinson 759
White Lady Mountain, The. (Frag.) 569
Whittle, C. L. The Science of Observation* 456
Willis, C. W. The Mongoose in Jamaica* 86
Wilson, L. L. W. Nature Study in the Philadelphia Normal School 313
Winds of the Sahara. (Frag.) 717
Words of a Master. (Table) 699

Yellow Ant, The Herds of the. J. Weir, Jr.* 75


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