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1920 Huber, A New Black Duck. Zlo DESCRIPTION OF A NEW NORTH AMERICAN DUCK BY WHARTON HUBER While collecting ducks south of Las Cruces, Dona Ana County, New Mexico, during the winter and spring of 1915, I noticed numbers of very dark individuals in the flocks of Mallards flying over the sloughs and along the Rio Grande River; while during April and May these ducks were generally seen in pairs. Upon making inquiries I find these ducks to be fairly common, especially during the late spring and early fall; they are however, just as plentiful during the winter months but are lost sight of in the large flocks of ducks that make their winter home in the Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico. A careful study of specimens secured seem to indicate that the bird in question is an undescribed member of the Black Duck group and may be described as follows. My thanks are due to the following for assistance rendered in preparing this paper: Dr. Witmer Stone, Mr. E. W. Nelson, Dr. H. C. Oberholser, Dr. C. W. Richmond and Mr. J. H. Riley. Anas novimexicana New Mexican Duck Description: Type No. 1928. Collection of Wharton Huber. Adult male; along the Rio Grande River west of Las Cruces, Dona Ana County, New Mexico. May 7, 1915; Wharton Huber. Forehead and top of head black streak- ed with pinkish buff. Auricular? and sides of neck pinkish buff streaked with black. Throat pinkish buff unstreaked. Breast black margined and mottled with cinnamon ; turning to vinaceous buff on abdomen. Un- der-tail coverts centially black edged with grayish-white, the outer edges of the feathers margined with cinnamon-rufous. Flanks black-edged and internally streaked with cinnamon and vinaceous-buff . Back, rump and upper-tail coverts black streaked and margined with cinnamon and vina- ceous-buff. Primaries mummy brown, darker on the outer webs. Under wing coverts white. Speculum dark dull bluish-violet bordered by a black band then a white band. Bill in life, pyrite yellow. Nail black. Feet an! legs in life, Grenadine orange. The fall plumage is much darker and the edgings of the feather smuch deeper cinnamon. The feathers of the throat are streaked with black. Measurements: Type; length, 545 mm.; wing, 279; tail 94; exposed culmen, 55; tarsus, 46.

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