Janes, Lewis G. Our Nation's Peril. Social Ideas and Social Progress. Pp. 31. 25 cents.
McLellan, J. A., and Ames, A. F. The Public School Mental Arithmetic. New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. 138. 25 cents. Boston: James H. West & Co.
Maltbie, Milo Ray. Municipal Functions. A Study of the Development, Scope, and Tendency of Municipal Socialism. (Municipal Affairs, December, 1898.) New York: Reform Club, Committee of Municipal Administration. Pp. 230. 75 cents.
Mason, Hon. William E. Speech in the United States Senate on the Government of Foreign Peoples. Pp. 26.
Patten, Simon N. The Development of English Thought. New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. 415. $3.
Pittsburg Press Almanac, The, for 1899. Quarterly. St. Louis: The Press Publishing Company. Pp. 536.
Récéjac, E. Essay on the Basis of the Mystic Knowledge. Translated by Sera Carr Upton. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. 287. $2.50.
Reprints. Caldwell, Otis W. The Life History of Lemna Minor. Pp. 32.—Calkins, G. N. Some Hydroids from Puget Sound. Pp. 24, with six plates.—Cope, Edward D. Vertebrate Remains from the Port Kennedy Bone Deposit. Pp. 75, with plates.—Fitz, G. W. Play as a Factor in Development. Pp. 7; The Hygiene of Instruction in Elementary Schools. Pp. 7.—Howard, William Lee. Double Personality; Lenten Hysteria. Pp. 8.—Howe, R. H., Jr. North American Wood Frogs.—Hunt, Charles Wallace. The Engineer: His Work, his Ethics, his Pleasures. (President's Address, American Society of Mechanical Engineers.) Pp. 15.—Hunter, S. J. The Coecidæ of Kansas. Pp. 15, with plates.—Krauss, W. C. The Stigmata of Degeneration. Pp. 300.—Lichty, D. Thalassic Submersion a Means of Disposal of the Dead. Pp. 12.—McDonald, Arthur. Emile Zola. Pp. 16.—Phillips, W. B. Iron Making in Alabama. Montgomery. Pp. 380.—Saunders, De Alten. Phycological Memoirs. Pp. 20, with plates.—Schlicht, Paul J. A New Process of Combustion. Pp. 32.—Stevens, F. L. The Effect of Aqueous Solutions upon the Germination of Fungus Spores. Pp. 30.—Stock, H. H. The International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, Pennsylvania. Pp. 12.—Urn, The. Modern Thought on Modern Cremation. United States Cremation Company. Pp. 40.—Veeder, M. A. The Relative Importance of Flies and Water Supply in Spreading Disease. Pp. 8.
Robinson, Albert Gardner. The Porto Rico of To-day. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. 240, with maps. $1.50.
Salazar, A. E. Kalkules de Kafierius de Agua (Calculations of Water Conduits). Santiago de Chile. Pp. 246.
Schnabel, Dr. Carl. Handbook of Metallurgy. Translated by Henry Louis. 2 vols. New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. 876 and 732. $10.
Seligman, E. R. A. The Shifting and Incidence of Taxation. Second edition. New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. 337. $3.
Semon, Richard. In the Australian Bush and on the Coast of the Coral Sea. New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. 552. $6.50.
Spencer, Baldwin, and Gillen, F. J. The Native Tribes of Central Australia. New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. 671, with plates. $6.50.
Technology Review, The. A Quarterly Magazine relating to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. January, 1899. Pp. 143. 35 cents.
United States National Museum. Annual Report for the Year ending June 30, 1896. (Smithsonian Institution.) Washington. Pp. 1107, with plates.
Weir, James. The Dawn of Reason. Mental Traits in the Lower Animals. New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. 234. $1.25.
Westcott, Edward N. David Harum. New York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 392. $1.50.
Whipple, G. C. The Microscopy of Drinking Water. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Pp. 300, with nineteen plates. $3.50.
Wilkinson, F. The Story of the Cotton Plant. (Library of Useful Stories.) New York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 191. 40 cents.
The Nernst Electric Lamp.—Prof. Walter Nernst, of the University of Göttingen, has recently devised an electric Limp which promises to be an important addition to our present methods of lighting. The part of the lamp which emits the light consists of a small rod of highly refractory material, said to be chiefly thoria, which is supported between two platinum electrodes. The rod is practically a nonconductor when cold, but by heating it (in the smaller sizes a match is sufficient) its conductivity is so raised that a current will pass through it; after the current is once started the heat produced by the resistance of the rod is sufficient to keep up its conductivity, and the latter is raised to a state of intense incandescence, and gives out a brilliant white light. As the preliminary heating by means of a match or other flame would in some cases be an inconvenience, Professor Nernst has devised a lamp which, by means of a platinum resistance attachment, can be started by simply turning a switch. The life of the rods is about five hundred