Supplemental Remarks on the Physiological Effects of Severe and Protracted Muscular Exercise, with Especial Reference to its Influence upon the Excretion of Nitrogen. By Prof. Austin Flint, Jr., M. D. From the Journal of Anatomy and Physiology. Pp. 9.
Some Remarkable Gravel-Ridges in the Merrimack Valley. By Geo. F. Wright. From Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. Pp. 17. Maps 3.
Report on Dermatology. By L. P. Yandell, Jr., M.D. From the American Practitioner for June, 1877. Louisville, Ky. Pp. 8.
A New Test-Reaction for Zinc, and other Laboratory Notes. Pp. 6. And Notes upon the Lithology of the Adirondacks. Pp. 35. By Albert R. Leeds. From the American Chemist for March, 1877.
On the Production and Use of Compressed Air in Mining Operations. By M. F. L. Cornet. Translated from the French by Robert Zahner. From the Journal of the Franklin Institute, for June and July, 1877. Pp. 21.
On the Brains of some Fish-like Vertebrates; on the Serrated Appendages of the Throat of Amia; on the Tail of Amia. By Burt G. Wilder, M.D. From Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1876. Pp. 11, and Plate.
The Scientist's Theology. By E. A. Beaman. New York: E. H. Swinney, 1877. Pp. 24. Price, 10 cents.
On the Use of Large Probes in the Treatment of Strictures of the Nasal Duct. By Samuel Theobald, M.D. From the Transactions of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland. Baltimore, 1877. Pp. 22.
Report of the Director of the Central Park Menagerie, for 1876. New York, 1877. Pp. 34.
Facts and Figures for Mathematicians; or, The Geometrical Problem which Benson's Geometry alone can solve. By Lawrence S. Benson. New York: 149 Grand St. Pp. 22. Price, 30 cents.
On the Possibility of Transit Observations, without Personal Error. By S. P. Langley. From American Journal of Science and Arts, July, 1877, Pp. 6.
Report on the Discovery of Supposed Paleolithic Implements, from the Glacial Drift in the Valley of the Delaware River, near Trenton, N. J. By Charles C. Abbott, M.D. Cambridge, 1877. From Tenth Annual Report of the Peabody Museum. Pp. 14, Illustrated.
Address delivered by Hon. A. J. Peeler, before the State Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, June 26, 1877. Austin. Pp. 34.
The Pneumatic Electric System for lighting and extinguishing the Gas used for Street-Lights, and the Use of the Apparatus for General Telegraphic Purposes. By John H. Blake. Boston, 1877. Pp. 33. Illustrated.
The National Guardsman. A Journal devoted to the Interests of the National Guard of the United States. Vol. i.. No. 1. August, 1877. Monthly. Pp. 16. Price, $1 a year.
Thirty-third Annual Catalogue of the Officers, Faculty, and Students, of the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, for the Academic Year 1876-'77. Pp. 62.
Remarks of Robert E. C. Steams on the Death of Colonel Ezekiel Jewett; and also on the Late Dr. Philip P. Carpenter. Before the California Academy of Sciences. Pp. 5, each.
The Magnetism of Iron Vessels, with a Short Treatise on Terrestrial Magnetism . By Fairman Rogers. New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1877. Pp. 125. Price, 50 cents.
Art-Education applied to Industry. By George Ward Nichols. With Illustrations. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1877. Pp. 211. Price. $4.
The American Palæozoic Fossils. A Catalogue of the Genera and Species, etc. By S. A. Miller. Cincinnati, 1877. Pp. 253. Price. $3.
Mesmerism, Spiritualism, etc. By William B. Carpenter, LL.D., F.R.S. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1877. Pp. 158. Price, $1.25.
The Question of Rest for Women during Menstruation. By Mary Putnam-Jacobi, M.D. The Boylston Prize Essay of Harvard University for 1876. Illustrated. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1877. Pp. 233. Price, $3.50.
Death of Prof. Sanborn Tenney.—We have learned with regret of the death of Prof. Tenney, which took place on July 9th, at Buchanan, Michigan. The sad event was unexpected, as the deceased had, one week previously, seemed to enjoy perfect health. The cause of death is supposed to have been heart-disease. From an appreciative biographical sketch of the deceased which has appeared in the New York World we gather the following particulars about his scientific labors: In 1868 he was Professor of Natural History in Vassar College, and in the same year accepted a like position in Williams College. He had already published an elementary text-book of geology, which is still, after repeated revisions, largely used in high-schools and academies. He was a frequent contributor to periodical literature of scientific articles of a popular kind. The present number of the Monthly contains probably the latest essay of this description written by him. He was an enthusiastic and careful student, a pupil and admirer of Agassiz, and like his distinguished preceptor he excelled as a teacher. Besides the "Geology" mentioned above. Prof Tenney compiled several other popular text-books, among them one on zoölogy. He occupied the chair of Natural History in Williams College down to the time of his death. He was to have been in charge of an expedition of college-students to the far West this season, and on the day he died was to have joined the expedition at Chicago.
Remains that were not prehistoric.—We have received from a source unknown to us two clippings, from the Weekly Press, presumably of Santa Barbara, California, in