Magenta is a purplish-red color. It is considered a dark pink or tint of pink.
Magenta | |
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Hex triplet | #FF00FF |
Source | CSS Color Module Level 3 |
In the HSV (RGB) color wheel, magenta is a secondary color, made using red and blue. Magenta has the same hue as colors such as pink, but the saturation and value is different.
Magenta is one of three colors used by an inkjet printer, along with cyan and yellow. These three primary colors are used to make the other colors. The tone of magenta used in printing is called "printer's magenta" (Magenta (CMYK)).
The first written use of magenta as a color name in English was in 1860.[1] Another name for magenta is fuchsia, named after the fuchsia flower.
Meaning of magenta
- Like the colors red, pink, and rose, one might use this color to express love. Along with those colors, magenta is used to represent Valentine's Day.
- Many women like to wear clothing in shades of magenta because it is an attractive and vibrant color.
- The color magenta is used to symbolize anti-racism by the Amsterdam-based anti-racism Magenta Foundation.[2][3]
Comparison of purple, magenta, rose and red
Name | Color | HEX Code | Red | Green | Blue | Hue | Sat | Lum |
Purple | #A020F0 | 160 | 32 | 240 | 300° | 100% | 50% | |
Magenta | #FF00FF | 255 | 0 | 255 | 300° | 100% | 100% | |
Magenta Rose | #FF00AF | 255 | 0 | 175 | 319° | 100% | 100% | |
Rose | #FF007F | 255 | 0 | 127 | 330° | 100% | 100% | |
Red | #FF0000 | 255 | 0 | 0 | 0° | 100% | 100% |
Tones of magenta color comparison chart
Light Lavender Blush (Lavender Blush Light ( color list)) (Hex: #FFF9FB) (RGB: 255, 245, 251) |
Lavender Blush (web color) (Hex: #FFF0F5) (RGB: 255, 240, 245) |
Purple Mist (Pantone "Pale Purple") (Hex: #FAE6FA) (RGB: 250, 230, 250) |
Bright Pale Rose (Crayola colored pencils "Pale Rose") (Hex: #FFCCFF) (RGB: 255, 204, 255) |
Light Magenta Mist (Pantone Magenta #0521C) (Hex: #F1B2DC) (RGB: 248, 170, 221) |
Magenta Mist (Pantone Magenta #0521U) (Hex: #F8AADD) (RGB: 248, 170, 221) |
Pale Magenta (Light Fuchsia Pink) (Hex: #F984EF) (RGB: 249, 132, 229) |
Light Magenta (Fuchsia Pink) (Hex: #FF77FF) (RGB: 255, 119, 255) |
Lavender Magenta (web color "violet") (Hex: #EE82EE) (RGB: 238, 130, 238) |
Pale Plum (web color Plum) (Medium Lavender Magenta) (Hex: #DDA0DD) (RGB: 221, 160, 221) |
Persian Pink (Maerz & Paul) (Hex: #F77FBE) (RGB: 247, 127, 190) |
Hot Pink (web color) (Hex: #FF69B4) (RGB: 255, 105, 180) |
Brilliant Rose (Crayola 1949-1958; "Magenta" after 1958) (Hex: #F653A6) (RGB: 246, 83, 166) |
Deep Pink (web color) (Hex: #FF1493) (RGB: 255, 20, 147) |
Bright Pink (Rose) (Hex: #FF007F) (RGB: 255, 0, 127) |
Printer's Magenta (Pigment Magenta) (Process Magenta) (Hex: #FF0090) (RGB: 255, 0, 144) |
Fluorescent Pink (Crayola Twistable colored pencils) (Hex: #FF008F) (RGB: 255, 0, 143) |
French Fuchsia (Fuchsia ( (Hex: #FD3592) (RGB: 253, 63, 146) |
Foobar (Hex: #F00BA4) (RGB: 240, 11, 164) |
Hollywood Cerise (Fashion Fuchsia) (Venus colored pencils) (Hex: #F400A1) (RGB: 244, 0, 161) |
Persian Rose (Maerz & Paul) (Hex: #FE28A2) (RGB: 254, 40, 162) |
Magenta Rose (Hex: #FF00AF) (RGB: 255, 0, 175) |
Bright Magenta Rose (Hex: #FC51AF) (RGB: 252, 81, 175) |
Neon Fuchsia (Hex: #FE59C2) (RGB: 254, 89, 104) |
Shocking Pink (Elsa Schiaparelli) (Hex: #FC0FC0) (RGB: 252, 15, 192) |
Razzle Dazzle Rose (Crayola) (Hex: #FF33CC) (RGB: 255, 51, 204) |
Purple Pizzazz (Crayola) (Hex: #FE4EDA) (RGB: 254, 78, 218) |
Pink Flamingo (Crayola) (Hex: #FC47FD) (RGB: 252, 116, 253) |
Ultra Pink (aka Crayola "Shocking Pink") (Hex: #FF6FFF) (RGB: 255, 111, 255) |
Cool Magenta (Hex: #FF66FF) (RGB: 255, 102, 255) |
Magenta (Electric Magenta) (web color Fuchsia) (Hex: #FF00FF) (RGB: 255, 0, 255) |
Pink-Purple (Hex: #EF1DE7) (RGB: 239, 29, 231) |
Amaranth Magenta (Hex: #ED3CCA) (RGB: 237, 60, 202) |
Hot Magenta (Crayola) (Hex: #FF00CC) (RGB: 255, 0, 204) |
Brilliant Medium Magenta (Medium Magenta (Liquitex Paint Markers #0500)) (Hex: #F8227F) (RGB: 248, 34, 127) |
Spanish Fuchsia (Fuchsia (Gallego & Sanz)) (Hex: #E30052) (RGB: 227, 0, 82) |
Cerise Magenta (Magenta (Crayola Twistable colored pencils)) (Hex: #DE3163) (RGB: 222, 49, 99) |
Telemagenta (RAL) (Hex: #D72D6D) (RGB: 215, 45, 109) |
Medium Rich Magenta (Prismacolor PC930 Magenta) (Pre-1990s) (Hex: #C32350) (RGB: 195, 35, 80) |
Magenta (Pantone) (Magenta Grey) (Pantone TPX 17-2036) (Hex: #D0417E) (RGB: 208, 65, 126) |
Rich Magenta (Magenta Dye) (Original Magenta) (Hex: #CA1F7B) (RGB: 202, 31, 123) |
Red-Purple (Gallego & Sanz) (Hex: #E40078) (RGB: 228, 0, 120) |
Spanish Magenta (Magenta (Gallego & Sanz)) (Hex: #D40D7D) (RGB: 212, 13, 125) |
Amaranth Cerise (Hex: #CD2682) (RGB: 205, 38, 130) |
Red-Violet (Pigment Purple) (web color Medium Violet Red) (Hex: #C71585) (RGB: 199, 21, 133) |
Medium Red-Violet (Crayola Red Violet) (Hex: #BB3385) (RGB: 187, 51, 133) |
Permanent Magenta (Winsor & Newton acrylics #488) (Hex: #99005D) (RGB: 153, 0, 93) |
Quinacridone Magenta (Liquitex Heavy Body #114) (Hex: #8E3A59) (RGB: 142, 58, 89) |
Red-Violet Eggplant (Hex: #990066) (RGB: 153, 0, 102) |
Amaranth Purple (Hex: #9F2B68) (RGB: 159, 43, 104) |
Jazzberry Jam (Crayola) (Hex: #A50B5E) (RGB: 165, 11, 94) |
Royal Heath ( Color List) (Hex: #AB3472) (RGB: 171, 52, 114) |
Fuchsia Red (Pantone TPX 18-2328) (Hex: #B33A7F) (RGB: 179, 58, 127) |
Fuchsia Rose (Pantone 2001 Color of the Year) (Hex: #C74375) (RGB: 199, 67, 117) |
Fuchsia Purple (Pantone TPX 18-2436) (Hex: #CC397B) (RGB: 204, 57, 123) |
Royal Fuchsia (Hex: #CA2C92) (RGB: 202, 44, 146) |
Mulberry (Crayola) (Hex: #C54B8C) (RGB: 197, 75, 140) |
Fandango (Maerz & Paul) (Hex: #B53389) (RGB: 181, 51, 137) |
Medium Magenta (Liquitex Heavy Body #510) (Hex: #B41880) (RGB: 180, 24, 128) |
Deep Magenta Rose (Hex: #C120A2) (RGB: 193, 32, 162) |
Byzantine (Maerz & Paul) (Hex:BD33A4) (RGB: 189, 51, 164) |
Vivid Magenta (Magenta (MIR Acrylics)) (Hex: #CD00CC) (RGB: 205, 0, 204) |
Deep Magenta (Hex: #CC00CC) (RGB: 204, 0, 204) |
Steel Pink (Crayola Ultra colored pencils) (Hex: #CC33CC) (RGB: 204, 51, 204) |
Orchid (web color) (Hex: #DA70D6) (RGB: 218, 112, 240) (CMYK: 0,49,2,15) |
Sky Magenta (Medium Lavender Pink) (Venus colored pencils) (Hex: #CF71AF) (RGB: 207, 113, 175) |
Deep Fuchsia (Crayola Fuchsia) (Hex: #C154C1) (RGB: 193, 84, 193) |
Medium Orchid (web color) (Hex: #BA55D3) (RGB: 183, 85, 211) |
Antique Fuchsia (ISCC-NBS) (Hex: #915C83) (RGB: 145, 92, 131) |
Magenta Haze (Pantone TPX 18-2525) (Hex: #9F4576) (RGB: 159, 69, 118) |
Violet-Eggplant (Chinese Eggplant) (Hex: #991199) (RGB: 153, 17, 153) |
Dark Magenta (web color) (Hex: #8B008B) (RGB: 139, 0, 139) |
Purple (HTML/CSS web color Purple) (Patriarch) (Hex: #800080) (RGB: 128, 0, 128) |
Plum (Crayola) (Hex: #843179) (RGB: 132, 49, 121) |
Byzantium (ISCC-NBS) (Hex: #702963) (RGB: 112, 41, 99) |
Palatinate Purple (Hex: #682860) (RGB: 104, 40, 96) |
Magenta Purple (Pantone TPX 19-2428) (Hex: #723157) (RGB: 114, 49, 87) |
Eggplant (Crayola) (Aubergine) (Hex: #664051) (RGB: 97, 64, 81) |
Dark Byzantium (ISCC-NBS) (Hex: #5D3954) (RGB: 93, 57, 84) |
Purple Taupe (Hex: #50404D) (RGB: 80, 64, 77) |
Tones of fuchsia color comparison chart
Although magenta and fuchsia are the same color, the chart below (the colors displayed on which are also shown in the magenta color chart above) shows those tones of magenta which are specifically named fuchsia.
Light Fuchsia Pink (Pale Magenta) (Hex: #F984EF) (RGB: 249, 132, 229) |
Fuchsia Pink (Light Magenta) (Hex: #FF77FF) (RGB: 255, 119, 255) |
Neon Fuchsia (Hex: #FE59C2) (RGB: 254, 89, 104) |
Spanish Fuchsia (Fuchsia (Gallego & Sanz)) (Hex: #E30052) (RGB: 227, 0, 82) |
French Fuchsia (Fuchsia ( (Hex: #FD3592) (RGB: 253, 63, 146) |
Fashion Fuchsia (Hollywood Cerise) (Hex: #F400A1) (RGB: 244, 0, 161) |
Fuchsia (web color Fuchsia) (Electric Magenta) (Hex: #FF00FF) (RGB: 255, 0, 255) |
Red-Purple (Gallego & Sanz) (Hex: #E40078) (RGB: 228, 0, 120) |
Royal Fuchsia (Hex: #CA2C92) (RGB: 202, 44, 146) |
Fuchsia Purple (Pantone TPX 18-2436) (Hex: #CC397B) (RGB: 204, 57, 123) |
Fuchsia Rose (Pantone 2001 Color of the Year) (Hex: #C74375) (RGB: 199, 67, 117) |
Fuchsia Red (Pantone TPX 18-2328) (Hex: #B33A7F) (RGB: 179, 58, 127) |
Antique Fuchsia (ISCC-NBS) (Hex: #915C83) (RGB: 145, 92, 131) |
Wrapping the spectrum into a color wheel
If the visible spectrum is wrapped to form a color wheel, magenta (additive secondary) appears midway between red and blue:

- Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 198 Color Sample of Magenta: Page 127 Plate 52 Color Sample K12 (This shade of magenta is shown above as “Rich Magenta (Magenta Dye)(Original Magenta)”)
- Magenta Foundation. Organization website Archived 2006-08-27 at the Wayback Machine
- Coilhouse alternative culture blog interview with Suzette Brunkhorst and Ronald Eissens, directors of the Magenta Foundation:
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