Author of "Herefordshire Biographies," &c.
"Of Briton's race—if one surpass,
A 'Man of Kent' is He."
—Kentish Ballad.
Cross & Jackman,
In the following pages will be found, it is believed, the names of all such Kentishmen (natives of the County) who have attained by distinction in Art, Science, Literature, and the like, or by personal merit of any kind, apart from social or territorial position, to anything like general celebrity beyond the bounds of their own county. The catalogue, whilst excluding living names, ranges over every period from the earliest down to the present time. The writer wishes it to be particularly understood that the contents are not a selection made on his own judgment; but an impartial sifting out of the names of all Kentishmen that have been deemed worthy of inclusion in the best and most comprehensive Biographical Collections. Should any name, therefore, be absent that in the opinion, of any one ought to appear, the responsilibity must lie with the Editors of those compilations not with the writer of this. In the Biographies in question, amongst about 20,000 names, some 4000 are those of Englishmen, and of these the "Men of Kent," as shown by our Catalogue, muster to the extent of 227. This is not absolutely a large number; but relatively it amounts to more than a twentieth of the whole; and as the county may be taken, in reference to its population, as about one twenty-fifth part of the kingdom, it gives a percentage of eminent names considerably beyond the average—a result which, though one to be expected in the case of the "premier county," is none the less on that account satisfactory.
The names in the Catalogue are given, for the convenience of reference, in alphabetical order. They are subsequently given chronologically, taking the year of death as the determining figure, the date of birth not being in every case ascertainable. A very cursory examination of the List, with the description attached to the names, will show that it contains examples of men eminent in almost every department of human thought and activity—Antiquaries, Artists, Divines, Historians, Lawyers, Mathematicians and Men of Science, Poets and Dramatists, Statesmen, Politicians, Men of Letters, and Men of Business—of which it will be easy for the reader to compile the several Lists. The chief object has been to render such an analysis easy to the reader, by supplying the catalogue—which, and not the notices attached, should be regarded as the chief feature, as it has been the chief labour, of the work. The Biographies, indeed, have been added only for convenience, and to save the trouble of reference elsewhere, as they do not of course pretend to contain anything original. For this reason they have purposely been made brief, but bibliographical references have in every case been attached, for the sake of those desirous either of verifying the accounts, or of seeking further particulars.
With a view of obtaining suggestions as to additions and further information, the Notices were originally published in the columns of a local journal. They are now reprinted in the hope that many Kentishmen, even of those to whom the matter is not new, would like to possess, in a collected form, a memorial of what their celebrated county has produced in the way of "Men of mark" amongst their fellow county-men.
J. H.
- Charles Abbott
- William Adams
- Cuthbert Aket
- William Alexander
- Jeffrey Amherst
- Nicholas Amhurst
- Sir Nicholas Bacon
- Sir John Baker
- Sir Richard Baker
- John Bannister
- Richard Harris Barham
- Sir Francis Barnham
- Elizabeth Barton
- James Bate
- Isaac Beckett
- Afra Behn
- Sir Henry Billingsley
- Richard Boyle
- Edward Boys
- John Boys, Divine
- William Boys
- John Boys, of Betshanger
- Thomas Boys
- Thomas Brett
- Bridget of Eltham
- Charles Brooking
- Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges
- Josiah Burchett
- Sir John Burroughs
- Weeden Butler
- George Byng
- Elizabeth Carter
- John Carter
- Thomas Case
- William Caxton
- Joseph Champion
- William James Chaplin
- Thomas Charnock
- Richard Chawry
- Nicholas Clagett
- John Clayton
- Richard Clifford
- Thomas Comber
- William Darell
- John Denne
- Philip Dense
- Edward Dering
- Sir Edward Dering
- Leonard Digges
- Thomas Digges
- Sir Dudley Digges
- Charles Dignum
- Brian Duppa
- John Easday
- Prince Edmund
- Queen Elizabeth
- Sir George Ent
- John Evelyn
- Robert Filmer
- Sir Heneage Finch
- Heneage Finch
- Henry Finch
- Sir John Fineau
- Sir John Finet
- Simon Fish
- Richard Fletcher
- Giles Fletcher
- Robert Flood
- Sir Edward James Foote
- Accepted Frewen
- John Frith
- William Fuller
- William Fulman
- Henry Gally
- John Gibbon
- Thomas Glover
- Jonathan Goddard
- James Goldwell
- Stephen Gosson
- William Gostling
- John B. Gough
- George Grote
- Peter Gunning
- James Hales
- John Hales
- Hamo of Faversham
- Hamo of Hythe
- George, Lord Harris
- John Harris
- William Harvey
- John Harvey
- Sir Eliab Harvey
- Thomas Haslewood
- Edward Hasted
- John Hawkesworth
- Sir Thomas Hawkins
- William Hazlitt
- Henry VIII, King of England
- Henry of Sandwich
- Henry of Wingham
- Mark Hildesley
- Thomas Hill
- Benjamin Hoadly
- Mary Honywood
- George Horne
- Robert Hovenden
- Stephen Hunt
- William Huntington
- Ithamar
- Edward Jacob
- Henry Jacob
- Robert Jenkin
- John Jenkins
- John of Eltham
- John of Kent
- John of Sheppy
- Sir Andrew Judd
- John of Westerham
- John Kemp
- Thomas Kemp
- White Kennet
- Basil Kennet
- William Lambe
- John Langdon
- Nathaniel Lardner
- John Latham
- Stephen Langton
- Charles Peter Layard
- Edward Lee
- Sampson Lennard
- John Lily
- Thomas Linacre
- Richard Lovelace
- Thomas Lushington
- Sir Roger Manwood
- Christopher Marlowe
- Mary, Queen of England
- Mary, Princess
- Sir John Mennes
- Odo Cantianus
- Osborn of Canterbury
- Sir Edward Osburne
- Herbert Palmer
- Edward Pellew
- William Pemble
- Sir Peter Pett
- Sir John Philpot
- Simon Meopham
- Thomas Milles
- Charles Mills
- John Monro
- Edward Rowe Mores
- Sir Francis Nethersole
- Alexander Nevile
- Thomas Nevile
- William Newton
- John Philpot
- Francis Piper, or Francis le Piper
- William Pitt
- Robert Plot
- John Pond
- John Poynet
- Sir Edward Poynings
- William Prude
- Thomas Puttison
- Ralph of Maidstone
- Thomas Randolph
- Sir Thomas Randolph
- John Randolph
- William Rede
- Richard of Gravesend
- John Rivers
- Robert of Swinfield
- Lawrence Rooke
- Sir George Rooke
- Sir Anthony St. Leger
- John Sawbridge
- Reginald Scott
- Sir Charles Sedley
- Sir William Senoke or Sevenoaks
- Sir Henry Sidney
- Sir Philip Sidney
- Mary Sidney
- Algernon Sidney
- Samuel Foart Simmons
- Simon of Faversham
- Christopher Smart
- William Somner
- Sophia, Princess
- John Spencer
- Stephen of Gravesend
- Jack Straw
- Simon Stock
- William Style
- George Swinnock
- Lewis Theobald
- John Thorpe, Physician and Antiquary
- John Thorpe, Antiquary
- Francis Thynne
- Robert Tinley
- Thomas Tooke
- Thomas Trapham
- Thomas Twyne
- Sir Roger Twysden
- Sir Thomas Twysden
- Wat Tyler
- Sir Henry Vane (senior)
- Sir Henry Vane (junior)
- Sir William Waller
- John Wallis
- Sir Francis Walsingham
- Walter of Maidstone
- Sir George Wheler
- William White
- William of Gillingham
- John Wilson
- Thomas Wilson
- James Wolfe
- Nicholas Wood
- Nicholas Wotton
- Sir Henry Wotton
- Sir Thomas Wyatt, Courtier and Poet
- Sir Thomas Wyatt, Insurgent Leader
- Philip Yorke
The following were omitted from their proper order in the Catalogue
- Ithamar, Bishop of Rochester, d. 655.
- Osborn of Canterbury, Musician and Biographer, d. 1100.
- Simon Stock, General of the Carmelites, 1195.
- Odo of Canterbury, learned Benedictine, d. 1200.
- Stephen Langton, Cardinal Archbishop, d. 1228.
- Ralph of Maidstone, Bishop of Hereford, d. 1244,
- John of Kent, learned Monk, fl. 1248.
- Hamo of Faversham, learned Monk, d. 1260.
- Henry of Wingham, Bishop of London, d. 1261.
- Henry of Sandwich, Bishop of London, d. 1273.
- Richard of Gravesend, Bishop of London, d. 1303.
- Simon of Faversham, learned Ecclesiastic, fl. 1305.
- Robert of Swinfield, Bishop of Hereford, d. 1316.
- Walter of Maidstone, Bishop of Worcester, d. 1317.
- Thomas Hazlewood, historian d. 1321.
- John of Westerham, Antiquary, d. 1321.
- John of Eltham, Prince, b. 1315. d. 1336.
- Simon Meopham, Archbishop of Canterbury, d. 1333.
- Stephen of Gravesend, Bishop of London, d. 1338.
- Hamo of Hythe, Bishop of Rochester, d. 1355.
- John of Sheppy, Bishop of Rochester, d. 1360.
- Jack Straw, Peasant Leader, d. 1381.
- Wat Tyler, Insurgent Leader, d. 1381.
- Stephen Birchington, Biographer, fl. 1382.
- Sir John Philpot, Lord Mayor of London, d. 1385.
- William Rede, Bishop of Chichester, d. 1385.
- William of Gillingham, Historian, d. 1390,
- Sir William Senoke, Lord Mayor of London, 1409.
- Richard Clifford, Bishop of London, d. 1421.
- William White, Martyr, burnt 1428.
- John Langdon, Bishop of Rochester, d. 1434.
- John Kemp, Cardinal, d. 1453.
- Thomas Hill, Lord Mayor of London. 1484.
- Thomas Kemp, Bishop of London, d. 1489.
- William Caxton, the first English Printer, d. 1492.
- Richard Chawry, Lord Mayor of London, 1494.
- James Goldwell, Bishop of Norwich, d. 1498.
- Edmund, Prince, b. 1495, d. 1500.
- Philip Dense, Physician, d. 1507.
- Bridget of Eltham, Princess, b. 1480, d. 1517.
- Sir Edward Poynings, Statesman, d. 1523.
- Thomas Linacre, Physician, b. about 1460, d. 1524.
- Sir John Fineau, Judge, d. 1525.
- Simon Fish, Religious Reformer, d. 1531.
- John Frith, Preacher and Martyr, d. 1533.
- Elizabeth Barton, the "Maid of Kent", b. 1509, d. 1534.
- Sir Thomas Wyatt, Courtier and Poet, b. 1503, d, 1541.
- Edward Lee, Archbishop of York, d. 1544.
- Henry VIII, King of England, b. 1491, d. 1547.
- Sir Anthony St. Leger, Statesmen, d. about 1550.
- Sir Thomas Wyatt, Insurgent Leader, d. 1553.
- James Hales, Judge, d. 1555.
- John Poynet, Bishop of Winchester, b. 1516, d. 1556.
- Mary, Queen of England, b. 1518, d. 1558,
- Sir John Baker, Statesman, d. 1558.
- Sir Andrew Judd, Lord Mayor of London, d. 1558.
- Nicholas Wotton, first Dean of Canterbury, b. 1496, d. 1667.
- John Hales, Linguist and Civilian, d. 1572.
- Leonard Digges, Mathematician and Architect, d. 1573.
- John Rivers, Lord Mayor of London, 1573.
- Sir Nicholas Bacon, Statesman, b. 1509, d. 1578.
- William Lambe, Philanthropist, d. 1580.
- Thomas Charnock, Alchemist, b. 1524, d. 1581.
- William Bourn, Mathematician, d. 1582.
- William Darell, Antiquary, d. 1584.
- Thomas Puttison, Lord Mayor of London, 1584.
- Sir Henry Sidney, Statesman and Judge, d. 1586.
- John Easday, Mayor of Canterbury, 1585.
- Sir Philip Sidney, Soldier, Statesman, Poet, etc., b. 1564, d. 1586.
- Thomas Glover, Heraldic Writer, b. 1543, d. 1588.
- Sir Thomas Randolph, Statesman, b. 1523, d. 1590.
- Sir Francis Walsingham, Statesman, b. 1586, d. 1590.
- Sir Edward Osburne, Lord Mayor of London, d. 1591.
- Sir Roger Manwood, Judge, b. 1525, d. 1593.
- Christopher Marlowe, Dramatist, b. 1564, d. 1593.
- Thomas Digges, Soldier and Mathematician, d. 1595.
- Richard Fletcher, Bishop of London, d. 1596.
- Reginald Scott, Philosopher, d. 1599.
- John Lily, Dramatist, d. 1600.
- Mary Sidney, Poet, b. 1556, d. 1601.
- Elizabeth, Queen of England, b. 1533, d. 1603.
- Mary, Princess, b. and d. 1605.
- Sophia, Princess, b. and d. 1606.
- Sir Henry Billingsley, Mathematician, d. 1606.
- Giles Fletcher, Diplomatist, d. 1610.
- Thomas Milles, Antiquary, fl. 1610.
- Francis Thynne, Genealogist, d. 1611.
- Thomas Twyne, Physician, b. 1543, d. 1613.
- Robert Hovenden, Divine, d. 1614.
- Edward Dering, Puritan Divine, d. about 1614.
- Alexander Nevile, Poet, b. 1554, d. 1614.
- Thomas Nevile, Dean of Canterbury, and benefactor of Trinity College, d. 1615.
- Robert Tinley, Divine and Preacher, b. about 1501, d. 1616.
- William Adams, Navigator, b. about 1560, d. 1620.
- Mary Honyoood, b. 1527, d. 1620.
- Thomas Wilson, Divine, d. 1621.
- Stephen Gosson, Divine and Poet, b. 1554, d. 1623.
- William Pemble, Divine, b. 1591, d. 1623.
- Henry Jacob, Independent minister, d. about 1624.
- John Boys, Divine, b. 1571, d. 1625.
- Henry Finch, Lawyer, d. 1625.
- Sir Heneage Finch, Speaker of the House of Commons, d. 1631.
- Cuthbert Aket, Lord Mayor of London, 1626.
- Nicholas Wood, d. 1630.
- William Prude, Soldier, d. 1632.
- Sampson Lennard, Antiquary, d. 1633.
- John Carter, Divine, d. 1634.
- Robert Flood, Physician, b. 1574, d. 1637.
- Sir Dudley Digges, Statesman, b. 1583, d, 1639.
- Sir Henry Wootton, Statesman, b. 1568, d. 1639.
- Sir Thomas Hawkins, Scholar, d. 1640.
- Sir John Finet, Courtier and Wit, b. 1571. d. 1641.
- Sir John Burroughs, Herald, d. 1643.
- Sir Richard Baker, Chronicler, b. 1568, d. 1644.
- Richard Boyle, Earl of Cork, Statesman, b. 1566, d. 1644.
- Sir Edward Dering, Politician, b. 1598, d. 1644.
- John Philpot, Somerset Herald, d. 1645.
- Sir Francis Barnham, Scholar and Politician, d. 1646.
- Herbert Palmer, Divine, b. 1601, d. 1647.
- Sir Henry Vane, Statesman, b. 1589, d. 1654.
- William Harvey, Physician and Anatomist, b. 1578, d. 1658.
- Sir Francis Nethersole, d. 1659.
- Sir Henry Vane (junior) Statesman, d. 1662.
- Edward Boys, Divine, b. 1599, d. 1665.
- Richard Lovelace, Soldier and Poet, b. about 1618. d. 1658.
- Brian Duppa, Bishop of Winchester, b. 1588, d. 1662.
- Laurence Rooke, Mathematician and astronomer, b. 1623, d. 1662.
- Nicholas Clagett, Divine, b. about 1607, d. 1663.
- Accepted Frewen, Archbishop of York, b. 1589, d. 1664.
- Thomas Lushington, Theologian, b. 1590, d. 1664.
- Sir William Waller, General, b. 1597, d. 1668.
- William Somner, Antiquary, 1669.
- John Jenkins, d. about 1670.
- Sir John Mennes, Traveller and Poet, b. 1598, d. 1671.
- Sir Roger Twysden, Antiquary, b. 1597, 1672.
- George Swinnock, Divine, d. 1673.
- John Wilson, Musician, b. 1594, d. 1673.
- Jonathan Goddard, Physician b. 1617, d. 1674.
- Robert Plot, Antiquary and Naturalist, b. 1640, d. 1676.
- William Style, Lawyer, d. 1679.
- Thomas Case, Nonconformist Divine, b. 1598, d. 1682.
- Heneage Finch, Earl of Nottingham, Statesman and Orator, b. 1621, d. 1682.
- Thomas Trapham, Surgeon, d. 1683.
- Sir Thomas Twysden, Judge, b. 1602. d. 1683.
- Algernon Sidney, Statesman and Soldier, b. 1621, d. 1683.
- Peter Gunning, Bishop of Ely, Divine, b. 1613, d. 1684.
- Sir Robert Filmer, Political writer, d. 1688,
- William Fulman, Antiquary, b. 1632, d. 1688.
- Afra Behn, Dramatist and Novelist, b. 1640, d. 1689.
- Sir George Ent, Physician, d. 1689.
- Sir Peter Pett, Political Writer, b. 1620, d. 1693.
- John Spencer, Divine, b. 1630, d. 1693.
- John Evelyn, Scholar and Poet, b. 1654, d. 1698.
- Thomas Comber, Divine, d. 1699.
- Sir Charles Sedley, Dramatist, b. 1639, d. 1701.
- John Wallis, Divine and Mathematician, b. 1616, d. 1703.
- Sir George Rooke, Admiral, b. 1650, d. 1709.
- Nicholas Billingsley, Poet and Divine, d. 1709.
- Basil Kennett, Scholar, b. 1674, d. 1714.
- William Fuller, Celebrated Impostor, b. 1672, d. about 1717.
- John Gibbon, Heraldic Writer, d. 1718,
- John Harris, Encyclopaedist etc., d. 1719.
- Isaac Beckett, Engraver, d. 1719.
- Thomas Tooke, Scholar and Schoolmaster, d. 1721.
- Stephen Hunt, died about 1721.
- Sir George Wheler, Traveller and Scholar, b. 1650, d. 1724
- Robert Jenkin, Non-juring Divine, b. 1656, d. 1727.
- White Kennett, Bishop of Peterborough, Antiquary and Historian, b. 1660. d. 1728.
- George Byng, Viscount Torrington, Admiral, b. 1656, d. 1733.
- Francis Piper, Portrait Painter, d. 1740.
- Nicholas Amhurst, Poet and Political Writer, b. 1697, d. 1742.
- Thomas Brett, Divine and Controversialist, b. 1667, d. 1743.
- William Newton, Antiquary, etc., d. 1744.
- Lewis Theobald, Dramatist and critic, d. 1744.
- Josiah Burchett, Naval Historian, b. about 1666, d. 1746.
- John Thorpe, Physician and Antiquary, b. 1682, d. 1750.
- Charles Brooking, Painter, d. 1759.
- James Wolfe, General, b. 1726, d. 1759.
- Stephen Hales, Naturalist and Divine, b. 1677, d. 1761.
- Benjamin Hoadly, Bishop of Winchester, Divine, b. 1676. d. 1761.
- Joseph Champion, Penman, b. 1709, d. about 1762.
- Philip Yorke, Lord Hardwicke, Judge, b. 1690, d. 1764.
- John Denne, Divine and Antiquary, b. 1693, d. 1767.
- Henry Gally, Divine, b. 1676, d. 1769.
- Nathaniel Lardner, Nonconformist Divine, b. 1684, d. 1768.
- Christopher Smart, Poet, b. 1722, d. 1770.
- Mark Hildersley, Bishop of Sodor and Man, Divine, b. 1698, d. 1772.
- John Clayton, Botanist, b. 1693, d. 1773.
- John Hawkesworth, Essayist, etc., b. 1713, d. 1773.
- James Bate, Scholar and Divine, b. 1730, d. 1775.
- William Gostling, Antiquary, b. 1705, d. 1777.
- Edward Rowe Mores, Antiquary, b. 1730, d. 1778.
- Thomas Randolph, Divine, b. 1701, d. 1783.
- William Woollet, Engraver, b. 1735, d. 1785.
- Edward Jacob, Naturalist and Antiquary, d. 1788.
- John Monro, Physician, b. 1715, d. 1791.
- George Horn, Bishop of Norwich, Theologian, d. 1792.
- John Thorpe, Antiquary, b. 1714, d. 1792.
- John Harvey, Naval Officer, b. 1640, d. 1794.
- John Sawbridge, Lord Mayor of London, and Politician b. 1732, d. 1795.
- Jeffery Amherst, Baron Amherst, soldier, b. 1717, d. 1797.
- William Boys, Historian, b. 1735, d. 1803.
- Charles Peter Layard, Divine and Poet, b. 1748, d. 1803.
- Elizabeth Carter, Poet, &c., d. 1806.
- William Pitt, Statesman, b. 1789, d. 1806.
- Edward Hasted, The Historian of Kent, d. 1812.
- William Huntington, Calvinistic Preacher, b. 1744, d. d. 1813.
- John Randolph, Bishop of London, Greek Scholar b. 1749, d. 1813.
- Samuel Foart Simmons, Physician, d. 1813.
- William Alexander, Artist, b. 1767, d. 1816.
- Weeden Butler, Divine etc., b. 1742, d. 1823.
- John Boys, of Betshanger, Agriculturist, d. 1824.
- Charles Mills, Historian, b. 1788, d. 1825.
- Charles Dignum, Musician, d. 1827.
- George, Lord Harris, General, b. 1746. d. 1829.
- Sir Eliab Harvey, Naval Officer, d. 1830.
- William Hazlitt, Critic, b. 1778, d. 1830.
- Charles Abbott, Lord Tenterden, Lawyer, b. 1762, d. 1832.
- Sir Edward James Foote, Naval Officer, b. 1767, d. 1833.
- Edward Pellew, Viscount Sidmouth, Admiral, b. 1757, d. 1833.
- John Bannister, Comedian, b. 1760, d. 1836.
- John Pond, Astronomer, b. 1767, d. 1836.
- Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges, Antiquary, etc., b. 1762, d. 1837.
- John Latham, Ornithologist, b. 1740, d. 1837.
- Richard Harris Barham, Poet and Humourist, b. 1788, d. 1845.
- William James Chaplin, "Man of Business," b. 1787, d. 1859.
- George Grote, Historian, b. 1794, d. 1871.
- Thomas Boys, Theologian and Antiquary, b. 1792, d. 1880.
- John B. Gough, Lecturer, b. 1817, d. 1886.

This work was published before January 1, 1927, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.