Title The Zoologist, 4th series, vol. 6 (1902)
Editor William Lucas Distant
Year 1902
Location London
Source djvu
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed
3rd series

vol 1 (1877), vol 2 (1878)

4th series

vol 1 (1897), vol 2 (1898), vol 3 (1899), vol 4 (1900), vol 5 (1901), vol 6 (1902)

Pages   (key to Page Status)   

issue 727 (January, 1902)
issue 728 (February, 1902)
issue 729 (March, 1902)
issue 730 (April, 1902)
issue 731 (May, 1902)
issue 732 (June, 1902)
issue 733 (July, 1902)
issue 734 (August, 1902)
issue 735 (September, 1902)
issue 736 (October, 1902)
issue 737 (November, 1902)
issue 737 (December, 1902)


Contents of The Zoologist, 4th series, vol. 6 (1902)
Issue 727 (January, 1902)
Salter, J.H. Ornithological Notes from Mid-Wales 1
Aplin, O.V. The Birds of Bardsey Island, with additional notes on the Birds of Lleyn 8
R.S. (Robert Service) Obituary for Hugh Alexander Macpherson 18
C.T.B. (C.T. Bingham) Obituary for Lionel de Niceville 21
Notes and Queries 23
Notices of New Books 33
Editorial Gleanings 38
Issue 728 (February, 1902)
Thomas Southwell Notes on the Seal and Whale Fishery of 1901 41
W.L. SclaterSome account of the Ground Hornbill or Brom-vogel (Bucorax cafer) 49
F.L. BlathwaytThe Roseate Tern on the Farne Islands 53
A.R. HorwoodStatistics relating to British birds 55
Thomas HepburnNotes on birds made during three short visits to the beach at Dungeness 59
Notes and Queries 66
Notices of New Books 74
Editorial Gleanings 80
Issue 729 (March, 1902)
J.H. Gurney Ornithological Notes for 1901 from Norfolk and the North of Suffolk 81
R.R. StebbingLynceus and the Lynceidæ 101
O.V. AplinThe Birds of Bardsey Island, with Additional Notes on the Birds of Lleyn 107
Notes and Queries 111
Notices of New Books 115
Editorial Gleanings 118
Issue 730 (April, 1902)
G.H. Caton Haigh Migration of Birds in N.E. Lincolnshire during the Autumn of 1901 121
Edmund SelousAn Observational Diary of the Habits—Mostly Domestic—of the Great Crested Grebe ((Podicipes cristatus), and of the Peewit (Vanellus vulgaris), with Some General Remarks (concluded from vol. V, p. 462) 133
H.E. HowardOn Mr. Selous' Theory of the Origin of Nests 145
Notes and Queries 149
Notices of New Books 154
Editorial Gleanings 158
Issue 731 (May, 1902)
W.L. Distant Biological Suggestions : Animal Sense Perceptions (cont.) 161
Graham Renshaw Notes on a Private Collection of Living Mammals during 1900–02 179
F.J. Ellemore The Birds of the Transvaal: Notes made at Waterval Onder 189
F.P.C. Obituary of John Clavell Mansel-Pleydell 191
Notes and Queries 192
Editorial Gleanings 199
Issue 732 (June, 1902)
Gordon Dalgliesh Birds Collected and Observed in the Darbhanga Districts, Tirhoot, Bengal 201
Robert ServiceThe Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus). Some Modifications of Habits 216
G.W. BulmanThe Constancy of the Bee 220
John A. BucknillOrnithological Notes from Surrey 223
Notes and Queries 232
Notices of New Books 234
Editorial Gleanings 237
Issue 733 (July, 1902)
Arthur G. ButlerAvicultural Experiences during about Twenty Years' Study of Birds in Captivity 241
N.F. Ticehurst and
C.B. Ticehurst
An Account of the Birds met with during a short stay in East Finmark 261
Notes and Queries 278
Issue 734 (August, 1902)
G.W. Murdoch Erasmus as a Naturalist 281
Geoffrey Smith The Temperature of Insects 287
Edwin Hollis Collecting Small Mammals in N.W.T. Canada 294
Frank Finn Notes on the Nesting of the Indian Dabchick (Podicipes capensis, B.M. Cat.) 300
John A. Bucknill Ornithological Notes from Surrey (concluded from p. 231) 305
Notes and Queries 313
Notices of New Books 317
Editorial Gleanings 319
Issue 735 (September, 1902)
Swinhoe, Rodway C.J. Prehistoric Man in Burma 321
Coburn, F. On the specific validity of Anser gambeli (Hartlaub), and its Position as a British Bird 337
Notes and Queries 352
Notices of New Books 357
Editorial Gleanings 359
Issue 736 (October, 1902)
Renshaw, Graham Notes from some Zoological Gardens of Western Europe 361
Selous, Edmund Variations in Colouring of Stercorarius crepidatus 368
Thomas Hepburn Sea-birds and Plovers noticed in Lancashire and Cumberland 374
Gordon Dalgliesh Birds Collected and Observed in the Darbhanga Districts, Tirhoot, Bengal (cont.) 384
Notes and Queries 390
Notices of New Books 395
Editorial Gleanings 399
Issue 737 (November, 1902)
Coward, T.A.
and Oldham, Charles
Notes on the Birds of Anglesea 401
Howard, H.E. The Birds of Sark; and Variation in Song 416
Workman, W.H. Ornithological Notes from the West Coast of Scotland 423
Littler, Frank M. Notes on the Lesser White-backed Magpie (Gymnorhina hyperleuca) in Tasmania 428
Notes and Queries 432
Issue 738 (December, 1902)
Coburn, F. On a Lost British Wild Goose, Anser paludosus (Strickland) 441
Gordon Dalgliesh Birds Collected and Observed in the Darbhanga Districts, Tirhoot, Bengal (concl.) 449
Jourdain, Francis C.R. Rough Notes on Derbyshire Ornithology 1900–1902 455
J.S. Costello The Indian Pariah Kite (Milvus govinda): A Record of Observations Made During the Nesting Period 460
Notes and Queries 464
Notices of New Books 470
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