(powders, alloys, or metals); and tables of solubilities of salts of the bases studied. A comprehensive list of questions, stimulative of thought, is appended. The book is intended merely as a laboratory guide, and should be supplemented by frequent "quiz classes" and by constant personal attention. The course has been satisfactorily given in the Drexel Institute within the allotted time of one laboratory period of four hours, and one hour for a lecture or quiz per week, during the school year of thirty-two weeks.
Lest we Forget is the title which President David Starr Jordan has given to his address before the graduating class of Leland Stanford Junior University, May 25, 1898—"lest we forget" the dangers and duties and responsibilities laid upon us by the war with Spain. Though delivered before the "policy of expansion" was fully developed, the address describes with prophetic accuracy the dream of imperialism with which the minds even of men usually sane and honest have become infected, and points out a few of the logical results to which they would lead, and the dangers which will have to be incurred in gratifying them. We cite a few of the strong points made by the author: "Our question is not what we shall do with Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippines; it is what these prizes will do to us" "Shall the war for Cuba Libre come to an inglorious end? If we make anything by it, it will be most inglorious." "I believe that the movement toward broad dominion, so eloquently outlined by Mr. Olney, would be a step downward."
Adams, Enos, 2073 Second Avenue, New York. What is Science? Pp. 14.
Agricultural Experiment Stations. Bulletins. Delaware College: No. 41. Pea Canning in Delaware. By Q. H. Powell. Pp. 16.—New Hampshire College: No. 55. The Feeding Habits of the Chipping Sparrow. By C. M. Weed. Pp. 12; No. 56. Poisonous Properties of Wild Cherry Leaves. By F. W. Morse and C. D. Howard. Pp 12.—New Jersey: No. 130. Forage Crops. By E. B. Voorhees and C. B. Lane. Pp. 22; No. 131. Feeds Rich in Protein, etc. By E. B. Voorhees. Pp. 14.—New York: No. 145. Analysis of Commercial Fertilizers. By L. L. Van Syke. Pp. 100.—United States Department of Agriculture. Some Books on Agriculture and Sciences related to Agriculture published in 1896-'98. Pp. 45.; List of Publications relating to Forestry in the Department Library. Pp. 93.
Allen, W. D., and Carlton. W. N, Editors In Lantern Land, Vol. I, No. 1, December 3, 1898. Monthly. Hartford, Conn. Pp. 1(5. 10 cents.
Amryc, C. Pantheism, the Light and Hope of Modern Reason. Pp. 302.
Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, The Journal of. New Series, Vol. I, Nos. 1 and 2, August and November, 1898. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. Pp. 200
Atkinson, Edward. I. The Cost of a National Crime. II. The Hell of War and its Penalties. Brookline, Mass. Pp. 26.
Babcock Printing Press Manufacturing Company. Some Facts about Modern Presses. Pp. 8.
Brinton, Daniel G. A Record of Study on Aboriginal American Languages. Pp. 24.
Bulletins, Proceedings, and Reports. American Society of Naturalists: Records, Vol. II, Part 3. Providence, R. I.: Published by the Society. Pp. 58.—Argentine Republic. Anales de la Olicina Meteorologica Argentina,Vol. XII. Climate of Asuncion, Paraguay, and Rosario de Santa Fe. Walter G. Davis, Director. Buenos Aires. Pp. 684.—Association of Economic Entomologists: Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Meeting. Washington: United States Department of Agriculture. Pp. 104.—Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History: Biennial Report of the Director for 1897-'98. Urbana, Ill. Pp. 31, with plates.—Johns Hopkins University Circulars: Notes from the Biological Laboratory, November, 1898. Pp. 34. 10 cents—Secretary of the Interior: Report for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1898. Pp. 242.—Wagner Free Institute of Science of Philadelphia: Transactions, Vol. UI, Part IV, April, 1898. Pp. 150, with plates.
De Morgan, Augustus. On the Study and Difficulties of Mathematics. New edition. Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Company. Pp. 288.
Gowdy, Jean L. Ideals and Programmes. Syracuse, N. Y.: C. W. Bardeen. Pp. 102. 75 cents.
Grand View Institute Journal. Monthly. Grand View, Texas. Vol. I, No. 1, October, 1898. Pp. 18.
Hinsdale, Guy, M. D. Acromegaly. Detroit, Mich.: W. M. Warren. Pp. 88.
Holland, W. J. The Butterfly Book. A Popular Guide to a Knowledge of the Butterflies of North America. New York: Doubleday & McClure Company. Pp. 382, with 48 colored plates. $3.
James, Alice J. Catering for Two. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons Pp. 292. $1.25.
Lagrange, Joseph Louis. Lectures on Elementary Mathematics. Translated by T. J. McCormick. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Company. Pp. 172. $1.
Loomis, Ernest. Practical Occultism. Chicago: Ernest Loomis & Co., 70 Dearborn Street. Pp. 155. $1.25.
Merrill, G. P. The Physical, Chemical, and Economic Properties of Building Stones. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. Pp. 80.
National Pure Food and Drug Congress: Memorial to Congress against Adulterations. Pp. 15.
Owen, Luella A. Cave Regions of the Ozark and Black Hills. Cincinnati: The Editor Publishing Company. Pp. 228.
Payson, E. P. Suggestions toward an Applied Science of Sociology. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 237.
Reprints. Baldwin, J. Mark. Princeton Contributions to Psychology, Vol. II, No. 4, May, 1898. Pp. 32.-Brinton, Daniel G. The Linguistic Cartography of the Chaco Region. Pp 30.—Gerhard, William Paul. Theater Sanitation. Pp. 15.—Kuh, Sydney, M. D. The Medico-Legal Aspects