< A Dictionary of Hymnology
Chapters (not listed in original)
- C. (Cruttenden)
- C. (Conder)
- C. (Crosby)
- C. C. Y.
- C. E.
- C. F.
- C. F. H. (Humphreys)
- C. F. H. (Hernaman)
- C. H. I.
- C. H. L. S.
- C. L. S.
- C. & J. W.
- C. W.
- Cabot, Eliza Lee
- Caddell, Cecilia Mary
- Call all who love Thee, Lord, to Thee
- Call Jehovah thy salvation
- Callaway, William Fleetwood
- Calm me, my God, and keep me calm
- Calverley, Charles Stewart
- Calvinistic Methodist Hymnody
- Cambridge, Ada
- Camerarius, Joachim
- Cameron, William
- Campanus, Johann
- Campbell, Etta
- Campbell, Jane Montgomery
- Campbell, Margaret, Lady Cockburn, née Malcolm
- Camphuysen, Dirk Rafelszoon
- Campbell, Thomas
- Can creatures to perfection find?
- Canitz, Friedrich Rudolph Ludwig, Frieherr von
- Canon
- Cantemus cuncti melodum nunc, Alleluia
- Capitan, Herr Gott, Vater mein
- Capito, Wolfgang
- Captain of Israel's host and Guide
- Captain of our Salvation, take
- Captain of Thine enlisted host
- Carlton, Mrs. Leah
- Carlyle, Joseph Dacre
- A Dictionary of Hymnology/Carlyle, Thomas
- Carols
- Carpenter, Joseph Edwardes
- Carr, Thomas William
- Cary, Alice
- Cary, Phœbe
- Cäsar, Heinrich
- Cast thy burden on the Lord
- Caswall, Edward
- Cawood, John
- Cecil, Richard
- Cedant justi signa luctus
- Cennick, John
- Cerne lapsum servulum
- Červenka, Matthias
- Chadwick, John White
- Chamberlain, Thomas
- Chambers, John David
- Chandler, John
- Chapin, Edwin Hubbell
- Chapman, Robert Cleaver
- Charged with the complicated load
- Χαριστήριον ᾠδήν
- Charles, D., jun.
- Charles, Elizabeth, née Rundle
- Charles, Thomas
- Charlesworth, Vernon J.
- Charlotte Elizabeth
- Chatfield, Allen William
- Cheever, George Barrell
- Cherubic Hymn, The
- Chester, Henrietta Mary, née Goff
- Children of the heavenly King
- Children of the pious dead
- Children of Zion, know your King
- Children's Hymns
- Chope, Richard Robert
- Χορός Ἰσραήλ
- Chorus novae Hierusalem
- Christ from the dead is raised
- Christ is risen! Christ is risen! He hath burst, &c.
- Christ is risen, the Lord is come
- Christ is the Foundation of the house we raise
- Christ ist erstanden, Von der Marter alle
- Christ lag in Todesbanden
- Christ, my hidden life, appear
- Christ, of all my hopes the ground
- Christ our Passover for us
- Christ (our) the Lord, is risen today, Sons of men, &c
- Christ the true anointed Seer
- Christ, Whose glory fills the skies, Christ the true, &c.
- Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam
- Χριστὲ ἄναξ, σὲ πρῶτον
- Christe, coelestis medicina Patris
- Christe cunctorum dominator alme
- Christe, fili Jesu summi
- Christe hac hora tertia
- Christe, qui lux es et dies
- Christe, qui sedes Olympo
- Christe Redemptor omnium Conserva tuos famulos
- Christe Rex, mundi Creator
- Christe! Sanctorum caput atque custos
- Christe, sanctorum decus angelorum
- Christi Blut und Gerechtigkeit
- Christi caterva clamitet
- Christi corpus ave
- Christi hodierna celebremus natalitia
- Christi miles gloriosus
- Christi perennes nuntii
- Christian children, hear me
- Christian children must be holy
- Christian, seek not yet repose
- Christians awake, salute the happy morn
- Christians! brethren! ere we part
- Χριστὸς γεννᾶται· δοξάσατε
- Christus der ist mein Leben
- Christus, Lux indeficiens
- Christus tenebris obsitam
- Church of England Hymnody
- Churches of Christ, by God's right hand
- Churchyard, Thomas
- Churton, Edward
- Cives celestis patriae
- Clamantis ecce vox sonans
- Clapham, Emma
- Clapham, John Peele
- Clapp, Eliza Thayer
- Clara diei gaudia
- Clark, Alexander
- Clark, Charles
- Clark, John Haldenby
- Clark, Willis Gaylord
- Clark, James Freeman
- Clarke, Samuel Childs
- Clarum decus jejunii
- Claudius, Matthias
- Clausnitzer, Tobias
- Cleft are the rocks, the earth doth quake
- Clemens, Titus Flavius (Clemens Alexandrinus), St. Clement of Alexandria
- Clephane, Elizabeth Cecilia
- Cleveland, Benjamin
- Cleveland, Charles Dexter
- Clifford, C. L.
- Cling to the Crucified
- Cling to the Mighty One
- Clothed in majesty sublime
- Clyne, Norval
- Cobbe, Frances Power
- Cobbin, Ingram
- Coeleste organum hodie sonuit in terrâ
- Coelestis ales nuntiat
- Coelestis aula panditur
- Coelestis aulae principes
- Coelestis formam gloriae
- Coelestis O Jerusalem
- Coeli Deus sanctissime
- Coelitum Joseph decus
- Coelo datur quiescere
- Coelo quos eadem gloria consecrat
- Coelos ascendit hodie
- Coffin, Charles
- Coffin, Robert Aston
- Cole, Charles
- Coleridge, Hartley
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
- Coles, Vincent Stuckey Stratton
- Colesworthy, Daniel C.
- Collaudemus Magdalenae
- Collects in Verse
- Collett, William Lloyd
- Collins, Henry
- Collins, S. A.
- Collyer, William Bengo
- Colver, Nathaniel
- Come, all ye chosen saints of God
- Come, and hear the grand old story
- Come, and let us sweetly join
- Come away to the skies
- Come, blessed Spirit, Source of light
- Come, children, hail the Prince of Peace
- Come, children, join the angelic (heavenly) throng
- Come, children, join to sing
- Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell
- Come, desire of nations, come; Hasten, Lord, &c.
- Come, Divine Immanuel, come
- Come, every pious heart
- Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Honour the means, &c.
- Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One God, &c.
- Come, happy children, come and raise
- Come, heavenly love, inspire my song
- Come, Holy Ghost, all quickening fire; Come, and my hallowed, &c.
- Come, Holy Ghost, descend from high
- Come, Holy Ghost, my soul inspire; Spirit of, &c.
- Come, Holy Spirit, come, Let Thy bright beams, &c.
- Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove, My sinful maladies remove
- Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove, With all Thy, &c.
- Come, Immortal King of Glory
- Come in, thou blessed of the Lord; Enter in Jesus, &c.
- Come in, thou blessed of the Lord; Stranger nor foe, &c.
- Come, kingdom of our God
- Come, labour on! Who dares, &c.
- Come, let our voices join to raise
- Come, let us adore the Lord's gracious hand
- Come, let us anew, Our journey pursue
- Come, let us ascend, My companion and friend
- Come, let us join our cheerful songs
- Come, let us join our friends above
- Come, let us lift our joyful eyes
- Come, let us search our (hearts) ways and try
- Come, let us sing the song of songs
- Come, let us to the Lord our God
- Come, let us who in Christ believe
- Come, little children, learn to praise
- Come, Lord, and tarry not
- Come, Lord, and warm each languid heart
- Come, magnify the Saviour's love
- Come, mild and holy Dove
- Come, my soul, thy suit prepare
- Come, O Thou all victorious Lord
- Come, O Thou Traveller unknown
- Come on, companions of our way
- Come on, my partners in distress
- Come, our indulgent Saviour, come
- Come, pure hearts, in sweetest measures
- Come, see the place where Jesus lay, For he hath left, &c.
- Come, sinners, to the gospel feast, Let every soul, &c.
- Come then, my God, the promise seal
- Come, Thou Almighty King
- Come, Thou Celestial Spirit, come
- Come, Thou Conqueror of the nations
- Come, Thou desire of all Thy saints
- Come, Thou Fount of every blessing
- Come, Thou long expected Jesus
- Come, Thou soul-transforming Spirit
- Come to a desert place apart
- Come to our (dark) poor nature's night
- Come to the morning prayer
- Come to Thy temple, Lord
- Come unto Me, ye weary
- Come, we (ye) that (who) love the Lord
- Come, weary souls, with sin distressed
- Come, ye followers of the Lord
- Come, ye lofty, come yo lowly
- Come, ye saints, and raise an anthem
- Come, ye saints, look here and wonder
- Come, ye sinners poor and wretched
- Come, ye thankful people, come
- Come, ye weary sinners, come
- Come ye yourselves apart and rest awhile, Weary, I know it, &c.
- Command Thy blessing from above
- Communio
- Communion of my Saviour's blood
- Compston, John
- Concinat orbis cunctus, Alleluya
- Conciunator
- Conder, Eustace Rogers
- Conder, George William
- Conder, Joan Elizabeth, née Thomas
- Conder, Josiah
- Conditor (Creator) alme siderum
- Congregational Hymnody, American
- Congregational Hymnody, English
- Congregational Hymnody, Welsh
- Congreve, George Thomas
- Conrad of Queinfurt
- Consors Paterni luminis
- Constantius
- Cook, Russell Sturgis
- Cooke, William
- Cooper, Edward
- Copeland, William John
- Cor arca legem continens
- Cor meum Tibi dedo, Jesu dulcissime
- Corpus ave clarum Domini
- Cosin, John
- Cosmas, St., The Melodist
- Coster, George Thomas
- Cotterill, Jane, née Boak
- Cotterill, Thomas
- Cottle, Joseph
- Cotton, George Edward Lynch
- Cotton, Nathaniel
- Countess of Huntingdon Connexion
- Cousin, Anne Ross, née Cundell
- Coverdale, Miles
- Cowper, William
- Cox, Christopher Christian
- Cox, D. (or R.)
- Cox, Frances Elizabeth
- Coxe, Arthur Cleveland
- Crabbe, George
- Craig, John
- Cramer, Johan Andreas
- Crashaw, Richard
- Crasselius, Bartholomäus
- Creamer, David
- Creutzberg, Amadeus
- Creutziger, Elisabethe
- Crewdson, Jane, née Fox
- Croly, George
- Cronenwett, E.
- Crosby, Fanny
- Cross, Ada, née Cambridge
- Crossman, Samuel
- Crosswell, William
- Crowley, Robert
- Crown Him with many crowns
- Crowns of glory ever bright
- Cruciger, Elisabethe, née von Meseritz
- Crucis Christi mons Alvernae
- Crüger, Johann
- Cruttenden, Robert
- Crux benedicta nitet, Dominus qua carne pependit
- Crux, mundi benedictio
- Cummins, James John
- Cundell, Anne Ross
- Cunningham, John William
- Curtis, John
- Curwin, John
- Cushing, William Orcutt
- Custodes hominum psallimus Angelos
- Cutter, William
- Cutting, Sewell Sylvester
- Czerwenka, M.
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