A Revision of the Genus Eupsychortyx. By W. E. Clyde Todd. (Plates V-VI.) 189
Observations on the Habits of Birds at Lake Burford, New Mexico. By Alexander Wetmore. (Plates VII-IX.) 221
Additions to the Avifauna of the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, Including four Species new to North America. By G. Dallas Hanna 248
Extracts from Notes made while in Naval Service. By W. T. Helmuth 255
The Plumage of Gulls in Relation to Age as Illustrated by the Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) and Other Species. By Jonathan Dwight, M. D. (Plates X-XIV.) 262
The Subspecies of Branta canadensis (Linn.) By H. S. Swarth. 268
Description of a New North American Duck. By Wharton Huber 273
Fifth Annual List of Proposed Changes in the A. O. U. Check-List of North American Birds. By Harry C. Oberholser 274
General Notes.—A Loon (Gavia immer) Caught on a Fishing Line, 286; Intestinal Caeca in the Anhinga, 286; On the Nesting of the Black Duck in Ohio, 287; The American and European Widgeon in Massachusetts, 288; Whistling Swan (Olor columbianus) in Massachusetts, 289; Habits of the Two Black Ducks (Anas rubripes and Anas ribripes tristis), 289; Flight of Water Fowl at Washington, D. C, 291; Nesting of the Greater Yellow-Legs in Newfoundland, 292; Nesting of the Little Black Rail in Atlantic County, N. J., 292; Maggots in the Ears of Nestling Cooper's Hawks (Accipiter cooperi) 293; Age attained by the Hyacinth Macaw, 293; Curious Habits of the Whip-poor-will, 293; Aeronautes melanoleucus (Baird) versus Aeronantes saxatalis (Woodhouse), 294; A New Name for Phaeochroa Gould, 295; Great Crested Flycatcher in Massachusetts in Winter, 295; The Song of the Boat-tailed Grackle, 295; Clark's Crow in Denver, 297; Another Occurrence of the Starling Near Montgomery, Alabama, 298; A Flight of Newfoundland Crossbills, 298; Evening Grosbeaks at Valley Falls, N. Y., 298; Evening Grosbeak at Brantingham, Lewis Co., N. Y., 299; The Evening Grosbeak in Monte Vista, Colo., 299; Some Sparrow Notes from Madison, Wisconsin, 299; Zonotrichia albicollis again in Colorado, 300; The Proper Name of the West African Serin, 299; The Louisiana Tanager in Massachusetts, 301; Bohemian Waxwing in Illinois, 301; The Yellow-throated Warbler in Central New York—A Correction, 299; The Louisiana Water-Thrush Breeding at Graniteville, Aiken County, South Carolina, 302; Elminia Bonaparte Preoccupied, 302; Toxostoma crissalis versus Toxostoma dorsalis, 303; The Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe lencorhoa) in Eastern Pennsylvania, 303; Additional Notes on the Birds of Red Deer, Alberta, 304; Buds of Irregular Occurrence on Long Island, 306; Rare and Uncommon Birds at Branchport, Yates Co., N. Y., 307; Unusual Winter Bird Records for Iowa City, Iowa, 308; Notes on Winter Birds of the Missouri Ozarks, 309; Mesa County, Colo., Notes, 310; Some North American Birds Obtained in Japan, 311; The Color of Natal Down in Passerine Birds; 312; Birds and Tent Caterpillars, 312.
Recent Literature.—Baldwin's 'Bird Banding by Means of Systematic Trapping, 314; Chapman on New South American Birds, 315; Cory's 'Catalogue of Birds of the Americas', 315; Witherby's 'Handbook of British Birds,' 316; A Geographical Bibliography of British Ornithology, 317; Annual Report of the National Association of Audubon Societies, 317; Bulletin of the Essex County Ornithological Club, 318; Hollister's Account of the National Zoo, 319; Cory's Review of the Genus Rhynchocyclus, 319; Recent Papers by Bangs and Penard, 320; Van Oort's 'Birds of Holland,' 320; Kirk Swann's 'Synoptical List of the Accopitres', 321; Dr. Shufeldt's Bibliography, 321; Stuart Baker on Egg Collecting and its Objects, 321; Economic Ornithology in Recent Entomological Publications, 322; Pine-seed Eaters in British Garhwal, 325; The Ornithological Journals, 325; Ornithological Articles in Other Journals, 334; Additional Publications Received, 338.
Correspondence.—An "Occult Food Sense" in Birds, 339; The Search for Food by Birds, 341; Ridgway's 'Birds of North and Middle America, Vol. VIII,' 344.
Notes and News.—Obituary: James Mellville Macoun, 346; A. O. U. Committee on Classification and Nomenclature, 346; Migratory Bird Treaty, 347; Bird Reservations, 347; Modification in Federal Regulations, 347; Pacific Northwest Bird and Mammal Club, 347|96}}; Complete Sets of 'The Auk,' 348; The Wilson Ornithological Club, 352; Correction, 352; Errata, 352.