Assessment" systems, each of them having advantages peculiar to itself, and being adapted to the wants of different classes of insured. The merits and workings of each are explained in detail, and their especial adaptations are elucidated. Besides the matter bearing immediately upon these points and also upon endowment, tontine, and semi-tontine insurance, the book contains the two leading mortality tables in use in this country; definitions and explanations, with illustrative examples, of the technical terms and expressions often used by agents and solicitors; articles on the failures of life-insurance companies, and their expenses in comparison with those of fire-insurance and railroad companies; interest and discount tables; an explanation of the construction of mortality tables; an article on the law of mortality and the wonderful precision with which it operates; and much other matter appropriate to the general subject
of the book.
A Directory of Authors, Including "Writers for the Literary Magazines. Compiled by W. M. Griswold. Bangor, Maine: Office of the "Monthly Index." Pp. 16. Price, 50 cents.
This edition contains the additions and emendations to the list of authors published in the first edition of the Directory. Five hundred and ninety-six names of authors are enrolled, only the names of many of them being given, the accounts of whom can be found in the former edition. The compiler acknowledges that his Directory is incomplete—it is not within human possibilities to give such a work an approach to perfection till after many repeated efforts. He depends upon the authors themselves to remedy its defects, by furnishing him answers to the inquiries which he has sent out in his circular.
A New Philosophy of the Sun. By Henry Raymond Rogers, M. D. Dunkirk, N. Y. Pp. 27.
This is the substance of a paper which was read before the Chautauqua Society of History and Natural Science. It presents a theory that the sun is not hot or brilliant, but is simply a propagator of force—presumably electric force—the working of which in our atmosphere produces the calorific and luminous manifestations commonly regarded as solar.
A Navajo Skull, with an Additional Note on the same. By Professor Sir William Turner. Pp. 4, with Plate, and 2; Osteology of Conurus Caroliniensis. Pp. 16, with Plate. By R. W. Shufeldt, M. D.
The first and second of these monographs relate to the examination of the skull of a Navajo Indian of about forty years of age, who came to his death by a gun-shot wound of the head. The third paper is an investigation of the bony structure of the Carolina parrot.
Garrison, F. Lynwood, Philadelphia. The Microscopic Structure of Car-Wheel Iron, pp. 7. The Microscopic Structure of Iron and Steel, pp. 12.
Martin, Lillie J., Indianapolis, Ind. Chemistry in the High-Schools. Pp. 12.
Hale, Horatio. The Origin of Languages, and the Antiquity of Speaking Man. Pp. 48.
Jastrow, Joseph, Johns Hopkins University. The Perception of Space by Disparate Senses. Pp. 16.
Bell, Clark. Report on Classification of Mental Diseases. Pp. 14.
Packard. S. W., Chicago. Review of the Anti-Saloon Republican Convention. Pp. 16.
Crothers, T. D., Hartford, Conn. Temperance, Parties, and Politics. Pp. 3.
Peabody Museum of American Archæology and Ethnology. Eighteenth and Nineteenth Annual Reports of the Trustees. Cambridge, Mass. Pp. 128.
Agricultural College of Michigan. Notes on Tomatoes. Pp. 15.
Levermore, Charles H. The Town and City Government of New Haven. Baltimore: N. Murray. Pp. 108. 50 cents.
Munroe, Charles E. Index to the Literature of Explosives. Part I. Baltimore: Isaac Friedenwald. Pp. 42. 50 cents.
Dulles. Charles W., M. D. The Mechanism of Indirect Fractures of the Skull Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Co. Pp. 55, with Plates.
Smith, Eugene A., Ph. D., State Geologist. Geological Survey of Alabama. Bulletin No. 1. Pp. 86, with Nine Plates.
Commissioners of Fisheries, State of New York. Fourteenth Report. Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co. Pp. 209.
Sechrist. S. P. Sechrist's Hand-Book and Railway Equipment and Milease Guide. Monthly. Cleveland, Ohio: J. B. Savage. Pp. 190.
Bell. Alexander Melville. English Line Writing (Phonetic). New York: Edward S. Werner. Pp. 52. 60 cents.
Stephenson, F. B., M. D. Arabic and Hebrew in Anatomy. Pp. 10. Sydenham and Hahnemann. Pp 6.
Stowell. T. B. The Vagus Nerve in the Domestic Cat. pp. 16. The Trigeminus Nerve in the Domestic Cat pp. 20.
Commissioner of Pensions. Annual Report, to June 30, 1886. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 70.