< A Dictionary of Hymnology
Chapters (not listed in original)
- D.
- D. A. T.
- D. H. W.
- D. L.
- D. P.
- Dr B.
- Dr Sc*tt.
- D. T.
- Dw.
- Da Jesus, and des Kreuzes Stamm
- Da pacem, Domine
- Da puer plectrum, choreis ut canam fidelibus
- Dach, Simon
- Dachstein, Wolfgang
- Daily, daily sing the praises
- Dale, Ella
- Dale, Thomas
- Damascene, St. John
- Damiani, or Damian, Peter
- Dana, Mary S. B.
- Daniel, Hermann Adalbert
- Daniel, Robert T.
- Daniell, John Jeremiah
- Danish Hymnody
- Dank, Dank, sey dir für dein Erbarmen
- Darby, John Nelson
- Dark was my soul, and dead in sin
- Darkly rose the guilty morning
- Darling, Thomas
- Darracott, Risdon
- Das ist meine Freude hier
- Daughter of Zion, from the dust
- Daughters of Sion, come, behold
- Davies, Samuel
- Davis, Richard
- Davis, Thomas
- Day after day I sought the Lord
- Day by day the manna fell
- Day by day we magnify Thee
- Day of Judgment, day of wonders
- Day of loss and day of gain
- Dayman, Edward Arthur
- Days and moments quickly flying
- De Courcy, Richard
- De profundis exclamantes
- De Wolf, John
- Deacon, John
- Deacon, Samuel
- Dear Angel! ever at my side
- Dear Lord, accept a sinful heart
- Dear Lord, on this Thy servant's day
- Dear Lord, Thy condescending love
- Dear Refuge of my (the) weary soul
- Dear Saviour, tell us where
- Dear Saviour, when my thoughts recall
- Dearest of all the names above
- Death cannot make our souls afraid
- Death has been here, and borne away
- Death is sin's tremendous wage
- Death may dissolve my body now
- Death steals upon us unawares
- Death! 'tis a melancholy day
- Deathless principle, arise
- Debilis cessent elementa legis
- Decius, Nicolaus
- Deck, James George
- Deck, Mary Jane
- Dei canamus gloriam
- Dei fide qua vivimus
- Deign this union to approve
- Deiner Kinder Sammelplatz
- Denham, David
- Denham, Sir John
- Denicke, David
- Denny, Sir Edward, Bart.
- Dent, Caroline
- Deny Thee! what, deny the way?
- Depth of mercy, can there be
- Der Glaube bricht durch Stahl und Stein
- Der Tag ist hin, Mein Geist und Sinn
- Der Tag vergeht, die müde Sonne sinket
- Des Morgens wenn ich früh aufsteh
- Descend from heaven, immortal Dove
- Descend, immortal Dove
- Desere jam, anima, lectulum soporis
- Dessler, Wolfgang Christoph
- Deus Creator omnium Polique rector
- Deus ignee fons animarum
- Deus Pater piissime
- Deus tuorum militum
- Δεῦτε ἅπαντες πιστοί
- Δεῦτε πόμα πίσμεν
- Δεῦτε τελευταῖον ἄσπασμον δῶμεν
- Dexter, Henry Martyn
- Dich, Jesu, loben wir
- Dicimus grates tibi, summe rerum
- Dickinson, William
- Dickson, David
- Dickson, William
- Die dierum principe
- Die güldne Sonne
- Die parente temporum
- Dies absoluti praetereunt
- Dies est laetitiae, In ortu regali
- Dies irae, dies illa
- Dies sind die heilgen zehn Gebot
- Dignare me, O Jesu, rogo Te
- Dilherr, Johann Michael
- Dir, Herr, dir will ich mich ergeben
- Disown'd of Heaven, by man opprest
- Diterich, Johann Samuel
- Diu rose ist diu schoenste under alle blüete
- Divine crescebas Puer
- Dix, William Chatterton
- Do no sinful action
- Do I not love Thee, O my Lord?
- Doane, George Washington
- Doane, W. H.
- Dobell, John
- Dober, Anna, née Schindler
- Doddridge, Philip
- Donne, John
- Döring. Carl August
- Doudney, Sarah
- Douglas, Ellen
- Down from the mountain Jesus came
- Downton, Henry
- Δόξα ἐν ὑψίστοις Θεῷ, ἐν Βηθλεέμ
- Δόξα ἐν ὑψίστοις θεῷ, καὶ ἐπὶ γῆς εἰρήνη
- Doxologies
- Dracup, John
- Draw near, ye weary, bowed and broken-hearted
- Drayton, Michael
- Dread Jehovah! God of nations
- Dread Sovereign, let my evening song
- Drei König führt die göttlich Hand
- Dreieinigkeit, der Gottheit wahrer Spiegel
- Drennan, William
- Drese, Adam
- Dreves, Johann Friedrich Ludwig
- Drop, drop, slow tears
- Drooping soul, shake off thy fears
- Drummond, David Thomas Kerr
- Drummond, William
- Drummond, William Hamilton
- Dryden, John
- Du ewiger Abgrund der seligen Liebe
- Du himilisco trohtin
- Du schönstes Gotteskind
- Du unvergleichlich's Gut
- Duffield, George
- Duffield, Samuel Augustus Willoughby
- Dum, Christe, confixus cruci
- Dum morte victor obrutâ
- Duncan, Mary, née Lundie
- Dunlop, Thomas
- Dunn, Catherine Hannah
- Dunn, Robinson Porter
- Dutton, Anne
- Dutton, Deodatus
- Dust and ashes, sin and guilt
- Dwight, Timothy
- Dyer, Sidney
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