John Philpot,
Was a native of Folkestone, being the son of Henry Philpot or Philipot of that place, and Susan Glover, daughter of William Glover, Somerset Herald, He was employed by Camden as his deputy, or marshall, on his visitations. In 1636 he published a list of The Chancellors of England, and in 1657 an edition of "Camden's Remains," with additions. He died in 1645. His eldest son, Thomas, is well known as the author of "Villare Cantianum," and of "A Brief Historical Discourse of the original and growth of Heraldry," showing upon what rational foundation that noble and heroic science is established. He was also the author of some poems and theological works.
[See "Wood's Athenæ Oxon," by Bliss, "Noble's College of Arms," Brydge's "Censura Literaria," and "Hasted's Kent."]