Proposed Changes in the A. 0. U. Check-List. rAuk lApril Male, 1786. Coll. Wharton Huber, Mesilla Dam, three miles south- west of Mesilla, New Mexico, April 12, 1915; length, 541 mm.; wing 275; tail, 92; exposed culmen, 57; tarsus, 47. Male, Belen, New Mexico, December 9, 1917. Collected by Aldo Leo- pold; length, 550 mm.; wing, 278; tail, 89; exposed culmen, 51; tarsus, 48. Measurements of three specimens (skins) including the type in mm. Type No. 1928 — Adult Male. Along Rio Grande River, west of Las Cruces, New Mexico, May 7, 1915. Coll. by Whar- ton Huber No. 1786 — Male. Mesilla Dam, 3 miles s. w. of Mesilla, Dona Ana Co., New Mexico, April 12, 1915. Coll. by Wharton Huber Male. Belen, New Mexico, Dec. 9, 1917. Leopold Coll. by Aldo a <D J3 S a "S3 3 u c3 ►J H W H 545 279 94 55 46 541 275 92 57 47 550 278 89 51 48
- The names of the color used are from Ridgway's "Color Standards and Co'or
Nomenclature." Habitat: The Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico from Albuquerque south to El Paso, Texas. 225 St. Mark's Square, Philadelphia, Pa. FIFTH ANNUAL LIST OF PROPOSED CHANGES IN THE A. O. U. CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS. BY HARRY C. OBERHOLSER. This is the Fifth Annual List of Proposed A. O. U. Cbeck-List additions and changes in the names of North American birds. Like the First, Second, Third, and Fourth, 1 the present list com- prises only ornithological cases — i. e., such as require specimens or the identification of descriptions for their determination — and consists of additions, eliminations, rejections, and changes of names due to various causes. However, only changes known to be the result of revisionary work are included; therefore no men- tion is here made of changes involved in names in local lists or i For the four previous lists, see The Auk, XXXIII, October, 1916, pp. 425-431 ; XXXIV, April, 1917, pp. 198-205; XXXV, April, 1918, pp. 200-217; XXXVI. April, 1919, pp. 266-273. The A. O. U. Committee has not as yet acted on any of these cases.