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provision and encouragement of healthier amusements, from which alcohol shall be conspicuously absent, as it is now conspicuously present in or near most ordinary amusements; and prohibitory legislation. Our temperance friends will hardly find a stronger document in support of their cause than Dr. Oswald offers them.

The Old Order changes. By W. H. Mallock. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 513. Price, $1.

Mr. Mallock, the author of "Is Life worth Living?" is well known as a forcible writer on morals and social questions. The present book is a love-story, in which are interwoven discussions of the "labor problem" and "scientific morals." The bearing of the whole may, perhaps, be learned from the motto, which is a sentence of Bastian's, translatable into—"This importunate political economy insinuates itself everywhere, and mixes itself in everything, so that I really believe that it is it that says, 'I think nothing human foreign to me.'"


Bugbee, James M. The City Government of Boston. Baltimore: N. Murray. "Pp. 60. 25 cents.

Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., New York. The Source of the Mississippi. Pp. 16.

Coomes, M. F. and Marvin J. B. The "Southwestern Medical Gazette." Monthly. January, 1887. Louisville, Ky. Pp. 32. $1 per annum.

Henderson. J. T. Report of the Department of Agriculture of Georgia. Atlanta. Pp 36.

Philosophical Society of Washington. Bulletin for 1886. Smithsonian Institution, Washington. Pp. 57.

James, Joseph F. Protozoa of the Cincinnati Group. Oxford, Ohio. Pp. 9.

Report of the School of Expression. Boston. Pp. 3.

Emerson, J. S., Van Slyke, L. L., and Dodge, F. S. Killauea after the Eruption of March. 1886. Dana. J. D. Volcanic Action. Pp. 28, with Plate.

Report of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station, for 1886. "Advertiser" Association Print. Elmira, N. Y. Pp. 398.

Proceedings of the United States National Museum. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 127.

Altgeld, John P. Arbitration in Labor Troubles. Chicago. Pp. 12.

Dunlap, Lauren. Report of the Commissioner of Immigration of the Territory of Dakota. Bismarck, Dakota. Pp. 73.

Report of Johns Hopkins University for 1886. Baltimore, Md. Pp. 100.

Ward. Lester F. The Use and Abuse of Wealth. New York. Pp. 10.

History and Work of the Warner Observatory. Rochester, N. Y. Pp. 70.

Richey, S. O. Prophylaxis in Rhinitis Sympathetica. Chicago. Pp. 4.

Gruwell. J. P. A Reformed Alphabet of the English Language. "Enterprise" print. Brighton, Iowa. Pp. 16.

Varieties of Apples for Market. Bulletin of the Agricultural College of Michigan. Lansing: Thorp & Godfrey. Pp. 6.

Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Pocket Atlas of the World. Pp. 191.

"The Earth." Fortnightly. London: Parry & Co. Pp. 8. One penny.

The Bancroft Historical Library. San Francisco, Cal.: The History Company. Pp. 38.

The Bibliotheca Sacra. Oberlin, O.: E. J. Goodrich. Pp. 200.

Rutgers College Catalogue for 1886-'87. Pp. 71.

Crosby, W. O. Geological Collections of the Boston Society of Natural History. Pp. 184.

Rosebruch, Dr. A. M., Canada. Telegraphing to and from Railroad Trains.—Duplex Telephony. Pp. 11.

Medico Legal Society of New York; Transactions of. Pp. 30.

Chemical Society of Washington. Bulletin No. 2. February 11, l886, to January 13, 1887. Pp. 48.

Meriden Scientific Association; Transactions. Vol. II, 1885-'86. Meriden, Conn. Pp. 64.

Baker, James H. The Sources of the Mississippi; their Discoverers, real and pretended. St. Paul, Minn. Pp. 28.

McLaughlin, J. W., M. D., Austin, Tex. Researches into the Etiology of Dengue. Pp. 23.

Alabama Weather Service, Auburn. Report for January, 1887. Pp. 6.

Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society Journal of 1885-'86. F. P. Venable, Secretary, Chapel Hill, N. C. Pp. 146.

Arnold, Matthew. General Grant, an Estimate. Boston: Cupples, Upham & Co. Pp. 66. 25 cents.

"Ours." Monthly. New York: E. L. Miller. Pp. 38.

Shufeldt, R. W., M. D. Contributions to Science. Pp. 20.

Baker, Ira O. Leveling. New York: D. Van Nostrand. Pp. 145. 50 cents.

Barnard, J. G. Analysis of Rotary Motion. New York: D. Van Nostrand. Pp. 66. 50 cents.

Schroeder, Seaton. The Fall of Maximilian's Empire. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 130. $1.

Bowen, John E. The Conflict of East and West in Egypt. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 204. $1.25.

Allen, Alfred 11. Commercial Organic Analysis. Vol.11. Philadelphia: Blakiston, Son & Co. Pp. 583. $5.

Feuillet, Octave. The Romance of a Poor Young Man. New York: William S. Gottsberger. Pp. 319. 90 cents.

Ridgway. Robert. A Nomenclature ol Colors. Boston: Little. Brown & Co. Pp. 129.

Report of the Chief Signal Officer of the Army, for 1885. Two Vols. Vol. I, pp. 440. Vol. II, pp. 609. Washington: government Printing-Office.

Lockyer, Norman. Chemistry of the Sun. London and New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 457. $4.50.

Geobel, K., M. D. Outlines of Classification and Special Morphology of Plants. New York and London: Macmillan &. Co. Pp.472. $5.25.

Henry. Joseph. Scientific Writings. Two vols. Washington: Smithsonian Institution. Vol. I, pp. 523. Vol II. pp. 559.

Murrell, William, M. D. Massago as a Mode of Treatment. Second edition. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Co. Pp. 100. $1.25.

Wells, David A. A Study of Mexico. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 254. $1.50.

Wood, H. C, M. D. Nervous Diseases and their

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