Red is the color that is on the edge of the rainbow. It is one of the primary colors (colors that can be mixed with other colors) of light. The others are blue and green. Red light has a wavelength between 630 and 740 nanometers.
This box shows the color red. |

Red paint can be made by mixing yellow paint and magenta paint.
Red is sometimes used to mark things that are wrong, important or dangerous. It is also used as a warning to stop.
Meaning of red
- Red can represent passion, anger, rage or love.
- In many countries, a red light shows cars when they should stop.
- In politics, "red" is a symbol of Communism. The "Red Army" can refer to the army of the old Soviet Union, or the People's Republic of China. It is also related to the Red Brigades.
- Red is the color of heat and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, and power, as well as passion, desire and love.
- Red is an emotionally intense color. It is very easy to notice, which is why stop signs, stoplights, and fire equipment are usually painted red. In heraldry, red is often used to indicate courage. It is a color found in many national flags.
- Red brings attention to text and images on the Internet.
- In advertising, red is often used to cause erotic feelings.
- Red is widely used to indicate danger.
- Red is associated with energy, so it may be used to promote energy drinks, games, cars, items related to sports and high physical activity.
Comparison of purple, magenta, rose and red
Name | Color | HEX Code | Red | Green | Blue | Hue | Sat | Lum |
Purple | #800080 | 128 | 0 | 128 | 300° | 100% | 50% | |
Magenta | #FF00FF | 255 | 0 | 255 | 300° | 100% | 100% | |
Magenta rose | #FF00AF | 255 | 0 | 175 | 319° | 100% | 100% | |
Rose | #7F00FF | 255 | 0 | 127 | 330° | 100% | 100% | |
Red | #FF0000 | 255 | 0 | 0 | 0° | 100% | 100% |
Tones of red color comparison chart
- Light Amour (Pink Mist) ( color list “Amour Light”) (Hex: #FDF6FA) (RGB: 253, 246, 250)
- Light Pink Lace ( color list "Pink Lace Light") (Hex: #FFF1FB) (RGB: 255, 241, 251)
- Amour (Red Mist) ( color list) (Hex: #F9EAF3) (RGB: 249, 234, 243)
- Bubble Gum (Crayola Magic Scents) (Hex: #FFD3F8) (RGB: 255, 211, 248)
- Pink Lace ( color list) (Hex: #FFDDF4) (RGB: 255, 221, 207)
- Champagne Pink (Pantone TPX 12-1107) (Hex: #F1DDCF) (RGB: 241, 221, 207)
- Light Cupid ( color list “Cupid Light”) (Hex: #FDE3F0) (RGB: 253, 227, 240)
- Light Chantilly ( color list “Chantilly Light”) (Hex: #FCE5F2) (RGB: 252, 229, 242)
- Pale Light Pink ( color list “Pink Light”) (Hex: #FFE4E9) (RGB: 255, 228, 233)
- Piggy Pink (Crayola) (Hex: #FDDDE6) (RGB: 253, 221, 230)
- Pale Pink (Hex: #FACCCA) (RGB: 249, 204, 202)
- Baby Pink (Light Pink) (Hex: #F4C2C2) (RGB: 244, 194, 194)
- Pink (X11 color) (Tamarisk) (Hex: #FFC0CB) (RGB: 255, 192, 203)
- Cotton Candy (Crayola) (Hex: #FFB7D5) (RGB: 255, 183, 213)
- Medium Pink (web color "Light Pink") (Hex: #FFB6C1) (RGB: 255, 182, 193)
- Cherry Blossom Pink (Hex: #FFB7C5) (RGB: 255, 183, 197)
- Nadashiko Pink (Hex: #F6ADC6) (RGB: 246, 173, 198)
- Carnation Pink (Crayola) (Hex: #FFA6C9) (RGB: 246, 166, 201)
- Tickle Me Pink (Crayola) (Hex: #FC80A5) (RGB: 252, 128, 165)
- Raspberry Pink (Hex: #E25098) (RGB:226, 80, 155)
- Pink (Light Red) (web color) (Hex: #FD6C9E) (RGB: 253, 108, 158)
- Brink Pink (Crayola) (Hex: #FB607F) (RGB: 251, 96, 127)
- Dark Pink (Hex: #E75480) (RGB: 234, 84, 128)
- Puce (Hex: #CC8899) (RGB: 204, 136, 153)
- Pastel Pink (Hex: #DEA5A4) (RGB: 222, 165, 164)
- Light Salmon Pink (Hex: #FF9999) (RGB: 255, 153, 153)
- Salmon Pink (Crayola "Salmon") (Hex: #FF91A4) (RGB: 255, 145, 164)
- Medium Salmon (Hex: #FF8C69) (RGB: 255, 140, 105)
- Salmon (web color) (Hex: #FA8072) (RGB: 250, 128, 114)
- Dark Salmon (web color) (Hex: #E9967A) (RGB: 233, 150, 122)
- Coral Pink (Hex: #F88379) (RGB: 248, 131, 121)
- Light Coral (web color) (Hex: #F08080) (RGB: 240, 128, 128)
- Light Carmine Pink (Hex: #E66761) (RGB: 230, 103, 97)
- Carmine Pink (Hex: #EB4C42) (RGB: 235, 76, 66)
- Vermilion (Cinnabar) (Hex: #E34234) (RGB: 227, 66, 52)
- Coral Red (Hex: #FF4040) (RGB: 255, 64, 64)
- Carmine Red (Hex: #FF0038) (RGB: 255, 0, 56)
- Red-Orange (Crayola) (Hex: #FF3F34) (RGB: 255, 63, 52)
- Electric Vermilion (Mandarin Red) (Hex: #FF3F00) (RGB: 255, 63, 0)
- Orange-Red (web color) (Hex: #FF4500) (RGB: 255, 69, 0)
- Coquelicot (Red Poppy) (Hex: #FF3800) (RGB: 255, 56, 0)
- Tomato (web color) (Hex: #FF6347) (RGB: 255, 99, 71)
- Terracotta (Hex: #E2725B) (RGB: 226, 114, 91)
- Scarlet (Hex: #FF2400) (RGB: 255, 36, 0)
- Carol Red (Apple Red) (Hex: #EF3038) (RGB: 239, 48, 36)
- Lust (Hex: #E62020) (RGB: 230, 32, 32)
- Red (Hex: #FF0000) (RGB: 255, 0, 0)
- Neon Red (Hex: #FF0066) (RGB: 255, 0, 102)
- Pigment Red (Hex: #ED1C24) (RGB: 237, 28, 36)
- Quinacridone Red (Liquitex Heavy Body) (Hex: #E8192F) (RGB: 232, 25, 47)
- Crimson (web color) (Hex: #DC143C) (RGB: 220, 20, 60)
- Ruby (Hex: #E0115F) (RGB: 224, 17, 95)
- Raspberry (Hex: #E00000) (RGB: 224, 0, 0)
- Razzmatazz (Crayola) (Hex: #E3256B) (RGB: 227, 37, 107)
- Cerise (Hex: #DE3163) (RGB: 222, 49, 99)
- Alizarin Crimson (Rose Madder)( Color List) (Hex: #E32636) (RGB: 227, 38, 54)
- Electric Crimson (Hex: #FF003F) (RGB: 255, 0, 63)
- American Rose (American Beauty) (Hex: #FF033E) (RGB: 255, 3, 62)
- Radical Red (Crayola) (Bright Amaranth Pink) (Hex: #FF355E) (RGB: 255, 53, 94)
- Amaranth (Hex: #E52B50) (RGB: 229, 43, 80)
- Rich Carmine (Chinese Carmine) (Hex: #D70040) (RGB: 215, 0, 64)
- Utah Crimson (Hex: #D3003F) (RGB: 211, 0, 63)
- Fire Engine Red (Hex: #CE2029) (RGB: 206, 22, 32)
- Harvard Crimson (Hex: #C90016) (RGB: 201, 0, 22)
- Cardinal (Hex: #C41E3A) (RGB: 196, 30, 58)
- Bright Maroon (Crayola Maroon) (Hex: #C32148) (RGB: 195, 33, 72)
- Rich Maroon (Maroon (X11)) (web color) (Hex: #B03060) (RGB: 176, 48, 96)
- Raspberry Rose (Hex: #B3446C) (RGB: 179, 68, 108)
- Raspberry Glace (Hex: #915F6D) (RGB: 145, 95, 109)
- Deep Carmine (Hex: #A9203E) (RGB: 169, 32, 62)
- Apple Red (ISCC-NBS) (Hex: #BE0032) (RGB: 190, 0, 50)
- Bright Tyrian Purple (Hex: #B80049) (RGB: 184, 0, 73)
- Medium Carmine (Hex: #AF4035) (RGB: 175, 64, 53)
- Mahogany (Hex: #C04000) (RGB: 192, 64, 0)
- Venetian Red (Hex: #C80815) (RGB: 200, 8, 21)
- Persian Red (Hex: #CC3333) (RGB: 204, 51, 51)
- Holly (Hex: #CB4154) (RGB: 203, 65, 84)
- Dark Terra Cotta (Hex: #CC4E3C) (RGB: 204, 78, 92)
- Chestnut (Indian Red [web color]) (Hex: #CD5C5C) (RGB: 205, 92, 92)
- Fuzzy Wuzzy Brown (Crayola) (Hex: #C45655) (RGB: 196, 86, 55)
- Deep Chestnut (Vermont Maple Syrup) (Crayola Chestnut) (Hex: #B94E48) (RGB: 185, 78, 72)
- Redwood (Pantone TPX 18-1443) (Hex: #A45A52) (RGB: 164, 90, 82)
- Rose Taupe (Hex: #905D5D) (RGB: 144, 93, 93)
- Red-gray (Hex: #965656) (RGB: 150, 86, 86)
- Dark Chestnut (Hex: #986960) (RGB: 152, 105, 96)
- Rust (Hex: #B7410E) (RGB: 183, 65, 14)
- Cognac ( Color List) (Hex: #9F381D) (RGB: 159, 56, 29)
- Burnt Umber (Hex: #8A3324) (RGB: 138, 51, 36)
- Vivid Burgundy (Hex: #9F1D35) (RGB: 159, 29, 53)
- Medium Red (Hex: #B10304) (RGB: 177, 3, 4)
- Carnelian (Hex: #B31B1B) (RGB: 179, 27, 27)
- Fire Brick (web color) (Hex: #B22222) (RGB: 178, 34, 34)
- Upsdell Red (Hex: #AE2029) (RGB: 174, 22, 42)
- Red-Brown (web color Brown) (Hex: #A52A2A) (RGB: 165, 42, 42)
- Rufous (Hex: #A81C07) (RGB: 168, 28, 7)
- Tea (Tea Red) (Orange Pekoe Tea) (Hex: #9C0D07) (RGB: 156, 13, 7)
- Sangria (Hex: #92000A) (RGB: 146, 0, 10)
- Vivid Auburn (Hex: #922724) (RGB: 147, 39, 36)
- Burgundy (Hex: #900020) (RGB: 144, 0, 32)
- Medium Tyrian Purple (Hex: #990024) (RGB: 97, 64, 81)
- Carmine (Hex: #960018) (RGB: 150, 0, 24)
- Dark Red (Hex: #8B0000) (RGB: 139, 0, 0)
- Maroon (web color) (Hex: #800000) (RGB: 128, 0, 0)
- Rosewood (Hex: #65000B) (RGB: 101, 0, 11)
- Deep Red (Crayola Red) (Hex: #850101) (RGB: 133, 1, 1)
- Barn Red (Hex: #7C0A02) (RGB: 124, 10, 2)
- Falu Red (Hex: #801818) (RGB: 128, 24, 24)
- Tuscan Red (Hex: #7B3636) (RGB: 123, 54, 54)
- Auburn (Hex: #712F26) (RGB: 113, 47, 38)
- Persian Plum ( color list) (Prune) (Hex: #701C1C) (RGB: 112, 28, 28)
- Dark Raspberry (Hex: #E30B5C) ( Color List Raspberry) (RGB: 227, 11, 92)
- Tyrian Purple (Imperial Purple) (Hex: #66023C) (RGB: 102, 2, 60)
- Caput Mortum (Hex: #592720) (RGB: 89, 39, 32)
Related pages
- List of colors
- Amaranth
- Burgundy
- Carmine
- Cerise
- Coral
- Crimson
- Fuchsia
- Magenta
- Maroon
- Mauve
- Orange-red
- Pink
- Raspberry
- Red-gray
- Redhead
- Rose
- Sangria

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