< Popular Science Monthly < Volume 30

I N D E X.

Abbott, Charles C. 322
Abbott, Charles C, Sketch of 547
African People, A Curious 429
Africa, Southeastern, Prehistoric Monuments in 138
Age, The Scientific 814
Alcoholic Liquors, Trade Distinctions in 96
Alcoholism, Some Inherited Phenomena of 858
Allen, Grant 101
Allen, Grant 590
Amianthus 860
Animal-Plants and Plant-Animals 678
Animals and Plants, The Life-Term of 430
Animals, The Voices of 396
Anthropomorphism, Fetichism, or 514
Antiquity of Speaking Man 855
Arago, M., Sketch of 259
Argument, A Wonderful 412
Arrow-Release, Methods of 568
Arsenic in Wall-Papers 135
Asafœtida 716
Associations, The British and French 124
Association, The French 135
Astronomy, Solar, Recent Advances in 24
Astronomy with an Opera-Glass 743
Atlantic Ocean, Geology of 41
Atlantic Ocean, Geology of 184
Attention and Volition, the Physiology of 227

Bacterial Products as Antidotes for 280
Becker, James T. 841
Beetles as a Nuisance 409
Beetle, The Carpet 856
Beetle, The Mexican Luminous 863
Benedict, Professor W. R. 51
Benedict, Professor W. R. 212
Bird-Migration 803
Birds and their Daily Bread 600
Birds, the Giant, of New Zealand 660
Birds, The Wings of 240
Blind, Visions of the 281
Books noticed:
"Aristocracy in England" (Badeau) 125
"Sallustius' Jugurthine War" (Herbermann) 126
"A History of Education" (Painter) 126
"The Depression in Trade and the Wages of Labor" (Crocker) 127
"Astronomy by Observation" (Bowen) 127
"A Farmer's View of a Protective Tariff" (Griscom) 128
"The Rear-Guard of the Revolution" (Kirke) 128
"Insects affecting the Orange" (Hubbard) 129
"Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club" (Transactions) 129
"Archivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro" 129
"Confrence Faite au Musuum National" (Netto) 129
"Lorenz-Alma Tadema" (Ebers) 130
"Lettre à Monsieur Ernest Renan" (Netto) 130
"Kidnapped" (Stevenson) 130
"Report of the United States Entomological Commission" (Riley) 130
"The Mystery of Pain" (Hinton) 130
"Volcanic Eruptions and Earthquakes in Iceland" (Boehmer) 131
"Cassell's National Library" (Morley) 131
"Historical Society of Southern California" 131
"A Study of Primitive Christianity" (Janes) 132
"First Lessons in Zology" (Packard) 133
"Letters and Journal of W. Stanley Jevons" (Jevons) 269
"Origin of Republican Government of the United States" (Straus) 270
"Paralyses" (Bastian) 271
"The Butterflies of the Eastern United States" (French) 271
"The Industrial Situation and the Question of Wages" (Schoenhof) 272
"Architecture, Heating, and Ventilation of Institutions for the Blind" (McElroy) 272
"Selections for Written Reproduction" (Shaw) 273
"United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries" 273
"Report of the United States Entomological Commission" (Riley) 273
"Duffy's Wave-Motor as a Source of Power" (Duffy) 274
"The American Journal of Biology" (Valin) 274
"Mechanics of the Girder" (Crehore) 274
"Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey" 274
"Prophylaxis against Infectious Diseases" (Sternberg) 275
"The Relation of Hospitals to Medical Education" (Withington) 275
"The Journal of Physiology" (Foster) 275
"Report of the Forest Commission of New York" 275
"Report of the United States Entomologist for 1885" (Riley) 276
"Report of the American Historical Association" (Adams) 277
"The Grammar-School Reader" 278
"The Hygiene of Nature" (Curtiss) 278
"Easy Lessons in French" (Dreyspring) 278
"The Three Systems of Life Insurance" (Tabor) 278
"A Directory of Authors" (Griswold) 279
"A New Philosophy of the Sun" (Rogers) 279
"A Navajo Skull" (Turner) 279
"Osteology of Conurus Caroliniensis" (Shufeldt) 279
"Johns Hopkins University Studies" 414
"Numbers Applied" (Rickoff) 415
"The Irish Question" (Gladstone) 415
"The Life of Robert Fulton" 416
"General Biology" (Sedgwick) 416
"The Menorah. A Monthly Magazine" (Peixotto) 416
"The Philosophy of Education" (Rosenkranz) 417
"Topographical Drawing and Sketching" (Reed) 417
"Report of the Commissioners of Fisheries of the State of New York" 418
"The Age of Electricity" (Benjamin) 418
"Elements of Geodesy" (Gore) 419
"History of the Land Question in the United States" (Sato) 419
"The American Citizen's Manual" (Ford) 419
"History of the Appointing Power of the President" (Salmon) 420
"First Steps in Scientific Knowledge" (Bert) 420
"Report upon the Third International Geographical Congress" (Wheeler) 421
"Sechrist's Hand-Book and Railway Equipment" (Sechrist) 421
"Brachiopoda and Lamellibranchiata of the Raritan Clays," etc. (Whitfield) 421
"Proceedings of the American Society for Psychical Research" 422
"History of the Pacific States of North America" (Bancroft) 558
"A Treatise on the Practice of Medicine" (Bartholow) 559
"Studies in Ancient History" (McLennan) 560
"Entertainments in Chemistry" (Tyler) 560
"N. W. Ayer and Son's American Newspaper Annual" 560
"The Theory and Practice of Surveying" (Johnson) 561
"The Town and City Government of New Haven" (Levermore) 562
"House-Plants as Sanitary Agents" (Anders) 562
"Geological Survey of Alabama" (Smith) 563
"Report of the United States National Museum" 563
"Analysis of the Urine" (Hofmann and Ultzmann) 564
"Oils and Varnishes" (Cameron) 564
"Through a Microscope" (Wells, Treat, and Sargent) 564
"The Luminiferous Æther" (Wood) 565
"Hand-Book of Mineralogy" (Foye) 565
"Flow of Water in Open Channels, Pipes," etc. (Flynn) 565
"Theory of the Construction of Helicoidal Oblique Arches" (Culley) 565
"The Making of Pictures" (Whitman) 568
"Lectures and Essays by the late William Kingdon Clifford" (Stevens and Pollock) 566
"Theory of Magnetic Measurements" (Nipher) 567
"The First Three Tears of Childhood" (Perez) 702
"Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates" (Wiedersheim and Parker). 703
"Precious Stones" (Burnam) 704
"Mind" 704
"Hand-Book of Zoölogy" (Dawson) 705
"Elementary Course in Practical Zoölogy" (Colton) 705
"Peabody Museum of American Archæology and Ethnology" 706
"The Earth's Annular System, or the Story of the Rocks" (Vail) 707
"Diseases of the Digestive Organs in Infancy and Childhood" (Starr) . 707
"History of the French Revolution" (Stephens) 707
"The Pedigree of Disease" (Hutchinson) 708
"Outlines of Lectures on Physiology" (Mills) 708
"Elementary Politics" (Raleigh) 708
"How to strengthen the Memory" (Holbrook) 709
"Hygiene of the Vocal Organs" (Mackenzie) 709
"Ten Dollars Enough" (Owen) 709
"Hand-Book of Hygiene and Sanitary Science" (Wilson) 709
"Students' Hand-Book of Historical Geology" (Jukes-Browne) 710
"The Buchholz Family" (Stinde) 710
"Manual of Lithology" (Williams) 710
"Mineral Springs of the United States" (Peale) 711
"Geographical and Geological Distribution of Animals" (Heilprin) 845
"Physiological Botany" (Youmans) 846
"The Origin of the Fittest" (Cope) 847
"Our Arctic Province" (Elliott) 848
"Nomenclature of Colors, etc." (Ridgway) 849
"A Trip around the World" 849
"Commercial Organic Analysis" (Allen) 849
"The Swiss Cross" (Ballard) 850
"Ham-Mishkan, the Wonderful Tent" (Randall) 851
"Geological History of Lake Lahontan" (Russell) 851
"The Conflict of East and West in Egypt" (Bowen) 852
"The Poison Problem" (Oswald) 852
"The Old Order changes" (Mallock) 853
Book-Worms, and their Food 429
Bradley, W. E. 96
Brain-forcing in Childhood 721
Brain-volume and Intelligence 717
Bridge, Captain Cyprian 199
British Health Resorts 861
Brocken, The, and its Mist-Effects 426
Bunce, Oliver B. 507
Burroughs, John 145

Cambodia, A Scientific Mission to 310
Canadian Northwest, The Mounds of 574
Cappie, J. 227
Carlisle, The Bishop of 384
Centenarians, The Habits and Family History of 618
Chapin, Henry Dwight, M.D. 757
Charleston Earthquakes, The Cause of the 281
Charity, Undiscriminating Evils of 286
Chevreul at a Hundred 33
Childhood, Brain-forcing in 721
Children's Studies, The Order of 138
Civil-Service System, A Nearly Perfect 573
Climate, The Canadian 856
Clocks, Celebrated 640
Consumption, The Hygienic Treatment of 79
Cooke, Professor Josiah Parsons 195
Correction, A 713
Correspondence 409
Correspondence 554
Correspondence 841
Crandon, Frank P. 296
Crandon, Frank P. 520
Crazy Mountains, Views of Life in the 539
Crothers, T. D. 109

Dakotas, The, and their Holy Stones 137
Dawson, Sir William 41
Dawson, Sir William 184
Death-Rate, English, Decrease of 427
Deer, Acclimatization of 286
Defense, Evolution of Means of 285
Delusion, The History of a 733
Diamond-Mines, The South African 459
Disappearance of an Island 719
Disinfection, Infection and 765

Earthquakes, The Theory of 857
Earthquake, The Recent 123
Editor's Table 121
Editor's Table 267
Editor's Table 410
Editor's Table 555
Editor's Table 698
Editor's Table 842
Education, Heredity and 284
Education, Some Outlines from the History of 51
Education, Some Outlines from the History of 212
Egypt, Petroleum in 857
Europe, Mineral Springs of 570
Evermann, Barton W. 803
Evil, Prophets of 555
Explosion, A Remarkable 810
Explosions, Coal-Mine Gas, and the Weather 718

Families, Maternal 141
Fernald, Frederik A. 378
Fetichism or Anthropomorphism 514
Flower, Professor W. H. 240
Fruit-Evaporator, A, for the Public 862
Fulgurites, or Lightning-Holes 529
Functions of the State 699

Gas-Light, A New Incandescent 425
Genius and Mental Disease 663
Geography, The Place of, in Schools 142
Geologic Time, Mr. Darwin on 281
Geyern, Detlev von 396
Glacial Action in East Africa 718
Glacial Drift, An Inventory of 282
Glass-Snake, The 854
Great Cities, Misgovernment of 296
Great Cities, Misgovernment of 520
Great Men, Longevity of 286
Griffin, Professor L. R. F. 810
Grotto, The Blue, of Busi 861

Habit, The Laws of 433
Hale, Horatio 660
Hall, Dr. L. M. 612
Hammond, William A., M.D. 721
Hammond, William A., M.D. 841
Handwriting, Composite Photography of 140
Harvard College, The New Requisitions for Admission at 195
Hatch, E. D. W. 539
Health, Public, The State and 280
Health Resorts, British 861
Heredity and Education 284
Holden, Edward S., Sketch of 114
Hound, The, of the Plains 360
Houses, Our, How to warm 235
Humphry, Professor 618
Huxley, Professor T. H. 493
Huxley, Professor T. H. 789

Indian Craniology, A Note on 409
Industrialism, The Growth of 843
Inebriates, Regimen for 136
Inequality, Social and Physiological 757
Infants, Milk for 137
Infection and Disinfection 765
Ingersoll, Ernest 360
Inventions, How evolved 139
Island, an, Disappearance of 719
Isochromatic Photography 863

Jade Ornaments in America 715
James, J. F. 70
James, William 433
Joint-Snake, More about the 841
Joint-Snake, An Explanation of the 841
Joint-Snake, The, Idiocy 554

Kingsley, J. S. 631

Land Question, Some Points on the 507
Land-Waves 571
Languages, The Origin of 712
Larrabee, W. H. 33
Laterite and its Odors 719
Law-Codes, The Inconveniences of 862
Lesquereux, Leo, Sketch of 835
Lewis, Rev. A. H., D.D. 11
Lightning-Holes, Fulgurites or 529
Lilly, W. S. 474
Linton, Mrs. E. Lynn 168
Literary Notices 125
Literary Notices 269
Literary Notices 414
Literary Notices 558
Literary Notices 702
Literary Notices 845
Lubbock, Sir John 327

McBride, Professor T. H. 180
McCabe, L. R. 835
Maniacs, Inebriate 109
Manners, Lady John 543
Manual Instruction 327
Marshall, William 600
Massage 543
Materialism and Morality 474
Mathematics and Meteorology, Stanley Jevons on 715
Mather, Frederick G. 640
Maurel, M. 310
Measuring the Earth's Surface 242
Meerschaum 862
Melody in Speech 778
Merrill, George P. 529
Metchnikoff, Leon 65
Meteorology, Mathematics, and, Stanley Jevons on 715
Mills, T. Wesley, M.D. 651
Mines, the Lake Superior, Increase of Temperature in 573
Monkeys, A Legend of, and Stones 715
Monkeys, The Mental Faculties of 17
Morality, Materialism and 474
Morals, Science and 493
Morgan, Appleton 577
Mountains, The Rocky 571
Mouse, The White-footed 322

Naturalist, How a, is trained 631
Nature, The Experimental Study of 372
Newberry, Professor J. S. 1
New Zealand, The Giant Birds of 660
North America in the Ice Period 1
North America, The Hickory-Nuts of 70
Notes 142
Notes 287
Notes 430
Notes 575
Notes 719
Notes 863
Novels, Scientific 424

Ocean, Surface-Currents of 137
Ornithorhyncus, The 858
Oscillations of Italian Soil 716
Oswald, Felix L. 162
Overstrain, Cardiac 427

Paradoxes, Australian 425
Parrot-Stories 574
Pavy, F. W. 372
Pellew, George 514
Petroleum in Egypt 857
Pfuhl, Dr. 678
Philipott, Henry J. 554
Photography, Isochromatic 863
Physical Functions, Balance among the 424
Physical Geography, Professorships of 134
Physiology, The true Aim of 821
Plant-Cells, Energy in 180
Plant-Food, The Future of the Supply of 284
Plants, The Protection of Rare Species of 717
Political Economy, The Future of 425
Poor, the, What makes, Poorer 289
Popular Miscellany 134
Popular Miscellany 280
Popular Miscellany 423
Popular Miscellany 568
Popular Miscellany 712
Popular Miscellany 854
Precious Stones, Artificial 424
Prejevalski, Nicholas, Sketch of 402
Prayer, Professor W. 821
Psychology, Sully's Hand-Book of 256
Psychology, Comparative 651

Quirigua, The Ruins of 856

Railroads, Are, Public Enemies? 577
Races, The Intermingling of 336
Read, Carveth 256
Reade, John 336
Realism, Scientific and Pseudo-Scientific 789
Religious Education, Science in 351
Religious Education, Science in 451
Rice, How cleaned and polished 427
Richardson, Benjamin Ward 79
Rich, the What makes, Richer 289
River, A, made a Nuisance 860
Robarts, L. W. 829
Robbins, E. Y. 235
Roose, Robson, M.D. 765
Royer, Madame Clemence 17

Sandwort, A Mount Washington 590
Sansone, Francesco 242
School Life and Health 714
Science and Morals 493
Science and Statesmanship 842
Science and Theology 145
Scientific, The, Age 814
Seasoning Timber 714
Serviss, Garrett P. 743
Sesostris 140
Shufeldt, R. W. 409
Siemens, Dr. Werner 814
Signals, Marine 283
Skepticism, Political 410
Smith, John B. 409
Society, The Racket of 426
Sociology, Comte and Spencer on 65
Soil, Italian, Oscillations of 716
South Africa, A Strange Sight in 557
South-Sea Islands, Life in the 199
Speech, On Melody in 778
Spring, The Stars of 743
State, The, Functions of 699
Stature, Hereditary 139
Stevenson, William G., M.D. 663
Sumner, William G. 289
Sunday, Legislation, Origin, and Results of 11
Superstition, Rustic 832
Superstitions, Zoölogical 162
Survival, An Unhappy 121

Taxidermy, A Boy's Lesson in 423
Thistles 101
Thompson, Daniel G. 351
Thompson, Daniel G. 451
Timber, Seasoning 714
Turpentine-Farming 829

Valbert, M. G. 733
Vinegar and its Mother 378
Volcanic Eruption, The, in New Zealand 428

Wall-Paper?, Arsenic in 135
Water-Color Drawings, Durability of 283
Water Colors, the Preservation of 569
Water, How, becomes Oxygenized 136
Water, Potable 859
Water, Self-Purification of 713
Weber, F. 778
Week, The, of Seven Days 384
Wells, Barometric 716
Wells, Low Water in, and Typhoid Fever 134
Wiggins, The Lesson of 267
Winlock, W. C. 114
Woman, The Higher Education of 168
Women, Higher Education of, and the Family 612
Workingmen's Co-operative Organizations 569

Youmans, Edward L., Sketch of 688
Youmans, Eliza A. 688
Youmans, Professor, Death of 698
Young, Professor C. A. 24
Yucatan, Dr. Le Plongeon's Researches in 572


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