The Poultry Yard and Market: a Practical Treatise on Gallinoculture, and Description of a New Process for hatching: Eggs and raising Poultry. By Prof. A. Corbett. New York: Orange Judd & Co. 1877. Pp. 96. Price, 50 cents.
Shade-Trees, Indigenous Shrubs, and Vines. By J. T. Stewart, M.D. And Insects that infest them. By Miss Emma A. Smith. Peoria: Transcript Co. print. 1877. Pp .55.
The People vs. Daniel Schrumpf; Misdemeanor, Adulteration of Milk; Argument of W. P. Prentice, Counsel to the Board of Health, for the Prosecution. New York: J. F. Trow & Son print. 1877. Pp. 32.
Coördinate Surveying. By Henry F. Walling, C. E. Published by the American Society of Civil Engineers. 1877. Pp. 19, Three Plates.
Religion and Science; The Psychological Basis of Religion considered from the Standpoint of Phrenology. A Prize Essay. New York: S. R. Wells & Co. 1877. Pp .35. Price, 20 cents.
On Some Derivatives of Diphenylamine. By Dr. P. Townsend Austen. Reprint from American Journal of Science and Arts. Pp. 11.
Second Annual Report of the Inspector and Assayer of Liquors to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. By Prof. J. P. Babcock. Boston: Albert J. Wright print. 1877. Pp. 39.
On the Ethers of Uric Acid; Contributions from the Laboratory of Harvard College. By H. B. Hill. Reprinted from American Journal of Science and Arts. Pp .11.
Lubrication. By Prof. R. H. Thurston. Reprinted from the Polytechnic Review. Pp. 4.
Note on the Sensation of Color. By C. S. Peirce. Reprint from American Journal of Science and Arts. Pp. 5.
Publications of the Cincinnati Observatory, Nos. 2, 3. Mitchell's Micrometrical Measurements of Double Stars. Pp. 18 and 34.
Laboratory Notes from the University of Cincinnati. By F. W. Clarke. Reprint from American Journal of Science and Arts. Pp. 6.
History of the Discovery of the Circulation of the Blood. By W. J. Conklin, M.D. Reprinted from Ohio Medical and Surgical Journal. Pp. 14.
On Puerperal Septicæmia. By J. W. Underhill, M.D. Cincinnati: Aldine Printing-Works. 1877.
Field and Forest; a Monthly Journal devoted to the Natural Sciences. Edited by Charles R. Dodge. Vol. IL, Nos. 7, 8, 9, and 10. Price $1 a year.
The Development of the Animal Kingdom; a Paper read at the Fourth Meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Women. By Graceanna Lewis. Nantucket: Hussey & Robinson print. 1877. Pp. 21.
Monthly Reports of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture for February and March, 1877. By Alfred Gray, Secretary. Topeka.
Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters. Vol. III. 1875-'76. Madison: E. B. Bolen print. Pp. 269.
Van Nostrand's Science Series. No. 28: Transmission of Power by Wire Ropes. By Albert W. Stahl. M.E. Pp. 124. No. 29: Steam Injectors, their Theory and Use. By M. Léon Pochet. Pp. 79. New York. 1877. Price, 50 cents each.
Strength and Calculation of Dimensions of Iron and Steel Constructions. By J. J. Weyrauch. Ph.D. New York. 1877. Pp. 112, with Pour Folding Plates. Price, $1.
Linear Perspective. Part I. By F. R. Honey. New Haven, Conn.: Judd & White. 1877. Pp. 35, Nine Plates. Price, $1.25.
Report of the Board of Health of the City and Port of Philadelphia for the Year 1875. Pp. 351.
United States Geographical Surveys west of the One Hundredth Meridian. Appendix JJ of the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers for 1876. By Lieut. George M. Wheeler. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 343, accompanied by Seven Topographical Atlas Sheets.
Report of the Secretary of the Navy. 1876. Pp. 336.
Annual Report of the Chief Signal Officer to the Secretary of War, for 1876. Pp. 509, with numerous Weather Maps.
Proposed Scientific Expedition around the World.—For some months Mr. James O. Woodruff, of Indianapolis, has been busily engaged in organizing a "scientific expedition around the world," the object of which is to visit points of general and special interest, to study architecture, archæology, geology, and the fauna and flora of new or little known localities, and to make collections and studies in natural history generally.
It is proposed to start from New York some time next fall, in a steamship of a thousand tons, officered by experienced men from our navy, and fitted with all the appliances necessary for such an expedition. Ten scientific professors, selected from the faculties of our leading universities, are to go along in the capacity of teachers, giving lectures and instruction in the various subjects of study.
The island of Marajo, at the mouth of the Amazon, Valparaiso, some of the less known islands of the Central Pacific, New Guinea, Borneo, Ceylon, and Alexandria, are a few of the more prominent points it is proposed to visit; the ship returning by the way of France and England. Inland excursions, for the purposes of exploration and the collection of specimens, will be a feature of the expedition. Eighty students can be accommodated. The trip is expected to consume two years, and will cost each student, according to published estimates, about $5,000.
Fruit-Farming in England.—The home-supply of fruit in England being very inadequate to the demand, foreign fruit has to be imported in enormous quantity. Hence the price of fruit is very high, and the great