Title The Zoologist, 4th series, vol. 1 (1897)
Editor William Lucas Distant
Year 1897
Location London
Source djvu
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed
1st series

vol 1 (1843), vol 4 (1846)

3rd series

vol 1 (1877), vol 2 (1878)

4th series

vol 1 (1897), vol 2 (1898), vol 3 (1899), vol 4 (1900), vol 5 (1901), vol 6 (1902)

Pages   (key to Page Status)   

issue 667 (January, 1897)
issue 668 (February, 1897)
issue 669 (March, 1897)
issue 670 (April, 1897)
issue 671 (May, 1897)
issue 672 (June, 1897)
issue 673 (July, 1897)
issue 674 (August, 1897)
issue 675 (September, 1897)
issue 676 (October, 1897)
issue 677 (November, 1897)
issue 678 (December, 1897)


Contents of The Zoologist, 4th series, vol. 1 (1897)
Issue 667 (January, 1897)
Distant, W.L.Editorial Address   1
Dresser, H.E.Recent Additions to the British Avifauna   5
Southwell, T.On the Occurrence of Pallas's Willow Warbler in Norfolk   8
Brabrook, E.W. Man in Zoology 13
Cordeaux, J.Notes from Norway 22
Distant, W.L.Notes on the Chacma Baboon 29
Notes and Queries 33
Notices of New Books 37
Editorial Gleanings 44
Issue 668 (February, 1897)
Lewis, A.L. Neolithic Life in Devon and Cornwall 49
Southwell, T. Notes on the Seal and Whale Fishery, 1896 56
Salter, J.H. Ornithological Notes from the Rhine 61
Ralfe, P. On Manx Bird-names 71
Severin, G. Museum Reports-I: Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique: Brussels 80
Notes and Queries 83
Notices of New Books 90
Editorial Gleanings 95
Issue 669 (March, 1897)
Cronwrigth-Schreiner, Samuel C.The Ostrich (with Plate) 97
Gurney Jr., John HenryOrnithological Record from Norfolk for 1896 121
Dresser, H.E.Obituary: Heinrich Gätke 139
Notes and Queries 141
Editorial Gleanings 145
Issue 670 (April, 1897)
Friend, HildericThe Dorsal Pores of Earthworms 149
Schonland, S.Notes on the Chacma Baboon, and the Maanhaar Jackal, &c. 155
Distant, William LucasZoological Rambles in and around the Transvaal 157
Notes and Queries 164
Notices of New Books 171
Editorial Gleanings 183
Issue 671 (May, 1897)
Dahl, KnutBiological notes on North-Australian Mammalia 189
Sclater, P.L.On the Distribution of Marine Mammalia 217
Obituary: Edward Drinker Cope 229
Notes and Queries 231
Notices of New Books 237
Editorial Gleanings 241
Issue 672 (June, 1897)
Cordeaux, JohnMigration at the Spurn Lighthouse in 1896 245
Clarke, W.G.Stone Curlews as observed around Thetford 248
Butler, Arthur G.Foreign Finches in Confinement 251
Playne, Herbert C.Ornithological Notes from Corsica 254
Friend, HildericEarthworm Studies II. Oviposition and Embryology 258
Lubbock, JohnOn the Preservation of our Indigenous Fauna and Flora 264
Bartlett, EdwardObituary: Abraham Dee Bartlett 267
Notes and Queries 269
Notices of New Books 278
Editorial Gleanings 286
Issue 673 (July, 1897)
J.J. WalkerA Flying Visit to Dirk Hartog and the Houtman's Abrolhos Islands, Western Australia 293
Friend, HildericEarthworm Studies III. Phosphorescence and Luminosity 304
T.R.R. StebbingFrom Buffon to Darwin 312
 Obituary: Johann Japetus Simon Steenstrup 325
Notes and Queries 326
Issue 674 (August, 1897)
Randall, PercyNatural History Notes from the West Indies 341
Warren, RobertOn the Breeding Range of the Yellow Wagtail in Ireland 346
Friend, HildericA New British Worm 349
Farman, Last C.Twenty Years on the Norfolk Fens 351
Charles A. WitchellThe Autumn Song of Birds 358
Bernard A.E. ButtressA List of Birds Observed in Shetland, May and June 1897 360
Notes and Queries 363
Notices of New Books 371
Editorial Gleanings 380
Issue 675 (September, 1897)
Murie, JamesOur Economic Sea Fishes 389
Whitlock, F.B.The Breeding Habits of the Purple Heron 407
Aplin, O.V.The Autumn Song of Birds 410
Grabham, OxleyTaxidermy—De Omnibus Rebus 412
Matthew, Murray A.Garden Lists of Birds 417
Notes and Queries 424
Editorial Gleanings 434
Issue 676 (October, 1897)
Southwell, ThomasFen versus Marsh 437
Rendall, PercyField Notes on Some West Indian Birds 444
Clarke, W.G.Curious Nests and Nesting Sites Observed near Thetford 449
Friend, HildericEarthworm Studies (cont.) 453
Smith, G.W.Notes from Mid-Hants: Spring and Summer, 1897 460
 Obituary: Rev. Andrew Matthews 466
Notes and Queries 467
Notices of New Books 477
Editorial Gleanings 484
Issue 677 (November, 1897)
Henry S. WoodDescription of, and Natural History Notes on, the Burmese Wild Bull 489
Playne, H.C. and
Wollaston, A.F.R.
A Walk across Lapland 498
Clarke, W.G.The Inland Breeding of the Ringed Plover in Norfolk and Suffolk 502
Harvie-Brown, J.A.The Migration of Birds: a paper addressed to the lighthouse keepers of the English Channel, and to the local ornithologists of the counties abutting thereon 505
Notes and Queries 507
Notices of New Books 522
Editorial Gleanings 529
Issue 678 (December, 1897)
Newstead, R.On the Position of the Lesser Horse-Shoe Bat, Rhinolphus Hipposideros, Bechstein during Hibernation 537
Patterson, ArthurThe Marine and Fresh-water Fishes of Great Yarmouth, its neighbouring coasts, rivers, and Broads 539
Gurney, J.H.Cuckoos Sucking Eggs 568
Notes and Queries 571
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