< Popular Science Monthly < Volume 11

I N D E X.

Aborigines, American, how they disposed of their Dead 638
Advance in Medical Science 767
Air and Houses 196
Aluminium 507
American Association for the Advancement of Science 762
Animals, Mental Disease in 639
Antennæ of Insects 637
Anthropology in Germany 764
Anti-Ferments 251
Antique Marbles 67
Ants, Habits of 39
Appalachian Mountain Club 382
Aqueducts. (Illustrated.) 26
Archæology 639
Associations, Scientific 505
Astronomical Discoveries 756
Astronomical Observations on the Rocky Mountains 123
Atheism, The Accusation of 367
Atmospheric Pressure. (Illustrated.) 316

Bad Odors in Reservoired Water 469
Bain, Alexander, Education as a Science 391
Barff's Method of preserving Iron 633
Barnard, F. A. P., Sketch of. (Portrait.) 100
Bath, Hebra on Use of 634
Bathybius and the Moners 641
Bert, P., Atmospheric Pressure 316
""Transmission of Excitations 230
Blood, Circulation of the 294
Blue Glass 109
Books noticed:
"The English Constitution" (Bagehot) 110
"Principles of Sociology" (Spencer) 112
"Electricity and the Telegraph" (Prescott) 116
"Lessons in Electricity" (Tyndall) 116
"Philosophical Discussions" (Wright) 117
"Russia" (Wallace) 117
"Agricultural Report" 118
"Continuous Bridges" (Bender) 118
"Alcoholic Poison" (Kellogg) 118
"The Jukes" (Dugdale) 118
"Early Migrations" 118
"Japanese Wrecks" 118
"Early Maritime Intercourse" 118
"St. Louis Academy of Science" 118
"Skin-Diseases" (Duhring) 119
"Pagan and Christian Symbolism" (Inman) 119
"Physics" (Arnott) 119
"Lectures on Light" (Tyndall) 242
"Fish" 243
"Political Economy" (Bastiat) 244
"Cross and Self Fertilization" (Darwin) 244
"Alphabet in Finance" (McAdam) 245
"Geology of Indiana" (Cox) 245
"Condensed Classics" 245
"Zoological Society of Cincinnati" 245
"David and Anna Matson" (Duniway) 245
"Chemical Analysis" (Douglas and Preston) 246
"Chemists' Manual" (Mott) 246
"The Microscopist" (Wythe) 246
"Michigan Board of Health" 247
"Commissioners of Education" 247
"How to Camp Out" (Gould) 247
"Principles of Sociology" (Spencer) 247
"New Lands within the Arctic Circle" (Payer) 371
"Cooking Manual" (Corson) 373
"Best Reading" (Perkins) 373
"Milton Anthology" 373
"Geometrid Moths" (Packard) 373
"Moral Maxims" (Baldwin) 374
"Symbolical Language" (Knight) 374
"Analysis of Religious Belief" (Amberly) 374
Radical Review 375
"Dynamics" (Bottomley) 375
"Smithsonian Report" 375
"Cellulose" 375
"Acoustics, Light, etc." (Lees) 376
"Poughkeepsie Natural Science Society 376
Western Review 376
"Analysis of Milk" (Baumhauer) 376
"Myelitis" (Seguin) 376
"Metric System" 376
"Ancient Glaciers of New Zealand" (Russell) 376
"Natural History of Illinois" 376
"Topographical Surveys" (Gardner) 376
"Geographical Surveys" (Warren) 377
"New York Meteorological Observatory" (Draper) 377
"American Zoölogy" (Packard) 377
Kindergarten Messenger 377
"Cyclopedia of Education" (Kiddle and Schem) 497
"Science and Religion" (Winchell) 498
"Turkey" (Baker) 500
"Chemistry" (Peckham) 501
"Forces of Nature" (Guillemin) 501
"Wisconsin Academy of Sciences" 501
"Wax Flowers" (Duncan) 502
"University of Cincinnati" 502
"Astronomical Hypothesis" (Furniss) 502
"Dakota Calendar" (Mallery) 502
"Development of the Animal Kingdom" (Lewis) 503
"Personal Immortality" 503
"Western Diptera" (Osten-Sacken) 503
"The Black Hills" (Jenney) 503
"Ohio Fish Commission" 503
"Shade-Trees" (Stewart) 504
"Science-Lectures" 504
"Isis unveiled" (Blavatsky) 504
"Nomisma" (Oernuschi) 624
"Scientific Basis of Delusions" (Beard) 624
"Oriental Religions" (Johnson) 625
"Descriptive Astronomy" (Chambers) 627
"List of Elevations" (Gannett) 627
"Influence of Physical Conditions in the Genesis of Species" (Allen) 628
"Geology of the Uintah Mountains" (Powell) 628
"Geographical Surveys" (Wheeler) 628
"Insectivorous Mammals" (Coues) 628
"Philadelphia Board of Health" 628
"Coördinate Surveying" (Walling) 629
"Problem of Problems" 629
"The Earth's Chemistry" (Lockyer) 629
"Tailed Amphibians" (Smith) 629
"Characters of Corypodontidæ" (Marsh) 630
"Topographical Atlas-Sheets" 630
"Iron and Steel Constructions" (Weyrauch) 630
"Gold and Debt" (Fawcett) 630
"Ornithology of the Red River Region" (McCauley) 630
"Experimental Science": Light (Mayer and Barnard) 757
"Fish and Fisheries" 757
"Ancient Society" (Morgan) 758
"Theoretical Chemistry" (Remsen) 759
"Physiological Æsthetics (Allen) 760
"Survey of the Territories" (Hayden) 760
"Sanitary Science" (Leeds) 760
"Massachusetts Health Reports" 761
"Art Education" (Nichols) 761
"Linear Perspective" (Honey) 761
"Record of Science and Industry" (Baird) 761
Bowel-Complaints, High Temperature and 507
Brame, O. E., Zodiacal Light 349
Brewer, T. M., The Museums of Europe 472
Brooks, W. K., Instinct and Intelligence 585
Brownell, T. F., Does it take Time to think? 564
Buchanan, J. R., Psycho-Physiological Sciences 721
Building System of Philadelphia 510
Bunce, O. B., Over-Production, or Over-Consumption 306

Candle, The Electric. (Illustrated.) 429
Cannon, Steel-Bronze 632
Carpenter, William B., on Spiritualism 12
Carpenter, William B., on Spiritualism 161
Catastrophism, King on 491
Champlin, J. D., Marbles 67
Chinese Modes of Fishing 251
Chloroform, Deaths from Inhalation of 254
Cinchona Alkaloids, The 763
Circulation of the Blood 294
Civilization and Morals 549
Clarke, F. W., Specimens of Educational Literature 713
Cleopatra's Needle 380
Climatic Influence of Vegetation 385
Color-Blindness 250
Copper, Determination of 251
Copper Salts, are they poisonous? 511
Cosmic and Organic Evolution 672
Cotton-Culture in Egypt 121
Coues, E., Imagination 455
"Cram," Jevons on 239
Cremation of Dr. Winslow 765
Crime and Education 380
Crotch, W. D., The Norwegian Lemming 404
Curtiss, L. R., Molecular Magnitudes 653

Darwin, Testimonials to 121
Death, New Test of 254
Decline of Parties 755
Decline of Party Government 734
Distribution of Standard Time in the United States 174
Divisibility of Gold 74
Does it take Time to think? 564
Dog-Story, A Big 488
Domestic Retrospect and Prospect 513
Drinking, Moderate, What is 252
Drops. (Illustrated.) 544
Dupuy, E., Heredity in Nervous Diseases 332

Early Man of North America 365
Eccles, R. G., The Labor-Question 605
Educational Literature, Specimens of. (Illustrated.) 713
Education and Crime 380
Education as a Science 391
Electric Candle. (Illustrated.) 429
Elementary Instruction in Physiology 668
Emperor, A Philosophic 461
Evolution, Cosmic and Organic 672
Evolution of the Family 129
Evolution of the Family 257
Evolution Theory, Sir Wyville Thomson on 126
Excitations, Transmission of. (Illustrated.) 230
Expedition, Scientific, around the World 249
Experiments, Simple, in Optics. (Illustrated.) 658
Extinction of a Prehistoric Race 124
Extirpation of our Larger Mammals 253
Eyes, Hygiene of the 506

Family, Evolution of the 129
Family, Evolution of the 257
Family and State 370
Farrier, Art of the 378
Fermentation 363
Fermentation and Disease 236
Fisher, G. J., Circulation of the Blood 294
Fishes, Odd Forms among. (Illustrated.) 525
Fishing, Modes of, in China 251
Florida Keys, Fauna and Flora of 637
Flowers, Change of Tint in 633
Forces, Initiatory 156
Foster, Michael, Protoplasm 422
Foster, G. F., Gravitation 37
Fruit-Culture in England 249

Gar-Pike, Habitat of 366
Gar-Pikes. (Illustrated.) 1
Gar-Pikes. (Illustrated.) 186
Garver, J. A., Matches 413
Geological Changes in Colorado 510
Geological Estimates 638
Geological Time, A New Measure of 509
Germs, Destruction of 124
Gold, Divisibility of 74
Grasshoppers, Extermination of 126
Gravitation 37
Ground-Air. (Illustrated.) 280
Guillemin, A., New Star 59

Habits of Ants 39
Haeckel, Ernst, Bathybius 641
Heat, Influence of, on Galvanic Conductivity 123
Heat and Motion, and Political Economy 329
Heredity in Nervous Diseases 332
Heresy, The Latest Cases of 494
High Temperature and Bowel-Complaints 507
Holden, E. S., Standard Time 174
Honey-Dew 237
Huxley, T. H., Instruction in Physiology 668
Huxley's American Lectures 709

Ignorant Enterprise 122
Iles, G., Initiatory Forces 156
Imagination 455
Import of Protoplasm 422
Indications of Progress 753
Inebriety, Fatality of 636
Initiatory Forces 156
Insanity, Is it on the Increase? 508
Insects in Colorado 104
Instinct and Intelligence 585
Iron, Barff's Method of preserving 633
Italy, The Observatories of 538

Jevons on "Cram" 239
Jevons, Prof., Sketch of. (Portrait.) 745
Jupiter and Saturn, their Physical Condition 233
Jupiter's Cloud-Masses, Movements of 81

King, Clarence, on Catastrophism 491
Kirkwood, D., Mars and its Satellites 706

Labor-Question, The 605
Lankester, E. E., Huxley's American Lectures 709
Larned, Civilization 549
Lattimore, S. A., Bad Odors in Water 469
Lemming, The Norwegian. (Illustrated.) 404
Life, Material Resources of 339
Lockwood, S., Owls 142
Locust, The, in Manitoba 508
Locusts, The Seventeen-Year 765
Lubbock, Sir John, Ants 39

Man, Early, of North America 365
Marbles, Antique 67
Mars and its Satellites 706
Marsh, Prof. O. C, Bigsby Medal awarded to 252
Marsh-Fevers 250
Matches 413
Material Resources of Life 339
Matter and Mind 183
Mauna Loa, Eruption of 125
Meat-Supply, Extending the 253
Medical Science, Advance in 767
Meek, F. B., Death of 382
Mental Disease in Animals 639
Mental Overwork 105
Mesmerism, Spiritualism, etc. 12
Mesmerism, Spiritualism, etc. 161
Metals, Our Domestic 636
Metric Weights in Massachusetts 379
Mind, Matter and 183
Mind-Reading by the Ear 362
Minerals, Rare, in Colorado 632
Molecular Magnitudes 653
Moss-Copper 637
Movements of Jupiter's Cloud-Masses 81
Museums of Europe 472
Mushrooms, Edible 366
Mystery of Pain 634

Nature, Study of, in Schools 367
Near-sightedness in Schools 122
Nervous Diseases, Heredity in 332
Newcomb, Simon, Sketch of. (Portrait.) 612
New Star in Cygno. (Illustrated.) 59
Niaudet, A., Electric Candle 429
Nisbet, C, Pessimism and its Antidote 682
Notes 127
Notes 255
Notes 383
Notes 511
Notes 639
Notes 768

Observatories of Italy 538
Odd Forms among Fishes. (Illustrated.) 525
Optics, Simple Experiments in. (Illustrated.) 658
Oswald, Dr. F. L., Vegetation and Climate 385
Outerbridge, A. E., Divisibility of Gold 74
Over-Consumption, or Over-Production? 306
Over-Consumption, or Over-Production? 489
Over-Consumption, or Over-Production? 615
Overwork, Mental 105
Owls, American. (Illustrated.) 142
Oxygen, Discovery of, in the Sun 618

Palmer, J. A., Toadstools 93
Parties, Decline of 755
Party Government, Decline of 734
Pearce, S. A., The Modern Piano-forte 691
Pessimism and its Antidote 682
Pettenkofer, Max von. Air and Houses 196
""Ground-Air 280
Philadelphia, Building-System of 510
Physiology, Elementary Instruction in 668
Piano-forte, The Modern 691
Political Economy, Heat and Motion and 329
Pottery, Aboriginal, of Illinois. (Illustrated.) 573
Prescott, A. B., Material Resources of Life 339
Pressure, Atmospheric, and Life. (Illustrated.) 316
Pritchard, H. B., Science and War 599
Proctor, R. A., Jupiter's Cloud-Masses 81
Progress, Indications of 753
Protoplasm, Import of 422
Psychic Phenomena 253
Psycho-Physiological Sciences 721

Rabbits in New Zealand 379
Rare Minerals in Colorado 632
Rayet, G., The Observatories of Italy 538
Relation of Air to the House we live in 196
Relative Importance of Ideas 108
Remains that were not Prehistoric 631
Renan, E., Spinoza 216
Retina, Retention of Impressions by 252
Retinal Nerves, Action of the 381
Retrospect and Prospect 513
Rumor, A Baseless 241

Saline Deposit, A Curious 236
Salt-Bed at Goderich 505
Sawdust as Manure 507
Schneider, E., Tides 271
Science and War 599
Science, How it is advanced in Norway 125
Sellers, G. E., Pottery 573
Seelye on Civilization and Religion 621
Seventeen-Year Locusts 765
Sewing-Machine, The, in Political Economy 481
Shad in the Ohio 505
Siberia, Reopening Route to 378
Silk Fabrics 636
Silver-bearing Sandstones 764
Simmons, W. E., Aqueducts 26
Singing in the Ears 104
Skeptic, A Philosophic, how reconciled to Religious Faith 487
Smith, G., Decline of Party Government 734
Snoring, and how to stop it. (Illustrated.) 704
Space, New Ideas about 364
Space, New Ideas about 749
Sparrow, The English 506
Specimens of Educational Literature. (Illustrated.) 713
Spencer, Herbert, Evolution of the Family 129
Spencer, Herbert, Evolution of the Family 257
""Status of Women 433
""Retrospect and Prospect 513
Spinoza 216
Spiritualism, Carpenter on 750
Spiritualism, Mesmerism, etc. 12
Spiritualism, Mesmerism, etc. 161
Spontaneous Generation 381
Standard Time, Distribution of, in the United States 174
Status of Women and Children 433
Steel-Bronze Cannon 632
Stewart, Balfour, Sketch of. (Portrait.) 359
Stock-Feeding, Economy of 383
Sudan, Resources and Industries of 126
Sun-spot Periods 488
Supplements of the Popular Science Monthly 238

Tan, Spent, as Manure 507
Tenney, Prof. Sanborn, Death of 631
""Fishes 525
Testimonials to Mr. Darwin 121
Thurston on Domestic Metals 636
Tides 271
Tides 616
Tides 748
Tin, where got by the Ancients 383
Tint, Change of, in Flowers 633
Toadstool-Eating 93
Torpedo, Electrical Phenomena of 382
Treatment of the Opium-Habit 763
Trout, Voracity of the 254
Trowbridge, D., Jupiter and Saturn 233
Turkey, Wild, Domestication of the 635

Vaux, C, A Philosophic Emperor 461
Vegetation, Climatic Influence of 385
Vienna Scientific Club 632
Viper-Poison, Experiments with 767

Wallace, A. R., Sketch of. (Portrait.) 235
War and Science 599
Ward, L. F., Evolution 672
Water-Tortoise, its Food 381
Wheat-Fungus, A New, in California 509
White, F. E., Matter and Mind 183
White Paint 633
Wilder, B. G., Gar-Pikes 1
Wilder, B. G., Gar-Pikes 186
Wild-Turkey, Domestication of the 635
Winslow, Dr., Cremation of 765
Wood-Ants, Feeding-Habits of 104
Woodruff Scientific Expedition 749
Worthington, A. M., Drops 544
Wyeth, J. A., Snoring 704

Youmans, Eliza A., Experiments in Optics 658

Zodiacal Light. (Illustrated.) 349
Zodiacal Light. (Illustrated.) 617


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